
Considerable latitude is observable in the practice of engineers in the use of rivets. Numberless experiments to determine the resistance of riveted connections have from time to time been made, but these are not to be considered by themselves as final, when the results of experience in actual construction, are available for further enlightenment.

The class of workmanship so largely influences the degree in which rivets will maintain their integrity that it is only by the observation of a large number of cases, including all degrees of workmanship, that any reliable conclusions may be drawn. In this respect laboratory experiments have an apparent advantage, as the conditions may be kept sensibly the same; but, on the other hand, no such investigation reproduces the circumstances of actual use, which alone must in the end determine the utility of any inquiry for practical application.

The author has studied the particulars of a number of cases to ascertain under what conditions as to stress, having due regard to the effects of vibration, rivets will remain tight, or become loose. Every loose rivet that may be found cannot, of course, be taken as being due to excessive stress; the more frequent cause is indifferent work, evidenced by the fact that neighbouring rivets will frequently be found quite sound, though the failure of some will cause a greater stress upon the remainder. When rivets loosen as the direct result of over-stress, it is usually by compression of the shank and enlargement of the hole, or by stretching of the rivet and reduction of its diameter. Instances of failure by partial or complete shear are extremely rare; indeed, the author has never yet found one, though when a rivet has first worked loose, as a result of excessive bearing pressure or bad work, it is not uncommon to find it cut or bent as an after consequence.

In estimating stresses at which rivets have remained tight, or loosened, as the case may be, examples have generally been chosen in which there could be no reasonable doubt as to the amount of those stresses by the ordinary methods of computation. This is clearly most important, as, if any appreciable uncertainty remained as to the degree of stress, the results deduced would be of little value. For this reason those instances in which the loads upon girders, or parts of girders, may find their way to the supports by more than one route, are to be regarded with caution, as are those in which full loading possibly never obtains, but which may, on the other hand, perhaps have been frequent. The working diameter of the rivet as it fills the hole has been used in making the computations; in some cases from direct measurement from particular rivets, in others with a suitable allowance for excess diameter of hole, according to the class of work under consideration.

Dealing first with main girders, it may be said that rivets attaching the webs of plate girders to the flange angles rarely loosen, though subject to considerable stress. In illustration of this may be named a bridge for two lines of way, 85 feet effective span, having two main girders with plate webs, and cross-girders resting on the top flanges, previously referred to (see Fig. 26).

The girders, which were 6 feet 9 inches deep, had a bearing upon the abutments of 4 feet; the rivets were 7/8 inch in diameter and 4 inches pitch. There is in a case of this kind some little uncertainty as to what is the stress on the flange angle rivets at, or very near to, the bearings; but, taking the vertical rows of rivets at the web joints near the ends as presenting less uncertainty, the stress per rivet works out at 4·8 tons, being 4 tons per square inch on each shear surface, and 11 tons per square inch bearing pressure upon the shank in the web plate, which was barely 1/2 inch thick. This bridge was frequently loaded upon both roads, but with one road only carrying live load, the stresses in the more heavily loaded girder would be fully 90 per cent. of those obtaining as a maximum. There was on this bridge, which had been in use 31 years, considerable movement and vibration.

It is by no means uncommon to find cases of rivets in main girders taking 11 tons per square inch bearing pressure—occasionally more—and remaining tight. As furnishing an instructive, though slightly ambiguous, instance of rivets in single shear, may be cited a bridge not greatly less than that just referred to, of about 65 feet span, carrying two lines of way, there being two outer and one centre main girder of multiple lattice type, with cross-girders in one length 4 feet apart, riveted to the bottom booms of the main girders; these rivets, by the way, were in tension. The floor was plated, the road consisting of stout timber longitudinals, chairs, and rails (Fig. 29).

Fig. 29.

It should be noted that there is in this case some difficulty in ascertaining the precise behaviour of the cross-girders, affecting the proportion of load carried by the outer and the inner main girders. Strict continuity of all the cross-girders could only obtain if the deflection of the main girders were such as to keep the three points of suspension of each cross-girder in the same straight line. A close inquiry showed that this was very far from being the case, and that while each cross-girder at the centre of the bridge would, under load, by relative depression of the middle point of support, be reduced to the condition of two simple beams, those at the extreme ends of the span would behave as continuous girders.

With both roads carrying engine loads equal to those coming upon the bridge, the author estimates that for the centre main girder the shear on the rivets of the end diagonals, secured by one rivet only, was 14·9 tons per square inch, and the bearing pressure 16·3 tons; the flange stress being 7·1 tons per square inch net. The outer main girders are most heavily stressed when but one road, next to the outer girder considered, carries live load. For this condition the stresses work out at 9 tons per square inch shear on the rivets of the end diagonals, and 9 tons bearing pressure, the flange stress being 5·7 tons per square inch on the net section.

Without intending to throw any doubt upon the substantial truth of these results, it must be admitted that instances of greater simplicity of stress determination are much to be preferred. For purposes of comparison, but not as having any other value, the results have also been worked out on the supposition of all cross-girders acting each as two simple beams, and also for strict continuity, and are here tabulated, together with the conclusions given above.

The cross-girders were moderately stressed, and the tension on the rivets attaching them to the main girders probably did not exceed 3 tons per square inch.

It should be pointed out that the traffic over the bridge was small. The centre main girder but seldom bore its full load, though at all times liable to receive it. Much importance cannot, therefore, be attached to the results for this girder, other than as showing how a structure may stand for many years, though liable at any time to the development of stresses which would commonly be regarded as destructive, or nearly so.

Examples of Rivet Stresses, etc., in Lattice Girders.

as Simple
as Con-
Stress in Tons per Square Inch.
Centre girder, 63 ft. span (both roads loaded):
Rivets in diagonals—Shear 13·7 17·2 14·9
RivetDo.diagonals—Bearing pressure 15·0 18·8 16·3
Rivets in diagonals—Flange stress 6·8 8·5 7·1
Outer girder, 66 ft. span (near road loaded):
Rivets in diagonals—Shear 9·6 8·2 9·0
RivetDo.diagonals—Bearing pressure 9·6 8·2 9·0
Rivets in diagonals—Flange stress 5·9 5·1 5·7

The material and workmanship of the bridge were good. The rivets of the centre girder end diagonals, 1 inch in diameter, were originally 7/8 inch, but on becoming loose were cut out, the holes reamered, and replaced by the larger size, which remained tight, and to which the stress figures apply. The rivets in the diagonals near the centre, 7/8 inch in diameter, which were subject to reversal of stress, occasionally worked loose, and were more than once replaced. The riveting in the outer girder diagonals, subject to smaller stresses, much more frequently developed, also gave trouble, particularly those liable to counter stresses.

Apart from looseness of rivets, the general appearance and behaviour of the bridge, which had been in existence about twenty years, was not suggestive of any weakness.

Of smaller girders, an example showing the necessity for care in discriminating, if it be possible, between looseness of rivets resulting from over-stress and that due to other influences may first be quoted. Two trough girders, of 11 feet effective span, each of the section shown in Fig. 30, 111/2 inches deep at the ends, 14 inches at the middle, with 1/4-inch webs, and rivets 3/4 inch in diameter, of 41/2-inch pitch, showed certain defects, of which one, it may be incidentally mentioned, was a cracked web (Fig. 31). From the nature of the arrangement the lower web rivets, which were loose, would receive the first shock of the load coming upon the span, but there were evidences indicative of original bad work. The angle bars gaped, suggesting that these had first been riveted to the bottom plate, and left sufficiently wide to allow the web to be afterwards inserted, the rivets failing to pull the work close, and then readily working loose. Here there is considerable uncertainty as to how much of the loosening is to be attributed to bad work, and how much to stress. It may, however, be remarked that whatever bearing stress was the ultimate result of the load hammering on the lower angle flanges, loosening rivets never perhaps really tight, the stress of 7 tons per square inch bearing pressure on the upper rivets, though aggravated by considerable impactive force, was not sufficient to loosen these. The girders were taken out after being in place sixteen years.

Fig. 30. Fig. 32.

Fig. 30. and Fig. 32.

Fig. 31.

An instance of undoubted excessive bearing pressure was found in the cross-girders of a bridge, mentioned on p. 15, of which so many web plates were cracked. This bridge, carrying two lines of way, had outer main girders, and long cross-girders with 1/4-inch webs and 3/4-inch rivets, 4 inches pitch. The rivet stresses work out at 4·3 tons per square inch on each shear surface, and 24 tons per square inch bearing pressure. For one road only being loaded, the latter figure falls to 18·5 tons. The traffic over this bridge, twenty years old, was considerable, rapid, and heavy. It is hardly necessary to add that a large number of the rivets were loose, one of which is shown in Fig. 32.

Fig. 33.

To take another case relating to a floor system of extremely bad design (Fig. 33). The main girders were 11 feet apart, 35 feet span, the floor having two cross-girders only, spaced at 11 feet 3 inches, and 9 inches deep, supporting hog-backed trough longitudinals. The cross-girders were at their ends but 63/4 inches deep, the distance from the bearing of cross-girders to centre of longitudinals carrying a rail being 2 feet 10 inches, in which length were eight rivets in the web and angles at the top, and six at the bottom, all 3/4 inch in diameter.

The shear stress on the upper rivets works out at 7·3 tons per square inch on each shear surface, the bearing pressure 20·6 tons per square inch. On the lower rivets the shear stress becomes 9·7 tons, and the bearing pressure 27·4 tons, per square inch. Care was exercised in computing these stresses, that part of the bending moment carried by the web being allowed for, but it must be admitted that the result is, probably, approximate only. The sketch here given shows the cross-girder end and section. The rivets, though in double shear, were, as might be expected, loose, notwithstanding that the traffic over the bridge was moderate, and quite slow. The floor system was remodelled after twelve years’ use.

In illustration of the behaviour of rivets in the ends of long cross-girders, both shallow and weak, and many years in use under heavy traffic, may be cited connections having end angle bars to the cross-girders, with six rivets through the web of main girders. The bearing pressure worked out at 7·8 tons per square inch. Many rivets were loose, but it should be remarked that the workmanship was not of the best class, and the cross girders flexible: a characteristic very trying to end rivets, and inducing a stretch in some, already referred to as a possible cause of loosening. This will be apparent if the probable end slope of weak girders be considered. The author concludes that this inclination should not, for ordinary cases, exceed 1 in 250; but the ratio must largely depend upon the degree of rigidity of the part to which the connection is made. It is commonly regarded as bad practice to submit rivets to tension, yet this is frequently, though unintentionally, permitted in end attachments, without any attempt to limit the amount of tension. With suitable restrictions, there appears no serious objection to rivet tension for many situations.

Another instance of cross-girder end connections of a different type is illustrated in Fig. 34.

Fig. 34.

The main girders of the bridge were 12 feet apart, each cross-girder end carrying its share of the half of one road. The mean bearing pressure upon the rivet shanks works out at 5·8 tons per square inch for the six rivets of the original joint, but in the particular joint shown some of the rivets had loosened, making the bearing pressure upon the remainder about 8·7 tons per square inch. It is apparent there must have been considerable stress on the top and bottom rivets which loosened. These two rivets would also, because of difficult access, be in all likelihood insufficiently hammered up. The joints worked rather badly; the loose rivets had “cut” to a considerable extent, a process materially assisted by the gritty nature of the ballast (limestone), particles of which, getting into the joint, contributed to the sawing action; this had clearly been taking effect for some considerable time. (See Fig. 35.)

Fig. 35.

The two cases of cross-girder ends given are both rather exceptional in character, and in each case the defects appear to be due to general bad design and workmanship rather than to any serious excess of bearing pressure. This may be illustrated by taking the common case of cross-girders, 2 feet deep, carrying two roads, and having end angle irons riveted to the web and stiffeners of the main girders by ten rivets in single shear at each end. In this example, which is, for old work, simply typical, and does not relate to any specific instance, the bearing pressure on the rivets will work out at from 6 to 8 tons per square inch, and will seldom be accompanied by looseness of rivets, and then only as a result of faulty work.

Some sketches of rivets taken from old bridges have already been given in connection with the cases to which they belong; a few others are here shown (Figs. 36 to 40) to further illustrate what may be the actual condition of rivets after some years’ use, and how different from the ideal rivet upon which calculations are based. These are, however, bad instances.

Fig. 36. Fig. 37.

Fig. 36. and Fig. 37.

Fig. 38. Fig. 39.

Fig. 38. and Fig. 39.

Fig. 40.

It should be noticed that rivets may, if in double shear, be loose in the middle thickness, due to enlargement of the hole in the central part and compression of the rivet, and yet show no sign of this by testing with the hammer. There is, however, generally marked evidence of another kind in the “working” of the inner part, as, for instance, the web of a plate girder, in which case a discoloration due to rust is to be found along the edges of the angle bars, or a movement may be detected on the passage of live load. Red rust is, in fact, frequently an indication of something wrong, when no other evidence is apparent. In plate girders having T or L bars brought down and cranked on to the top of shallow cross-girders, it is not uncommon to find the rivets attaching these bars to the cross-girder tops loose, due to causes already dealt with. The riveted connection should, as to strength, bear some relation to the strength and stiffness of the parts secured, if the rivets are to remain sound.

It may be well to give here a summarised statement of the results already named, for purposes of ready reference. These by themselves are not sufficient to enable working stresses to be deduced, though they are instructive. The author has found many instances of shear and bearing stresses in excess of those usually sanctioned, under which the rivets behaved well, but is not now able to give precise particulars of these.

Examples of Rivet Stresses.

in Tons
in Tons
Main girders - 85 Web 4·0 D 11·0 Tight.
66 Diagonals 9·0 S 9·0 Many loose.
63 14·9 S 16·3 Tight generally.
Small girders - 11 Web 1·4 D 7·0 Tight.
26 4·3 D 24·0 Many loose.
11 7·3 D 20·6 Loose.
11 9·7 D 27·4 Loose.
End connections - 27 Ends 5·4 S 7·8 Loose.
12 1·8 D - 5·8 - Many loose.
(Type case) 26 4·8 S 7·0 Tight.

It is probable that the fact of a rivet being in single or in double shear largely affects its ability to resist the effects of bearing pressure, as commonly estimated. In the first case, the rivet-shank must bear heavily on the half-thickness of the plates or bars through which it passes, rather than on the whole thickness; and it is to be supposed that under this condition it will work loose at a lower average stress than if it were in double shear, and the pressure better distributed.

Fig. 41. Fig. 42.

Fig. 41. and Fig. 42.

The author has no very definite information in support of this contention, but suggests that for double shear the permissible bearing pressure may probably be as much as 50 per cent. greater than for rivets in single shear; the difference being made rather in the direction of increasing the allowable load on double-shear rivets, than in reducing that upon rivets in single shear. The propriety of this is evident when it is considered that the practice has commonly been to make no distinction, so that whatever bearing pressures are found to be sufficient for both cases may be increased for those capable of taking the greater amount. Figs. 41 and 42, here given, illustrate the behaviour of rivets under the two conditions.

With reference to the amounts of the stresses to which rivets may be subject, the author concludes, as a result of his experience, coupled with a consideration of known laboratory tests, that for all dead load these may be quite prudently higher than is frequently taken. For iron the shear stress to be 10 per cent. less than the stress of parts joined; and the bearing pressure—for single-shear rivets, 20 per cent.; and for double-shear rivets, 80 per cent. greater. For ordinary mild steel the shear stress to be 20 per cent. less than the stress in parts connected, and the bearing pressure equal to it for single-shear rivets; and 50 per cent. more for rivets in double shear, though the two latter values may probably approach those for wrought iron in steel of the higher grades sometimes used in bridge-work. For live load, or part live and part dead load, the same rules may apply, the reduction of the nominal working stress, arrived at by any one of the methods in use which may be adopted, affecting both the parts connected, and the rivets connecting them. For reverse stresses it is advisable to keep the shear stress in any rivet so low, say 3 tons per square inch, that the frictional resistance of the parts gripped by the rivets shall be sufficient to prevent any tendency to slip under the influence of the smaller of the two forces to which the part is liable, to insure that, if brought to a bearing in one direction by the greater force, it shall not go back with reversal of stress. This requirement may be open to some question with respect to good machine-riveted work, but for hand-riveted connections it may certainly be adopted with wisdom.

The following table will show at a glance how the stresses proposed vary with the unit stresses governing the main sections.

Proposed Table of Rivet Stresses.

Wrought Iron.—Tons per Square Inch.
3·0 2·7 3·6 5·4
4·0 3·6 4·8 7·2
5·0 4·5 6·0 9·0
6·0 5·4 7·2 10·8
7·0 6·3 8·4 12·6
Steel.—Tons per Square Inch.
4·0 3·2 4·0 6·0
5·0 4·0 5·0 7·5
6·0 4·8 6·0 9·0
7·0 5·6 7·0 10·5
8·0 6·4 8·0 12·0
9·0 7·2 9·0 13·5

Note.—Tension on rivets to be limited to one-half the permissible shear stress, the holes being slightly countersunk under snap-head.

It may be objected that the shear stresses in the proposed table are somewhat high for wrought iron and steel. This feature is intentional, and is supported by the consideration that whereas there may be loss of strength in the members of a structure by waste, there is no such loss in rivets, if the work is so designed that there shall be no loosening. Any allowance that may be desirable for loose or defective field rivets is left to be dealt with as may be considered advisable for each particular case, the table as it stands being applicable only to riveting not below the standard of first-rate hand work.

Cases of loose rivets in main girders over 50 feet span, due to any cause but bad work, are extremely rare, unless resulting from the action of some other part of the structure. It may be stated broadly that for railway bridges of less than perfect design, the nearer the rail, the more loose rivets, generally at connections. This is, no doubt, largely due to the severe impact of the load, the effects of which are greater near the rail, both because of the small proportion of dead load, and because this effect has been but little modified by the elasticity of any considerable length of intervening girder-work. In addition to this, it is quite usual to find the rivets more heavily stressed, even though the load be considered as “static,” in the floor system than in the main-girders, though the reverse should be the case. It is unfortunate that those parts which require the best riveting—viz., the connections—are commonly dealt with by hand; and for this reason it is the more necessary to design these with the greatest care.

Any arrangement which favours the gradual acceptance of stress by one part from another will contribute to the integrity of riveted connections, and lessen the liability of the material to develop faults. In other branches of design this is well recognised, but appears in much old bridge work to have been entirely overlooked.

Bridges carrying public roads very seldom furnish examples of loose rivets; the conditions are generally much more favourable, impact being practically absent, full loading infrequent, and the proportion of dead load to live, high.

It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to insist upon rivets being, apart from mere considerations of strength, sufficiently near together to insure close work and exclude moisture. Outside edge seams should never be more widely spaced than 16 times the thickness of the plates; 12 thicknesses apart is better. In the case of angle, tee, and channel sections, the greater stiffness of the section makes wider spacing allowable up to, say, 20 times the thickness; but this must be governed largely by the amount of riveting required to pull the parts close together. Where more than four thicknesses are to be gripped by the rivets, 3/4 inch in diameter is hardly sufficient to insure tight work, and quite unsuitable if the plates exceed 5/8 inch thick.


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