A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Aikin, Anna LÆtitia, 33, 43;
- her poem Corsica, 70, 75.
- Aikin, John, 32, 33, 36, 121.
- Aikin, Lucy, 38.
- Air, Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of, Priestley’s treatise on, 77, 103, 167 et seq.
- Air, Fixed, 175, 176;
- Priestley’s view of its nature, 220.
- Air, Inflammable, 179, 220.
- Alkaline Air (Ammonia), Priestley’s isolation of, 185;
- its properties, 186;
- decomposition of by electricity, 210;
- nature of, 221.
- Ammonia Gas, Priestley’s discovery of, 185;
- its properties, 186.
- Ammonium Sesquicarbonate, Synthesis of, by Priestley, 186.
- B
- Barbauld, Mrs (Anna LÆtitia Aikin), 33, 160.
- Belloc, Madame, account of the Priestleys, 2;
- of the times of Priestley, 5;
- her account of Mrs Priestley, 49.
- Bewley, Richard, his mephitic julep, 79.
- Birmingham Riots of 1791, 120 et seq.
- Bolton, H. Carrington, his account of the Lunar Society, 96.
- Boulton, Matthew, founds the Lunar Society of Birmingham, 94.
- Boyle, Robert, his recognition that different elastic fluids exist, 174.
- Bright, Henry A., his account of the Warrington Academy, 34.
- Burke, Edmund, his denunciation of Priestley, 147.
- C
- Canton, John, his school, 9, 62.
- “Conversion of Water into Air, Seeming,” Priestley’s work on, 216.
- Corruptions of Christianity, Priestley’s, 106.
- D
- Darwin, Erasmus, his connection with the Birmingham Lunar Society, 94, 95.
- Daventry Academy, 18.
- Dephlogisticated Air (Oxygen), Priestley’s discovery of, 184, 192 et seq.
- Doctrine of Phlogiston Established, Priestley’s last scientific work, 162.
- E
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, his account of the Lunar Society, 96.
- Electricity, History of, Priestley’s, 63.
- Enfield, William, 33, 43.
- Eudiometry, 182, 207, 208.
- Eyres, William, of Warrington, 38.
- F
- Faujar St Fond, his visits to Priestley, 103.
- Fieldhead, 3.
- Fluor Acid Air, 198.
- Forster, John Reinhold, 33, 81.
- Franklin Benjamin, 63, 91, 92;
- his opinion of Priestley, 93.
- G
- Galton, Samuel, 94, 96.
- Gases, diffusion of, 202.
- “General History of the Christian Church to the Fall of the Western Empire,” 109, 163.
- Gordon, Rev. Alexander, his account of Priestley as a theologian, 109.
- H
- Harrison, Frederic, on Priestley, 1.
- Horner, Leonard, his account of the Lunar Society, 102.
- Hutton, Miss, her account of Priestley as a preacher, 105.
- I
- India-rubber, its use for erasing lead-pencil marks, 72.
- J
- “Jesus and Socrates compared,” Priestley’s Essay, 163.
- K
- Keighley, Mrs Sarah, 3, 8, 12.
- Keir, Captain, 94, 127.
- Kippis, Dr Andrew, 24, 26.
- Kirwan, Richard, 215, 223.
- L
- Lavoisier, his relations to the discovery of oxygen, 195, 196, 198, 201, 215.
- “Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever,” Priestley’s, 85.
- Lindsey, Theophilus, his friendship for Priestley, 73, 106.
- Lunar Society of Birmingham, 94 et seq.
- M
- Magellan, or MagalhÆns, 84, 205.
- Marine Acid Air (Hydrogen Chloride), Priestley’s discovery of, 184.
- “Melioration of Air, by the Growth of Plants,” Priestley’s paper on, 208.
- N
- Nitrosulphuric Acid, discovery of, 204.
- Nitrous Air (Nitric Oxide), Priestley’s work on, 181;
- his application of it to Eudiometry, 182;
- nature of, 221.
- Nitrous Acid, discovery of, 182;
- nature of, 221.
- O
- Oxygen, Priestley’s discovery of, 184, 192 et seq.
- P
- Paoli, Pascal, 70 et seq.
- Parr, Dr Samuel, 113, 144.
- Phlogisticated Air (Nitrogen), Priestley’s theory of its constitution, 220.
- Phlogiston, 98, 100, 162, 214, 222.
- Pneumatic Trough, the, 176.
- Price, Dr Richard, 61.
- Pringle, Sir John, address on award of Copley Medal to Priestley, 80.
- Priestley, Jonas, father of Joseph Priestley, 2.
- Priestley, Joseph, his birth, 1;
- ancestry, 2;
- education, 8;
- becomes an Arminian, 14;
- goes to Daventry, 17;
- his studies there, 18;
- begins his Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion, 20, 68;
- his “thorn in the flesh,” 21;
- goes to Needham, 22;
- his privations there, 23;
- goes to Nantwich, 30;
- starts a school, 31;
- removes to Warrington, 32;
- marries, 47;
- is ordained, 49;
- his English Grammar, 32, 51;
- Essay on Education, 53;
- Lectures on History and General Policy, 55;
- his Chart of Biography, 60;
- is made Doctor of Laws of Edinburgh, 60;
- publishes his History and Present State of Electricity, 64;
- goes to Leeds, 66;
- becomes a Unitarian, 69;
- Theory and Practice of Perspective, 72;
- History of Discoveries Relating to Vision, Light and Colours, 73;
- his literary characteristics, 74;
- his invention of soda-water, 77 et seq.;
- is awarded the Copley Medal, 80;
- becomes librarian to Lord Shelburne, 82;
- visits the continent, 84;
- his Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit, 86;
- Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air, 77, 103;
- leaves Lord Shelburne, 88;
- removes to Birmingham, 93;
- his merits as a preacher, 105;
- his History of the Corruptions of Christianity, 106;
- his merits as a theologian, 109;
- his love of literature, 111;
- his physical characteristics, 114;
- his habits of life, 114;
- his mental characteristics, 117;
- destruction of his house at Birmingham, 120 et seq.;
- his address to the inhabitants of Birmingham, 134;
- his account of the riots, 143;
- succeeds Dr Price as minister at Hackney, 146;
- withdraws from the Royal Society, 147;
- determines to leave the country, 149;
- his arrival in New York, 155;
- settles in Northumberland, 155;
- death of Mrs Priestley, 158;
- his last days, 162;
- his Doctrine of Phlogiston Established, 162;
- his death, 164.
- Priestley, Timothy, 2, 7.
- R
- Respiration, and the use of the Blood, Priestley’s paper on, 203.
- Robinson, Henry Crabb, his account of Mrs Barbauld, 46.
- Russell, Martha, her account of the Birmingham Riots of 1791, 128.
- Russell, William, 105, 126, 149.
- S
- Sal Ammoniac, Synthesis of, by Priestley, 186.
- Scheele, an independent discoverer of Oxygen, 206;
- discovers Chlorine, 211.
- Schimmelpenninck’s, Mrs, account of Priestley, 96.
- Seddon, John, 34, 42.
- Shelburne, Lord (Marquis of Lansdowne), 82.
- Silicon Fluoride, Priestley’s preparation of, 198;
- its decomposition by water, 199.
- Soda-water, invention of, 77.
- Sound in Air, 211.
- Sozzini, Fausto, 69, 108.
- Stahl, author of the hypothesis of phlogiston, 222.
- Sulphur dioxide (Vitriolic Acid Air), Priestley’s discovery of, 190.
- Sulphurated inflammable air (sulphuretted hydrogen), Priestley’s isolation of, 218.
- Sulphuretted hydrogen, Priestley’s isolation of, 218.
- T
- Taylor, Dr John, of Norwich, 36.
- Theological Repository, the, 68, 105.
- Turner, Matthew, teacher of chemistry at the Warrington Academy, 51, 76.
- V
- Vegetation, relation of to Air, Priestley’s discovery of, 178, 208.
- Vitriolic Acid Air (sulphur dioxide), Priestley’s isolation of, 189.
- W
- Warrington Academy, the, 33 et seq.
- Water Controversy, the, 97.
- Watt, James, his connection with the Lunar Society, 94;
- discovery of Composition of Water, 97.
- Wedgwood, Josiah, his friendship for Priestley, 55, 83, 137.
- Wilkes and Liberty, Priestley’s pamphlet on, 73, 152.
- Wilkinson, John, 48, 138.
- Wilkinson, Mary (Mrs Priestley), 49, 158;
- Madame Belloc’s account of her, 49.
- Withering, Dr, 94, 101, 148.
- Wordsworth, William, his admiration of Mrs Barbauld’s literary work, 46.
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