- Address from Whitehaven colliers to Davy, 203
- Agriculture, Davy’s lectures on, 94 et seq.; 165
- Alkali metals, Isolation of, 114, 116;
- their properties, 118
- Alkaline earths, Decomposition of, 126
- Ammonia: Davy’s conjectures as to its nature, 121
- Ammonium amalgam: Davy’s views as to its nature, 127
- Ammonium nitrate, Modes of decomposition of, 43
- “Annual Anthology, The,” 18, 57
- Apreece, Mrs., 159, 162
- Babington, Dr., his character, 224
- Bakerian lecture, Origin of, 100
- Banks, Sir Joseph, his opinion of the Royal Institution, 80;
- his account of Davy’s courtship, 162;
- his opinion of Davy, 213;
- death of, 212
- Beddoes, Mrs., 28
- ——, Thomas, 23;
- letters to Davies Gilbert, 24, 25;
- engages Davy as chemist to the Pneumatic Institution, 25;
- his testimony to Davy’s originality, 32;
- his end, 65
- Bernard, Thomas, 66, 67, 80
- Berthollet, Davy’s account of, 179;
- his theory of the nature of chlorine, 136, 144
- Berzelius, Jakob, 94, 109, 143, 154
- Bonaparte’s medal for discoveries in galvanism awarded to Davy, 109
- Borlase, Bingham, 15, 25
- Boron, Isolation of, 129
- Brande, William Thomas, succeeds Davy as Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution, 176
- Brownrigg, Lady, her account of Davy, 111
- Buddle, John, 194, 195, 201, 204, 209;
- letter to Davy, 201
- Cardew, Dr., Master of Truro Grammar School, his opinion of Davy as a boy, 12
- Chlorine, Discovery of, by Scheele, 136;
- its nature, 134 et seq.;
- controversy as to its nature, 143;
- its bleaching power explained, 149;
- its liquefaction by Northmore, 149;
- by Faraday, 149
- —— compounds, Davy’s nomenclature of, 149
- 42, 45
- Nitrosulphonic acid, 154
- Nitrous oxide, discovery of its respirability, 41, 46, 49;
- composition of, 45;
- effect of breathing, 49
- Oxymuriatic acid, Davy’s memoir on, 134
- Papyri, Davy’s attempts to unroll, 211
- Penzance, State of society in, at close of 18th century, 14
- Phosoxygen, 30, 33, 35, 37
- Phospham, 138
- Phosphorous acid and oxide, 153
- —— chlorides discovered by Davy, 129, 152;
- action of ammonia on, 137;
- action of water on, 140;
- analysis of, 153
- Pneumatic Institution, Bristol, 23, 27, 29
- Potassamide, Preparation of, 129
- Potassium, Isolation of, 114 et seq., 116 et seq.;
- properties of, 116
- Priestley, Joseph, 38
- Purkis, Mr., his account of Davy’s lectures, 77
- Royal Institution, The, its origin and character, 66, 79;
- its chemical laboratory, 90, 133;
- minutes of Managers, 63, 72, 166, 175, 176
- —— medals, the, Institution of, 216
- —— Society, Davy’s election into the, 213;
- becomes Secretary, 112;
- becomes President, 214;
- his views of its functions, 215
- Rumford, his theory of heat, 32;
- founds the Royal Institution, 66;
- visit of Davy to, at Auteuil, 177
- —— medal awarded to Davy, 213
- Safety lamp, its invention, 192 et seq.;
- account of, by Playfair, 203
- “Salmonia,” Account of, 229
- Scheele, discoverer of chlorine, 136
- Scott, Sir Walter, his friendship for Lady Davy, 162;
- his friendship for Davy, 217
- Ship-sheathing, Davy’s experiments on, 222
- Silex in plants, 39
- Sodium, Isolation of, 118;
- properties of, Printed by Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C.