- Æneas GarÆus, 35
- Agricola, Georg, 66
- Aidoneous, god of earth, 22
- Albertus Magnus, 40, 47
- Alchemy, 28
- and astrology, 36
- its character, 39
- Alkahest, 51
- Anastatius the Sinaite, 35
- Anaxagoras, 26
- Anaximenes, 21
- Aqua regia, 39
- Arabian learning, influence on Western Europe, 25
- ArchÆus, 59
- Argentarium, 10
- Argentum vivum, 11
- Aristotle, his doctrine of “elements”, 23
- his character as a man of science, 24
- Arnoldus Villanovanus (Arnaud de Villeneuve), 42, 47, 48, 51
- Arvidson, 155
- Arrenichon, 13
- Ars Transmutatoria, 46
- Artephius, 49
- Astrology and alchemy, 36
- Atoms, ancient theories of, 26
- Atramentum, 14
- Aurichalcum, 9
- Auri pigmentum (orpiment), 13
- Averroes, 25, 38
- Avicenna, 38
- Avogadro, 181
- Bacon, Roger, 40, 41
- Bacon, Lord, 55
- Baldwin’s phosphorus, 80
- Bartoletti, Fabrizio, 155
- Basil Valentine, 43, 47, 49, 156
- Bathurst, Ralph, 74
- Becher, John Joachim, 81, 156
- Benther, David, alchemist, 53
- Bergman, 94, 107, 124, 158, 160
- Berigard de Pisa, 48
- Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 116 et seq., 156, 160, 164
- Berthelot, 37
- Berzelius, JÖns Jakob, 133, 158
- Howard, 161
- Hyalos, use of, for kindling fire, 15
- Hydrargyrum, 11
- Iatro-chemistry, 57
- Ink of the ancients, 14
- Ingenhousz, 21
- Invisible College, the, 74
- Iron, use of, by the ancients, 10
- Irvine, 172
- Isaac of Holland, 49
- Isomerism, 165
- Isomorphism, discovery of, 176
- “Kalid,” his philosopher’s stone, 48
- Key of Wisdom, 53
- Kircher, 51
- Kirchhoff, 162
- Kirwan, 113
- Klaproth, 120, 160
- Klettenberg, Hector de, 54
- Kopp, 181
- Krohnemann, William de, 53
- Kunkel, John, 51, 79
- Laboratorium Chymicum, 80
- Lac Virginis, 157
- Lagrange, 116
- Laplace, 172
- Latent heat, 99, 172
- Lauraquais, 155
- Laurent, 168
- Lavoisier, 20, 22, 109
- antiphlogistic theory, 112, 116, 156, 164, 166, 173
- Law of Dulong and Petit, 173, 174
- Law of electrolytic action, 153
- Lead, known to the ancients, 10
- Leblanc, 108
- Lehmann, 159
- Lemery, Nicolas, 83, 154, 156
- Leo Africanus, 36
- Leukippos, 26
- Libavius, Andreas (Libau), 62, 155, 157
- Lieber, Thomas, 65
- Liebig, 155, 156, 159, 164, 167
- LÖwiz, Suidas, 34
- “Sulphur,” as “element”, 31
- Sulzbach, 110
- Sun worship, 22
- Sylvius, Francis de le BoË, 64
- Syncellus, 35
- Tachenius, 69
- Tartarus, doctrine of, 59, 157
- Tellurium, discovery of, 121
- Terra pinguis of Becher, 92
- Tertiarium, 10
- Tertullian, 19
- Thales of Miletus, 19
- ThÉnard, 152, 164
- Theophrastus, 156
- The Tincture, 32
- Thilorier, 180
- Thomson, Thomas, 129
- Thorium, its discovery, 135
- Thurneysser, Leonard, 53, 60
- Tin, known to the Egyptians, 9
- Transmutation, 28, 30
- Trommsdorff, 157
- Tubal Cain (Tuval-Cain), 7
- Turquet de Mayerne, 158
- Tyrian purple, 14
- Valentine, Basil, 43, 47, 49, 156
- Van Helmont, 20, 48, 63
- Vasa murrhina, 15
- Vauquelin, 119, 155, 158, 161, 162
- Verdigris, 56
- Vincent de Beauvais, 50
- Von Ittner, 160
- Wallis, John, 74
- Ward, Seth, 74
- “White” gold, 7
- Wilcke, 172
- Willis, Thomas, 64, 74
- WÖhler, 161, 163, 167
- Wollaston, 144, 176
- Woodward, 160
- Wray, 159
- Wren, Christopher, 74
- Zacharias, Daniel, 49
- Zozimus the Panopolite, 4