Even before the appearance of The Sceptical Chemist there was a growing conviction that the old hypotheses as to the essential nature of matter were inadequate and misleading. We have seen how the four “elements” of the Peripatetics had become merged into the tria prima—the “salt,” “sulphur,” and “mercury”—of the Paracelsians. As the phenomena of chemical action became better known, the latter iatro-chemists—or, rather, that section of them which recognised that chemistry had wider aims than to minister merely to medicine—felt that the conception of the tria prima, as understood by Paracelsus and his followers, was incapable of being generalised into a theory of chemistry. Becher, while clinging to the conception of three primordial substances as making up all forms of matter, changed the qualities hitherto associated with them. According to the new theory, all matter was composed of a mercurial, a vitreous, and a combustible substance or principle, in varying proportions, depending upon the nature of the particular form of matter. When a body was burnt or a metal calcined, the combustible This attempt to connect the phenomena of combustion and calcination with the general phenomena of chemistry was still further developed by Stahl, and was eventually extended into a comprehensive theory of chemistry, which was fairly satisfactory so long as no effort was made to test its sufficiency by an appeal to the balance. George Ernest Stahl, who developed Becher’s notion into the theory of phlogiston (f?????t??—burnt), and thereby created a generalisation which first made chemistry a science, was born at Anspach in 1660, became Professor of Medicine and Chemistry at Halle in 1693, physician to the King of Prussia in 1716, and died in Berlin in 1734. Stahl contributed little or nothing to practical chemistry; and no new fact or discovery is associated with his name. His service to science consists in the temporary success he achieved in grouping chemical phenomena, and in explaining them consistently by a comprehensive hypothesis. The theory of phlogiston was originally broached as a theory of combustion. According to this theory, bodies such as coal, charcoal, wood, oil, fat, etc., burn because they contain a combustible principle, which was assumed to be Respiration is a kind of combustion whereby the temperature of the body is maintained. It consists simply in the transference of the phlogiston of the body to the air. If we attempt to breathe in a confined space, the air becomes eventually saturated with the phlogiston, and respiration stops. The various manifestations of chemical action, in like manner, were attributed to this passing to and fro of phlogiston. The colour of a substance is connected with the amount of phlogiston it contains. Thus, when lead is heated, it yields a yellow substance (litharge); when still further heated, it yields a red substance (red lead). These differences in colour were supposed to depend upon the varying amount of phlogiston expelled. The doctrine of phlogiston was embraced by nearly all Stahl’s German contemporaries, notably by Marggraf, Neumann, Eller, and Pott. It spread into Sweden, and was accepted by Bergman and Scheele; into France, where it was taught by Duhamel, Rouelle, and Macquer; and into Great Britain, where its most influential supporters were Priestley and Cavendish. It continued to be the orthodox faith until the last quarter of the eighteenth century, when, after During the sway of phlogiston chemistry made many notable advances—not by its aid, but rather in spite of it. As a matter of fact, until the time of Lavoisier few, if any, investigations were made with the express intention of testing it, or of establishing its sufficiency. When new phenomena were observed the attempt was no doubt made to explain them by its aid, frequently with no satisfactory result. Indeed, even in the time of Stahl, facts were known which it was difficult or impossible to reconcile with his doctrine; but these were either ignored, or their true import explained away. Although, therefore, these advances were in no way connected with phlogiston, it will be convenient to deal with the more important of them now, inasmuch as they were made during the phlogistic period. With the exception of Marggraf, Stahl’s German contemporaries contributed few facts of first-rate importance to chemistry. Pott, who was born at Halberstadt in 1692 and become Professor of Chemistry in Berlin in 1737, is chiefly remembered by his work on porcelain, the chemical nature and mode of origin of which he first elucidated. Marggraf, born in Berlin in 1709, was one of the best analysts of his age. He first clearly distinguished between lime and Of the Swedish chemists of that period, the most notable was Scheele. Carl Wilhelm Scheele was born in 1742 at Stralsund. When fourteen years of age he was apprenticed to an apothecary at Gothenburg, and began the study of experimental chemistry, which he continued to prosecute as an apothecary at MalmÖ, Stockholm, Upsala, and eventually at KÖping on Lake Malar, where he died in 1786, in the forty-third year of his age. During the comparatively short period of his scientific activity Scheele made himself the greatest chemical discoverer of his time. Carl Wilhelm Scheele. He first isolated chlorine, and determined the individuality of manganese and baryta. He was an independent discoverer of oxygen, ammonia, and hydrogen chloride. He discovered also hydrofluoric, nitro-sulphonic, molybdic, tungstic, and arsenic, among the inorganic acids; and lactic, gallic, pyrogallic, oxalic, citric, tartaric, malic, mucic, and uric acids among the Of the French phlogistians we have space only to mention Duhamel and Macquer. Henry Louis Duhamel du Monceau was born at Paris in 1700. He was one of the earliest to make experiments on ossification, and one of the first to detect the difference between potash and soda. Peter Joseph Macquer was born in 1718 at Paris. He investigated the nature of Prussian blue (discovered by Diesbach, of Berlin, in 1710), worked on platinum, wrote one of the best text-books of his time, published a dictionary of chemistry, and was an authority of the chemistry of dyeing. In addition to those already mentioned, the most notable names as workers in chemistry in Great Britain during the eighteenth century are Black, Priestley, and Cavendish. Joseph Black was born in 1728 at Bordeaux, where his father was engaged in the wine trade. Joseph Priestley. Joseph Priestley, the son of a clothdresser, was born in 1733 at Fieldhead, near Leeds. When seven years of age, on the death of his mother, he was taken charge of by his aunt, and was educated for the Nonconformist ministry, eventually becoming a Unitarian. He was first After leaving Lord Shelburne, Priestley removed to Birmingham and resumed his ministry. His religious and political opinions made him obnoxious to the Church and State party; and during the riots of 1791 his house was wrecked, his books and apparatus destroyed, and his life endangered. Eventually he emigrated to America, and settled at Northumberland, where he died on February 6th, 1804, in the seventy-first year of his age. From a drawing by Alexander in the Print Room of the British Museum. Henry Cavendish was born at Nice in 1731, and died in London in 1810. He was a natural philosopher in the widest sense of that term, and occupied himself in turn with nearly every branch of physical science. He was a capable Phlogistonism may be said to have dominated chemistry during three-fourths of the eighteenth century. Although radically false as a conception and of little use in the true interpretation of chemical phenomena, it cannot be said to have actually retarded the pursuit of chemistry. Men went on working and accumulating chemical The discovery, in 1774, of oxygen—the dephlogisticated air of Priestley—and the recognition of the part it plays in the phenomena which phlogiston was invoked to explain, mark the termination of one era in chemical history and the beginning of another. Before entering upon an account of the new era it is desirable During the eighteenth century greater insight was gained into the operations of the form of energy with which chemistry is mainly concerned, and views concerning chemical affinity and its causes began to assume more definite shape, chiefly owing to the labours of Boerhaave, Bergman, Geoffroy, and Rouelle. It was clearly recognised that the large group of substances comprised under the term “salts” were compound, and made up of two contrasted and, in a sense, antagonistic constituents, classed generically as acids and bases. On the practical side chemistry made considerable progress. Analysis—a term originally applied by Boyle—greatly advanced. It was, of course, mainly qualitative; but, thanks to the labours of Boyle, Hoffmann, Marggraf, Scheele, Bergman, Gahn, and Cronstedt, certain reactions and reagents came to be systematically applied to the recognition of chemical substances, and the precision with which these reagents were used led to the detection of hitherto unknown elements. The beginnings of a quantitative analysis were made even before the time of Boyle, but its principles were greatly developed by him, and were further To the elements which were known prior to Boyle’s time, although not recognised as such, there were added phosphorus (Brand, 1669), nitrogen (Rutherford), chlorine (Scheele, 1774), manganese (Gahn, 1774), cobalt (Brandt, 1742), nickel (Cronstedt, 1750), and platinum (Watson, 1750). Baryta was discovered by Scheele, and strontia by Crawford. Phosphoric acid was discovered by Boyle, and its true nature determined by Marggraf; Cavendish first made known the composition of nitric acid. As already stated, Scheele first isolated molybdic and tungstic acids and determined the existence of a number of the organic acids (p. 75). Other discoveries—such as the true nature of limestone and magnesia alba and their relations respectively to lime and magnesia by Black, the Technical chemistry also greatly developed during the eighteenth century, thanks to the efforts of Gahn, Marggraf, Duhamel, Reaumur, Macquer, Kunkel, and Hellot; and many important industrial processes—such as the manufacture of sulphuric acid by Ward of Richmond, and subsequently by Roebuck at Birmingham, and the Leblanc process of conversion of common salt into alkali—had their origin during this period. |