The story positively bristles with incident.—The Academy.
Miss Alice Livingstone shows a fertile imagination and remarkable ingenious constructive gift.—The Gazette.
A powerful story of crime and cruelty is Alice Livingstone's latest novel "A Sealed Book," which is one of the most striking tales of the year. The volume abounds with thrilling situations. It grips the interest and keeps it up until the end.—The Journal.
We can thoroughly recommend "A Sealed Book".—The Graphic.
This novel has what is called in theatrical posters "a strong heart interest".—The Leader.
To read this novel is a pleasure, indeed. It is full of exciting incidents, and is powerfully written. Narrative succeeds narrative in such a way that the authoress retains hold of her reader until the last page is reached. "A Sealed Book" takes a front position in this season's fiction.—Courier.
Cleverly written, strong in plot and in character drawing. It is endowed with a measure of originality in construction and treatment that should win for it a wide public. The author, it seems to us, has put her best work into this story.—The Mail.
It is an excellent tale of its kind—highly exciting.—The Globe.
Deeply interesting.—Post.
Crowded with incidents, crammed full of varying scenes.—The Sportsman.
Exceptionally powerful. One never tires of a single page.—Courier.