CHAP. | PAGE | I. | —The Commissioner of Air Police for Great Britain rides To Plymouth in Good Company | 9 | II. | —Fate of the Transatlantic Air-Liner "Albatros" | 24 | III. | —"Cold-blooded Piracy in the High Air" | 39 | IV. | —The Newspapers in Full Cry | 55 | V. | —The Familiar Spirit of Mr. Van Adams | 67 | VI. | —Mr. Danjuro, Thinking Machine, explains Himself | 83 | VII. | —The curious Fight in the Restaurant | 99 | VIII. | —The Hunting Instinct is stimulated by a Procession | 111 | IX. | —The Man with the Wicked Face | 128 | X. | —Sir John Custance comes upon the House of Helzephron | 138 | XI. | —"The Air Wolves are hunting to-night!" | 150 | XII. | —The Killing of Michael Feddon | 165 | XIII. | —The Secret that puzzled two Continents | 176 | XIV. | —The Air Pirate at last | 187 | XV. | —Led out to die | 203 | XVI. | —The Hounds from Thibet and Mr. Vargus; with a Discovery on board the Pirate | 216 | XVII. | —The Moment of Triumph | 236 | XVIII. | —The Golden Dream | 253 | XIX. | —Last Flight of the Pirate Airship | 266 | | Epilogue | 277 |