The general facts concerning individual variations in abilities—that the variations are large, that they are continuous, and that for children of the same age they usually cluster around one typical or modal ability, becoming less and less frequent as we pass to very high or very low degrees of the ability—are all well illustrated by arithmetical abilities. NATURE AND AMOUNTThe surfaces of frequency shown in Figs. 61, 62, and 63 are samples. In these diagrams each space along the baseline represents a certain score or degree of ability, and the height of the surface above it represents the number of individuals obtaining that score. Thus in Fig. 61, 63 out of 1000 soldiers had no correct answer, 36 out of 1000 had one correct answer, 49 had two, 55 had three, 67 had four, and so on, in a test with problems (stated in words). Figure 61 shows that these adults varied from no problems solved correctly to eighteen, around eight as a central tendency. Figure 62 shows that children of the same year-age (they were also from the same neighborhood and in the same school) varied from under 40 to over 200 figures correct. Figure 63 shows that even among children who have all reached the same school grade and so had rather Fig. 61. Fig. 61.—The scores of 1000 soldiers in the National Army born in English-speaking countries, in Test 2 of the Army Alpha. The score is the number of correct answers obtained in five minutes. Probably 10 to 15 percent of these men were unable to read or able to read only very easy sentences at a very slow rate. Data furnished by the Division of Psychology in the office of the Surgeon General. It should, however, be noted that if each individual had been scored by the average of his work on eight or ten different days instead of by his work in just one test, the variability would have been somewhat less than appears in Figs. 61, 62, and 63. Fig. 62. Fig. 62.—The scores of 100 11-year-old pupils in a test of computation. Estimated from the data given by Burt ['17, p. 68] for 10-, 11-, and 12-year-olds. The score equals the number of correct figures. It is also the case that if each individual had been scored, not in problem-solving alone or division alone, but in an elaborate examination on the whole field of arithmetic, the variability would have been somewhat less than appears in Figs. 61, 62, and 63. On the other hand, if the officers and Fig. 63. Fig. 63.—The scores of pupils in grade 6 in city schools in the Woody Division Test A. The score is the number of correct answers obtained in 20 minutes. From Woody ['16, p. 61]. In spite of the effort by school officers to collect in any one school grade those somewhat equal in ability or in achievement or in a mixture of the two, the population of the same grades in the same school system shows a very wide range in any arithmetical ability. This is partly because promotion is on a more general basis than arithmetical ability so that some very able arithmeticians are deliberately held back on account of other deficiencies, and some very incompetent arithmeticians are advanced on account of other excellencies. It is partly because of general inaccuracy in classifying and promoting pupils. In a composite score made up of the sum of the scores in Woody tests,—Add. A, Subt. A, Mult. A, and Div. A, and two tests in problem-solving (ten and six graded problems, Figs. 64-66. Figs. 64, 65, and 66.—The scores of pupils in grade 6 (Fig. 64), grade 7 (Fig. 65), and grade 8 (Fig. 66) in a composite of tests in computation and problem-solving. The time was about 120 minutes. The maximum score attainable was 196. The overlapping of grade upon grade should be noted. Of the pupils in grade 6 about 18 percent do better than the average pupil in grade 7, and about 7 percent do better than the average pupil in grade 8. Of the pupils in grade 8 about 33 percent do worse than the average pupil in grade 7 and about 12 percent do worse than the average pupil in grade 6. TABLE 13 Relative Frequencies of Scores in an Extensive Team of Arithmetical Tests.
DIFFERENCES WITHIN ONE CLASSThe variation within a single class for which a single teacher has to provide is great. Even when teaching is departmental and promotion is by subjects, and when also the school is a large one and classification within a grade is by ability—there may be a wide range for any given special component ability. Under ordinary circumstances the range is so great as to be one of the chief limiting conditions for the teaching of arithmetic. Many methods appropriate Fig. 67. Fig. 67. Fig. 68. Fig. 68. Figs. 67 and 68.—The scores of ten 6 B classes in a 12-minute test in computation with integers (the Courtis Test 7). The score is the number of units done. Certain long tasks are counted as two units. Figures 67 and 68 show the scores of ten classes taken at random from ninety 6 B classes in one city by Courtis ['13, p. 64] in amount of computation done in 12 minutes. Observe the very wide variation present in the case of every Fig. 69. Fig. 69.—A conservative estimate of the amount of variation to be expected within a single class of 32 pupils in grade 6, in the number of units done in Courtis Test 7 when all chance variations are eliminated. The variations within a class in respect to what processes are understood so as to be done with only occasional errors may be illustrated further as follows:—A teacher in grade 4 at or near the middle of the year in a city doing the customary work in arithmetic will probably find some pupil in her class who cannot do column addition even without carrying, or the easiest written subtraction
who does not know his multiplication tables or how to derive them, or understand the meanings of + - × and ÷, or have any useful ideas whatever about division. There will probably be some child in the class who can do such work as that shown below, and with very few errors. Add
Divide 2 ) 13.50 25 ) 9750 The invention of means of teaching thirty so different children at once with the maximum help and minimum hindrance from their different capacities and acquisitions is one of the great opportunities for applied science. Courtis, emphasizing the social demand for a certain moderate arithmetical attainment in the case of nearly all elementary school children of, say, grade 6, has urged that definite special means be taken to bring the deficient children up to certain standards, without causing undesirable 'overlearning' by the more gifted children. Certain experimental work to this end has been carried out by him and others, but probably much more must be done before an authoritative program for securing certain minimum standards for all or nearly all pupils can be arranged. THE CAUSES OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESThe differences found among children of the same grade in the same city are due in large measure to inborn differences in their original natures. If, by a miracle, the children studied by Courtis, or by Woody, or by Kruse had all re The evidence for this is the general evidence that variation in original nature is responsible for much of the eventual variation found in intellectual and moral traits, plus certain special evidence in the case of arithmetical abilities themselves. Thorndike found ['05] that in tests with addition and multiplication twins were very much more alike than siblings If the differences found, say among children in grade 6 in addition, were due to differences in the quantity and quality of training in addition which they have had, then by giving each of them 200 minutes of additional identical training the differences should be reduced. For the 200 minutes of identical training is a step toward equalizing training. It has been found in many investigations of the matter that when we make training in arithmetic more nearly equal for any group the variation within the group is not reduced. On the contrary, equalizing training seems rather to increase differences. The superior individual seems to have attained his superiority by his own superiority of nature rather than by superior past training, for, during a period of equal training for all, he increases his lead. For example, compare the gains of different individuals due to TABLE 14 The Effect of Equal Amounts of Practice upon Individual Difference in the Multiplication Of Three-Place Numbers Achievement in arithmetic depends upon a number of different abilities. For example, accuracy in copying numbers depends upon eyesight, ability to perceive visual details, and short-term memory for these. Long column addition depends chiefly upon great strength of the addition combinations especially in higher decades, 'carrying,' and keeping one's place in the column. The solution of problems framed in words requires understanding of language, the analysis of the situation described into its elements, the selection of the right elements for use at each step and their use in the right relations. Since the abilities which together constitute arithmetic ability are thus specialized, the individual who is the best of a thousand of his age or grade in respect to, say, adding integers, may occupy different stations, perhaps from 1st to 600th, in multiplying with integers, placing the decimal point in division with decimals, solving novel problems, copying figures, etc., etc. Such specialization is in part due to his having had, relatively to the others in the thousand, more or better training in certain of these abilities than in others, and to various circumstances of life which have caused him to have, relatively to the others in the thousand, greater interest in certain of these achievements than in others. The specialization is not wholly due thereto, however. Certain inborn characteristics of an individual predispose him to different degrees of superiority or inferiority to other men in different features of arithmetic. We measure the extent to which ability of one sort goes with or fails to go with ability of some other sort by the coefficient of correlation between the two. If every individual keeps the same rank in the second ability—if the individual who is the best of the thousand in one is the best of the group in the other, and so on down the list—the correlation is 1.00. In proportion as the ranks of individuals vary in the two abilities the coefficient drops from 1.00, a coefficient of 0 meaning that the best individual in ability A is no more likely to be in first place in ability B than to be in any other rank. The meanings of coefficients of correlation of .90, .70, .50, and 0 are shown by Tables 15, 16, 17 and 18. TABLE 15 Distribution of Arrays in Successive Tenths of the Group When r = .90
TABLE 16 Distribution of Arrays in Successive Tenths of the Group When r = .70
TABLE 17 Distribution of Arrays of Successive Tenths of the Group When r = .50
TABLE 18 Distribution of Arrays, in Successive Tenths of the Group When r = .0
The significance of any coefficient of correlation depends upon the group of individuals for which it is determined. A correlation of .40 between computation and problem-solving Unless the individuals concerned are very elaborately tested on several days, the correlations obtained are "attenuated" toward 0 by the "accidental" errors in the original measurements. This effect was not known until 1904; consequently the correlations in the earlier studies of arithmetic are all too low. In general, the correlation between ability in any one important feature of computation and ability in any other important feature of computation is high. If we make enough tests to measure each individual exactly in:— (A) Subtraction with integers and decimals, (B) Multiplication with integers and decimals, (C) Division with integers and decimals, (D) Multiplication and division with common fractions, and (E) Computing with percents, we shall probably find the intercorrelations for a thousand 14-year-olds to be near .90. Addition of integers (F) will, however, correlate less closely with any of the above, being apparently dependent on simpler and more isolated abilities. The correlation between problem-solving (G) and computation will be very much less, probably not over .60. It should be noted that even when the correlation is as high as .90, there will be some individuals very high in one ability and very low in the other. Such disparities are to some extent, as Courtis ['13, pp. 67-75] and Cobb ['17] have argued, due to inborn characteristics of the individual in question which predispose him to very special sorts of In general, all correlations between an individual's divergence from the common type or average of his age for one arithmetical function, and his divergences from the average for any other arithmetical function, are positive. The correlation due to original capacity more than counterbalances the effects that robbing Peter to pay Paul may have. Speed and accuracy are thus positively correlated. The individuals who do the most work in ten minutes will be above the average in a test of accuracy. The common notion that speed is opposed to accuracy is correct when it means that the same person will tend to make more errors if he works at too rapid a rate; but it is entirely wrong when it means that the kind of person who works more rapidly than the average person is likely to be less accurate than the average person. Interest in arithmetic and ability at arithmetic are probably correlated positively in the sense that the pupil who has more interest than other pupils of his age tends in the long run to have more ability than they. They are certainly correlated in the sense that the pupil who 'likes' arithmetic better than geography or history tends to have relatively more ability in arithmetic, or, in other words, that the pupil who is more gifted at arithmetic than at drawing or English tends also to like it better than he likes these. These correlations are high. It is correct then to think of mathematical ability as, in a sense, a unitary ability of which any one individual may have much or little, most individuals possessing a moderate Finally it may be noted that ability in arithmetic, though occasionally found in men otherwise very stupid, is usually associated with superior intelligence in dealing with ideas and symbols of all sorts, and is one of the best early indications thereof. FOOTNOTES