We shall consider in this chapter the influence of time of day, size of class, and amount of time devoted to arithmetic in the school program, the hygiene of the eyes in arithmetical work, the use of concrete objects, and the use of sounds, sights, and thoughts as situations and of speech and writing and thought as responses. EXTERNAL CONDITIONSComputation of one or another sort has been used by several investigators as a test of efficiency at different times in the day. When freed from the effects of practice on the one hand and lack of interest due to repetition on the other, the results uniformly show an increase in speed late in the school session with a falling off in accuracy that about balances it. The influence of size of class upon progress in school studies is very difficult to measure because (1) within the same city system the average of the six (or more) sizes of class that a pupil has experienced will tend to approximate closely to the corresponding average for any other child; because further (2) there may be a tendency of supervisory officers to assign more pupils to the better teachers; and because (3) separate systems which differ in respect to size of class probably differ in other respects also so that their differences in achievement may be referable to totally different differences. Elliott ['14] has made a beginning by noting size of class during the year of test in connection with his own measures of the achievements of seventeen hundred pupils, supplemented by records from over four hundred other classes. As might be expected from the facts just stated, he finds no appreciable difference between classes of different sizes within the same school system, the effect of the few months in a small class being swamped by the antecedents or concomitants thereof. The effect of the amount of time devoted to arithmetic in the school program has been studied extensively by Rice ['02 and '03] and Stone ['08]. Dr. Rice ['02] measured the arithmetical ability of some The facts of Dr. Rice's table show that there is a positive relation between the general standing of a school system in the tests and the amount of time devoted to arithmetic by its program. The relation is not close, however, being that expressed by a correlation coefficient of .36½. Within any one school system there is no relation between the standing of a particular school and the amount of time devoted to arithmetic in that school's program. It must be kept in mind that the amount of time given in the school program may be counterbalanced by emphasizing work at home and during study periods, or, on the other hand, may be a symptom of correspondingly small or great emphasis on arithmetic in work set for the study periods at home. A still more elaborate investigation of this same topic was made by Stone ['08]. I quote somewhat fully from it, since it is an instructive sample of the sort of studies that will doubtless soon be made in the case of every elementary school subject. He found that school systems differed notably in the achievements made by their sixth-grade pupils in his tests of computation (the so-called 'fundamentals') and of the solution of verbally described problems (the so-called 'reasoning'). The facts were as shown in Table 11. TABLE 10 Averages for Individual Schools in Arithmetic
High achievement by a system in computation went with high achievement in solving the problems, the correlation being about .50; and the system that scored high in addition or subtraction or multiplication or division usually showed closely similar excellence in the other three, the correlations being about .90. TABLE 11 Scores Made by the Sixth-Grade Pupils of Each of Twenty-Six School Systems
Of the conditions under which arithmetical learning took place, the one most elaborately studied was the amount of time devoted to arithmetic. On the basis of replies by principals of schools to certain questions, he gave each of TABLE 12 Correlation of Time Expenditures with Abilities These correlations, it should be borne in mind, are for school systems, not for individual pupils. It might be that, though the system which devoted the most time to arithmetic did not show corresponding superiority in the product over the system devoting only half as much time, the pupils within the system did achieve in exact proportion to the time they gave to study. Neither correlation would permit inference concerning the effect of different amounts of time spent by the same pupil. Stone considered also the printed announcements of the courses of study in arithmetic in these twenty-six systems. Nineteen judges rated these announced courses of study for excellence according to the instructions quoted below:— CONCERNING THE RATING OF COURSES OF STUDYJudges please read before scoring I. Some Factors Determining Relative Excellence. (N. B. The following enumeration is meant to be suggestive rather than complete or exclusive. And each scorer is urged to rely primarily on his own judgment.) 1. Helpfulness to the teacher in teaching the subject matter outlined. 2. Social value or concreteness of sources of problems. 3. The arrangement of subject matter. 4. The provision made for adequate drill. 5. A reasonable minimum requirement with suggestions for valuable additional work. 6. The relative values of any predominating so-called methods—such as Speer, Grube, etc. 7. The place of oral or so-called mental arithmetic. 8. The merit of textbook references. II. Cautions and Directions. (Judges please follow as implicitly as possible.) 1. Include references to textbooks as parts of the Course of Study. This necessitates judging the parts of the texts referred to. 2. As far as possible become equally familiar with all courses before scoring any. 3. When you are ready to begin to score, (1) arrange in serial order according to excellence, (2) starting with the middle one score it 50, then score above and below 50 according as courses are better or poorer, indicating relative differences in excellence by relative differences in scores, i.e. in so far as you find that the courses differ by about equal steps, score those better than the middle one 51, 52, etc., and those poorer 49, 48, etc., but if you find that the courses differ by unequal steps show these inequalities by omitting numbers. 4. Write ratings on the slip of paper attached to each course. The systems whose courses of study were thus rated highest did not manifest any greater achievement in Stone's tests than the rest. The thirteen with the most approved announcements of courses of study were in fact a little inferior in achievement to the other thirteen, and the correlation coefficients were slightly negative. Stone also compared eighteen systems where there was supervision of the work by superintendents or supervisors as well as by principals with four systems where the principals and teachers had no such help. The scores in his tests were very much lower in the four latter cities. THE HYGIENE OF THE EYES IN ARITHMETICFig. 26. Fig. 26.—Type too large. We have already noted that the task of reading and copying numbers is one of the hardest that the eyes have to perform in the elementary school, and that it should be alleviated by arranging much of the work so that only answers need be written by the pupil. The figures to be read and copied Fig. 27. Fig. 27.—12-point, 11-point, and 10-point type. Size.—Type may be too large as well as too small, though the latter is the commoner error. If it is too large, as in Fig. 26, which is a duplicate of type actually used in a form of practice pad, the eye has to make too many fixations to take in a given content. All things considered, 12-point type in grades 3 and 4, 11-point in grades 5 and 6, and 10-point in grades 7 and 8 seem the most desirable sizes. These are shown in Fig. 27. Too small type occurs oftenest in fractions and in the dimension-numbers or scale numbers of drawings. Figures 28, 29, and 30 are samples from actual school practice. Samples of the desirable size are shown in Figs. 31 and 32. The technique of modern typesetting makes it very difficult and expensive to make fractions of the horizontal type
large enough without making the whole-number figures with which they are mingled too large or giving an uncouth appearance to the total. Consequently fractions somewhat smaller than are desirable may have to be used occasionally in textbooks. Fig. 28. Fig. 28.—Type of measurements too small. This is a picture of Mary's garden. Fig. 29. Fig. 29.—Type too small. Fig. 30. Fig. 30.—Numbers too small and badly designed. Fig. 31. Fig. 31.—Figure 28 with suitable numbers. Fig. 32. Fig. 32.—Figure 30 with suitable numbers. Style.—The ordinary type forms often have 3 and 8 so made as to require strain to distinguish them. 5 is sometimes easily confused with 3 and even with 8. 1, 4, and 7 may be less easily distinguishable than is desirable. Figure 33 shows a specially good type in which each figure is represented by its essential Fig. 33. Fig. 33.—Block type; a very desirable type except that it is somewhat too heavy. Fig. 34. Fig. 34.—Common styles of printed numbers. When script figures are presented they should be of simple design, showing clearly the essential features of the figure, the line being everywhere of equal or nearly equal width (that is, without shading, and without ornamentation or eccentricity of any sort). The opening of the 3 should be wide to prevent confusion with 8; the top of the 3 should be curved to aid its differentiation from 5; the down stroke of the 9 should be almost or quite straight; the 1, 4, 7, and 9 should be clearly distinguishable. There are many ways of distinguishing them clearly, the best probably being to use the straight line for 1, the open 4 with clear angularity, a wide top to the 7, and a clearly closed curve for the top of the 9. Fig. 35. Fig. 35.—Diagonal and horizontal fractions compared. Figs. 36, 37.
Figs. 38, 39. Figs. 38 (above) and 39 (below).—Good and bad left-right spacing. The pupil's writing of figures should be clear. He will thereby be saved eyestrain and errors in his school work as well as given a valuable ability for life. Handwriting of figures is used enormously in spite of the development of typewriters; illegible figures are commonly more harmful than illegible letters or words, since the context far less often tells what the figure is intended to be; the habit of making clear figures is not so hard to acquire, since they are written unjoined and require only the automatic action of ten minor acts of skill. The schools have missed a great opportunity in this respect. Whereas the hand writing of words is often better than it needs to be for life's purposes, the writing of figures is usually much worse. The figures presented in books on penmanship are also commonly bad, showing neglect or misunderstanding of the matter on the part of leaders in penmanship. Spacing.—Spacing up and down the column is rarely too wide, but very often too narrow. The specimens shown in Figs. 36 and 37 show good practice contrasted with the common fault. Spacing from right to left is generally fairly satisfactory in books, though there is a bad tendency to adopt some one routine throughout and so to miss chances to use reductions and increases of spacing so as to help the eye and the mind in special cases. Specimens of good and bad spacing are shown in Figs. 38 and 39. In the work of the pupils, the spacing from right to left is often too narrow. This crowding of letters, together with unevenness of spacing, adds notably to the task of eye and mind. The composition or make-up of the page.—Other things being equal, that arrangement of the page is best which helps a child most to keep his place on a page and to find it after having looked away to work on the paper on which he computes, or for other good reasons. A good page and a bad page in this respect are shown in Figs. 40 and 41. Fig. 40. Fig. 40.—A page well made up to suit the action of the eye. Fig. 41. Fig. 41.—The same matter as in Fig. 40, much less well made up. Objective presentations.—Pictures, diagrams, maps, and other presentations should not tax the eye unduly, (a) by requiring too fine distinctions, or (b) by inconvenient arrangement of the data, preventing easy counting, measuring, comparison, or whatever the task is, or (c) by putting too many facts in one picture so that the eye and mind, when trying to make out any one, are confused by the others. Illustrations of bad practices in these respects are shown in Figs. 42 to 52. A few specimens of work well arranged for the eye are shown in Figs. 53 to 56. Good rules to remember are:— Other things being equal, make distinctions by the clearest method, fit material to the tendency of the eye to see an 'eyeful' at a time (roughly 1½ inch by ½ inch in a book; 1½ ft. by ½ ft. on the blackboard), and let one picture teach only one fact or relation, or such facts and relations as do not interfere in perception. The general conditions of seating, illumination, paper, and the like are even more important when the eyes are used with numbers than when they are used with words. Fig. 42. Fig. 42.—Try to count the rungs on the ladder, or the shocks in the wagon. Fig. 43. Fig. 43.—How many oars do you see? How many birds? How many fish? Fig. 44. Fig. 44.—Count the birds in each of the three flocks of birds. Fig. 45. Fig. 45.—Note the lack of clear division of the hundreds. Consider the difficulty of counting one of these columns of dots. Fig. 46. Fig. 46.—What do you suppose these pictures are intended to show? Fig. 47. Fig. 47.—Would a beginner know that after THIRTEEN he was to switch around and begin at the other end? Could you read the SIX of TWENTY-SIX if you did not already know what it ought to be? What meaning would all the brackets have for a little child in grade 2? Does this picture illustrate or obfuscate? Fig. 48. Fig. 48.—How long did it take you to find out what these pictures mean? Fig. 49. Fig. 49.—Count the figures in the first row, using your eyes alone; have some one make lines of 10, 11, 12, 13, and more repetitions of this figure spaced closely as here. Count 20 or 30 such lines, using the eye unaided by fingers, pencil, etc. Fig. 50. Fig. 50.—Can you answer the question without measuring? Could a child of seven or eight? Fig. 51. Fig. 51.—What are these drawings intended to show? Why do they show the facts only obscurely and dubiously? Fig. 52. Fig. 52.—What are these drawings intended to show? What simple change would make them show the facts much more clearly? Fig. 53. Fig. 53.—Arranged in convenient "eye-fulls." Fig. 54. Fig. 54.—Clear, simple, and easy of comparison. Tell which bar has— Fig. 55. Fig. 55.—Clear, simple, and well spaced. Fig. 56. Fig. 56.—Well arranged, though a little wider spacing between the squares would make it even better. THE USE OF CONCRETE OBJECTS IN ARITHMETICWe mean by concrete objects actual things, events, and relations presented to sense, in contrast to words and numbers and symbols which mean or stand for these objects or for more abstract qualities and relations. Blocks, tooth-picks, coins, foot rules, squared paper, quart measures, bank books, and checks are such concrete things. A foot rule put successively along the three thirds of a yard rule, a bell rung five times, and a pound weight balancing sixteen ounce weights are such concrete events. A pint beside a quart, an inch beside a foot, an apple shown cut in halves display such concrete relations to a pupil who is attentive to the issue. Concrete presentations are obviously useful in arithmetic to teach meanings under the general law that a word or number or sign or symbol acquires meaning by being connected with actual things, events, qualities, and relations. Concrete experiences are useful whenever the meaning of a number, like 9 or 7/8 or .004, or of an operation, like multiplying or dividing or cubing, or of some term, like rectangle or hypothenuse or discount, or some procedure, like voting or insuring property against fire or borrowing money from a bank, is absent or incomplete or faulty. Concrete work thus is by no means confined to the primary grades but may be appropriate at all stages when new facts, relations, and procedures are to be taught. How much concrete material shall be presented will depend upon the fact or relation or procedure which is to be made intelligible, and the ability and knowledge of the pupil. Thus 'one half' will in general require less concrete illustration than 'five sixths'; and five sixths will require less in the case of a bright child who already knows 2/3, 3/4, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5 than in the case of a dull child or one who only knows 2/3 and 3/4. As a general rule the same topic will require less concrete material the later it appears in the school course. If the meanings of the numbers are taught in grade 2 instead of grade 1, there will be less need of blocks, counters, splints, beans, and the like. If 1½ + ½ = 2 is taught early in grade 3, there will be more gain from the use of 1½ inches and ½ inch on the foot rule than if the same relations were taught in connection with the general addition of like fractions late in grade 4. Sometimes the understanding can be had either by connecting the idea with the reality directly, or by connecting the two indirectly via some other idea. The amount of concrete material to be In general the economical course is to test the understanding of the matter from time to time, using more concrete material if it is needed, but being careful to encourage pupils to proceed to the abstract ideas and general principles as fast as they can. It is wearisome and debauching to pupils' intellects for them to be put through elaborate concrete experiences to get a meaning which they could have got themselves by pure thought. We should also remember that the new idea, say of the meaning of decimal fractions, will be improved and clarified by using it (see page 183 f.), so that the attainment of a perfect conception of decimal fractions before doing anything with them is unnecessary and probably very wasteful. A few illustrations may make these principles more instructive. (a) Very large numbers, such as 1000, 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000, need more concrete aids than are commonly given. Guessing contests about the value in dollars of the school building and other buildings, the area of the schoolroom floor and other surfaces in square inches, the number of minutes in a week, and year, and the like, together with proper computations and measurements, are very useful to reËnforce the concrete presentations and supply genuine problems in multiplication and subtraction with large numbers. (b) Numbers very much smaller than one, such as 1/32, 1/64, .04, and .002, also need some concrete aids. A diagram like that of Fig. 57 is useful. (c) Majority and plurality should be understood by every citizen. They can be understood without concrete aid, but an actual vote is well worth while for the gain in vividness and surety. Fig. 57. Fig. 57.—Concrete aid to understanding fractions with large denominators. A = 1/1000 sq. ft.; B = 1/100 sq. ft.; C = 1/50 sq. ft.; D = 1/10 sq. ft. (d) Insurance against loss by fire can be taught by explanation and analogy alone, but it will be economical to have some actual insuring and payment of premiums and a genuine loss which is reimbursed. (e) Four play banks in the corners of the room, receiving deposits, cashing checks, and later discounting notes will give good educational value for the time spent. (f) Trade discount, on the contrary, hardly requires more concrete illustration than is found in the very problems to which it is applied. (g) The process of finding the number of square units in a rectangle by multiplying with the appropriate numbers representing length and width is probably rather hindered than helped by the ordinary objective presentation as an introduction. The usual form of objective introduction is as follows:— Fig. 58. Fig. 58. How long is this rectangle? How large is each square? How many square inches are there in the top row? How many rows are Draw a rectangle 7 inches long and 2 inches wide. If you divide it into inch squares how many rows will there be? How many inch squares will there be in each row? How many square inches are there in the rectangle? Fig. 59. Fig. 59. It is better actually to hide the individual square units as in Fig. 59. There are four reasons: (1) The concrete rows and columns rather distract attention from the essential thing to be learned. This is not that "x rows one square wide, y squares in a row will make xy squares in all," but that "by using proper units and the proper operation the area of any rectangle can be found from its length and width." (2) Children have little difficulty in learning to There has been, especially in Germany, much argument concerning what sort of number-pictures (that is, arrangement of dots, lines, or the like, as shown in Fig. 60) is best for use in connection with the number names in the early years of the teaching of arithmetic. Lay ['98 and '07], Walsemann ['07], Freeman ['10], Howell ['14], and others have measured the accuracy of children in estimating the number of dots in arrangements of one or more of these different types. Fig. 60. Fig. 60.—Various proposed arrangements of dots for use in teaching the meanings of the numbers 1 to 10. It may be noted that the Born, Lay, and Freeman pictures have claims for special consideration on grounds of probable instructiveness. Since they are also superior in the tests in respect to accuracy of estimate, choice should probably be made from these three by any teacher who wishes to connect one set of number-pictures systematically with the number names, as by drills with the blackboard or with cards. Such drills are probably useful if undertaken with zeal, and if kept as supplementary to more realistic objective work with play money, children marching, material to be distributed, garden-plot lengths to be measured, and the like, and if so administered that the pupils soon get the generalized abstract meaning of the numbers freed from dependence on an inner picture of any sort. This freedom is so important that it may make the use of many types of number-pictures advisable rather than the use of the one which in and of itself is best. As Meumann says: "Perceptual reckoning can be overdone. It had its chief significance for the surety and clearness of the first foundation of arithmetical instruction. If, however, it is continued after the first operations become familiar to the child, and extended to operations which develop from these elementary ones, it necessarily works as a retarding force and holds back the natural development of arithmetic. This moves on to work with abstract number and with mechanical association and reproduction." ['07, Vol. 2, p. 357.] Such drills are commonly overdone by those who make ORAL, MENTAL, AND WRITTEN ARITHMETICThere has been much dispute over the relative merits of oral and written work in arithmetic—a question which is much confused by the different meanings of 'oral' and 'written.' Oral has meant (1) work where the situations are presented orally and the pupil's final responses are given orally, or (2) work where the situations are presented orally and the pupils' final responses are written or partly written and partly oral, or (3) work where the situations are presented in writing or print and the final responses are oral. Written has meant (1) work where the situations are presented in writing or print and the final responses are made in writing, or (2) work where also many of the intermediate responses are written, or (3) work where the situations are presented orally but the final responses and a large percentage of the intermediate computational responses are written. There are other meanings than these. It is better to drop these very ambiguous terms and ask clearly what are the merits and demerits, in the case of any specified arithmetical work, of auditory and of visual presentation of the situations, and of saying and of writing each specified step in the response. The disputes over mental versus written arithmetic are also confused by ambiguities in the use of 'mental.' Mental has been used to mean "done without pencil and paper" It may be said at the outset that oral, written, and inner presentations of initial situations, oral, written, and inner announcements of final responses, and oral, written, and inner management of intermediate processes have varying degrees of merit according to the particular arithmetical exercise, pupil, and context. Devotion to oralness or mentalness as such is simply fanatical. Various combinations, such as the written presentation of the situation with inner management of the intermediate responses and oral announcement of the final response have their special merits for particular cases. These merits the reader can evaluate for himself for any given sort of work for a given class by considering: (1) The amount of practice received by the class per hour spent; (2) the ease of correction of the work; (3) the ease of understanding the tasks; (4) the prevention of cheating; (5) the cheerfulness and sociability of the work; (6) the freedom from eyestrain, and other less important desiderata. It should be noted that the stock schemes A, B, C, and D below are only a few of the many that are possible and that schemes E, F, G, and H have special merits. The common practice of either having no use made of pencil and paper or having all computations and even much verbal analysis written out elaborately for examination is unfavorable for learning. The demands which life itself
The common practice of having the final responses of all easy tasks given orally has no sure justification. On the contrary, the great advantage of having all pupils really do the work should be secured in the easy work more than anywhere else. If the time cost of copying the figures is eliminated by the simple plan of having them printed, and if the supervision cost of examining the papers is eliminated by having the pupils correct each other's work in these easy tasks, written answers are often superior to oral except for the elements of sociability and 'go' and freedom from eyestrain of the oral exercise. Such written work provides the gifted pupils with from two to ten times as much practice as they would get in an oral drill on the same material, supposing them to give inner answers to every exercise done by the class as a whole; it makes sure that the dull pupils who would rarely get an inner answer at the rate demanded by the oral exercise, do as much as they are able to do. Two arguments often made for the oral statement of problems by the teacher are that problems so put are better understood, especially in the grades up through the fifth, and that the problems are more likely to be genuine and related to the life the pupils know. When these statements are true, the first is a still better argument for having the pupils read the problems aided by the teacher's oral statement of them. For the difficulty is largely that the pupils cannot read well enough; and it is better to help them to surmount the difficulty rather than simply evade it. The second is not an argument for oralness versus writtenness, but for good problems versus bad; the teacher who makes up such good problems should, in fact, take special care to write them down for later use, which may be by voice or by the blackboard or by printed sheet, as is best. |