
Abbot (Me.), 97.

Aboljacarmegus Falls, 58, 82; meaning of the name, 157.

Aboljacarmegus, Lake, 51.

Aboljacknagesic Stream, 51, 58, 59, 62.

Aitteon, Joe, 94, 99, 100, 210, 233, 313.

Allegash and East Branch, the, 174-327.

Allegash Lakes, the, 78, 175, 250, 257.

Allegash River, the, 40, 80, 161, 178, 233, 250, 254-257, 260, 270.

Ambejijis Falls, 50; portage round, 52; 84.

Ambejijis Lake, 45-47, 49, 50, 84, 291.

Ambejijis Stream, 50.

America, the newness of, 90.

Apmoojenegamook Lake, 244; meaning of, 250; 260; a storm on, 263, 264; hard paddling on, 267.

Aroostook (Me.) road, 3, 13, 14; river, 4; wagon, an, 14; valley, 23; sleds of the, 261.

Asters, 97.

Atlas, the General, 95.

Bailey, Prof. J. W., 4.

Bangor (Me.), 3, 4, 9, 12; passage to, 16; 23, 36, 38, 74, 86, 91, 94-98; the deer that went a-shopping in, 154; 160, 161, 166, 167, 174, 175; House, the, 177; 250, 251, 256, 257, 290, 307.

Batteaux, 6, 35.

Bears, abundance of, 235.

Bed, a cedar-twig, 60; of arbor-vitÆ twigs, 265; the primitive, by all rivers, 317.

Birds, in the wilderness, 118; about Moosehead Lake, 186; about Mud Pond Carry, 237; near Chamberlain Lake, 240, 241; on Heron Lake, 255; on East Branch, 309.

Black flies, protection against, 236; 246.

Blueberries, 66, 298.

Boston (Mass.), countrified minds in towns about, 24.

Bowlin Stream, 308.

Burnt Land, the, 29, 77.

“Burntibus,” 319.

Camp, loggers’, 20; reading matter in a, 37, 38; on side of Ktaadn, a, 68; the routine for making, 210-212; darkness about a, 303, 304.

Canadian boat-song, 42; a blind, 234.

Canoe, a birch, 106; used in third excursion to Maine Woods, 181; shipping water in a, 189; crossing lakes in a, 206; carrying a, 207, 208; running rapids in a, 275-277, 279, 280.

Carbuncle Mountain, 291.

Caribou Lake, 216.

Carry, Indian’s method with canoe at a, 207, 208; a wet, 235-244; berries at each, 305, 306; race at a, 314, 315.

Caucomgomoc Lake, meaning of the name, 156; 222, 223.

Caucomgomoc Mountain, 233.

Caucomgomoc Stream, 142, 147, 219, 229, 247, 297.

Cedar tea, arbor-vitÆ, or, 60.

Chaleur, Bay of, 178.

Chamberlain Farm, the, 245, 264, 265.

Chamberlain Lake, 101, 145, 161, 233, 237, 239, 240; Apmoojenegamook or, 244; dams about, 251; 262, 267.

Checkerberry-Tea Camp, 301.

Chesuncook, 93-173.

Chesuncook Deadwater, 217.

Chesuncook Lake, 5, 11, 36, 73, 80, 86, 94, 104, 105, 117, 119, 136, 137; meaning of the word, 156; 176; going to church on, 214; 234, 250, 254.

Chivin, silvery roaches, cousin-trout, or, 59; 312.

Civilization and landscape, 171-173.

Cloud, entering a, 70; factory, a, 70.

Cold Stream Pond, 9.

Colton’s Map of Maine, 104, 308.

Concord (Mass.), 1, 24, 76, 117; meaning of Indian name for, 157, 187; 214, 268; the Assabet in, 278.

Concord River, 229, 278, 299.

Cranberries, mountain, 27; tree-, 147.

Crosses in the wilderness, 50.

Curing moose meat and hide, 149, 150, 208.

De Bry’s Collectio Peregrinationum, 149.

Deep Cove, 45, 84.

Deer, 154.

Deer Island, 100, 183, 185, 188.

“Die and be buried who will,” verse, 90.

Dippers, a brood of, 184.

Dog, a troublesome, 177.

Double Top Mountain, 49.

Dream of fishing, a, 61.

Eagle Lake, 101, 161; road, 261.

East Branch, the Allegash and, 174-327.

East Branch, mouth of the, 19; 23, 161, 175, 176, 249, 256, 257, 268; Hunt’s house on the, 269, 270, 273, 274, 288, 289, 298, 312, 315, 316.

Eel River, 256.

Elegy in a Country Churchyard, quoted, 19.

Enfield (Me.), 9.

Everlasting, the pearly, 97.

Fenwick, Bishop, 323.

Fire, a camp, 43, 115, 116.

Fire-weed, 95, 282.

Fishing, 58; the Caucomgomoc, 147.

Five Islands, the, 11, 31, 87, 320.

Fowler, Thomas, sheltered and joined by, 29-34.

Fredericton (N. B.), 16.

Freshet, the Great, 58.

Frontier houses, 144.

Fundy, Bay of, 254.

Goldenrod, 97.

Grand Falls of the Penobscot, 31; portage to avoid the, 32.

Grand Lake, 268; Indian name for, 295; 297, 307.

Grand Portage, the, 80.

Greenbush (Me.), 324.

Greenleaf’s Map of Maine, 16.

Greenville (Me.), 99, 101, 188, 194, 209.

Hedgehog, shooting a, 130.

Heron Lake, 254, 255.

Hide, stretching a, 147, 148; sale of a moose-, 152.

“Highlands” between the Penobscot and St. John, 238.

Hilton’s clearing, 105.

History, reading, 87.

Hobble-bush, wayfarer’s tree or, 96.

Hodge, assistant geologist, quoted, 29, 80.

Holland, the King of, in his element, 239.

Horns, uses for deer’s, 97, 98.

Hornstone, 194.

Houlton (Me.), road, the, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13.

Hunter, a “gentlemanly,” 178, 179; Indian, with hides, 231; enviable life of a, 269, 270.

Hunting, the degradation of, 132-134.

Indian, extinction, 7; guides secured, 11; belief that river ran two ways, 35; words for some birds and animals, 108; camp, an, 146-159; language, 151; words for Maine waters, 155-157; houses at Oldtown, 161; relics, 166; speech, 187; singing, 198; methods of guiding, 204-206; manner of carrying canoes, 207, 208; inscription, an, 220; wardrobe, 249, 250; failure to understand avoidance of settlers, 258; medicines, 259; travel, 260, 261; as umpire, 267; skill in retracing steps, 277; relics and geographical names, 297; good manners, 300; devil (or cougar), the, 306; reticence and talkativeness, 318, 319; sickness, 319, 320; indifference, 326.

Indian Island, 92, 174, 326, 327.

Insect foes, 246.

Jackson, Dr. Charles T., 4, 10; quoted regarding altitude of Ktaadn, 72; on Moosehead Lake, 104; sketches in Reports of, 120; quoted, regarding hornstone on Mount Kineo, 194, 195.

Joe Merry Lakes, the, 45.

Joe Merry Mountain, 38, 51, 218.

Josselyn, John, quoted, 156, 164.

Katepskonegan Falls, 52; Carry, 81.

Katepskonegan Lake, 50, 57.

Katepskonegan Stream, 50.

Kenduskeag, meaning of, 156.

Kennebec River, the, 5, 40, 103, 183, 188, 233, 272.

Kineo, Mount, 9-103, 156, 183, 186, 189; Indian tradition of origin of, 190; hornstone on, 194; 196, 203, 260, 299.

Knife, an Indian, 156.

Ktaadn, 3-90.

Ktaadn, Mt., 1; ascents of, 3-5; view of, 23; first view of, 36; 38; the flat summit of, 49; 58, 61; the ascent of, 63-76; altitude of, 72; 96, 121, 136, 167, 215, 218, 249, 257, 260, 297, 312, 313.

Lake country of New England, the, 40.

Larch, extensive wood of, 231.

Lescarbot quoted regarding abundance of fishes, 60.

Lily, the yellow, 209, 291; roots, gathering, 309; roots, soup of, 317.

Lily Bay, 97, 99.

Lincoln (Me.), 9, 85, 260, 319, 321, 322.

Little Schoodic River, the, 23.

Lobster Lake, 106.

Lobster Pond, 210.

Lobster Stream, 105, 210.

Locusts, 254.

Loggers, camps of, 20; a gang of, 38.

Log house, a, 138.

Logs, from woods to market, sending, 46-49.

Loon, Indian word for, 182; cry of the, 247, 248.

Lost, in the lakes, experienced woodmen, 41; in the woods, T.’s companion, 285-290.

Lovewell’s Fight, 245.

Madawaska, the, 80.

Maine, mountainous region of, 4; intelligence of backwoodsmen in, 24; view of, 73; the forest of, 88.

Map of the Public Lands of Maine and Massachusetts, 17, 101, 104, 308.

Marriage, a sign of, 232.

Mars’ Hill, 8.

Matahumkeag, 107; meaning of the word, 157; 210.

Matanancook River, the, 321.

Mattaseunk, 18.

Mattawamkeag, the, 12, 13, 16; meaning of the name, 157; 256.

Mattawamkeag Point, 4, 11, 38, 88, 316, 319.

Matungamook Lake, 295.

McCauslin, or “Uncle George,” weather-bound at farm of, 23-29; good services as guide by, 40-42.

Michaux on lumbering, quoted, 48.

Milford (Me.), 7.

Millinocket Lake, 29, 41, 73, 260.

Millinocket River, 29, 31, 86-88, 223.

Ministers, with, on Ktaadn, 214.

Mohawk Rips, the, 322.

Mohawk traditions, 154.

Molasses, Molly, 174.

Molunkus (Me.), 13, 15.

Monhegan Island, 94.

Monson (Me.), 97, 98, 161.

Moose, sign of, 58, 65, 108; carcass of a, 109; night expedition in vain hunt for, 110-115; shooting at and wounding a, 122-124; found, measured, and skinned, 125-130; Indian ideas about, 153; Indian tradition of evolution of, from the whale, 163; shooting and skinning a, on Second Lake, 292-295.

Moose-flies, 246.

Moosehead Lake, 45, 46, 73, 95, 97, 99; steamers and sail-boats on, 100; 104, 108, 117, 145, 150, 152; Indian name for, 155; 159, 175, 176, 181; extent of, 183; 184, 188, 193, 231, 252; dragon-fly on, 255; 272, 299, 322.

Moosehorn Deadwater, 109.

Moosehorn Stream, the, 111, 113, 117, 118, 145, 216.

Moose River, 189.

Moose wardens, laxness of, 231.

Moose-wood, 65; phosphorescent light in, 199.

Morrison, John, head of a lumber-gang, 38.

Mosquitoes, 246, 310, 311.

Mountain-ash, 94.

Mountain-tops, 71.

Mud Pond, 233, 237, 238, 240, 243, 244.

Murch Brook, 58, 64, 74.

Musquash, calling a, 228.

Nahant (Mass.), 170.

Nature, the earth as made by, 77, 78; always young, 89, 90; the coarse use of, 133.

Neptune, Louis, 10, 86; a call on Governor, 162, 163; the old chief, 174.

Nerlumskeechticook Mountain, 249, 260, 291, 297, 298, 301.

Nicketow (Me.), 7, 19, 260, 316, 319.

Night, in the woods, a, 43-45; thoughts by a stream at, 131; sounds in the woods at, 247, 248.

Noliseemack, Shad Pond or, 29.

North Twin Lake, 39, 80, 84.

No-see-em, midge called, 245, 246.

Oak Hall hand-bill and carry, 55, 83.

Olamon Mountains, 323.

Olamon River, the, and meaning of word, 324.

Old Fort Hill, 166.

Oldtown (Me.), 4, 6, 7, 9, 88, 142, 152, 153, 160, 161, 166, 167, 174, 192, 202, 204, 222, 226, 259, 272, 274, 313, 320, 322, 323, 325-327.

Orchis, the great round-leaved, 240.

Orono (Me.), 92.

Osier, red, Indian word for, 188.

Paddling, a lesson in, 325, 326.

Pamadumcook Lakes, the, 30, 45, 47, 84; meaning of the word, 156; 260.

Passadumkeag River, the, 8, 9, 323, 324.

Passamagamet Falls, 51; “warping up,” 53; 84.

Passamagamet Lake, 50, 51.

Passamagamet Stream, 50, 51.

Passamaquoddy River, the, 5, 91.

Peaked Mountain, 254.

Peetweets, Indian word for, 182.

Penobscot County, 73.

Penobscot Indians, sociability of, 321.

Penobscot River, the, 3, 5, 6; Indian islands in the, 7; 17, 18, 24, 29, 31, 32, 40, 41, 54, 77, 80, 87, 91, 95, 96, 103-105, 107, 108; between Moosehead and Chesuncook Lake, described, 117; 145, 148; meaning of the word, 157, 158, 161; 166, 176, 193, 202; West Branch of, 203; 208, 209, 233, 234, 238, 270-272; main boom of the, 329.

Phosphorescent wood, 199-201.

Pine, the white, 160; forests, 169; red, 268; Labrador and red, 296.

Pine Stream, 122, 136, 216.

Pine Stream Deadwater, 121.

Pine Stream Falls, 136, 216.

Piscataquis Falls, 322.

Piscataquis River, the, 101; meaning of the word, 157; 179, 260, 327.

Pitching a canoe, 105.

Plants, abundance of strange, by Moosehead Lake, 103, 104, 188; observed on Mount Kineo, 195; about camp on the Caucomgomoc, 223; along the Umbazookskus, 229, 230; in cedar swamp by Chamberlain Lake, 239-241; on East Branch, 302.

Pockwockomus Falls, 56, 57, 83.

Pockwockomus Lake, 50.

Pokelogan, a, 56.

Poling a batteau, 34, 35, 53, 54.

Polis, Joe, 174; secured as guide, 175; puzzled about white men’s law, 192; travels and opinions of, 217, 218; calls upon Daniel Webster, 279; as a boy, hard experience in traveling of, 308; good-by to, 327.

Politicians, country, 8, 9.

Pongoquahem Lake, 260.

Portage, a rough, 33; round Ambejijis Falls, 51.

Province man, a green, 16.

Quakish Lake, 33, 36, 85.

Quebec, meaning of the word, 157; 257.

Ragmuff Stream, 118, 121, 145, 216.

Rain, 33, 265, 266.

Rapids, shooting, 81.

Rasles, Father, Dictionary of the Abenaki language, 154.

Red shirts, 31, 145.

Repaired road, a, 98.

Restigouche River, the, 178.

Ripogenus Portage, 80.

Roaches, silvery, 59.

Road, a supply, 212; recipe for making a, 244.

Rock-Ebeeme, 20.

Rock hills, singular, 282.

Roots of spruce, as thread, 225, 226.

Russell Stream, 104.

St. Francis Indian, 146, 208.

St. John River, the, 5, 40, 80, 101, 137, 176, 178, 203, 233, 238, 251, 256, 257, 270, 271, 274.

St. Lawrence River, the, 80, 233, 238.

Salmon River, 19.

Sandbar Island, 100, 188, 189.

Schoodic Lake, 256.

School question, the, among Indians, 323, 324.

Seboois Lakes, 222, 261, 310.

Second Lake, 274, 276, 281; beauty of, 290-292, 297.

Shad Pond, or Noliseemack, 29, 30, 86.

Shad-flies, ephemerÆ or, 255.

Sheldrakes, Indian word for, 182; 254, 274, 276.

Singing, 41, 42.

Smith, Ansell, clearing and settlement of, 137-145.

Snowberry, creeping, used as tea, 227.

“Somebody & Co.,” 14.

Souneunk Mountains, the, 218, 260.

South Twin Lake, 39.

Sowadnehunk Deadwater, 58.

Sowadnehunk River, the, 31, 79.

Sparrow, the white-throated, 213, 249, 262.

Spencer Bay Mountain, 183.

Spencer Mountains, 108.

“Spokelogan,” 268.

Spring, a cool, 280.

Springer, J. S., Forest Life, quoted, 21, note; on lumbering, quoted, 48, note; on the spruce tree, quoted, 75; about the digging of a canal, quoted, 270, 271.

Spruce, the, 104; Indian words for black and white, 209; difference between black and white, 225.

Spruce beer, a draught of, 30.

Squaw Mountain, 183.

Squirrel, the red, 241.

Stars known to Indian, 247.

Stillwater (Me.), 4, 167.

Sugar Island, 101, 183, 194; near Olamon River, 324.

Sunday, an Indian’s, 201, 202, 214, 215, 223, 229.

Sunkhaze, the, 8, 325, 326.

“Swampers,” 242.

“Sweet cakes,” 12.

Tea, varieties of forest, 227; hemlock, 312.

Telasinis Lake, 267.

Telos Lake, 235, 245, 264; Indian name for, 267; 270, 274, 281, 290, 299.

Tent, description of, 196, 197.

Thistle, the Canada, 96.

Thoreau, Henry David, leaves Concord for Maine, 31 Aug. 1846, 3; starts “up river” from Bangor, 4; strikes into the wilderness, 15; starts for summit of Ktaadn, 61, 62; begins descent, 72; leaves Boston by steamer for Bangor, 13 Sept. 1853, 93; takes Moosehead Lake steamer for return home, 159; starts on third excursion to Maine Woods, 20 July, 1857, 174; reaches farthest northern point, 259; lands at Oldtown, the journey finished, 326.

Thrush, wood, Indian word for, 186.

Thunder-storm, violent, 261, 262.

Timber, 18; land, best in Maine, 235.

Tomhegan Stream, 203.

Traps, a find of steel, 302.

Tree, fall of a, at night, 115; a dangerous, 221.

Trees, varieties of, 22, 116; along the Penobscot, 107, 120; about camp on the Caucomgomoc, 223; along the Umbazookskus, 231; on island in Heron Lake, farthest northern point, 259; on East Branch, 302.

Tree-tops, a walk over, 67; appearance of various, 121.

Trout, true and cousin-, 59.

Trout Stream, 235, 269; Indian name for, 295.

Umbazookskus, the, 219, 222; Much Meadow River, 229; 230, 232.

Umbazookskus Lake, 233, 238.

Usnea lichen, Indian word for, 186.

Veazie’s mills, 166.

Voyageurs, Canadian, 6.

Waite’s farm, 23.

“Warping up,” 57.

Washing in a lake, 249.

Wassataquoik River, the, 3, 312.

Water-troughs, 97.

Wayfarer’s-tree or hobble-bush, 96.

Webster, Daniel, Joe Polis’s call upon, 279.

Webster Pond, 270, 273; Indian name for, 273.

Webster Stream, 161, 264; Indian name for, 273; 275, 289, 297, 299, 300.

West Branch, tramp up the, 17; 20, 31, 32, 291, 316.

Whetstone Falls, 313.

White Mountains, the, 4.

Whitehead Island, 94.

Woods, wetness of the, 22; characteristics of Maine, and uses of all, 167-173; destruction of the, 252-254.

Woodstock (N. B.), 256.

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