Transcriber's Note: Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. In particular, numerous spelling differences between the text and the Appendices were retained. Page 5, "Moved to Pinkney" is possibly a typo for "Moved to Pinckney". Footnote 3, "St. Helier's" should possibly be "St. Helier". Page 54, "It is not buried liked" should possibly be "It is not buried like". Page 235, 12 M. should possibly be 12 P.M. The index cross-references to "Melilot," "Mist," "Toad," "Nighthawk," "Nuphar," "Aphorisms," "Earth-songs," "Loring's Pond," don't seem to exist. The index entry for "Pepin Lake" has no page numbers. THE WRITINGS OF MANUSCRIPT EDITION Sabbatia (page 264) THE WRITINGS OF FAMILIAR LETTERSEDITED BY F. B. SANBORN ENLARGED EDITION BOSTON AND NEW YORK COPYRIGHT 1865 BY TICKNOR AND FIELDS All rights reserved |