
The following are the titles of the volumes covered by this index and the numbers by which they are designated:—

  • 1. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.
  • 2. Walden.
  • 3. The Maine Woods.
  • 4. Cape Cod, and Miscellanies.
  • 5. Excursions, and Poems.
  • 6. Familiar Letters.


[The titles of chapters and general divisions are set in SMALL CAPITALS.]

ine, 2, 131.
  • Aubrey, John, quoted, 1, 112.
  • Auction, of a deacon's effects, 2, 75; or increasing, 75.
  • Audubon, John James, reading, 5, 103; 109, note; 112, note.
  • Aulus Persius Flaccus, 6, 6, 158.
  • Aurora of Guido, The, verse, 5, 399.
  • Australia, gold-hunters in, 4, 465, 466.
  • Autumn, the coming of, 1, 356; flowers of, 377-379; 403; landscape near Provincetown, 4, 193-195; foliage, brightness of, 5, 249-252; a poem on, 6, 115; delights of, 37, 38, 282.
  • Autumnal Tints, 5, 249-289.
  • Autumnal tints, 6, 340, 350.
  • Autumnus, 6, 38.
  • Average ability, man's success in proportion to his, 1, 133; the law of, in nature and ethics, 2, 321.
  • "Away! away! away! away!" verse, 1, 186.
  • Axy, a Bible name, 4, 95.
  • Baboosuck Brook, 1, 232.
  • Babylon, ancient, 6, 224.
  • Babylon (N. Y.), 6, 102.
  • Bacchus, Whitman compared to, 6, 298.
  • Background, all lives want a, 1, 45.
  • Bailey, Prof. J. W., 3, 4.
  • Baker Farm, 2, 223-231.
  • Baker Farm, 2, 307.
  • Baker's barn, 2, 286.
  • Baker's River, 1, 87, 268.
  • Ball's Hill, 1, 19, 37, 43.
  • Bands of music in distance, 2, 177, 178.
  • Bangor (Me.), 3, 3, 4, 9, 12; 6, 119, 132, 325; passage to, 3, 16; 23, 36, 38, 74, 86, 91, 94-98; the deer that went a-shopping in, 154; 160, 161, 166, 167, 174, 175; House, the, 177; 250, 251, 256, 257, 290, 307.
  • Bank swallow, the, 4,164.
  • Banks, 6, 162, failures of, 317, 318; stock in, 162, 213, 317, 318.
  • Barberries, 6, 156, 175, 358.
  • Barber's Historical Collections, quoted, 4, 222.
  • Barnstable (Mass.), 4, 22.
  • Bartlett, Dr. Josiah (H. U. 1816), 6, 137, 138, 152, 254.
  • Bartlett, Robert (H. U. 1836), 6, 58.
  • Bartram, William, quoted, 2, 75; 5, 199.
  • Bascom, Rev. Jonathan, 4, 55.
  • Baskets, strolling Indian selling, 2, 20, 21.
  • Bass-tree, the, 1, 166.
  • Bathing, sea, 4, 16, 17; feet in brooks, 5, 140.
  • Batteaux, 3, 6, 35.
  • Battle-ground, first, of the Revolution, 1, 14.
  • Battles, 6, 356; in the clouds, 330.
  • Bayberry, the, 4, 102, 103.
  • Beach, The, 4, 57-78.
  • Beach Again, The, 4, 102-128.
  • Beaches, Cape Cod the best of Atlantic, 4, 269-271.
  • Beach-grass, 4, 200, 201, 204-209.
  • Beach-plums, 1, 381.
  • Bean-Field, The, 2, 171-184.
  • Beard-grasses, Andropogons or, 5, 255-258.
  • Bears, abundance of, 3, 235.
  • Beaumont, Francis, quoted, 1, 69.
  • Beauport (Que.), and le Chemin de, 5, 30; getting lodgings in, 35-38; church in, 69; Seigniory of, 96.
  • BeauprÉ, Seigniory of the CÔte de, 5, 41.
  • Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, 6, 66.
  • Beauty, 6, 198, 199; Emerson's Ode to, 115-117; Ruskin on, 319.
  • Beaver River, 1, 92.
  • Bed, a cedar-twig, 3, 60; of arbor-vitÆ twigs, 265; the primitive, by all rivers, 317.
  • Bedford (Mass.), 1, 4, 37; petition of planters of, 50; 53, 62; 2, 136.
  • Bedford (N. H.), 1, 247, 248, 251, 252.
  • Beecher, Henry Ward, 6, 291.
  • Bees, the keeping of, 4, 284, 285.
  • Beggar-ticks, 6, 289.
  • Behavior, repentance for good, 2, 11.
  • Behemoth, 6, 231.
  • "Behold, how Spring appearing," verse, 5, 109.
  • Belknap, Jeremy, quoted, 1, 91, 127, 189, 201.
  • Bellamy, the pirate, wrecked off Wellfleet, 4, 160, 161.
  • Bellew, F., an artist, 6, 290, 296, 297.
  • "Brother, where dost thou dwell?" verse, 5, 403; 6, 74.
  • Brown, Deacon Reuben, 6, 141.
  • Brown, John, the truth about, 4, 409; the Kansas troubles, 410, 413-416; occupation, descent, and character, 410-414; newspaper opinions of, 416-425; absurdly called insane, 426-428; small following of, 432; example of death of, 434, 435; feeling of divine appointment, 436, 437; why guilty of death, 437; quoted, 439, 440; last days of, 441-450; effect of the words of, 444; editors' opinions of, 445; not dead, 449, 450; T.'s speech in Concord after the death of, 451-454; 6, 290, 337, 359, 364; comes to Concord, 358, 359; his capture and execution, 358-360; is eulogized by T., 359; his companions, 365-367.
  • Brown, John, Jr., son of preceding, visits North Elba and Boston, 6, 364.
  • Brown, Mrs. See Jackson.
  • Brown, Theo., of Worcester, 6, 238, 254, 280, 286, 292, 294, 307, 315, 331.
  • Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted, 1, 69; 4, 157, 158.
  • Brownson, O. A., 6, 5, 404.
  • Brute Neighbors, 2, 247-262.
  • Buckland, Francis T., Curiosities of Natural History, 4, 84.
  • Buddha and Christ, 1, 68.
  • Buddhist, 6, 108.
  • Buffaloes, 6, 14, 17, 109.
  • Buffum, Arnold, 6, 288.
  • Bug from an egg in table of apple wood, the, 2, 366.
  • Building one's own house, significance of, 2, 50, 51.
  • Bull, E. W. (Concord grape), 6, 377, note.
  • Bulwer, Lord Lytton, 6, 28, 30.
  • Buried money, 1, 208.
  • Burlington (Vt.), 5, 7, 99.
  • Burnham, a Boston bookseller, 6, 263.
  • Burns, T.'s grandmother, 6, 7.
  • Burns, Anthony, 4, 405.
  • Burnt Land, the, 3, 29, 77.
  • "Burntibus," 3, 319.
  • Burton, Sir Richard Francis, 5, 228.
  • Business habits indispensable, strict, 2, 21, 22; remarks on, 6, 8, 9, 107, 169-171, 317, 318, 355, 356.
  • Busk, Indian feast of first fruits, 2, 75.
  • "But since we sailed," verse, 1, 16.
  • "Butternuts," in New York, 6, 18.
  • Butternut tree, 5, 6.
  • Buttrick's Plain, 1, 51.
  • Cabmen of New York, 6, 69, 70.
  • Cabot, the discoveries of, 4, 232, 233.
  • Cabot, J. Elliot (H. U. 1840), 6, 125, 130, 188; letters to, 126-129, 155; letters from, 65, 92, 93; schools, 5, 6, 10, 22, 23, 48, 49, 321, 322; T's fondness for, 285.
  • Concord (N.H.), 1, 88, 89; 2, 68, 308; entertained in, and origin of, 322.
  • Concord River, 1, 3-11.
  • Concord River, 1, 3; course of, 3; gentleness of, 7; 10, 11, 19, 20, 62, 90, 113; a canal-boat on, and Fair Haven, 222-224; Conantum on the, 374; reaching the, 391; 2, 215, 219; 3, 229, 278, 299; 5, 115, 139; 6, 3, 92, 262.
  • Condover, England, 6, 235, 383.
  • Conduct, regulation of, 6, ix, 9, 10, 33, 34, 57, 76, 88, 89, 118, 161, 162, 166, 167, 177, 186, 187, 205.
  • Confucius, quoted, 1, 288, 299; 2, 12, 149; 6, 299.
  • Connecticut River, the, 1, 87, 88, 89, 212, 263; 5, 5, 145, 147; 6, 282.
  • "Conscience is instinct bred in the house," verse, 1, 75.
  • Conscience, the, 1, 75, 138; the chief of conservatives, 140.
  • Conservatism, the wisest, 1, 140.
  • Contoocook, 1, 87.
  • Conversation, the shallowness of most, 4, 471; 6, 64, 65, 346.
  • Conway, Moncure Daniel (H. U. 1854), 6, 398.
  • Cooking, 1, 237.
  • Coombs, Neighbor, 6, 141, 154.
  • CoÖperation, difficulties of, 2, 79, 80.
  • Coos Falls, 1, 248, 353.
  • Coreopsis, 1, 18.
  • Corn, great crops of, 4, 37-39.
  • Cost, the amount of life exchanged for a thing, 2, 34; of house, items of, 54; of food for eight months, 65, 66; total, of living, 66; bean-field, 179, 180.
  • Cotes, Lady Louisa, 6, 383.
  • Cotton, Charles, quoted, 1, 249.
  • Country and city opinions, 4, 396, 397.
  • Coureurs de bois and de risques, 5, 43.
  • Cousin Trout. See Chivin.
  • Cowper, William, quoted, 2, 92; 6, 254, 275.
  • Cows fed on fishes' heads, 4, 214, 215.
  • Cranberries, mountain, 3, 27; tree, 147.
  • Cranberry Island, 1, 6.
  • Cranks, the turning of, 4, 297.
  • Crantz, account of Greenland, quoted, 4, 60, 149.
  • Crickets, the creaking of, 5, 108.
  • Crimea, 6, 266; war in the, 237, 244, 251.
  • Criticism, 1, 401.
  • Cromwell's Falls, 1, 88; story of Cromwell and, 206, 207.
  • Crooked River, the Souhegan or, 1, 231.
  • Crookneck squash seeds, Quebec, 5, 87.
  • Crosses in the wilderness, 3, 50; roadside, 5, 45, 46.
  • Crow, the, 5, 108; not imported from Europe, 113.
  • Crusoe, Robinson, among the Arabs, 1, 60.
  • Crystalline botany, 5, 126, 127.
  • Cuckoo characters, 6, 161.
  • Culm, bloom in the, 5, 253.
  • Cultivation, wildness, and, 1, 55 l@files@43523@43523-h@43523-h-5.htm.html#Page_190" class="pginternal">190, 229, 236, 238, 251, 252, note, 253, 269, 322, 328, 337, note, 345, 346, 358, 359, 366, 367; children of, 51, 53-55, 136, 142, 145, 152, 153, 157; and Alcott, 63, 80, 83, 84, note, 136, 322, 328, 346; and Charles Lane, 62, 124, 125; and the "Dial," 58-63, 75, 78, 84, 94, 113-115; letters from, 48, 49, 58, 78, 94, 102, note, 104, 120, 125, 142, 155; letters to (from Thoreau), 50-58, 59-64, 78-84, 92-95, 101-103, 107, 108, 113-116, 135-155, 157, 169; quoted, 22, 115, 229, 237, note, 286, 38, 329, note; accord in, 57, 201, 260, 261.
  • Fringilla, Fring. Melod., 6, 23.
  • Frogs, troonk of bull-, 2, 139, 140. See Toad.
  • Froissart, good place to read, 5, 23.
  • Frontier houses, 3, 144.
  • Frontiers, wherever men front, 1, 323.
  • Frost, Rev. Barzillai (H. U. 1830), 6, 10, note, 137.
  • Frost-smoke, 5, 166.
  • Fruitlands (farm of Alcott and Lane), 6, 64, 90, 122, 142, 155, 404.
  • Fruits, gathering autumn, 2, 263.
  • Fruit trees, paucity of, in Cape towns, 4, 34.
  • Fuel, a necessary of life, 2, 13, 14; of man's body, food, 14.
  • Fugitive Slave Law, the, 4, 388, 389, 401-403, 426.
  • Fuller, Rev. Arthur (H. U. 1843), 6, 184.
  • Fuller, Ellen (Mrs. Channing), 6, 43.
  • Fuller, Margaret (Countess Ossoli), 6, 39, 94, 107, 120, 183-186.
  • Fuller, Richard E. (H. U. 1844), 6, 43, 45, 65.
  • Fuller, Thomas, quoted, 1, 265, 414.
  • Fundy, Bay of, 3, 254.
  • Funeral Bell, The, verse, 5, 405.
  • Funeral processions, 6, 146.
  • Fur Countries, inspiring neighborhood of the, 5, 105.
  • "Furdustrandas," 4, 187, 191.
  • Furniture, generally considered, 2, 72-76; moved out of doors, 125.
  • Galway, Ireland, the wrecked brig from, 4, 6.
  • Game, woodland, 6, 16, 336, 339.
  • Ganges, 6, 267.
  • Gardens, Emerson's, 6, 35, 77, 135, 149, 150; Thoreau's, 86, 355.
  • Garget, poke or, 5, 253-255.
  • Garrison, W. L., 6, 255.
  • Gazette, news of political parties, not of nature, printed in the, 2, 19.
  • Gazetteer, reading the, 1, 92; quoted, 206, 207, 259, 260, 269-271; 4, 25, 28.
  • Geese, first flock of, 5, 110.
  • Genius, order in the development of, 1, 329; the Man of, 350; a man and his, 362; of the mountain, 6, 369; of the storm, 369.
  • Gerard, the English herbalist, quoted, 4, 206.
  • Gerardia, purpurea (purple gerardia), 1, 18.
  • Gesner, Konrad, von, quoted, 1, 389; 5, 318.
  • Gifts, 6, 22.
  • Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 4, 123.
  • Gilpin, William, quoted, 2, 276, 317; 4, 119; 6, 239, 263, 264.
  • God, T.'s idea of, 1, 65, 66; men's impertinent knowledge of, 70, 71; the personality of, 79; clothes fit to worship, in, 2, 25; 6, 159, 163, 174, 188, 259; ask to see, 164; city of, 164; 223; not an ash man, 244; reigns, 178, 317.
  • "God's Drop," proposed as name fo 523-h-8.htm.html#Page_330" class="pginternal">330, 332-336.
  • Hoar, Elizabeth, 6, 51, 75, 93, 116.
  • Hoar, George Frisbie (H. U. 1846), 6, 15, note, 100.
  • Hoar, Samuel (H. U. 1802), 6, 15, note, 351.
  • Hobble-bush, wayfarer's tree or, 3, 96.
  • Hoboken (N.J.), 6, 109.
  • Hochelaga, 5, 89, 97, 99.
  • Hodge, assistant geologist, quoted, 3, 29, 80.
  • Hodnet, England, 6, 236, 237, note, 249, 272, note.
  • Hog Island, inside of Hull, 4, 15.
  • Hog, the, 6, 222, 328.
  • Holland, the King of, in his element, 3, 239.
  • Hollowell place, the, 2, 91, 92.
  • Home, 6, ix, 50, 63; affection of T. for, 99, 262.
  • Homer, 1, 97, 394; Iliad, 2, 111; never yet printed in English, 115; quoted, 160; 5, 181; 6, 92, 197, 239, 291.
  • Hontan, French explorer, 6, 389.
  • Hood's "Song of the Shirt," 6, 224.
  • Hooksett (N. H.), 1, 225, 251, 260, 273, 274, 308, 309, 335; Pinnacle, 318; Falls, 322.
  • Hoosac Mountain, T.'s ascent of, 1, 189-200.
  • Hoosac Mountains, 5, 147.
  • Hop, culture of the, 5, 136, 137.
  • Hope, 6, 20.
  • Hopeful, Sachem (John Thoreau), 6, 13, 35.
  • Hopkinton (Mass.), 1, 4, 32.
  • Horace, quoted, 6, 27, 30.
  • Horns, uses for deer's, 3, 97, 98.
  • Hornstone, 3, 194.
  • Horses, to hang clothes on, wooden, 2, 23, 24; men's work for, 4, 286; Canadian, 5, 34; 6, 136, 142, 153, 294, 321, 334, 340.
  • "Horses have the mark," verse, 1, 243.
  • Horse-race, 6, 286, 293.
  • Horseshoe Interval, the, 1, 126, 377.
  • Hortus siccus, nature in winter a, 5, 179.
  • Hosmer, Edmund (the "farmer-man"), 6, 93, 137, 154, 257, 261, 265, 270.
  • Hosmer, Solon, 6, 257.
  • Hospitalality, not hospitality but, 2, 168.
  • Hotham, Edmund Stuart, 6, 59, note.
  • Hottentots and Ruskin, 6, 319.
  • Houlton (Me.), road, the, 3, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13.
  • Hounds hunting woods in winter, 2, 305-309.
  • House, every spot possible site for a, 2, 90; the ideal, 266-271; the perfect, 5, 153.
  • Household, of Emerson, 6, 35, 53, 54, 64, 135, 136, ginternal">378.
  • From James Richardson, 6, 10, note.
  • From Daniel Ricketson, 6, 238, 246, 257; to him, 239, 240, 246, 261, 263, 266, 270, 273, 284, 285, 304, 311, 313, 337, 341, 350, 353, 376.
  • To F. B. Sanborn, 6, 249, 385.
  • To Cynthia Thoreau, 6, 68, 84, 89, 98, 104, 108.
  • To Helen Thoreau, 6, 12, 25, 27, 32, 74, 95, 117.
  • To John Thoreau, Jr., 6, 13, 19, 23.
  • To Sophia Thoreau, 6, 31, 71, 132, 193, 286, 363.
  • From B. M. Watson, 6, 190, 327; to him, 6, 191, 309, 327.
  • To B. B. Wiley, 6, 298, 300.
  • Lexington (Mass.), 2, 306.
  • Libraries, at Cambridge, 6, 252; at Concord, 270; at New York, 81, 106, 109, 114, 122.
  • Liebig, J. F. von, quoted, 2, 14.
  • Life, the world and, 1, 310-316; cares and labors of, 2, 6, 7; an experiment, 10; students not to play or study, but to live, 56, 57; purposes of, 100, 101; one has imagined living the, 356; live your, however mean, 361; in us, like the water in the river, 366; emptiness of ordinary, 6, 161, 162, 179, 209, 210, 213, 214, 230; eternal, judges, 401, 402; unworthy to be followed, 403-406; the share of, in Harper's Ferry, 430, 431; election in, 6, 16, 18, 141.
  • Massachusetts Bay, shallowness of, 4, 124.
  • Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections of the, 4, 20.
  • Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 6, 144.
  • Massasoit, visited by Winslow, 2, 158.
  • Matahumkeag, 3, 107; meaning of the word, 157; 210.
  • Matanancook River, the, 3, 321.
  • Mathematics, 1, 386.
  • Mattaseunk, 3, 18.
  • Mattawamkeag, the, 3, 12, 13, 16; meaning of the name, 157; 256.
  • Mattawamkeag Point, 3, 4, 11, 38, 88, 316, 319.
  • Matungamook Lake, 3, 295.
  • Maturing, no need of haste towards, 2, 359.
  • Maxims. See Aphorisms.
  • May, Rev. Joseph, (H. U. 1857), 6, 451.
  • May, Rev. Samuel Joseph, (H. U. 1818), 6, 390.
  • Meadow River, Musketaquid or, 1, 8.
  • Meadows, of Concord, 6, 36, 92, 250, 334; birds in the, 14; cranberries in, 204.
  • Meanness complained of, 6, 88, 173, 175, 176, 187.
  • Meat and drink, 6, 164, 165.
  • Medicine, 6, 15-17.
  • Medicine, Yellow-river, 6, 391.
  • Meeting-houses, 6, 195, 336, 359; meeting-house cellar, 322.
  • Melancholy, 6, 41, 182, 209.
  • Melon, buying a, 1, 335; 6, ix.
  • Memorial Verses, by Channing, 6, 65, note.
  • Memory, 6, 26, 41, 42, 93, 106; of former life, 179, 210, 211.
  • Men, in crowds, 6, 79, 82, 83; of God, 214.
  • "Men are by birth equal in this, that given," verse, 1, 311.
  • "Men dig and dive but cannot my wealth spend," verse, 1, 373.
  • Mencius, quoted, 1, 280; 2, 242, 243.
  • Mending, 6, 108, 363.
  • Menhaden, schools of, 4, 120.
  • Mentors, of little use, 2, 10.
  • Menu, the laws of, 1, 154-161.
  • Merit and demerit, 6, 87, 88, 97, 98, 145, 161, 162.
  • Merlin, 6, 227.
  • Merriam, Francis Jackson, 6, 366-368.
  • Merrimack (N. H.), 1, 225, 227, 251, 353, 357, 391.
  • Merrimack River, 1, 8, 19, 62, 63, 80, 81; origin and course of the, 85-92; 113, 122, 150, 169, 170, 174, 177, 181, 189, 200, 202, 203, 204; the Gazetteer quoted, 206, 207, 209, 210, 225, 226, 227, 232, 251, 259, 260, 263, 269, 271, 309, 321, 345, 354; freshet on the, 379, 383, 391; 5, 147; 6, 6.
  • Message, the President's, 6, 10, 111, 162.
  • ParcÆ, the, 6, 149.
  • Parker House, 6, 344, 345.
  • Parker, Theodore, 6, 53, 237, 343, 355.
  • Parkman, Deacon, 6, 6, note.
  • Parkman, Francis, 6, 6.
  • Parkman house, 6, 6.
  • Parliament, provinciality of the English, 4, 477, 478.
  • Parlor lectures, 6, 192, 352.
  • Partheanna, 6, 55.
  • Parthian army, 6, 153.
  • Partridge, the, 2, 250-252, 304, 311; 6, 60.
  • Partridge-berries, 6, 195.
  • Pasaconaway, 1, 267, 269.
  • Pascal and Henry James, 6, 122.
  • Passadumkeag River, the, 3, 8, 9, 323, 324.
  • Passamagamet Falls, 3, 51; "warping up," 53; 84.
  • Passamagamet Lake, 3, 50, 51.
  • Passamagamet Stream, 3, 50, 51.
  • Passamaquoddy River, the, 3, 5, 91.
  • "Past and Present," 6, 81, 101.
  • Past, darkness of the, 1, 163.
  • Patent Office, seeds sent by the, 5, 203.
  • Patmore, Coventry, his "Angel in the House," 6, 279.
  • Pauper, visit from half-witted, 2, 167.
  • Pawtucket Falls, the lock-keeper at, 1, 80; Dam, 88; Canal, deepening the, 263.
  • Pea, beach, 4, 90, 206, 207.
  • Peabody (a classmate of T.), 6, 24.
  • Peabody, Miss Elizabeth Palmer, 6, 61, 287.
  • Peace, lecture on, 6, 52; remarks on, 141, 249, 250.
  • Peaked Mountain, 3, 254.
  • Pear tree, the, planted by Thomas Prince, 4, 43.
  • Peddler, T., taken for, 6, 245.
  • Peetweets, Indian word for, 3, 182.
  • Pehlvi, dialect, 6, 54.
  • Pekin, 6, 89.
  • Peleus and Cadmus, translation, 5, 381
  • Pelham (N. H.), 1, 92.
  • Pellico, Silvio, 6, 53.
  • Pembroke (N. H.), 1, 124.
  • Pemigewasset, the, 1, 85, 86, 88, 333; Basin, on the, 261.
  • Penacook, now Concord (N. H.), founding of, 1, 322.
  • Penance, people of Concord doing, 2, 4.
  • Pencil-making, 6, 6, 174, 182, note, 335, note.
  • Penhallow, Samuel, History, quoted, 4, 235.
  • Penichook Brook, 1, 179, 202, 374.
  • Penna, how pronounced, 6, 25.
  • Pennsylvania, 6, 96, 276, 281.
  • Pennyroyal, 1, 272.
  • Penobscot County, 3, 73.
  • Penobscot Indians, living in cotton tents, 2, 31; sociability of, 3, 321; use of muskrat-skins by, 5, 116, 117.
  • Penobscot River, the, 3, 3, 5, 6; Indian islands in the, 7; 17, 18, 24, 29, 31, 32, 40, 41, 54, 77, 80, 87, 91, 95, 96, 103-105, 107, 108; between Moosehead and Chesuncook Lakes, described, 117; 145, 148; meaning of the word, 157, 158, 161 166, 176, 193, 202; West Branch of, 203, 208, 209, 233, 234, 238, 270-272; main boom of the, 329.
  • Pepin Lake.
  • Perch, the common, 1, 26; 5, 123; 6, 134, 311, 322, 325, 336.
  • Perfection, artist of Kouroo who strove after, 2, 359.
  • Persius Flaccus, Aulus, 1, 327-333; 6, 6, 158.
  • Petrel, the storm, 4, 114.
  • Pfeiffer, Mme. Ida, quoted, 2, 25.
  • Phar-ra-oh (noise of locusts), 6, 90.
  • Phenomenal and real, 6, 57, 58, 88, 10.
  • Quitticus in Middleborough, 6, 264.
  • Quoil, Hugh, an Irishman, 2, 288.
  • Rabbit, the, 2, 310.
  • Rabbit Island, 1, 113.
  • Race characteristics, 6, 149, 222, 229.
  • Race Point, 4, 64, 193, 200.
  • Ragmuff Stream, 3, 118, 121, 145, 216.
  • Railroad, car, growing luxuries in, 2, 41; slowness and heedlessness of, 58, 59; men overridden by, 102, 103; listening with praise to sound of, 127-136; Iron, Trojan Horse ruining Walden, 213, 214.
  • Rain, enjoyment of, 2, 147; 3, 33, 265, 266.
  • Rainbow, standing in light of, 2, 224; in the Falls of the ChaudiÈre, 5, 70, 71.
  • Raleigh, Sir Walter, as a master of style, 1, 106; quoted, 2, 6; "The Soul's Errand" attributed to, 4, 452; quoted, 5, 329.
  • Rapids, shooting, 3, 81.
  • Rasles, Father, Dictionary of the Abenaki Language, 3, 154.
  • Reading, 2, 110-122.
  • Reading, 6, 28, 31, 65, 66, 112-114, 153, 300, 301, 379, 382.
  • Read's Ferry, 1, 245.
  • Reality, finding, 2, 108, 109.
  • Realometer, not Nilometer, but a, 2, 109.
  • Recluse, habits of a, 6, 18, 36, 37, 59, note, 79, 122, 159, 170, 195, 238, 252, note, 266, 328.
  • Red shirts, 3, 31, 145.
  • Reformers, 1, 130; objection to, 118.
  • Reforms in mechanics and ethics, 4, 281-286.
  • Religion, ligature and, 1, 64, 79; 6, 9, 10, 89, 99, 114, 159, 164, 179, 191, 195, 213, 214, 243, 297, 393.
  • Rent, annual tax that would buy a village of wigwams, 2, 33.
  • Repaired road, a, 3, 98.
  • Reporter, with labor for pains, 2, 19.
  • Reports on the natural history of Massachusetts, 5, 103, 114, 118, 123, 129, 130.
  • Resignation, confirmed desperation, 2, 8.
  • Respectability, 6, 79.
  • Restigouche River, the, 3, 178; 6, 324.
  • Return of Spring, verse, 5, 109.
  • Review, Democratic, 6, 51, note, 100, 102, 108, 118; Massachusetts Quarterly, 6, 144, 156.
  • Review, of Carlyle by Emerson, 6, 94, 101; of Emerson in Revue des Deux Mondes, 157.
  • Rhexia, 1, 18; 5, 252.
  • Rice, story of the mountaineer, 1, 212-220.
  • Richardson, Rev. James (H. U. 1837), 6, 10.
  • Richelieu, Isles of, 5, 96.
  • Richelieu or St. John's River, 5, 8.
  • Richelieu Rapids, the, 5, 21.
  • Richter, Jean Paul, quoted, 5, 330, 331.
  • Ricketson, Daniel, described, 6, 286-289.
  • Springer, J. S., Forest Life, quoted, 3, 21, note; on lumbering, quoted, 48, note; on the spruce tree, quoted, 75; about the digging of a canal, quoted, 270, 271.
  • Springs, river-feeding, 1, 203; cool, 3, 280.
  • Spruce, the, 3, 104; Indian words for black and white, 209; difference between black and white, 225.
  • Spruce beer, a draught of, 3, 30.
  • Squam (N. H.), 1, 86, 87, 89.
  • Squash, the large yellow, 5, 203.
  • Squaw Mountain, 3, 183.
  • Squire Make-a-stir, 2, 8.
  • Squirrel, red, 1, 206; watching, 2, 301-303; in spring, coming of, 342; 3, 241; burying nuts, 5, 190, 191; with nuts under snow, 195; pine cones stripped by the, 196.
  • Squirrel, striped, chipping, or ground, 1, 205, 206; with filled cheek-pouches, 5, 198.
  • Staff, the artist's, which became the fairest creation of Brahma, 2, 359.
  • Stage-Coach Views, 4, 19-30.
  • Staples, Samuel, constable and sheriff, 6, 50, 52, 141.
  • Stark, General John, 1, 268.
  • Stars, known to Indian, 3, 247; 5, 328, 329.
  • State and Church, 6, 52, 224, 225.
  • Staten Island, view from, 1, 190; looking at ships from, 253; 6, 6, 50, 65, 68, 71-73, 77, 83, 86, 95, 100, 116, 120, 121.
  • Statistics. See Cost.
  • SternothÆrus, 6, 126, 131.
  • Stillriver Village (Mass.), 5, 151.
  • Stillwater (Me.), 3, 4, 167.
  • Stillwater, the, 5, 140, 142.
  • Stoicism, 6, x, 47, 48, 123, 132, 170, 171, 238, 239, 337.
  • Stone, nations' pride in hammered, 2, 63.
  • Stone, the Rev. Nathan, 4, 55.
  • Stones, rarity of, on Cape Cod, 4, 223-225.
  • Storm, in New York, 6, 105; on Monadnock, 370.
  • Stove, disadvantages of cooking, 2, 280, 281.
  • Stow (Mass.), 5, 136.
  • Stratten, now the Almshouse Farm, 2, 283; family, homestead of, 284.
  • Students, poor, Walden addressed to, 2, 4; their economy, 6, 58, 59, note; of Greek, 58, 102, 103; of law, 17, 106.
  • Sturgeon River, Merrimack or, 1, 85, 117.
  • Style, literary, 4, 325, 326, 330, 331; a man's, in writing, 6, x, 67, 94, 311, 312.
  • Success in life, 6, 70, 79, 85, 96, 109, 123, 124, 159, 147; describes the Emerson household, 152, 153; and W. E. Channing, 153; reads lectures, 6, 55, 154; writes to J. E. Cabot, 155 (see Letters); his mode of writing, 156; meets H. G. O. Blake, 158; their correspondence, 158-383 (see Letters); believed in simplicity, 161; defines his life, 163, 168, 174, 175, 178, 179, 186; lectures on bread, 164-166; on duties, 167; corresponds with Greeley, 169; fathoming character, 169; lives by hand-labor, 170, 171; writes for "Graham" and "Putnam," 169, 172; his debts, 219, note, 221; visits Fire Island, 183; elected to Boston Society of Natural History, 188; lectures in Boston, 190; in Plymouth, Salem, etc., 190-192; satirizes spiritism, 193, 194; will be a scarecrow, 195; his temples, 195, 196; essay on Chastity, 197-209; goes land-surveying, 209; on "doing good," 211; reflects on life, 212-215; differs with G. W. Curtis, 216; moralizes, 217-223; feebleness of, 217, 218, 275; reads Haydon and Layard, 224; gets a new coat, 225; lessons therefrom, 226-228; finds fault with men, 229; paddles up river by night, 230, 231; lectures in Worcester, 232, 233, 303, 349, 358; publishes "Walden," 233; meets Ricketson and T. Cholmondeley, 235; geniality of, 238, 23 on his Victory in the Stadic Course, translation, 5, 378.
  • To My Brother, verse, 5, 403.
  • To the Maiden in the East, verse, 5,400.
  • To the Lyre, translation, 5, 379.
  • Toil, translation, 5, 389.
  • "Tom Bowling," sung by T., 6, 313.
  • Tomhegan Stream, 3, 203.
  • Tools, men the tools of their, 2, 41.
  • Tortoise, mud, 6, 128.
  • Tortoise, painted, 6, 128.
  • "Trainers" in Concord, 4, 392.
  • Translations, 5, 337-392.
  • Translations from Pindar, 5, 375-392.
  • "Transcript," Worcester, 6, 292, 293.
  • Trappers, 5, 115.
  • Traps, a find of steel, 3, 302.
  • Travelers, good humor of, 4, 23.
  • Traveling, the profession of, 1, 325; outfit, the best, 5, 31-34. See Walking.
  • "Traveller," Boston, 6, 310.
  • Traverse, the, 5, 92.
  • Treat, Rev. Samuel, 4, 48-52.
  • Tree, fall of a, at night, 3, 115; a dangerous, 221.
  • Trees, visits to particular, 2, 223; varieties of, 3, 22, 116; along the Penobscot, 107, 120; about camp on the Caucomgomoc, 223; along the Umbazookskus, 231; on island in Heron Lake, farthest northern point, 259; on East Branch, 302; on Cape Cod, 4, 129-131; disappearance of, 254, 255; Canadian, 5, 48; the suggestions of, 125; the natural planting of, 186-202; a town's need of, 272-278; for seasons, 276. See Leaves, Woods, and under names of species.
  • Tree-tops, a walk over, 3, 67; appearance of various, 121; things seen and found on, 5, 245, 246.
  • "Tribune," New York, 6, 46, 68, 120, 169, 281.
  • Trinity, the, 1, 70.
  • Trout, true and cousin, 3, 59.
  • Trout Stream, 3, 235, 269; Indian name for, 295.
  • Troy (N. H.), 5, 4.
  • Trumpet-weed, 1, 18.
  • Truro (Mass.), 4, 104, 137-139; the wrecks of, 159; 6, 254, 256, 357.
  • Trust, 6, 56.
  • Truth, contact with, 1, 310; to be preferred to all things, 2, 364.
  • "Truth along with ye," 6, 246.
  • Tuckerman's Ravine, 6, 334, 348, 349.
  • Tuesday, 1, 188-248.
  • Tulip-trees, 6, 71, 77, 90.
  • "Turning the silver," verse, 1, 240.
  • Turkey, the country, 6, 147, 175; the fowl, 147.
  • Turpentine-makers, Indian capture of, 1, 174.
  • Turtles, land and sea, 4, 202. See Tortoise.
  • Turtle, the snapping, 5, 124.
  • Turtle-dove, long ago lost hound, bay horse, and, 2, 18, 19.
  • Tyngsborough (Mass.), origin of, 1, 113; 114, 118, 123, 126, 152, 170, 325, 377, 379, 382, 384.
  • Tyndale, Mrs., 6, 298.
  • Ultima Thule, 6, 236, 255.
  • Umbagog Lake, 6, 321.
  • Umbazookskus Lake, 3, 233, 238.
  • Umbazookskus River, 3, 219, 222; Much Meadow River, 229; 230, 232; 6, 325.
  • Unappropriated Land, the, 1, 334.
  • Uncannunuc, 1, 169, 205, 271, 308, 318, 321, 335.
  • Uncivil mountain farmer, an, 1, 212-220.
  • "Uncle Bill," somebody's (or everybody's), 4, 141.
  • Union Canal, the, 1, 245.
  • "Union Magazine," 6, 170.
  • Union, War for the, 6, 380, 386, 392, 397.
  • Universalist Church, 6, 52.
  • "Upon the lofty elm tree sprays," verse, 5, 112.
  • Usnea lichen, Indian word for, 3, 186.
  • Vaches, Ranz des, 6, 51.
  • Val Cartier (Que.), 5, 89.
  • Valhalla's kitchen, 6, 44.
  • Vallandigham, Clement L., quoted, 4, 415, 428, 429.
  • Vandalic verses, 6, 39.
  • Varennes, t

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