The following are the titles of the volumes covered by this index and the numbers by which they are designated:— - 1. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.
- 2. Walden.
- 3. The Maine Woods.
- 4. Cape Cod, and Miscellanies.
- 5. Excursions, and Poems.
- 6. Familiar Letters.
GENERAL INDEX [The titles of chapters and general divisions are set in SMALL CAPITALS.]
ine, 2, 131. Aubrey, John, quoted, 1, 112. Auction, of a deacon's effects, 2, 75; or increasing, 75. Audubon, John James, reading, 5, 103; 109, note; 112, note. Aulus Persius Flaccus, 6, 6, 158. Aurora of Guido, The, verse, 5, 399. Australia, gold-hunters in, 4, 465, 466. Autumn, the coming of, 1, 356; flowers of, 377-379; 403; landscape near Provincetown, 4, 193-195; foliage, brightness of, 5, 249-252; a poem on, 6, 115; delights of, 37, 38, 282. Autumnal Tints, 5, 249-289. Autumnal tints, 6, 340, 350. Autumnus, 6, 38. Average ability, man's success in proportion to his, 1, 133; the law of, in nature and ethics, 2, 321. "Away! away! away! away!" verse, 1, 186. Axy, a Bible name, 4, 95. Baboosuck Brook, 1, 232. Babylon, ancient, 6, 224. Babylon (N. Y.), 6, 102. Bacchus, Whitman compared to, 6, 298. Background, all lives want a, 1, 45. Bailey, Prof. J. W., 3, 4. Baker Farm, 2, 223-231. Baker Farm, 2, 307. Baker's barn, 2, 286. Baker's River, 1, 87, 268. Ball's Hill, 1, 19, 37, 43. Bands of music in distance, 2, 177, 178. Bangor (Me.), 3, 3, 4, 9, 12; 6, 119, 132, 325; passage to, 3, 16; 23, 36, 38, 74, 86, 91, 94-98; the deer that went a-shopping in, 154; 160, 161, 166, 167, 174, 175; House, the, 177; 250, 251, 256, 257, 290, 307. Bank swallow, the, 4,164. Banks, 6, 162, failures of, 317, 318; stock in, 162, 213, 317, 318. Barberries, 6, 156, 175, 358. Barber's Historical Collections, quoted, 4, 222. Barnstable (Mass.), 4, 22. Bartlett, Dr. Josiah (H. U. 1816), 6, 137, 138, 152, 254. Bartlett, Robert (H. U. 1836), 6, 58. Bartram, William, quoted, 2, 75; 5, 199. Bascom, Rev. Jonathan, 4, 55. Baskets, strolling Indian selling, 2, 20, 21. Bass-tree, the, 1, 166. Bathing, sea, 4, 16, 17; feet in brooks, 5, 140. Batteaux, 3, 6, 35. Battle-ground, first, of the Revolution, 1, 14. Battles, 6, 356; in the clouds, 330. Bayberry, the, 4, 102, 103. Beach, The, 4, 57-78. Beach Again, The, 4, 102-128. Beaches, Cape Cod the best of Atlantic, 4, 269-271. Beach-grass, 4, 200, 201, 204-209. Beach-plums, 1, 381. Bean-Field, The, 2, 171-184. Beard-grasses, Andropogons or, 5, 255-258. Bears, abundance of, 3, 235. Beaumont, Francis, quoted, 1, 69. Beauport (Que.), and le Chemin de, 5, 30; getting lodgings in, 35-38; church in, 69; Seigniory of, 96. BeauprÉ, Seigniory of the CÔte de, 5, 41. Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, 6, 66. Beauty, 6, 198, 199; Emerson's Ode to, 115-117; Ruskin on, 319. Beaver River, 1, 92. Bed, a cedar-twig, 3, 60; of arbor-vitÆ twigs, 265; the primitive, by all rivers, 317. Bedford (Mass.), 1, 4, 37; petition of planters of, 50; 53, 62; 2, 136. Bedford (N. H.), 1, 247, 248, 251, 252. Beecher, Henry Ward, 6, 291. Bees, the keeping of, 4, 284, 285. Beggar-ticks, 6, 289. Behavior, repentance for good, 2, 11. Behemoth, 6, 231. "Behold, how Spring appearing," verse, 5, 109. Belknap, Jeremy, quoted, 1, 91, 127, 189, 201. Bellamy, the pirate, wrecked off Wellfleet, 4, 160, 161. Bellew, F., an artist, 6, 290, 296, 297. "Brother, where dost thou dwell?" verse, 5, 403; 6, 74. Brown, Deacon Reuben, 6, 141. Brown, John, the truth about, 4, 409; the Kansas troubles, 410, 413-416; occupation, descent, and character, 410-414; newspaper opinions of, 416-425; absurdly called insane, 426-428; small following of, 432; example of death of, 434, 435; feeling of divine appointment, 436, 437; why guilty of death, 437; quoted, 439, 440; last days of, 441-450; effect of the words of, 444; editors' opinions of, 445; not dead, 449, 450; T.'s speech in Concord after the death of, 451-454; 6, 290, 337, 359, 364; comes to Concord, 358, 359; his capture and execution, 358-360; is eulogized by T., 359; his companions, 365-367. Brown, John, Jr., son of preceding, visits North Elba and Boston, 6, 364. Brown, Mrs. See Jackson. Brown, Theo., of Worcester, 6, 238, 254, 280, 286, 292, 294, 307, 315, 331. Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted, 1, 69; 4, 157, 158. Brownson, O. A., 6, 5, 404. Brute Neighbors, 2, 247-262. Buckland, Francis T., Curiosities of Natural History, 4, 84. Buddha and Christ, 1, 68. Buddhist, 6, 108. Buffaloes, 6, 14, 17, 109. Buffum, Arnold, 6, 288. Bug from an egg in table of apple wood, the, 2, 366. Building one's own house, significance of, 2, 50, 51. Bull, E. W. (Concord grape), 6, 377, note. Bulwer, Lord Lytton, 6, 28, 30. Buried money, 1, 208. Burlington (Vt.), 5, 7, 99. Burnham, a Boston bookseller, 6, 263. Burns, T.'s grandmother, 6, 7. Burns, Anthony, 4, 405. Burnt Land, the, 3, 29, 77. "Burntibus," 3, 319. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, 5, 228. Business habits indispensable, strict, 2, 21, 22; remarks on, 6, 8, 9, 107, 169-171, 317, 318, 355, 356. Busk, Indian feast of first fruits, 2, 75. "But since we sailed," verse, 1, 16. "Butternuts," in New York, 6, 18. Butternut tree, 5, 6. Buttrick's Plain, 1, 51. Cabmen of New York, 6, 69, 70. Cabot, the discoveries of, 4, 232, 233. Cabot, J. Elliot (H. U. 1840), 6, 125, 130, 188; letters to, 126-129, 155; letters from, 65, 92, 93; schools, 5, 6, 10, 22, 23, 48, 49, 321, 322; T's fondness for, 285. Concord (N.H.), 1, 88, 89; 2, 68, 308; entertained in, and origin of, 322. Concord River, 1, 3-11. Concord River, 1, 3; course of, 3; gentleness of, 7; 10, 11, 19, 20, 62, 90, 113; a canal-boat on, and Fair Haven, 222-224; Conantum on the, 374; reaching the, 391; 2, 215, 219; 3, 229, 278, 299; 5, 115, 139; 6, 3, 92, 262. Condover, England, 6, 235, 383. Conduct, regulation of, 6, ix, 9, 10, 33, 34, 57, 76, 88, 89, 118, 161, 162, 166, 167, 177, 186, 187, 205. Confucius, quoted, 1, 288, 299; 2, 12, 149; 6, 299. Connecticut River, the, 1, 87, 88, 89, 212, 263; 5, 5, 145, 147; 6, 282. "Conscience is instinct bred in the house," verse, 1, 75. Conscience, the, 1, 75, 138; the chief of conservatives, 140. Conservatism, the wisest, 1, 140. Contoocook, 1, 87. Conversation, the shallowness of most, 4, 471; 6, 64, 65, 346. Conway, Moncure Daniel (H. U. 1854), 6, 398. Cooking, 1, 237. Coombs, Neighbor, 6, 141, 154. CoÖperation, difficulties of, 2, 79, 80. Coos Falls, 1, 248, 353. Coreopsis, 1, 18. Corn, great crops of, 4, 37-39. Cost, the amount of life exchanged for a thing, 2, 34; of house, items of, 54; of food for eight months, 65, 66; total, of living, 66; bean-field, 179, 180. Cotes, Lady Louisa, 6, 383. Cotton, Charles, quoted, 1, 249. Country and city opinions, 4, 396, 397. Coureurs de bois and de risques, 5, 43. Cousin Trout. See Chivin. Cowper, William, quoted, 2, 92; 6, 254, 275. Cows fed on fishes' heads, 4, 214, 215. Cranberries, mountain, 3, 27; tree, 147. Cranberry Island, 1, 6. Cranks, the turning of, 4, 297. Crantz, account of Greenland, quoted, 4, 60, 149. Crickets, the creaking of, 5, 108. Crimea, 6, 266; war in the, 237, 244, 251. Criticism, 1, 401. Cromwell's Falls, 1, 88; story of Cromwell and, 206, 207. Crooked River, the Souhegan or, 1, 231. Crookneck squash seeds, Quebec, 5, 87. Crosses in the wilderness, 3, 50; roadside, 5, 45, 46. Crow, the, 5, 108; not imported from Europe, 113. Crusoe, Robinson, among the Arabs, 1, 60. Crystalline botany, 5, 126, 127. Cuckoo characters, 6, 161. Culm, bloom in the, 5, 253. Cultivation, wildness, and, 1, 55
l@files@43523@43523-h@43523-h-5.htm.html#Page_190" class="pginternal">190, 229, 236, 238, 251, 252, note, 253, 269, 322, 328, 337, note, 345, 346, 358, 359, 366, 367; children of, 51, 53-55, 136, 142, 145, 152, 153, 157; and Alcott, 63, 80, 83, 84, note, 136, 322, 328, 346; and Charles Lane, 62, 124, 125; and the "Dial," 58-63, 75, 78, 84, 94, 113-115; letters from, 48, 49, 58, 78, 94, 102, note, 104, 120, 125, 142, 155; letters to (from Thoreau), 50-58, 59-64, 78-84, 92-95, 101-103, 107, 108, 113-116, 135-155, 157, 169; quoted, 22, 115, 229, 237, note, 286, 38, 329, note; accord in, 57, 201, 260, 261. Fringilla, Fring. Melod., 6, 23. Frogs, troonk of bull-, 2, 139, 140. See Toad. Froissart, good place to read, 5, 23. Frontier houses, 3, 144. Frontiers, wherever men front, 1, 323. Frost, Rev. Barzillai (H. U. 1830), 6, 10, note, 137. Frost-smoke, 5, 166. Fruitlands (farm of Alcott and Lane), 6, 64, 90, 122, 142, 155, 404. Fruits, gathering autumn, 2, 263. Fruit trees, paucity of, in Cape towns, 4, 34. Fuel, a necessary of life, 2, 13, 14; of man's body, food, 14. Fugitive Slave Law, the, 4, 388, 389, 401-403, 426. Fuller, Rev. Arthur (H. U. 1843), 6, 184. Fuller, Ellen (Mrs. Channing), 6, 43. Fuller, Margaret (Countess Ossoli), 6, 39, 94, 107, 120, 183-186. Fuller, Richard E. (H. U. 1844), 6, 43, 45, 65. Fuller, Thomas, quoted, 1, 265, 414. Fundy, Bay of, 3, 254. Funeral Bell, The, verse, 5, 405. Funeral processions, 6, 146. Fur Countries, inspiring neighborhood of the, 5, 105. "Furdustrandas," 4, 187, 191. Furniture, generally considered, 2, 72-76; moved out of doors, 125. Galway, Ireland, the wrecked brig from, 4, 6. Game, woodland, 6, 16, 336, 339. Ganges, 6, 267. Gardens, Emerson's, 6, 35, 77, 135, 149, 150; Thoreau's, 86, 355. Garget, poke or, 5, 253-255. Garrison, W. L., 6, 255. Gazette, news of political parties, not of nature, printed in the, 2, 19. Gazetteer, reading the, 1, 92; quoted, 206, 207, 259, 260, 269-271; 4, 25, 28. Geese, first flock of, 5, 110. Genius, order in the development of, 1, 329; the Man of, 350; a man and his, 362; of the mountain, 6, 369; of the storm, 369. Gerard, the English herbalist, quoted, 4, 206. Gerardia, purpurea (purple gerardia), 1, 18. Gesner, Konrad, von, quoted, 1, 389; 5, 318. Gifts, 6, 22. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 4, 123. Gilpin, William, quoted, 2, 276, 317; 4, 119; 6, 239, 263, 264. God, T.'s idea of, 1, 65, 66; men's impertinent knowledge of, 70, 71; the personality of, 79; clothes fit to worship, in, 2, 25; 6, 159, 163, 174, 188, 259; ask to see, 164; city of, 164; 223; not an ash man, 244; reigns, 178, 317. "God's Drop," proposed as name fo
523-h-8.htm.html#Page_330" class="pginternal">330, 332-336. Hoar, Elizabeth, 6, 51, 75, 93, 116. Hoar, George Frisbie (H. U. 1846), 6, 15, note, 100. Hoar, Samuel (H. U. 1802), 6, 15, note, 351. Hobble-bush, wayfarer's tree or, 3, 96. Hoboken (N.J.), 6, 109. Hochelaga, 5, 89, 97, 99. Hodge, assistant geologist, quoted, 3, 29, 80. Hodnet, England, 6, 236, 237, note, 249, 272, note. Hog Island, inside of Hull, 4, 15. Hog, the, 6, 222, 328. Holland, the King of, in his element, 3, 239. Hollowell place, the, 2, 91, 92. Home, 6, ix, 50, 63; affection of T. for, 99, 262. Homer, 1, 97, 394; Iliad, 2, 111; never yet printed in English, 115; quoted, 160; 5, 181; 6, 92, 197, 239, 291. Hontan, French explorer, 6, 389. Hood's "Song of the Shirt," 6, 224. Hooksett (N. H.), 1, 225, 251, 260, 273, 274, 308, 309, 335; Pinnacle, 318; Falls, 322. Hoosac Mountain, T.'s ascent of, 1, 189-200. Hoosac Mountains, 5, 147. Hop, culture of the, 5, 136, 137. Hope, 6, 20. Hopeful, Sachem (John Thoreau), 6, 13, 35. Hopkinton (Mass.), 1, 4, 32. Horace, quoted, 6, 27, 30. Horns, uses for deer's, 3, 97, 98. Hornstone, 3, 194. Horses, to hang clothes on, wooden, 2, 23, 24; men's work for, 4, 286; Canadian, 5, 34; 6, 136, 142, 153, 294, 321, 334, 340. "Horses have the mark," verse, 1, 243. Horse-race, 6, 286, 293. Horseshoe Interval, the, 1, 126, 377. Hortus siccus, nature in winter a, 5, 179. Hosmer, Edmund (the "farmer-man"), 6, 93, 137, 154, 257, 261, 265, 270. Hosmer, Solon, 6, 257. Hospitalality, not hospitality but, 2, 168. Hotham, Edmund Stuart, 6, 59, note. Hottentots and Ruskin, 6, 319. Houlton (Me.), road, the, 3, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13. Hounds hunting woods in winter, 2, 305-309. House, every spot possible site for a, 2, 90; the ideal, 266-271; the perfect, 5, 153. Household, of Emerson, 6, 35, 53, 54, 64, 135, 136,
ginternal">378. From James Richardson, 6, 10, note. From Daniel Ricketson, 6, 238, 246, 257; to him, 239, 240, 246, 261, 263, 266, 270, 273, 284, 285, 304, 311, 313, 337, 341, 350, 353, 376. To F. B. Sanborn, 6, 249, 385. To Cynthia Thoreau, 6, 68, 84, 89, 98, 104, 108. To Helen Thoreau, 6, 12, 25, 27, 32, 74, 95, 117. To John Thoreau, Jr., 6, 13, 19, 23. To Sophia Thoreau, 6, 31, 71, 132, 193, 286, 363. From B. M. Watson, 6, 190, 327; to him, 6, 191, 309, 327. To B. B. Wiley, 6, 298, 300. Lexington (Mass.), 2, 306. Libraries, at Cambridge, 6, 252; at Concord, 270; at New York, 81, 106, 109, 114, 122. Liebig, J. F. von, quoted, 2, 14. Life, the world and, 1, 310-316; cares and labors of, 2, 6, 7; an experiment, 10; students not to play or study, but to live, 56, 57; purposes of, 100, 101; one has imagined living the, 356; live your, however mean, 361; in us, like the water in the river, 366; emptiness of ordinary, 6, 161, 162, 179, 209, 210, 213, 214, 230; eternal, judges, 401, 402; unworthy to be followed, 403-406; the share of, in Harper's Ferry, 430, 431; election in, 6, 16, 18, 141. Massachusetts Bay, shallowness of, 4, 124. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections of the, 4, 20. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 6, 144. Massasoit, visited by Winslow, 2, 158. Matahumkeag, 3, 107; meaning of the word, 157; 210. Matanancook River, the, 3, 321. Mathematics, 1, 386. Mattaseunk, 3, 18. Mattawamkeag, the, 3, 12, 13, 16; meaning of the name, 157; 256. Mattawamkeag Point, 3, 4, 11, 38, 88, 316, 319. Matungamook Lake, 3, 295. Maturing, no need of haste towards, 2, 359. Maxims. See Aphorisms. May, Rev. Joseph, (H. U. 1857), 6, 451. May, Rev. Samuel Joseph, (H. U. 1818), 6, 390. Meadow River, Musketaquid or, 1, 8. Meadows, of Concord, 6, 36, 92, 250, 334; birds in the, 14; cranberries in, 204. Meanness complained of, 6, 88, 173, 175, 176, 187. Meat and drink, 6, 164, 165. Medicine, 6, 15-17. Medicine, Yellow-river, 6, 391. Meeting-houses, 6, 195, 336, 359; meeting-house cellar, 322. Melancholy, 6, 41, 182, 209. Melon, buying a, 1, 335; 6, ix. Memorial Verses, by Channing, 6, 65, note. Memory, 6, 26, 41, 42, 93, 106; of former life, 179, 210, 211. Men, in crowds, 6, 79, 82, 83; of God, 214. "Men are by birth equal in this, that given," verse, 1, 311. "Men dig and dive but cannot my wealth spend," verse, 1, 373. Mencius, quoted, 1, 280; 2, 242, 243. Mending, 6, 108, 363. Menhaden, schools of, 4, 120. Mentors, of little use, 2, 10. Menu, the laws of, 1, 154-161. Merit and demerit, 6, 87, 88, 97, 98, 145, 161, 162. Merlin, 6, 227. Merriam, Francis Jackson, 6, 366-368. Merrimack (N. H.), 1, 225, 227, 251, 353, 357, 391. Merrimack River, 1, 8, 19, 62, 63, 80, 81; origin and course of the, 85-92; 113, 122, 150, 169, 170, 174, 177, 181, 189, 200, 202, 203, 204; the Gazetteer quoted, 206, 207, 209, 210, 225, 226, 227, 232, 251, 259, 260, 263, 269, 271, 309, 321, 345, 354; freshet on the, 379, 383, 391; 5, 147; 6, 6. Message, the President's, 6, 10, 111, 162. ParcÆ, the, 6, 149. Parker House, 6, 344, 345. Parker, Theodore, 6, 53, 237, 343, 355. Parkman, Deacon, 6, 6, note. Parkman, Francis, 6, 6. Parkman house, 6, 6. Parliament, provinciality of the English, 4, 477, 478. Parlor lectures, 6, 192, 352. Partheanna, 6, 55. Parthian army, 6, 153. Partridge, the, 2, 250-252, 304, 311; 6, 60. Partridge-berries, 6, 195. Pasaconaway, 1, 267, 269. Pascal and Henry James, 6, 122. Passadumkeag River, the, 3, 8, 9, 323, 324. Passamagamet Falls, 3, 51; "warping up," 53; 84. Passamagamet Lake, 3, 50, 51. Passamagamet Stream, 3, 50, 51. Passamaquoddy River, the, 3, 5, 91. "Past and Present," 6, 81, 101. Past, darkness of the, 1, 163. Patent Office, seeds sent by the, 5, 203. Patmore, Coventry, his "Angel in the House," 6, 279. Pauper, visit from half-witted, 2, 167. Pawtucket Falls, the lock-keeper at, 1, 80; Dam, 88; Canal, deepening the, 263. Pea, beach, 4, 90, 206, 207. Peabody (a classmate of T.), 6, 24. Peabody, Miss Elizabeth Palmer, 6, 61, 287. Peace, lecture on, 6, 52; remarks on, 141, 249, 250. Peaked Mountain, 3, 254. Pear tree, the, planted by Thomas Prince, 4, 43. Peddler, T., taken for, 6, 245. Peetweets, Indian word for, 3, 182. Pehlvi, dialect, 6, 54. Pekin, 6, 89. Peleus and Cadmus, translation, 5, 381 Pelham (N. H.), 1, 92. Pellico, Silvio, 6, 53. Pembroke (N. H.), 1, 124. Pemigewasset, the, 1, 85, 86, 88, 333; Basin, on the, 261. Penacook, now Concord (N. H.), founding of, 1, 322. Penance, people of Concord doing, 2, 4. Pencil-making, 6, 6, 174, 182, note, 335, note. Penhallow, Samuel, History, quoted, 4, 235. Penichook Brook, 1, 179, 202, 374. Penna, how pronounced, 6, 25. Pennsylvania, 6, 96, 276, 281. Pennyroyal, 1, 272. Penobscot County, 3, 73. Penobscot Indians, living in cotton tents, 2, 31; sociability of, 3, 321; use of muskrat-skins by, 5, 116, 117. Penobscot River, the, 3, 3, 5, 6; Indian islands in the, 7; 17, 18, 24, 29, 31, 32, 40, 41, 54, 77, 80, 87, 91, 95, 96, 103-105, 107, 108; between Moosehead and Chesuncook Lakes, described, 117; 145, 148; meaning of the word, 157, 158, 161 166, 176, 193, 202; West Branch of, 203, 208, 209, 233, 234, 238, 270-272; main boom of the, 329. Pepin Lake. Perch, the common, 1, 26; 5, 123; 6, 134, 311, 322, 325, 336. Perfection, artist of Kouroo who strove after, 2, 359. Persius Flaccus, Aulus, 1, 327-333; 6, 6, 158. Petrel, the storm, 4, 114. Pfeiffer, Mme. Ida, quoted, 2, 25. Phar-ra-oh (noise of locusts), 6, 90. Phenomenal and real, 6, 57, 58, 88, 10. Quitticus in Middleborough, 6, 264. Quoil, Hugh, an Irishman, 2, 288. Rabbit, the, 2, 310. Rabbit Island, 1, 113. Race characteristics, 6, 149, 222, 229. Race Point, 4, 64, 193, 200. Ragmuff Stream, 3, 118, 121, 145, 216. Railroad, car, growing luxuries in, 2, 41; slowness and heedlessness of, 58, 59; men overridden by, 102, 103; listening with praise to sound of, 127-136; Iron, Trojan Horse ruining Walden, 213, 214. Rain, enjoyment of, 2, 147; 3, 33, 265, 266. Rainbow, standing in light of, 2, 224; in the Falls of the ChaudiÈre, 5, 70, 71. Raleigh, Sir Walter, as a master of style, 1, 106; quoted, 2, 6; "The Soul's Errand" attributed to, 4, 452; quoted, 5, 329. Rapids, shooting, 3, 81. Rasles, Father, Dictionary of the Abenaki Language, 3, 154. Reading, 2, 110-122. Reading, 6, 28, 31, 65, 66, 112-114, 153, 300, 301, 379, 382. Read's Ferry, 1, 245. Reality, finding, 2, 108, 109. Realometer, not Nilometer, but a, 2, 109. Recluse, habits of a, 6, 18, 36, 37, 59, note, 79, 122, 159, 170, 195, 238, 252, note, 266, 328. Red shirts, 3, 31, 145. Reformers, 1, 130; objection to, 118. Reforms in mechanics and ethics, 4, 281-286. Religion, ligature and, 1, 64, 79; 6, 9, 10, 89, 99, 114, 159, 164, 179, 191, 195, 213, 214, 243, 297, 393. Rent, annual tax that would buy a village of wigwams, 2, 33. Repaired road, a, 3, 98. Reporter, with labor for pains, 2, 19. Reports on the natural history of Massachusetts, 5, 103, 114, 118, 123, 129, 130. Resignation, confirmed desperation, 2, 8. Respectability, 6, 79. Restigouche River, the, 3, 178; 6, 324. Return of Spring, verse, 5, 109. Review, Democratic, 6, 51, note, 100, 102, 108, 118; Massachusetts Quarterly, 6, 144, 156. Review, of Carlyle by Emerson, 6, 94, 101; of Emerson in Revue des Deux Mondes, 157. Rhexia, 1, 18; 5, 252. Rice, story of the mountaineer, 1, 212-220. Richardson, Rev. James (H. U. 1837), 6, 10. Richelieu, Isles of, 5, 96. Richelieu or St. John's River, 5, 8. Richelieu Rapids, the, 5, 21. Richter, Jean Paul, quoted, 5, 330, 331. Ricketson, Daniel, described, 6, 286-289. Springer, J. S., Forest Life, quoted, 3, 21, note; on lumbering, quoted, 48, note; on the spruce tree, quoted, 75; about the digging of a canal, quoted, 270, 271. Springs, river-feeding, 1, 203; cool, 3, 280. Spruce, the, 3, 104; Indian words for black and white, 209; difference between black and white, 225. Spruce beer, a draught of, 3, 30. Squam (N. H.), 1, 86, 87, 89. Squash, the large yellow, 5, 203. Squaw Mountain, 3, 183. Squire Make-a-stir, 2, 8. Squirrel, red, 1, 206; watching, 2, 301-303; in spring, coming of, 342; 3, 241; burying nuts, 5, 190, 191; with nuts under snow, 195; pine cones stripped by the, 196. Squirrel, striped, chipping, or ground, 1, 205, 206; with filled cheek-pouches, 5, 198. Staff, the artist's, which became the fairest creation of Brahma, 2, 359. Stage-Coach Views, 4, 19-30. Staples, Samuel, constable and sheriff, 6, 50, 52, 141. Stark, General John, 1, 268. Stars, known to Indian, 3, 247; 5, 328, 329. State and Church, 6, 52, 224, 225. Staten Island, view from, 1, 190; looking at ships from, 253; 6, 6, 50, 65, 68, 71-73, 77, 83, 86, 95, 100, 116, 120, 121. Statistics. See Cost. SternothÆrus, 6, 126, 131. Stillriver Village (Mass.), 5, 151. Stillwater (Me.), 3, 4, 167. Stillwater, the, 5, 140, 142. Stoicism, 6, x, 47, 48, 123, 132, 170, 171, 238, 239, 337. Stone, nations' pride in hammered, 2, 63. Stone, the Rev. Nathan, 4, 55. Stones, rarity of, on Cape Cod, 4, 223-225. Storm, in New York, 6, 105; on Monadnock, 370. Stove, disadvantages of cooking, 2, 280, 281. Stow (Mass.), 5, 136. Stratten, now the Almshouse Farm, 2, 283; family, homestead of, 284. Students, poor, Walden addressed to, 2, 4; their economy, 6, 58, 59, note; of Greek, 58, 102, 103; of law, 17, 106. Sturgeon River, Merrimack or, 1, 85, 117. Style, literary, 4, 325, 326, 330, 331; a man's, in writing, 6, x, 67, 94, 311, 312. Success in life, 6, 70, 79, 85, 96, 109, 123, 124, 159, 147; describes the Emerson household, 152, 153; and W. E. Channing, 153; reads lectures, 6, 55, 154; writes to J. E. Cabot, 155 (see Letters); his mode of writing, 156; meets H. G. O. Blake, 158; their correspondence, 158-383 (see Letters); believed in simplicity, 161; defines his life, 163, 168, 174, 175, 178, 179, 186; lectures on bread, 164-166; on duties, 167; corresponds with Greeley, 169; fathoming character, 169; lives by hand-labor, 170, 171; writes for "Graham" and "Putnam," 169, 172; his debts, 219, note, 221; visits Fire Island, 183; elected to Boston Society of Natural History, 188; lectures in Boston, 190; in Plymouth, Salem, etc., 190-192; satirizes spiritism, 193, 194; will be a scarecrow, 195; his temples, 195, 196; essay on Chastity, 197-209; goes land-surveying, 209; on "doing good," 211; reflects on life, 212-215; differs with G. W. Curtis, 216; moralizes, 217-223; feebleness of, 217, 218, 275; reads Haydon and Layard, 224; gets a new coat, 225; lessons therefrom, 226-228; finds fault with men, 229; paddles up river by night, 230, 231; lectures in Worcester, 232, 233, 303, 349, 358; publishes "Walden," 233; meets Ricketson and T. Cholmondeley, 235; geniality of, 238, 23
on his Victory in the Stadic Course, translation, 5, 378. To My Brother, verse, 5, 403. To the Maiden in the East, verse, 5,400. To the Lyre, translation, 5, 379. Toil, translation, 5, 389. "Tom Bowling," sung by T., 6, 313. Tomhegan Stream, 3, 203. Tools, men the tools of their, 2, 41. Tortoise, mud, 6, 128. Tortoise, painted, 6, 128. "Trainers" in Concord, 4, 392. Translations, 5, 337-392. Translations from Pindar, 5, 375-392. "Transcript," Worcester, 6, 292, 293. Trappers, 5, 115. Traps, a find of steel, 3, 302. Travelers, good humor of, 4, 23. Traveling, the profession of, 1, 325; outfit, the best, 5, 31-34. See Walking. "Traveller," Boston, 6, 310. Traverse, the, 5, 92. Treat, Rev. Samuel, 4, 48-52. Tree, fall of a, at night, 3, 115; a dangerous, 221. Trees, visits to particular, 2, 223; varieties of, 3, 22, 116; along the Penobscot, 107, 120; about camp on the Caucomgomoc, 223; along the Umbazookskus, 231; on island in Heron Lake, farthest northern point, 259; on East Branch, 302; on Cape Cod, 4, 129-131; disappearance of, 254, 255; Canadian, 5, 48; the suggestions of, 125; the natural planting of, 186-202; a town's need of, 272-278; for seasons, 276. See Leaves, Woods, and under names of species. Tree-tops, a walk over, 3, 67; appearance of various, 121; things seen and found on, 5, 245, 246. "Tribune," New York, 6, 46, 68, 120, 169, 281. Trinity, the, 1, 70. Trout, true and cousin, 3, 59. Trout Stream, 3, 235, 269; Indian name for, 295. Troy (N. H.), 5, 4. Trumpet-weed, 1, 18. Truro (Mass.), 4, 104, 137-139; the wrecks of, 159; 6, 254, 256, 357. Trust, 6, 56. Truth, contact with, 1, 310; to be preferred to all things, 2, 364. "Truth along with ye," 6, 246. Tuckerman's Ravine, 6, 334, 348, 349. Tuesday, 1, 188-248. Tulip-trees, 6, 71, 77, 90. "Turning the silver," verse, 1, 240. Turkey, the country, 6, 147, 175; the fowl, 147. Turpentine-makers, Indian capture of, 1, 174. Turtles, land and sea, 4, 202. See Tortoise. Turtle, the snapping, 5, 124. Turtle-dove, long ago lost hound, bay horse, and, 2, 18, 19. Tyngsborough (Mass.), origin of, 1, 113; 114, 118, 123, 126, 152, 170, 325, 377, 379, 382, 384. Tyndale, Mrs., 6, 298. Ultima Thule, 6, 236, 255. Umbagog Lake, 6, 321. Umbazookskus Lake, 3, 233, 238. Umbazookskus River, 3, 219, 222; Much Meadow River, 229; 230, 232; 6, 325. Unappropriated Land, the, 1, 334. Uncannunuc, 1, 169, 205, 271, 308, 318, 321, 335. Uncivil mountain farmer, an, 1, 212-220. "Uncle Bill," somebody's (or everybody's), 4, 141. Union Canal, the, 1, 245. "Union Magazine," 6, 170. Union, War for the, 6, 380, 386, 392, 397. Universalist Church, 6, 52. "Upon the lofty elm tree sprays," verse, 5, 112. Usnea lichen, Indian word for, 3, 186. Vaches, Ranz des, 6, 51. Val Cartier (Que.), 5, 89. Valhalla's kitchen, 6, 44. Vallandigham, Clement L., quoted, 4, 415, 428, 429. Vandalic verses, 6, 39. Varennes, tThe Riverside Press H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS |