PUBLICATIONS OF THE BOARD OF SCIENCE AND ART, WELLINGTON, N.Z. BULLETIN No. 1.—NEW ZEALAND BROWN COALS, with special reference to their use in Gas-producers. By H. Rand, M.A., B.Sc., and W. O. R. Gilling, M.A., B.Sc., National Research Scholars, Education Department. PRICE, 2s. Postage extra (New Zealand, 1½d.; abroad, 2d.). BULLETIN No. 2.—THE HISTORY OF THE PORTOBELLO MARINE FISH HATCHERY. By Geo. M. Thomson, M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst.; illustrated. PRICE, 7s. 6d. Paper cover. Postage extra. MANUAL No. 1.—NEW ZEALAND PLANTS AND THEIR STORY. By L. Cockayne, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Second edition, rewritten and enlarged. Illustrated with 99 photographs and 14 text figures. PRICES: Cloth, 7s. 6d.; paper, 5s. Postage, 6d. extra. SOME PRESS OPINIONS. “The second edition is virtually a new book.... No one is so well qualified to describe New Zealand plant ecology as Dr. Cockayne.”—Nature, London. “The story which Dr. Cockayne has to tell is wonderful, and the manner of his telling is full of charm. He gives no bare catalogue of plants nor bald descriptions, but shows by pen and picture the wonderful vegetation of those happy islands.”—Gardeners’ Chronicle, London. “The book will be treasured by all who find refreshment away from the cities and the petty affairs of men.... Dr. Cockayne’s style is as brilliant as it is simple. He cannot be misunderstood. “New Zealand Plants and their Story” is a book to give to one’s dearest friend, while keeping a copy for one’s own reading and pleasure.”—Evening Post, Wellington, N.Z. MANUAL No. 2.—WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. Part I: Mammalia. By Geo. M. Thomson, M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst.; illustrated. PRICES: Cloth, 5s.; paper, 3s. Postage extra. MANUAL No. 3.—GEOMORPHOLOGY OF NEW ZEALAND. Part I.: Systematic. By Professor C. A. Cotton, D.Sc., F.N.Z.Inst., F.G.S.; illustrated. In preparation. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. Issued six times a year. Subscription (including postage), 6s. per annum, payable in advance; single copy, 1s. 6d. ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO “The Director, Dominion Museum, Wellington, N.Z.” |