Source.—The Jacobite Songs and Ballads of Scotland from 1688 to 1746, p. 181. Edited by Charles Mackay, LL.D. [London and Glasgow: 1861.] Sir John Cope trode the north right far, Yet ne'er a rebel he cam naur, Until he landed at Dunbar, Right early in the morning. Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye wauking yet? Or are ye sleeping, I would wit? O haste ye, get up, for the drums do beat: O fye, Cope, rise in the morning! He wrote a challenge from Dunbar, "Come fight me, Charlie, an ye daur; If it be not by the chance of war, I'll give you a merry morning." Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. When Charlie look'd the letter upon, He drew his sword the scabbard from, "So heaven restore me to my own, I'll meet you, Cope, in the morning." Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. Cope swore with many a bloody word, That he would fight them gun and sword; But he fled frae his nest like a weel-scar'd bird, And Johnnie he took wing in the morning. Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. It was upon an afternoon, Sir John march'd into Preston town, He says, "My lads, come lean you down, And we'll fight the boys in the morning." Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. But when he saw the Highland lads Wi' tartan trews and white cockades, Wi' swords and guns, and rungs O Johnnie took wing in the morning. Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. On the morrow when he did rise, He look'd between him and the skies; He saw them wi' their naked thighs, Which fear'd him in the morning. Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. O then he fled into Dunbar, Crying for a man of war; He thought to have pass'd for a rustic tar, And gotten awa in the morning. Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. Sir John then into Berwick rade, Just as the deil had been his guide; Gi'en him the world, he wadna staid T' have foughten the boys in the morning. Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. Said the Berwickers unto Sir John, "O what's become of all your men?" "In faith," says he, "I dinna ken; I left them a' this morning." Hey, Johnnie Cope, etc. FOOTNOTES: |