Abipone Indians, 180
Abortion, procuring, 221;
compatible with high birth-rate, 223;
by mechanical means, 224;
in Gilbert I., 225;
law against, 226
Abstinence during suckling, 176;
in Tonga, 178
Adulteration, 307
Agriculture, 339
Alluvial land, 370
Amiable Josephine captured, 36
Ancestor worship, xi;
key to government, 57
Ancestry, common, 5
Annexation, 55
Argo, wreck of, 25, 246
Aristocracy created by war, 59
Army, size of, 91;
of Thakombau, 101
Arnold, Sir E., 179
Assault on forts, 13
Banana disease, 338
Bantus, increasing, xii
Barter, 385
Basques, ix
Beachcombers, 27
BÊche-de-mer, 32, 43
Bethencourt, de, xvii
Betrothal, customs of, 201;
gifts, 204
Birth, customs, 206
Bligh, Capt., 24
Boasting ceremony, 90
Bora rites in Australia, 148
Borderers, 88
Bougainville, viii
Bouro, 118
Burial, Lament of Shades, 131
Bushrangers, 309
Calico, displaces tapa, 2
Canal dug by natives, 32
Cannibalism, 102;
seen by Whilkes, 102;
origin of, 103;
vitiated taste for, 103;
tabu to women, 104;
drum, 104;
names for human joints, 104;
reasons for, 104;
act of triumph, 105;
feast at Male, 106;
chant, 107;
forks, 109;
among ghosts, 128
Cannon first used, 53
Canoes, 9, 46;
evolution of, 290;
twin, 292;
cost of, 293;
Tongan, 294
Carew, Mr. W., 179
Carnac, 147
Castaways, 15, 22;
eaten, 102
Catoira, Gomez, viii
Caves, 92
Census, 195
Ceremonial licence, 154, 157, 171
Cession, proposed, 54
Charms, 164, 168
Chatham, wreck of, 249
Chiefs, spiritual, 60;
temporal, 61;
titles of, at Mbau, 61;
power curtailed by missions, 64;
rarely complained of, 74
Circumcision, 216
Claims of U.S. Government, 52
Club-houses, 175, 241, 388
Clubs, working, 68
Codrington, Dr. R. H., 179, 193
Comet, 26, 246
Community of property, 79
Conclusions, 387
Concubitancy, 184;
limitations of, 190;
fecundity of, 199
Confederations, a modern growth, 60;
in decay, 62
Conquest, safest civilizing method, x
Constabulary, armed native, 101, 317
Convicts, myth concerning, 27
Cook, Capt., 248, 271
Copts, xiv
Corney, Dr. B. G., 255, 260
CorvÉe, 68
Councils, provincial, 288, 337
CouvÂde, 179
Cows, improperly kept, 229, 336
Creation myth, 134
CrÈches, 214
Cricket, 332
Cruelty, 305
Cruelty to animals, 3
Daily habits, 229
Dances, 284
Dates, calculated by genealogies, 4, 18;
of Melanesian settlement, 10
Death dance, 96
Decay of custom, xii
Deluge, 17, 26, 137
Dengue fever, 252
d'Entrecasteaux, 86
Depilation, 303
Detection of crime, by witchcraft, 167;
by soul stealing, 168
Disease, native theory of, xiii;
treatment of, xiii;
epidemic, 243;
from European contact, 253
Disenchantment, 250
Dismisser, 125, 132
Divinities, 112
Dollars, from wreck, 28
Drugs, 223
Drums, 93
d'Urville, Capt. Dumont, 27, 37
Dysentery, 246, 251
Eclipse of sun, 26, 246
Edwards, Capt., 24
Eel bridge, 121
Eliza, wreck of, 27
Elysium, 118
Epic of Ndengei, 138
Epidemic diseases, xii, 243
Erskine, Commodore, 41
Eskimo, viii
Essomeric, xvii
Execution, 342
Exorcism, 250
Games, 318, 328
Genealogies, average twenty-five years, 18
Gilbert I., 210
God of Fire, 113;
of Increase, 114;
of Origin, 5;
of the Afterworld 117;
of Thunder Hill, 130
Gods, 111
Gordon, Sir A., 65
Gordon, Rev. G. N., 247
Hairdressing, 302
Half-castes, xvii
Hatred, race, xv, xvii
Hawaii, 4;
genealogies, 11
Honesty, 3
Hunter, visit of, 31, 95
Hysteria, religious, 162
Ilai Moto-ni-thothoka, 6
Immortality, heresy, 141
Immortality maidens, 142
Inbreeding, 200
Insouciance, 228
Inspectors, travelling, 79
Inspiration of priests, 158, 160
Intellect of savages, xiv
Invulnerable, making, 156
Iron, name for, 11
Iroquois, 195
Irrigation, 339
Japanese, 179
Joske, Mr. Adolph, 148
Juju, xiii
Jumping-off place, 6, 118
Kalourere, rites, 169
Kalou-Vu, 5
Kamba, siege of, 46, 50
Kaunitoni, first canoe, 6
Kava, 213, 283, 307, 341;
chant, 344
Kerekere, 79;
results of, 80
Kites, war, 93
Koroi, form of knighthood, 28, 97
Labour among hill women, 209, 210
Lakemba I., 51
Lala, 66;
misunderstood, 66;
communal, 67;
compared to local rates, 68;
sanitation by, 69;
personal, 70;
a landed interest, 71;
commutation of, 73, 77;
oppressive, 73
Lala, Ratu, 16
Land customs increase power of chiefs, 59;
Polynesian, 70;
worthless without cultivation, 71;
England confirms native titles, 72;
tenure, 354;
sale of, 354;
arable, 358;
waste, 362;
tenure in Rewa, 366;
leasehold, 376;
reclaimed, 377
Lands, sold to Europeans, 55
Lasakau fishermen, 23
Lavo, 330
Law of custom, decay of, xviii
Lawry, Rev. W., on abortion, 221
Leasehold, 376
Leper stones, 260
Leprosy in Fiji, 255;
in other islands, 255;
described by Aristotle, 257;
introduction into Europe, 257;
contagious, 259;
traditions concerning, 261
Levuka town, 33;
expulsion of whites, 40;
burnt, 45
Levuka tribe, 23
Licence, ceremonial, 154, 157;
sexual, in war, 240
Lifu I., 249
Lila, wasting sickness, 25, 243
Liquor law, 386
Loot, 96
Love sickness, 241
Lutu-na-sombasomba, first ancestor, 6, 8
Lying, 305, 312
Maafu, leads Tongans, 53;
death, 55
Maclennan, Mr., 57, 203
Maine, Sir H., 356, 389
Malae, Polynesian temple, 149
Malake, 8
Malaria, 251
Maoris, leprosy among, 256
Mara, Ratu, 34
Mariner, William, 29, 271
Markets, 288
Marquesas I., 30
Roko Tui, spiritual chief, 61
Rokola, ancestor of craftsmen, 6, 9
Romans, as slave-holders, ix
Rotuma, 317
Rowe, G. S., 56
Sailosi, scribe of Mba, 82
St. Christoval I., 118
St. Kilda I., 250
Salt-pans, 360
Sambeto, murder of, 306
Sandal-wood traders, 27
Sanitation by lala, 69, 79;
by fear of witchcraft, 166, 210
Savage, Charles, 28, 95;
made koroi, 100;
armoured chair, 101;
death, 30
Savage I., 248
Savings of Fijians, 82
Scrofula, 200
Seemann, 107
Serpent-worship, 16, 17, 114
Sexual morality, 233;
decline of, 236, 388
Shades, Lament of, 130
Sharks, 115, 309
Sieges, 93
Sierra Leone, 178
Skin diseases, 250, 276
Slade, Rev. W., 229
Smell, sense of, 303
Smoking out enemy, 92
Smythe, Col., 54
Solevu, 68, 280;
in decay, 286
Solomon I., viii, xv
Somosomo, 37, 51
Sorties, 94
Soul stealing, 168
Souls of children, 126
South Africa, report of Native Commission, 174
Spiritual chiefs, origin of, 60
Spoliation by vasu, 75
Stewart, Mr. James, 195
Still-births, 210
Strangling of widows, 132
Stratagems, 94, 136
Submission, mode of, 97, 364
Suckling, 176,