ublic@vhost@g@html@files@52285@52285-h@52285-h-1.htm.html#Page_46" class="pginternal">46-242. Tuckey, 255. Peddie, 257. Campbell, 257. Gray, 258. Denham and Clapperton, 265-275. Clapperton and Lander, 276-281. The Brothers Lander, 282-287. Laing, 288-290. CaillÉ, 290-292. Barth, 297. Baikie, 308. Commercial companies, 294-332. Factories, 48. FalemÉ River, 34, 61, 154, 208, 210. Falika, 59, 60. Family, the, of Park, 177. Fatticonda, 60, 62. Fernandez, 21. Fetters of slaves, 140. Fevers, African, and Europeans, 208-211, 212, 214, 219, 256. Flegel, 317. Formosa River, 255. Fortifications, Negro, 216. Foulshiels, 37, 169, 187. French. See Africa, French in. —— African Companies, 29, 313. Fulahs, Fulatah, or Fillani, the, 14, 59, 246-253, 328. —— characteristics of, 248. —— conquest of Sudan by, 251. —— history of, 248. —— nomadic habits, 248. —— pastoral life, 248. Fulahdu, 248. Fuludu Mountains, 73. Furkomo River. See Bakhoy. Futa Jallon, district of, 291. —— Larra, 70. —— Torra, 152. Gallieni, Captain, 304-306. Gambia, commerce on, 48. —— exploration of, 21, 24, 26, 29, 196, 214, 232, 238, 242. Medina, 33, 56, 158, 202. Melli, kingdom of, 10, 11. Modibu, 115, 122. Mohammedanism. 6, 8, 51, 70, 141, 161, 246, 249, 292, 323. —— influence of, 9, 51, 141, 161, 247, 292. —— propagation of, 8, 70, 141. —— spread of, 6, 249, 323. Moorish conquests, 11. —— idea of beauty, 89. Moors, 78-96, 160, 231, 239. Morocco, 11, 12, 15, 16. Mortality from fever, 208, 212, 221, 225, 229. Mosi, 10. M‘Queen, James, 17, 258, 314. —— quoted, 306, 310, 315, 331. —— theory of Niger geography, 259. —— views on commercial importance of Niger, 261. Mulai Hamed, 11. Mumbo Jumbo, 57. Murzuk in Fezzan, 265. Nasamones, the, expedition of, 4. National African Co. See United African Co. Necho, expedition, of 2. Negro, the, and European intercourse, 50. Nereko River, EDRISI’S AFRICA 1154 Catalan Map of the World, 1375. Transcriber's Note: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible. Some minor corrections of spelling have been made. Larger versions of some of the illustrations and maps may be seen by clicking on the image. |