Extracts from the Reviews.
“The book will be read with profit and with a hearty interest by any one who wishes to understand the life of ancient Greece.”—Scotsman.
“Mr. Thomson is a classicist who can form his own theories and support them.”—Times.
“He is such a guide as makes literature a live thing.”—Sunday Times.
“These delightful essays.”—Morning Post.
“The essays themselves are fresh and stimulating ... it is a fascinating experiment in reconstruction.... It is Mr. Thomson’s literary method which attracts us ... essentially sound.”—Inquirer.
“Well worth reading.”—New Age.
“Noteworthy, not only for the author’s intimate knowledge of Greek literature and art, but also for a range of vision and breadth of knowledge. The book as a whole is scholarly delicate work, illuminated by imaginative power as well as real insight into Greek thought and ideals.”—Land and Water.
“Mr. Thomson is indisputably a valuable aid to classic studies, and those who have read him cannot fail to re-peruse their Hesiod, their Thucydides and the ‘Alcestis’ of Euripides in a new and fuller light.”—Journal of Education.
“Here is scholarship with a bright and eager face. Mr. Thomson’s essays have the flavour of good literature. They have caught something of the light of the ancient world of masterpieces with which they are concerned.”—Daily News.
“He has written with great charm.... Mr. Thomson brings an active but controlled imagination, a ripe scholarship, a shrewd judgment, a pleasing literary style and a sympathetic insight. It is impossible to convey the charm of these papers, each is a little work of art which must be read as a whole.”—Outlook.
“His work is most thought-provoking and valuable ... every one interested in classical literature should read it.”—Schoolmaster.