1. Inaugural Address of His Oddship, W. M. Thompson, Fourth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on his taking office on April 13th, &c. (pp. 31.) Printed by order of Ye Sette, and issued on May the 4th, 1883. Edition limited to 250 copies. 2. Codex Chiromantiae. Appendix A. Dactylomancy, or Finger-ring Magic, Ancient, MediÆval, and Modern. (pp. 34.) Presented on October the 12th, 1883, by Bro. Ed. Heron-Allen. Edition limited to 133 copies. 3. A President’s Persiflage. Spoken by His Oddship W. M. Thompson, Fourth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, at the Fifty-eighth Meeting of the Sette, on December 7th, 1883. (pp. 15.) Edition limited to 250 copies. 4. Inaugural Address of His Oddship Edward F. Wyman, Fifth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on his taking office, on April 4th, 1884, &c. (pp. 56.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship Edward F. Wyman. Edition limited to 133 copies.
5. Musical London a Century Ago. Compiled from the Raw Material, by Brother Burnham W. Horner, F.R.S.L., F.R. Hist. S., Organist of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on June 6th, 1884. (pp. 32.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship Edward F. Wyman. Edition limited to 133 copies. 6. The Unfinished Renaissance; Or, Fifty Years of English Art. By Bro. George C. HaitÉ, Author of “Plant Studies,” &c. Delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Friday, July 11th, 1884. (pp. 40.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship Edward F. Wyman. Edition limited to 133 copies. 7. The Pre-Shakespearian Drama. By Bro. Frank Ireson. Delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Friday, January 2nd, 1885. (pp. 34.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship Edward F. Wyman. Edition limited to 133 copies. 8. Inaugural Address of His Oddship, Brother James Roberts Brown, Sixth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on his taking office, on April 17th, 1885, &c. (pp. 56.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship James Roberts Brown. Edition limited to 133 copies. 9. Catalogue of Works of Art Exhibited at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on Friday, July 11th, 1884. Lent by Members of the Sette of Odd Volumes. Presented to the Sette by His Oddship Edward F. Wyman. Edition limited to 255 copies. 10. Catalogue of Manuscripts and Early-Printed Books Exhibited and Described by Bro. B. Quaritch, the Librarian of the Sette of Odd Volumes, at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, June 5th, 1885. Presented to the Sette by His Oddship James Roberts Brown. Edition limited to 255 copies.
11. Catalogue of Old Organ Music Exhibited by Bro. Burnham W. Horner, F.R.S.L., F.R.Hist.S., Organist of the Sette of Odd Volumes, at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on Friday, February 5th, 1886. Presented to the Sette by His Oddship James Roberts Brown. Edition limited to 133 copies. 12. Inaugural Address of His Oddship Bro. George Clulow, Seventh President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at the Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street, on his taking office, on April 2nd, 1886, &c. (pp. 64.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship George Clulow. Edition limited to 133 copies. 13. A Few Notes about Arabs. By Bro. Charles Holme, Pilgrim of the Sette of Odd Volumes. Read at a Meeting of the “Sette” at Willis’s Rooms, on Friday, May 7th, 1886. (pp. 46.) Presented to the Sette of Odd Volumes by Bro. Chas. Holme. Edition limited to 133 copies. 14. Account of the Great Learned Societies and Associations, and of the Chief Printing Clubs of Great Britain and Ireland Delivered by Bro. Bernard Quaritch, Librarian of the Sette of Odd Volumes, at Willis’s Rooms on Tuesday, June 8th, 1886. (pp. 66.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship George Clulow. Edition limited to 255 copies. 15. Report of a Conversazione Given at Willis’s Rooms, King Street, St. James’s, on Tuesday, June 8th, 1886, by his Oddship Bro. George Clulow, President; with a summary of an Address on “Learned Societies and Printing Clubs,” then delivered by Bro. Bernard Quaritch, Librarian. By Bro. W. M. Thompson, Historiographer. Presented to the Sette by His Oddship George Clulow. Edition limited to 255 copies. 16. Codex Chiromantiae. Appendix B.—A Discourse concerning Autographs and their Significations. Spoken in valediction at Willis’s Rooms, on October the 8th, 1886, by Bro. Edward Heron-Allen. (pp. 45.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship George Clulow. Edition limited to 133 copies.
17. Inaugural Address of His Oddship Alfred J. Davies, Eighth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at Willis’s Rooms, on his taking office on April 4th, 1887. (pp. 64.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship Alfred J. Davies. Edition limited to 133 copies. 18. Inaugural Address of His Oddship Bro. T. C. Venables, Ninth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at Willis’s Rooms, on his taking office on April 6th, 1888. (pp. 54.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship T. C. Venables. Edition limited to 133 copies. 19. Ye Papyrus Roll-Scroll of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes. By Bro. J. Brodie-Innes, Master of the Rolls to the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at Willis’s Rooms, May 4th, 1888. (pp. 39.) Presented to the Sette by His Oddship T. C. Venables. Edition limited to 133 copies. 20. Inaugural Address of His Oddship Bro. H. J. Gordon Ross, Tenth President of the Sette of Odd Volumes, delivered at Willis’s Rooms, King Street, St. James’s Square, on his taking office, April 5th, 1889. Edition limited to 255 copies. WORKS DEDICATED TO THE SETTE. The Ancestry of the Violin. London, 1882. Edward Heron-Allen. An Odd Volume for Smokers. London, 1889. Walter Hamilton. The Blue Friars. London, 1889. W. H. K. Wright. Quatrains. London, 1892. W. Wilsey Martin.