
Abbeville, riot at, 133.

Acuna, Don Juan de, mission of, to Savoy, 308.

Adresse, baron des, Huguenot chieftain in DauphinÉ, 147;

prince of CondÉ thinks of joining, 153;

lieutenant of, in Provence, 395.

Agde, court at, 252.

Agen, riot at, 133, 134;

Catholic league of, 215, 225, 254;

Montluc thinks of retiring to, 403;

Montluc fortifies, 406.

Aides, 82.

Aigues Mortes, Damville introduces Turkish fleet into, 492.

Aix, association of Provence formed at, 214, 225;

court at, 251.

Alava, Spanish ambassador in France:

theft of cipher of, 266, 317, n. 6;

exceeds instructions in threatening war, 266, n.;

charges Catherine de Medici with duplicity, 315;

protests against overtures for peace, 417;

incident with Tavannes, 418, 419;

haughty reply of Charles IX to, 441.

Albanian troops with Alva, 307, 310.

Albi, 395, 405, 406.

See also Viscounts.

Albret, Jeanne d’, queen of Navarre, wife of Antoine of Bourbon and mother of Henry IV: mentioned, 120;

Antoine of Bourbon quarrels with, 132;

demand for banishment of, by Spanish ambassador, 133;

consideration shown, 239;

plot of Montluc and Spain to kidnap, 260;

excommunicated, 261;

maintains court preacher to anger of Catholics, 288;

mobilizes troops in BÉarn, 307;

territories of, 350;

crushes Catholic League at St. Palais, 355;

crosses Garonne River “under the nose of Montluc”, 368, n.;

pawns her jewels, 378;

directs foreign negotiations with Huguenots, 379;

negotiations of government with, 391-93.

AlenÇon, FranÇois, duke of, youngest brother of Charles IX:

governor of Paris, 358;

marriage negotiations with Queen Elizabeth, 430 ff.;

character and appearance of, 432;

Huguenot-Politique plot to recognize, as heir apparent, 477, 478;

complaint of, to Charles IX, 479;

arrested, 480;

escape of, 505;

revolt of provinces to, 506;

terms demanded of Henry III, 508;

privileges of, in Peace of Monsieur, 519, 520.

Alessandria de la Paille, Alva at, 311.

Alexander VI, bull of, 300.

Allny, secretary sent to confer about peace, 344.

Alsace, Baron Bolwiller of, 301.

Alva, duke of, proxy for Philip II at marriage of Elizabeth of Valois, 3;

suspected of urging inquisition in France, 12;

favors repressive policy of Henry II, 117;

upon commerce of Low Countries, 163;

purposes to have Havre put in hands of Philip II for mediation between France and England, 198;

advises fortification of Gravelines, 267, 268;

instructions at Bayonne, 273;

advises execution of Huguenot leaders, 274;

relations with Catherine de Medici at Bayonne, 277;

influence over duke of Montpensier, 304;

Philip II determines to send, to Netherlands, 305;

march of, through Savoy, Franche ComtÉ, and Lorraine, 305-11;

sails from Cartagena and arrives at Genoa, 309;

arrives at Brussels, 312;

and the Gueux, 314;

arrests Egmont and Hoorne, 318;

opinion of, of cardinal of Lorraine, 336, n.;

appealed to by cardinal of Lorraine, 336, 337;

offers aid to Catherine of Medici, 338;

suggests coming in person to relief of French crown, 338;

instructions to, 351;

protests against Huguenot activity in Flanders, 360;

defeats Louis of Nassau at Jemmingen, 361;

executes Egmont and Hoorne, 361;

offer of aid accepted by France, 380;

Jeanne d’Albret protests against, 393;

tyranny of, in the Netherlands, 441;

revolt of Flushing and Middelburg against, 444;

determines to retire his forces into Ghent and Antwerp, 444;

desperate straits of, 446;

intercepts Genlis’ relief column, 447.

Amboise, 140;

drownings at, 154;

royal chest at, 346.

See also Amboise, Edict of.

Amboise, conspiracy of:

origin, 28-31;

participation of D’Andelot in, 30;

secret of, discovered, 32;

crushed, 33-39;

CondÉ accused of complicity in, 40;

Catherine de Medici accused of being secret party to, by Tavannes, 42, n.;

return of French exiles after, 194;

memory of, haunts Catherine de Medici, 288.

Amboise, Edict of, 191;

hostility of Spain to, 194;

cannot be enforced, 207;

overtures to break, 209;

rupture of, 250;

amendments to, 295, 318.

Amiens, three-fourths of population said to be Huguenot, 230.

Amsterdam, endangered, 444;

all Holland lost to Spain, save Rotterdam and, 446.

Andelot, FranÇois de ChÂtillon, sieur d’, 6, 8;

in conspiracy of Amboise, 30;

counsels Catherine de Medici, 128;

Spanish ambassador objects to presence of, at court, 133;

joins CondÉ at Meaux, 137;

appears before Paris, 137;

overtures made by, 139;

lieutenant to CondÉ, 140;

destroys bridge at Jargeau, 151;

sent to Germany for assistance, 154, n., 158;

plans to cut Paris off, 159;

gives Aumale the slip, 162;

German horse of, 172;

serious position of, in Orleans, 186;

asks aid of Queen Elizabeth, 187;

quarrels with Catherine de Medici, 238;

sent to Switzerland, 307;

sent to protect Champagne against Alva, 315;

sent to seize Poissy, 332;

proposition to marry son of, to sister of duke of Guise, 345;

mentioned, 358;

death of, 378.

Anduze, Catholic league at, 355.

Angennes, 255.

Angers, Huguenot outburst at, 95, 127;

mentioned, 140;

cruelties at, 148, 288;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

AngoulÊme, bishop of, French ambassador in Rome, 57, 283;

duke of Anjou raises siege of, 378, 405, 406;

Charles IX offers to yield to Huguenots, 416;

revolts, 502;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

Angoumois, revolt in, 150;

duke of Anjou in, 381.

Anjou, 141, 154, 286;

Catholic league in, 216.

Annates, 80.

Antinori, agent of Pius IV, 250.

Antoine of Bourbon, king of Navarre, wife of Jeanne d’Albret and father of Henry IV:

mentioned, 8;

character and policy of, 23, 24;

attends Elizabeth of Valois into Spain, 24;

suspected of complicity in conspiracy of Amboise, 42;

Huguenot overtures to, 63;

appreciated by Catherine de Medici, 72;

promised Sardinia, 73;

inclines to Spain, 96;

nominal authority of, 99;

hopes for restoration of Navarre, 100;

relations of, with Spanish ambassador, 100-2;

uncertain conduct of, 116, 117;

plot against, 119;

hopes to compound with Philip II, 131;

negotiates with Vatican, 131;

promised “kingdom” of Tunis, 132;

instructed in Catholic faith, 132;

quarrels with Jeanne d’Albret, 132;

offended at Coligny, 133;

surrenders to Triumvirate, 137;

protests against Charles IX’s removal to Blois, 137;

supports duke of Guise, 138;

overtures to Catherine de Medici, 139;

weakens, 141;

publishes proclamation against Huguenots in Paris, 149;

at Vernon, 152;

at Blois, 154;

mortally wounded at siege of Rouen, 169;

dies, 170;

confesses religion of Augsburg, 171, n.

Antwerp, population of, 314;

Alva determines to retire his forces into, 444.

Aosta, duke of Alva at, 311.

Aquitaine, 26, 45.

Aragon, Ferdinand of, 395.

Argentan, Montgomery takes, 472.

Argenteuil, 327.

Armagnac, cardinal of:

helps form Catholic league at Toulouse, 214;

revives Catholic league at Toulouse, 354, 397.

Arnay-le-Duc, battle of, 416.

Arpajon, viscount of, 294, 395.

Artois, frontier difficulty with France, 263;

revolt in, 265;

mentioned, 267.


of Huguenots in Languedoc, 207;

Catholic associations, 213;

of Bordeaux, 213, 214;

of Provence, 214, 225;

of Catholic towns in Rouennais, 216;

Huguenot, in DauphinÉ, 223;

Association catholique at Beauvais, 354.

See also Brotherhood of Catholics; Confraternity; Guild; League.

Aubespine, Sebastian de, bishop of Limoges: French ambassador in Spain, 51, 97;

letter of, about Philip II, 93, n.;

secret letter of, to Philip II, 97, 98;

argues with Philip II, 117;

sent to Switzerland, 241, 242;

sent to Spain, 316;

confers about peace, 344.

AubignÉ, Huguenot historian, eye-witness of executions of Amboise, 39.

Auch, 405.

Augsburg, Confession of, 122;

Antoine of Bourbon dies in, 271, n.;

Peace of, 409.

Aumale, Claude of Guise, duke of, 35, 73;

joins duke of Guise before Orleans, 152;

captures Honfleur, 154;

approaches Rouen, 155;

atrocious practice of, 155;

Swiss and Germans sent to aid of, 162;

lets D’Andelot slip by, 162;

levies troops in Champagne, 168;

blunder of, 168;

letter of, intercepted, 255;

reiters of, 338;

army of, in Champagne, 369;

cost of army of, 375;

fails to intercept duke of Deuxponts, 380;

reproached by Catherine de Medici for negligence and cowardice, 382.

Auvergne, 286;

Grands Jours d’, 291;

Coligny in, 416.

Auxerre, 127, 388;

rising in, 150;

plot to seize, 350;

duke of Deuxponts in, 380.

Avenelles, betrays conspiracy of Amboise, 33.

Avignon, 50;

court at, 256;

Joyeuse returns to, 348;

Huguenots at, 411;

papal nuncio protests against Huguenots in, 417.

Baden, margrave of, 336, 373;

mission of Castelnau to, 380.

Bajazet, revolt of, 248.

Bar, duchy of, in vassalage to duke of Lorraine, 425.

Bardaxi, agent of Philip II in negotiations with Montluc, 260;

instructions to, 351.

Bar-le-Duc, Huguenot alarm over Charles IX’s sojourn at, 233, 249.

Basel, alarm at, over Alva’s approach, 308.

Bassompierre, 180 and n.;

wounded at Moncontour, 389.

Bayeux, Huguenots of, 148;

capitulation of, 188.

Bayonne, 50;

conference at, 225, 272-81;

Spain impatient for fulfilment of promise made at, 283;

uncertainty as to what was done at, 294;

cardinal Santa Croce at, 295;

no proof of alliance between France and Spain at, 318;

Philip II’s interest in Catholic provincial leagues at, 351.

BÉarn, plot to seize, by Spain, 260;

Jeanne d’Albret mobilizes troops in, 307, 350;

Montluc’s plan to conquer, 397, 413;

proposal to neutralize, 399, 406, 407.

Beaugency, surprise of, 151, 152;

CondÉ marches to, 153;

Coligny at, 182.

Beauvais, Huguenot outburst at, 95;

Association catholique at, 354.

Beggars of the Sea, capture of Brille by, 444.

Bellegarde, sensechal of Toulouse: routs viscounts, 397;

sent to Poland, 497.

BelliÈvre, sent to Switzerland, 240, 241.

Bergerac, 406;

Edict of, 345;

Peace of, 540.

Berghes, De, Flemish noble, 264, 265.

Bern, 154, 240;

forms league with Valais, 308;

treaty of, with Savoy, 309;

neutrality of, 371.

Bernina Pass, 241.

Berry, Tavannes organizes Catholic league in, 354;

duke of Deuxponts in, 380.

BesanÇon, Granvella returns to, 265;

Alva’s route through, 308.

Beza, at Colloquy of Poissy, 111, 113, 114;

at Synod of La Rochelle, 230;

at Synod of La FertÉ-sous-Jouarre, 240.

Beziers, court at, 252, 406.

Biragues, a Milanese, archbishop of Sens: made chancellor, 367;

made keeper of the seal, 425;

treachery of, 425, n.;

urges Charles IX to imprison marshal Montmorency, 479;

protests against, 492.

Biron, sent to La Rochelle, 454;

made a marshal, 407.

Blamont, interview of Catherine de Medici and Louis of Nassau at, 463.

Blanche of Castile, 252.

Blaye, 408.

BlÉsois, Protestantism in, 238.

Blois, 27, 36, 161, 288;

Charles IX removed to, 137, 140;

camp at, 151;

drownings at, 154;

court returns to, 185;

working capital of France, 190;

viscounts cross Loire at, 396;

treaty of, 430;

Charles IX signs treaty of, 445;

repudiated by Queen Elizabeth, 448;

no massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Bochetel, bishop of Rennes, French ambassador in Vienna, 57, 371.

Bohemia, 464.

Bois de Vincennes, 137;

court at, 139.

Bolwiller, plans recovery of Metz, 301, 302.

See also Cardinal’s War.

Bonneval, 161.

Bordeaux, 27, 408;

saved by Montluc, 151;

association of, 213, 214;

court at, 255, 271;

Huguenot plot in, 368;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450;

AlenÇon demands, 508.

See also ChÂteau Trompette.

Bouillon, duke of, 126;

neutrality of, 162;

activity of, in Low Countries, 315;

disaffection of, 375;

Spain’s anxiety over presence of, at Sedan, 472;

fear of co-operation of, with Louis of Nassau and prince of CondÉ, 476;

death of, 498.

Boulogne, demanded by Huguenots, 332, 345.

Bourbon. See Antoine of Bourbon.

Bourbon, Charles, cardinal of, accompanies Elizabeth of Valois to Spain, 7, 73;

reproaches Catherine de Medici, 288;

assumes pay of reiters, 346;

with army in Saintonge, 382.

Bourbonnais, famine slight in, 288.

Bourdillon, marshal, succeeds Marshal Termes, 182.

Bourges, 64, 127, 142;

siege of, 159-61;

Catholic league established at, 354;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Brabant, 265, 268.

Brie, troops levied in, 160;

wheat dear in, 286;

Catholic army in, 334.

Brille, capture of, by Beggars of the Sea, 444.

Brissac, marshal, 7;

transferred from Picardy to Normandy, 60;

Philip II writes to, 97;

hostility of Huguenots toward, 98;

relations with Triumvirate, 98;

resigns, 126;

charged with corrupt practice, 140;

in Rouen, 182;

quits Paris for Normandy, 199;

mentioned, 350;

defeats viscounts in PÉrigord, 396.

Brittany, 31, 45, 76, 146, 286.

Brochart, Huguenot commander at Sancerre, 372.

Brotherhood of Catholics in France, proposed at Council of Trent by cardinal of Lorraine, 211.

See also League; Association; Confraternity.

Brouage, salt staple at, 409, 415.

Brucamonte, Don Gonzalo de, Spanish captain, 310.

Bruges, capture by Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 446.

Bruniquel, Bernard Roger, viscount of, 394, 395.

Brussels, infected with heresy, 266;

Alva’s arrival at, 312.

Burghley, Lord, letter of Dale, English ambassador in France to, 232.

Burgundy, 124, 132, 148, 329;

troops levied in, 160;

petition of Estates for abolition of Protestant worship in, 234;

price of wheat in, 286;

endangered by Alva’s march, 308;

Catholic resentment in, 349;

ConfrÉrie du St. Esprit in, 352, 353;

vigilance of Tavannes in, 362;

concentration of troops in, 363.

See also Tavannes; Dijon; ChÂlons-sur-SaÔne.

Burie, governor of Guyenne, 36, 127, 156.

Busanval, 327.

Cadillac, Catholic league formed at, 216, 226.

Caen, 142, 162;

Huguenots of, 148;

arrival of English money at, 188;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Cahors, 405;

riot at, 133.

Calais, capture of, 21;

mentioned, 125, 126;

and Havre-de-Grace, 162;

English hope to recover, 163, 164;

pale of, 166;

Spanish fear lest England acquire, 181;

Havre might have been another, 185;

England proposes to trade Havre and Dieppe for, 198;

English right to, 199;

France claims forfeiture of English rights to, 203;

restitution of, demanded by English ambassador, 204;

Spain’s anxiety over, 267;

French alarm over, 316;

CondÉ demands, 332.

Candalle, activity of, in Guyenne, 226;

helps to form league of Agen, 254;

plans to attack Montgomery at Condom, 407.

Capuchins, 251.

Cardinal’s War, 303.

See also Metz; Lorraine, cardinal of.

Carlos, Don, son of Philip II:

proposed marriage of, with Mary Stuart, 94, 245, 246;

madness of, 246;

proposed as husband of Marguerite of Valois, 424;

death of, 424.

Carnavalet, Madame, 428.

Cartagena, Alva sails from, 309.

Casimir, count palatine, 158;

reiters of, 333, 360;

hopes of Huguenots pinned on, 335;

reported to be coming, 382;

ambition “to Calvinize the world”, 444.

See also Count Palatine.

Castlenau, mission of, to margrave of Baden, 380.

Castres, resists Joyeuse, 348;

Montgomery at, 405, 406.

Cateau-CambrÉsis, Treaty of, 5, 199, 203, 441;

commercial importance of, 204.

Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, 1;

policy after conspiracy of Amboise, 42, 64;

Venetian ambassador’s description of, 65;

policy of, after death of Francis II, 72, 73;

has custody of seal, 74;

control of government by, 75;

adroitness of, 77;

shrewdness of, 91;

fears Spanish intervention, 94;

vacillation of, 96;

invites bishop of Valence to preach at court, 98;

alarmed by formation of Triumvirate, 99;

labors for Huguenot cause, 102;

warned against policy of toleration, 110;

not intimidated, 119, 122;

in fear of Guises, 124;

endeavors to maintain balance of parties, 126;

perseveres in policy of toleration, 128;

upbraided by Chantonnay, 133;

demands his recall, 133;

sends St. AndrÉ back to his government, 133;

offended at Cardinal Tournon, 133;

fear lest Guises seize King, 137;

overruled by constable and king of Navarre, 139;

surrenders to Triumvirate and asks aid of Spain, 143;

seizes church plate, 146;

supports Triumvirate, 150;

wants to end first civil war by composition, 172;

activity after battle of Dreux, 182;

justifies Edict of Amboise, 195;

pays Coligny’s reiters, 198;

determines to push war against England, 199;

appeals to Paris for loan, 200;

enterprise in siege of Havre, 201;

character of, 202;

in supreme control, 206;

demands dissolution of Catholic leagues, 225, 226;

seeks to pacify the kingdom, 232;

quarrels with D’Andelot, 238;

co-operates with the Guises, 243;

ambition of, 247;

offends Philip II by favorable policy toward Turks, 248;

Catholic pressure upon, 249, 250;

visits Nostradamus, the astrologer, 251;

alarmed at growth of Catholic leagues, 255, 256;

interview with Alva at Bayonne, 277;

ambition of, in Poland, 283;

reproached by Cardinal Bourbon, 288;

haunted by conspiracy of Amboise, 288;

weakness of, 293, 294;

demands withdrawal of Roggendorf, 295;

espouses policy of political Huguenots, 295;

alarmed at Alva’s march, 307;

accused of stealing Spanish ambassador’s cipher, 317, n.;

looks to Alva for aid, 328;

sends Lignerolles “to practice the stay of the reiters”, 330;

urged to make overtures after battle of St. Denis, 333;

anxiety over Emperor’s claim to Three Bishoprics, 336;

asks aid of Spanish troops against the reiters, 338;

popular rage against, 343;

consults Nonio, the astrologer, 344;

accuses Montluc of secret dealings with Philip II, 351;

reproaches Aumale for negligence and cowardice, 382;

joins army in Saintonge, 382;

approves feigned attack on ChÂtellerault by duke of Anjou, 387;

disappointed at Bayonne, 423;

dreams of marrying Charles IX to elder daughter of the Emperor, 424;

attitude of, toward proposed marriage of duke of Anjou and Queen Elizabeth, 427;

double policy of, 435;

jealous of Coligny, 440;

responsibility of, for massacre of St. Bartholomew, 449, 452, 453;

interview of, with Louis of

Nassau at Blamont, 463;

folly of Polish ambition of, 467;

tries to bribe La Noue, 477;

refuses to put Henry of Navarre to death, 481;

assumes regency on death of Charles IX, 484;

anxiety for return of Henry III, 488;

sinister influence over Henry III, 488, 489;

Spanish troops offered to, by Requesens, 494;

tries to wheedle AlenÇon, 505;

illness of, 511.

Catholic lines in August, 1562, 161.

Catholics, violence of, 240.

Caudebec, revolts, 148;

mentioned, 164, 177, 181.

Caumont, viscount of, 394.

Celles, Coligny at, 182.

CÉvennes, viscounts in, 395.

Chalais, 379, 406.

ChÂlons-sur-Marne, 147, 232.

ChÂlons-sur-SaÔne, saved by Tavannes, 149;

mentioned, 154, 157;

organization of La fraternitÉ des catholiques at, 353, 354.

ChambÉry, Alva’s route through, 308.

Chambre ardente, 11.

Chambres mi-parties, 393.

Champagne, 45, 52, 76, 92, 202, 329, 344;

troops levied in, 168;

reiters meeting in, 200;

Protestantism in, 228;

price of wheat in, 286;

endangered by Alva’s march, 308;

ravages of Huguenot army in, 333;

Catholic army in, 334;

Catholic league formed in, 354;

Aumale’s army in, 369;

ravages of reiters in, 507.

Champagne, Fair of, devastated by reiters, 420 and note.

Chantilly, Marshal Montmorency goes to, 357.

Chantonnay, Perrinot, sieur de, brother of Cardinal Granvella, Spanish ambassador in France, 25, 32, n.;

endeavors to persuade Antoine of Bourbon, 90, 100-2;

threatens Catherine de Medici, 97;

directs Triumvirate, 131;

son of, is christened, 133;

upbraids Catherine de Medici, 133;

recall of, demanded, 133;

protests against Chancellor L’HÔpital, 137;

tries to intimidate Catherine de Medici, 176, 195;

traverses south of France in disguise, 245, n.;

withdrawal of, from France, 266;

aids plot to recover Metz, 302;

transferred to Vienna, 424.

Charenton, 159;

capture of Pont de, by CondÉ, 326;

CondÉ withdraws from, 332;

Huguenot demand for freedom of worshiping at, 416.

Charles III of Lorraine, marries sister of Charles IX, 249.

Charles V, Emperor, 3, 55, 85, 124;

fails to capture Tunis, 132.

Charles V, Free Companies in reign of, 396.

Charles VII, Pragmatic Sanction of, 116;

grants silk monopoly to Lyons, 234;

mentioned, 252.

Charles VIII, fiscal policy of, 83.

Charles IX, King of France (1560-74):

accession of, 71, 74, 123;

begins reign with policy of toleration, 94;

coronation of, 101;

urged to stand fast in the faith by Cardinal Tournon, 111;

demands repression of sedition in Agenois, 134;

fear lest he be seized by Guises, 136;

removed to Blois, 137;

asks aid of Philip II, 143;

unable to control Paris, 154;

bitter against cardinal of Lorraine, 196;

majority of, declared, 208;

reply of, about Calais, 204;

industrial crisis in reign of, 217;

remonstrance of, to Pope, 230;

purpose of tour of provinces, 232;

Guises want him to marry Mary Stuart, 244;

wants to marry a Hapsburg princess, 247;

proposed marriage of, with Queen Elizabeth, 249;

threatens to dispossess the Rohans, 288;

advocates administrative reform, 290;

proposes amendments to Edict of Amboise, 295;

asked to permit Spanish troops to cross France to Flanders, 299, 305;

Spain fears appeal of, to Huguenots, 302;

strengthens garrisons in Languedoc and Provence, 306;

sends troops into Lyonnais, 307;

Huguenots attempt to kidnap, 319-21 (see Meaux);

dares not accept offers of Philip II, 330;

insists in disarmament of Huguenots, 333;

argues with count palatine, 335;

reply to CondÉ, 341;

poverty of, 344;

reply of, to demands of Huguenots, 345;

accuses cardinal of Lorraine, 350;

promises to maintain peace of Longjumeau, 350;

displaces Marshal Montmorency as governor of Paris, 358;

to marry daughter of Emperor, 364;

views renewal of war with alarm, 375;

at siege of St. Jean-d’AngÉly, 390;

petitioned to make peace by his council, 391;

Teligny sent to, 392;

protests against peace made to, 394;

goes to Mont St. Michel, 413;

secret dealings of, with Montluc, 413;

influence of battle of Arnay-le-Duc upon, 416;

offers to yield La Rochelle, AngoulÊme, and Montauban, 416;

offers to trade Perpignan or Lansac for La CharitÉ, 416;

infractions of Peace of St. Germain by, 420;

promises reform of taxes, 421;

imposes new taxes, 421;

marries Elizabeth of Austria, 424;

releases duke of Lorraine from vassalage to France for duchy of Bar, 425;

vague replies of, to demands of Spain, 426;

character of, 438;

haughty reply of, to Alava, 441;

signs Treaty of Blois, 445;

letter of, found on person of Genlis promising aid in liberation of Low Countries, 447;

consternation of, at failure of Genlis’ expedition, 448;

overtures of, to La Rochelle, 454;

unsuccessful in recruiting footmen in Germany, 454;

sends duke of Longueville to La Noue, 467;

signs peace with La Rochelle, 459, 460;

jealous of Guises, 462;

inclines to aid Netherlands again, 462;

warned by Morvilliers, 468;

plans to convene Huguenot deputies of Languedoc and DauphinÉ, 469;

ill of smallpox, 469;

forbids circulation of bad money in France, 470;

makes sale of new offices, 470;

orders census to be taken in each bailiwick, 471;

sends Torcy and Turenne to Montgomery, 472;

tract against, comparing to sultan, 475;

plot to seize at St. Germain, 477, 478;

urged to execute CossÉ and Montmorency, 481;

last illness of, 483, 484.

Charron, provost to Paris, Henry III’s threat to, 522.

Chartres, 36, 161, 181;

Catholic camp at, 153;

CondÉ retires toward, 177;

CondÉ imprisoned at, 182;

court leaves, 185;

gunpowder factory at, blows up, 186.

Chartres, vidame of, suspected of conspiracy, 51;

arrested, 59;

imprisoned in Bastille, 62;

prosecution of, 69;

sister of, 126;

agrees to deliver Havre-de-Grace to English, 164.

ChÂteaudun, 36, 161, 181;

gunpowder factory at, blows up, 186.

ChÂteau-Thierry, Swiss at, 320;

military base of Catholics, 373;

granted to Casimir, count palatine, 521 and n.

ChÂtelet, 3.

ChÂtellerault, duchy of, given to young duke of Guise, 206;

taken by Huguenots, 384;

attacked by duke of Anjou, 387.

ChÂtillon, cardinal-bishop of Beauvais, 8, 93, 350;

proposal to expel from country, 132;

banishment of, demanded, 153;

feud of, with Guises, 206, 207;

resignation of, demanded, 289;

sent to confer about peace, 344;

learns of plot of Guises, 350.

See also Coligny; Andelot.

ChÂtillons, young duke of Guise refuses to be reconciled with, 293.

Chaudien, Protestant pastor in Paris, 64.

Chavigny, 255;

taken by CondÉ, 350.

Chinon, taken by duke of Guise, 154.

Ciappini Vitelle, marquis of, Italian commander, 311.

Claudine, sister of Charles IX, wife of Charles III of Lorraine, 249.

Clergy, supports Guises, 9;

demands at States-General of Orleans, 77, 78;

contribute 100,000 Écus, 200;

loan made by, 329;

heavy taxation imposed upon, 344;

offer to maintain war at their own expense, 417.

See also States-General.

ClÉrie, 152;

combat at, 182.

Cluny, HÔtel de, belonging to the Guises, attacked by a mob, 47.

Coconnas, arrest and execution of, 480, 481.

Cocqueville, failure of his invasion of Artois, 360.

Cognac, 283, 379, 405, 406.

Coligny, Gaspard de, admiral of France, 6;

captured at battle of St. Quentin, 8;

policy of, after conspiracy of Amboise, 42;

sent to Normandy, 43;

offers Huguenot petition, 52, 54, 73;

influence of, 79;

at Council of Fontainebleau, 94;

efforts of, for toleration, 103;

plot against, 119;

made governor of Normandy, 126;

counsels Catherine de Medici, 128;

Spanish ambassador objects to presence of, at court, 133;

Antoine of Bourbon offended with, 133;

joins CondÉ at Meaux after massacre of Vassy, 137;

appears before Paris, 137;

at Montreuil, 138;

aims to seize line of Loire River, 138;

overtures to, 139;

destroys bridge at Jargeau, 151;

at Orleans, 154;

solicits English aid, 162;

in battle of Dreux, 179;

at Villefranche, 181;

crosses Loire, 182;

tries to join earl of Warwick in Havre, 185;

confers with Throckmorton, 185;

in fear of his own reiters, 184, 187;

asks aid of Queen Elizabeth, 187;

desperate position of, 187;

Madame de Guise refuses to recognize acquittal of, for murder of duke of Guise, 206;

violence of Paris toward, 206, n.;

not responsible for surrender of Havre-de-Grace to England, 224, n.;

Alva advises his execution, 274;

at Moulins, 289;

hypocritical reconciliation of, with cardinal of Lorraine, 289;

Spain demands banishment of, 300;

unadmirable conduct of, 316;

retires from court, 317;

tries to prevent Strozzi’s coming, 329;

saying of, 361;

attempt to capture, 365;

plans activity in south of France, 375;

becomes actual leader of Huguenots after death of prince of CondÉ, 378;

hopes to join duke of Deuxponts, 379;

illness of, 383;

fights battle of La Roche l’Abeille, 383;

aims to take Saumur, 385;

besieges Poitiers, 385-87;

wounded at battle of Moncontour, 389;

falls back on Niort after battle of Moncontour, 389;

price put upon head of, 390;

confers with Teligny, 392;

joins Montgomery, 402;

assumes offensive, 405;

captures Port Ste. Marie, 406;

and plans to winter there, 408;

great blunder of, 410;

besieges Toulouse, 410;

illness of, 411;

at Montbrison, 416;

fights battle of Arnay-le-Duc, 416;

urges marriage of Henry of Navarre with Marguerite of Valois and that of duke of Anjou to Queen Elizabeth, 422, 430 ff.;

honorably received in Paris by Charles IX, and made member of Conseil du Roi, 439 and n.;

persuades Charles IX to sign Treaty of Blois, 445;

upbraids Charles IX for abandonment of Flemish enterprise, 448;

attempt to kill, on August 22, 449;

murdered in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450.

See also Dreux; Jarnac; Moncontour; Arnay-le-Duc; St. Bartholomew, etc.

Colloquy of Poissy. See Poissy.

Cologne, elector of, 467.

Cominges, Bernard Roger, viscount of Bruniquel, 394.

Commendone, cardinal, at Polish Diet, 464.


of Low Countries, 163, 267;

through Havre-de-Grace, 203;

Treaty of Cateau-CambrÉsis, 204;

of Lyons, 233, 234;

influence of civil war upon, 235;

exportation of grain from Lombardy, 241;

commercial promises of Spain, 242;

cloth-trade of England, 268, 269;

wine trade of France, 267-69;

free trade in grain, 286;

high price of wine, 287;

Huguenots enter Flanders as merchants, 299;

in salt, 309;

Fair of Champagne devastated by reiters, 420 and n.;

English in Flanders, 436, 437;

Poland covets Hanseatic, 466;

strife between Paris and Rouen, 470.

See also Embden; Cateau-CambrÉsis.

CompiÈgne, endangered by William of Orange, 370;

Charles IX ill of smallpox at, 469.

Conciergerie, 3;

La Mole and Coconnas imprisoned in, 480.

Concordat of 1516, 84, 196.

CondÉ, Louis de Bourbon, prince of:

sent to Flanders, 7;

accused of conspiracy of Amboise, 40;

confers with Damville, 46;

suspected of new conspiracy, 51;

arrested, 62;

prosecution of, 69-71;

approached by Catherine de Medici, 72;

acquittal of, 91, 92;

seeks government of Champagne, 92;

relations of, with Antoine of Bourbon, 100;

plot against, 119;

sends Hotman to Germany, 122;

sent into Picardy, 126;

counsels Catherine de Medici, 128;

proposal to banish, 132;

in Paris when duke of Guise arrives after massacre of Vassy, 136;

leaves Paris for Meaux, 137;

appears before Paris, 137;

occupies St. Cloud, 138;

complains of Guises, 139;

assumes command of Huguenot forces, 140;

controls middle Loire, 141;

weakened by Grammont’s failure to reach Orleans, 146;

Paris fears coming of, 147, 149;

demands withdrawal of Triumvirate, 150;

refuses conditions of peace, 153;

retires into Orleans, 153;

thinks of retiring into Gascony, 154;

solicits English aid, 162;

overtures made to, 168;

hope that he may succeed Antoine of Bourbon as lieutenant-general, 170, 171;

advances upon Paris, 172;

wheedled by Catherine de Medici and the Guises, 174;

fails to attack Paris, 176;

retires to Normandy, 177;

falls back on Chartres, 177;

captured at battle of Dreux, 179;

imprisoned at Chartres, 182;

promised post of lieutenant-general, 190, 199;

anger of, at Catherine de Medici, 206;

project of, to marry Mary Stuart, 243;

liaison of, with Isabel de Limeuil, 245, n., 249;

Alva advises execution of, 274;

maintains court preacher to anger of Catholics, 288;

marries Mlle. de Longueville, 289;

suspected of intercourse with William of Orange, 297;

unadmirable conduct of, 316;

retires from court, 317;

captures Pont de Charenton, 326;

extraordinary demands of, 328, 329;

aims to overthrow Guises, 329;

precarious position of, before Paris, 331;

demands Calais, Boulogne, and Metz, 332;

withdraws to Troyes after battle of St. Denis, 333;

attempts to effect junction with reiters, 333;

camped between Sens and Troyes, 339;

joins reiters, 339;

demands of, in favor of Huguenots, 340;

power of, 342;

appoints Cardinal ChÂtillon, bishop of Valence, and Teligny, to confer about peace, 344;

complains of outrages on Huguenots, 362;

manifesto of, 365;

takes Champigny and falls back on Loudun, 369;

defeated at Jazeneuil, 369, n.;

attempts to join William of Orange, 370;

marches to relief of Sancerre, 372;

killed at battle of Jarnac, 376;

jewels of, are pawned, 378;

makes viscount of Rapin governor of Montauban, 395.

See also Dreux; Jarnac.

CondÉ, prince of (the younger):

with Henry of Navarre theoretical leader of Huguenot party, 378;

refuses to compromise with the crown, 412;

abjuration of, on St. Bartholomew’s Day, 450;

made governor of Picardy, 469;

gets 8,000 cavalry out of Germany, 504;

privileges in Peace of Monsieur, 520.

Condom, Montgomery at, 407.

Confraternities (ConfrÉries), nucleus of local Catholic leagues, 216.

See also Association; Brotherhood of Catholics; Guilds; League.

ConfrÉrie de Ste. Barbe, 313, n.

ConfrÉrie du St. Esprit, 216, 353-55.

See also Association; Brotherhood of Catholics; Guild; League.

Constance, 308.

Correro, Venetian ambassador, describes the Swiss at Meaux, 321.

CossÉ, marshal, in Picardy, 369;

protests against siege of St. Jean-d’AngÉly, 390;

sent to La Rochelle, 391;

urges peace, 394;

sent to recover La CharitÉ, 412;

Charles IX urged to execute, 481;

arrested, 482.

Council, General, of the church, 139.

Council, National, question of, 57, 79, 87.

Council of Blood, 312.

Count palatine, 373, 467;

sends deputation to France, 481;

claims Three Bishoprics, 521;

receives ChÂteau-Thierry, 521 and n.

See also Casimir.

Counter-Reformation, 124, 196.

Coutances, Montgomery lands near, 472.

Cracow, duke of Anjou arrives at, 467.

Croisade, La, name of new Catholic league at Toulouse, 355.

See also League; Armagnac, cardinal of.

Dale, Dr. Valentine, English ambassador in France:

quoted, 232;

suspected by French government, 505.

Damville, Henry de Montmorency, sieur de:

confers with CondÉ, 46;

guards CondÉ in prison after battle of Dreux, 182;

strained relations of, with Montluc, 214;

just government of, in Languedoc, 347;

moderation of, 356;

in Paris, 357;

made king’s lieutenant in Languedoc, 383;

Politique leanings of, 382;

Montluc’s hatred of, 347, 398, 400, 401, 404, 413;

Montluc’s overtures to, 403;

party of, 474;

failure of attempt to seize, 483;

leader of joint Huguenot and Politique party, 489;

interviews duke of Savoy at Turin, 491;

introduces Turkish fleet into Aigues Mortes, 492;

attempt to poison, 502;

complicity with England suspected, 504;

privileges granted to, in Peace of Monsieur, 521.

Dantzig, disaffected by French election in Poland, 466.

Darnley, marries Mary Stuart, 424.

DauphinÉ, 38, 45, 52, 142, 147;

Huguenots in, 95;

militia of, 208;

Huguenot association in, 223;

viscount of Rapin in, 395, 406;

strength of Huguenots in, 461;

Huguenot deputies of, 469.

Dax, Turkish ambassador received at, by Catherine de Medici, 248.

Debts, of crown, 13, 67, 208, 366, 371;

to Swiss, 242, 371;

of Charles IX, 421.

See also Finances; Loans; Clergy.

De Losses, captain of Scotch Guard, sent to La Rochelle, 391.

Denmark, 21;

sues for French favor, 123.

De Retz, protest against, 492;

resigns office as constable, 497.

Dessay, CondÉ’s camp at, 339.

Deuxponts (ZweibrÜcken), duke of, 159;

reiters of, 370;

junction of, with William of Orange, 373, 374;

Coligny hopes to join, 379;

enters France, 379;

captures Nevers and La CharitÉ, 380;

death of, 383.

Diaceto, a Florentine banker, 498.

Diane de Poitiers, mistress of Henry II, 6, 11, n.

Dieppe, 39, 142, 162;

Calvinists in, 95;

revolts, 148;

plan for recovery, 154;

precarious condition of Montgomery in, 187;

England offers to trade Dieppe and Havre for Calais, 198.

Dijon, Tavannes foils attack upon, 149;

objects to Edict of Amboise, 192;

Catholics of, 288;

ravages of reiters around, 357;

mentioned, 157, 232;

duke of Deuxponts advances upon, 379;

no massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Dillenberg, proclamation of William of Orange from, 444.

DÎme, 81, 84.

Dives, Coligny at, 185.

Dole, Alva at, 311.

Don Caratif. See DÎme.

Dordrecht, revolt of against Alva, 444.

Dourdon, 357.

Dreux, battle of, 157, 158, 178-81;

Philip II’s joy over, 183, 327.

D’Scars, chamberlain of Antoine of Bourbon, secret agent of Guises, 24.

Du Bourg, protests against inquisitorial practices of Henry II, 12;

executed, 13, 15;

policy of crown after death of, 42;

interceded for by Marguerite of Savoy, 43.

Du Faur, protests against inquisitorial practices of Henry II, 12;

suspended from office, 13.

Du Faur (advocate of Toulouse), helps in formation of Catholic league at Toulouse, 241.

Du Plessis, Huguenot pastor at Tours, 64.

Du Plessis-Mornay, memoir of, upon, French intervention in Netherlands, 445;

sent to England, 474;

radicalism of, 490.

Duras, Huguenot leader, activity of in Guyenne, 156.

Dutch, union of Huguenot and Dutch interests, 364.

See also Flanders; Louis of Nassau; Low Countries; Netherlands; William of Orange.

Edict of Nantes, 409.

Edict: of Paris (1549), 10;

of Fontainebleau (1550), 10;

of Chateaubriand (1551), 10;

of CompiÈgne (1557), 11;

of November, 1559, 14;

of Romorantin (1560), 43, 104;

of January, 94, 128-31, 151, 167, 168;

of Rouissillon, 250, 251;

of Amboise, evasion of, 377, 378.

See also Amboise; Bergerac; January; Longjumeau; Monsieur; Nantes; Romorantin; Rouissillon.

Edward I, war with Philip IV, 83.

Egmont, Lamoral, count, Flemish noble, 12;

leader of Flemish revolt, 215;

Spain attempts to draw him away from the Gueux, 268;

association of, with William of Orange and Hoorne, 298, 312;

arrested, 318;

sent to scaffold, 361;

son of, visits Henry III, 503.

Elboeuf, RenÉ of Guise, marquis of, 73;

enters Paris, 135;

surrenders Caen castle, 188.

Elboeuf, duke of, sent to Poland, 497.

Elizabeth, Queen of England:

connection of, with conspiracy of Amboise, 41;

precarious position of, 163;

offers to aid Huguenots, 164;

procrastination of, 174, 198;

parsimony of, 184;

advises Huguenots to accept “reasonable” terms of peace, 185;

implored to send relief, 187;

offers to exchange Havre and Dieppe for Calais, 198;

her conduct compels Huguenots to make peace, 199;

courtships of, 244;

proposed marriage of, with Charles IX, 249;

revives claim to Calais, 316;

project of marriage of, to duke of Anjou, 358, 359;

makes loan to Huguenots, 378;

duplicity of, 412;

marriage negotiations of, with duke of Anjou, 422, 428-30;

marriage negotiations of, with duke of AlenÇon, 430, 431;

political problems of reign of, 432-34;

repudiates Treaty of Blois, 448;

indirectly responsible for massacre of St. Bartholomew, 449, n. 1;

enigmatical policy of, 455.

Elizabeth of Austria, marriage of, to Charles IX, 424.

Elizabeth of Valois, daughter of Henry II and queen of Spain:

married to Philip II, 1;

goes to Spain, 24;

dowry of, 207;

gives birth to still-born twins, 251;

at Bayonne, 278;

death of, 364, n. 424.

Embden, staple at, 269.

Emperor, revives claim to Three Bishoprics, 336;

Charles IX to marry daughter of, 364, 374;

hostility of, to France, 382;

refuses to consider marriage of his daughter to Charles IX, 393;

asked to stop progress of Protestant reiters, 393;

makes truce with Turks, 464;

interest in Poland, 464.

See also Ferdinand; Maximilian; Three Bishoprics.

England (English), contrasted with Spain, 123;

aid expected from, 162;

commercial interests in Low Countries, 163;

occupy Havre-de-Grace, 165;

“adversary of”, 198;

and Philip II, 245;

adventurers flock to La Rochelle, 372;

alliance with France proposed, 440, 441;

dares not break with Spain, 455;

treaty with William of Orange, 463, n.;

Du Plessis-Mornay sent to, 474.

See also Elizabeth, Queen; Commerce; Dale; Norris; Smith; Throckmorton; Treaty of Blois.

Este, Hippolyte d’, cardinal of Ferrara. See Ferrara.

Estouteville, 115, n. 2.

Etampes, duke of, 146.

Etampes, Protestant camp near, 174;

recovered by duke of Guise, 181;

granary of Paris, 327.

Evreux, 177.

Famine, 286.

See also “Hard Times;” Plague; Commerce.

Ferdinand, petitioned by Margaret of Parma, 299, 374.

See also Emperor; Three Bishoprics.

Ferdinand of Aragon, ancestors of viscounts in war against, 395.

Ferrara, Hippolyte d’ Este, cardinal of:

opposed by Chancellor L’HÔpital, 116;

likely to succeed his brother as duke of, 423;

marriage of, with Marguerite of Valois proposed, 423.

Finances, early history of French, 81 ff., 200;

reform of, 292;

of Henry III, 498.

See also Clergy; Debts; DÎme; Estates-General; Henry II; Loans; Swiss.

Fismes, duke of Guise wounded at battle of, 506.

Flanders, gunpowder brought from, 186, 188;

revolt in, 265;

change in nature of revolt in, 312, 313;

2000 troops from, arrive in Paris, 335;

trade with England, 436, 437.

See also Alva; Artois; Brabant; Egmont; Gueux; Hoorne; Low Countries; Valenciennes; William of Orange.

Florida, massacre of French colony in, 299, 300.

See also Menendez.

Flushing, revolt of, 444;

fleet of, captures Spanish merchantmen, 446.

Foix, Paul de, pope refuses to receive, 469.

Fontainebleau, council at (1560), 54, 52, 65, 89, 94, 117, 333;

court goes to, 137;

CondÉ aims to cut off, from Paris, 138;

court removes from, to Melun, 139;

mentioned, 209.

Fontarabia, Philip II strengthens, 146.

Fontenay (near Toul), Alva at, 311.

Forez, Coligny in, 411.

Fourquevaux, French ambassador in Spain, 306, 307;

succeeds St. Sulpice, 283;

embarrassed by massacre of French in Florida, 300;

urges Charles IX to be cautious, 309;

reply to papal nuncio, 315;

urges marriage of Charles IX to Princess Anne of Hapsburg and that of Marguerite of Valois to Don Carlos, 424.

See also Alva; Florida.

France, social structure of, in sixteenth century, 18, 19;

relations with Denmark, 123;

possibility of war in, 132;

and Philip II, 245;

William of Orange enters, 369;

state of, described by Sir Thomas Hoby, 294;

alliance with England proposed, 440-41;

prospect of war with Spain, 443.

Franche ComtÉ, 124, 246, 301;

Spain fears French attack on, 418;

Huguenot plot in, 492, 493.

Francis I (1515-47), 69, 291;

financial policy of, 81-85;

fortifications of, around Paris, 173;

influence of, upon silk industry, 234.

Francis II, King of France (1559-60), 4, 6, 8, 11;

character of, 17, 22;

appeals to Philip II, 59;

death of, 70, 76, 93, 94, 123.

Franco-Gallia, a pamphlet by Hotman, 475.

Frankfort, duke of Anjou passes through, 467.

Frankfort Fair, William of Orange at, 446.

FraternitÉ des catholiques de ChÂlons-sur-SaÔne, 353, 354.

See also Association; Brotherhood of Catholics in France; Confraternity; ConfrÉrie; League.

Freiburg, treaty of, 242;

league with Bern and Valais, 308.

Frene, messenger of Parlement of Paris, assassinated, 15.

Froelich, Swiss colonel, 162.

Gabelle, 82;

Guyenne exempt from, 8.

Gaillac, destruction of, by viscounts, 396.

Gallican church, liberties of, 196.

Garde, De la, 294.

Garonne River, Huguenots masters of, at Port Ste. Marie, 406.

Garris, siege of, 355.

Gascony, 41, 286;

CondÉ thinks of retiring to, 154;

germ of Catholic League in, 226;

Protestantism in, 228;

influence of provincial traditions upon, 409.

Geneva, exiles from, 44, 94;

“Geneva party” among Huguenots, 191;

influence upon Lyons, 227, 233;

preachers from, in Netherlands, 265;

fears joint attack of Spain and Savoy upon, 308.

Genlis, captures Mons, 446;

relief column of, intercepted, 447;

letter of Charles IX found upon person of, 447.

Genoa, syndicate of, 296;

Spain borrows ships from, 306;

Alva at, 309.

Genoullac, administrative corruption of, 82.

Germany, activity of Guises in, 48, 52, 85;

return of French exiles from, 94;

Smalkald war in, 121;

chief Protestant princes of, 121, n.;

Hotman sent to, 122;

Huguenots await aid from, 158;

troops sent to duke of Aumale from, 162;

refugees from lower, 200;

Protestants of, 243;

Louis of Nassau’s dealings with Protestant princes of, 299;

attitude of Protestant princes of, to French civil wars, 374;

reiters levied in, 368;

looked to for assistance, 380;

Protestants, assistance from, 418;

Charles IX unable to recruit in, 454;

Schomberg’s missions to, 463, 467, 504;

French ambition in, 467, 468;

feeling in, because of St. Bartholomew, 468.

Ghent, Alva determines to retire his forces into, 444.

Gien, 161.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, captures Sluys and Bruges, 446.

Gondi, bishop of Paris, part of, in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450.

Gordes, governor of DauphinÉ, 396.

Gourdon, viscount of, 394.

Grammont, 126;

prevented from reaching Orleans, 146;

Alva advises execution of, 274;

proposal to neutralize BÉarn under, 399.

Grands Jours d’Auvergne, 291.

Granvella, cardinal, 12;

gives warning of conspiracy of Amboise, 32;

favors international Catholic league, 211;

asserts impracticability of helping Triumvirate, 212;

discovers Huguenot intrigues in Flanders, 264;

implores Philip II to come to Netherlands, 264;

retires to BesanÇon, 265;

advises Spanish pressure upon France 266;

ridicules rumor of Montgomery’s coming to Flanders, 298;

secretly petitioned by cardinal of Lorraine, 304;

comment on Flemish revolution, 312.

Gravelines, fortified, 267, 268, 316.

Gray, Alva at, 311.

Gregory XIII. See St. Bartholomew.

Grenoble, 147, 154.

Grisons, BelliÈvre sent to, 241, 308.

Guernsey, governor of, 167.

See also Leighton.

Gueux, William of Orange and Louis of Nassau allied with, 297;

formation of, 312-14;

masters of the sea, 444.

See also Egmont; William of Orange.

Guilds, revolution in, 217-23.

See also Confraternity; ConfrÉrie; Industry; Leagues.

Guise, duchess of, widow of Francis:

refuses to recognize acquittal of Coligny, 206;

marries duke of Nemours, 293.

Guise, Francis, duke of, 5;

in charge of war office, 6;

opposition to, 9;

character of, 20;

captures Metz and Calais, 21;

lieutenant-general, 36;

leaves court, 73;

loses influence, 75;

letter of, to Philip II, 97;

Huguenot hatred of, 98;

peculations of, 98, 141;

at Colloquy of Poissy, 112;

leaves court, 114;

conference of, with duke of WÜrttemberg at Saverne, 123;

responsibility for massacre of Vassy, 134, 135, 142;

enters Paris, 135, 136;

assembles forces in Paris, 142;

CondÉ demands withdrawal of, 150;

takes Loudun and Chinon, 154;

wounded at siege of Rouen, 169;

fortifies Paris, 173;

holds Seine River, 177;

follows CondÉ’s retreat, 177;

repulsed at ClÉrie, 182;

besieges Orleans, 186;

assassinated, 188, 189, 216, 264.

Guise, Henry, duke of, made grand master, 206;

given duchy of ChÂtellerault, 206;

returns to court, 290;

refuses to be reconciled with ChÂtillons, 293;

in Champagne, 329;

follows CondÉ, 333;

organizes opposition, 349;

establishes Catholic league in Champagne, 354;

defends Poitiers, 385-87;

wounded at Moncontour, 389;

makes love to Marguerite of Valois, 419;

marries princess of Porcien, 419;

part of, in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450-53;

Charles IX’s jealousy of, 462;

accuses Montmorency of plot to assassinate, 473;

urges arrest of Montmorency, 479;

feud with Montmorency, 491-94;

Spanish soldiery flock to, 494;

feud with duke of Montpensier, 498;

ordered to resist coming of the reiters, 506;

wounded, 506.

Guises, ancestry and wealth of, 20;

ambition of, 21;

usurpation of, 27;

fear assassination, 27, n.;

alarmed at conspiracy of Amboise, 32;

accuse CondÉ, 40;

pursue VisiÈres and Maligny, 41;

feud of, with Montmorencys, 45, 50, 73, 333, n., 356, 357;

and war in Scotland, 48;

activity in Germany, 48, 221;

popular feeling against, 50;

make changes in provincial administration, 62, 63;

grievances against, 65, 66;

designs of, to crush Huguenots, 69;

fury of, at release of CondÉ, 71, 72;

aim of, to control regency, 72, n.;

overtures of, to Antoine of Bourbon, 73;

leave the court, 73;

adverse condition of, after death of Francis II, 91;

make use of aspirations of Antoine of Bourbon, 96;

leave court, 119;

Catherine de Medici in fear of, 124;

absence of, from court creates suspicion, 131;

fear lest they seize King, 137;

angry at court’s removal to Blois, 137;

tyranny of, 141;

besiege Caudebec, 148;

maladministration of, 296;

interest of, in the “Cardinal’s War”, 303;

secret negotiations with Spain, 304;

contemplate deposition of house of Valois, 337;

plans of, thwarted by reiters, 339;

hatred of, 343;

proposition to marry daughter of, to prince of CondÉ, 345;

secret conference of, at Louvre, 350;

plan to subjugate Gascony and Guyenne, 350;

abuse Chancellor L’HÔpital 357;

plan to capture Coligny, 365;

responsible for continuance of war, 175;

feud with ChÂtillons, 206, 207;

tilt with Chancellor L’HÔpital, 210;

co-operate with Catherine de Medici, 243;

approach Montluc, 254, 255;

discomfiture of, after peace of St. Germain, 419;

endeavor to break match between duke of Anjou and Elizabeth, 422, 423.

See also Aumale, duke of; Elboeuf, duke of; Guise, duke of; Lorraine, cardinal of.

Guitery, joins Montgomery in Normandy, 472;

his blunder ruins the plot to seize Charles IX, 478.

Guyenne, Marshal Termes made governor of, 63;

exempt from gabelle, 85;

badly infected with heresy, 95, 127;

rebellion in, 190;

Catholic league in, 216;

activity of Candalle in, 226;

Protestantism in, 230, 283;

early republicanism of Huguenots in, 326;

civil war in, 347;

plan of Montluc to deliver to Spain, 394;

saved to Catholics by Montluc, 406;

influence of provincial traditions upon, 409;

Huguenot movement in, 472.

Gymbrois, 334.

Haarlem, siege of, 463.

Haguenau, grand bailiwick of, 301.

Hainault, 267.

Hanseatic cities. See Dantzig; Revel; Riga.

Hapsburg, union of house of, 364;

international plan to break dominion of, 374.

“Hard Times”, 86, 284-87, 391, 421, 455, 456, 470, 509.

See also Commerce; Plague; Wheat.

Harfleur, 162.

Haton, Claude, quoted, 284, 285.

Havre-de-Grace, seized by Maligny, 148, 267;

fear lest it be given to English, 154, 155;

and Calais, 162;

occupied by England, 165, 166;

question of evacuation of, 185;

precarious position of Warwick in, 187;

war with England over, inevitable, 198;

Alva proposes, be put in Philip II’s hands pending mediation, 198;

England proposes to trade, for Calais, 198;

English possession of, jeopardizes commerce of Paris, 200;

French assault begins upon, 201;

difficulties of siege of, 201;

Warwick agrees to surrender, 203;

yielded to France, 204;

Coligny not responsible for surrender of, to England, 224, n.;

English occupation of, 267.

See also Warwick.

Heidelberg, duke of Anjou passes through, 467.

Hennebault, admiral, fall of, 8.

Henry II, King of France (1547-59):

mortally wounded in tournament with Montgomery, 1;

dies, 4;

character of reign of, 5;

suspected of favoring inquisition, 12;

French exiles return after death of, 30;

government of, 22, 82, 85, 86;

wars of, 241.

Henry, duke of Orleans-Anjou, later Henry III (1574-89):

industrial crisis of reign of, 217;

marriage of, to Juana of Spain proposed, 247;

interest of, in Poland, 283;

bigotry of, 349, 350;

Alva proposes marriage of, to queen of Portugal, 364;

project of marriage of, to Queen Elizabeth, 358, 359;

lieutenant-general, 367;

endeavors to prevent junction between CondÉ and William of Orange, 370;

raises siege of AngoulÊme, 378;

endeavors to repair his losses, 380;

keeps the field in Saintonge, Angoumois, and Limousin, 381;

wretched state of army of, 381;

arms peasantry in Limousin, 384;

withdraws across Vienne River, 387;

feigns attack on ChÂtellerault, 387;

fights battle of Moncontour, 388, 389;

at siege of St. Jean-d’AngÉly, 390;

approves Montluc’s plan to conquer BÉarn, 397;

marriage negotiations of, with Queen Elizabeth, 422, 427-30;

proposed marriage of, to Mary Stuart, 423;

offered command of fleet against Turks, 423;

part of, in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450;

prospects of, in Poland, 464;

elected king of Poland, 465;

leaves for Poland, 467;

Huguenot-Politique plot to thwart succession of, 467;

leaves Poland, 487;

arrives at Lyons, 488;

hardens his policy toward Huguenots, 489;

determines to clear valley of Rhone, 490;

raises siege of Livron, 495;

coronation of, 495;

marries Louise de Vaudemont, 496;

debates terms of peace, 501;

deposed by Polish Diet, 502;

attempts to confiscate lands of the Rohans, 502;

excesses of, 508;

imposes new taxes, 509;

frivolity of, 512, 513;

makes light of Henry of Navarre’s escape, 515;

grants Peace of Monsieur, 515-21.

Henry of Navarre, not permitted to go to mass, 133;

demanded as hostage, 139, 293;

at siege of Garris, 355;

edict of Nantes and, 409;

refuses to make terms with the crown, 412;

marriage of, with sister of duke of WÜrttemberg proposed, 422;

marriage of, with Marguerite of Valois proposed, 383, 385, 422;

marriage of, 442;

abjuration of, on St. Bartholomew’s Day, 450;

opinion of, on massacre of St. Bartholomew, 452;

arrested, 480;

escape of, 514;

demands of, and terms granted in Peace of Monsieur, 518, 519.

Hoby, Sir Thomas, his description of France, 294.

Holland, revolt in, 265;

all lost to Spain except Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 446.

See also Louis of Nassau; William of Orange.

Honfleur, captured by Aumale, 154, 162, 177.

Hoogstraeten, failure of his expedition, 360.

Hoorne, Flemish noble, leader of the revolt, 265;

association with William of Orange and Egmont, 298;

arrested, 318;

sent to scaffold, 361.

Hospitals, 93, n.

Hotman, originator of conspiracy of Amboise, 30;

author of Le Tigre, a pamphlet, 39, n.;

on States-General of Orleans, 90;

sent to Germany for aid, 122;

author of Franco-Gallia, 475.

Huguenots, under Henry II, 10;

origin of the word, 10, n.;

“of religion”, 16, 17;

“political”, 16, 17, 328;

early republicanism of, exaggerated, 19, 324, 325;

demand convocation of States-General, 27;

in Normandy, 38, 39;

Edict of Romorantin (1560) and the, 44, 104;

strength of, in the provinces, 45, 95;

riot of, in Rouen, 47, 70;

and council of Fontainebleau, 53, 54;

overtures of, to Antoine of Bourbon, 63;

grievances of, 65, 66;

hope to organize States-General, 75;

Philip II seeks to harden policy of France toward, 93;

violence of, 95;

hostility of, to Guises, 98;

urge cause of toleration, 103;

refuse to pay tithes, 118;

effrontery of, 120;

organized nature of agitation of, 121;

diplomatic negotiations of, 122, 123;

riots of, 127;

proposal to banish from court, 132;

undismayed by massacre of Vassy, 137;

house of worship of, in Paris destroyed, 139;

association of, 140, 141;

destroy tax-registers 147;

demolish Bourbon tombs at Moulins, 148;

communication of, with English, 148;

hostility of Paris to, 149;

demand withdrawal of Triumvirate, 150;

look for English financial aid, 152;

await aid from Germany, 158;

pillage churches, 159;

lines of, in August, 1562, 161;

hope for English aid, 162;

radicals among, 170;

Elizabeth advises, not to refuse reasonable terms, 185;

English complication of, 196;

procrastination of Elizabeth compels, to make terms, 199;

house-to-house search for, in Paris, 207;

association of Languedoc, 207;

disquietude, 209;

party of, made up of working classes, 220;

organization of, 225, 319, 321-24;

church polity of, 229;

proportion of, to Catholics, 229, 230;

alarmed at Charles IX’s sojourn at Bar-le-Duc, 233;

confiscations imposed upon, 235;

iconoclasm of, 236, 240;

alarm of, in south France, 252, n.;

complain of Candalle and league of Agen, 255;

Pius V advocates wholesale slaughter of, 275;

fears of, 288;

influx into Moulins, 288;

rapprochement between, and Montmorencys, 289;

principles of, 290;

backed by Catherine de Medici, 295;

influence of Netherlands upon, 296-98;

preachers of, in Low Countries, 297;

in Netherlands, 315;

alarm of, 316;

dismayed at arrest of Egmont and Hoorne, 318;

exodus of, from Paris, 326;

efforts of, to cut off Paris, 326;

plunder churches around Paris, 327, 328;

try to break Swiss alliance, 330;

overtures of, to revolted Flemings, 331;

capture citadel of Metz, 336;

terms demanded by, 340, 345;

interest of, in Dutch revolt, 364;

proscription of, 366;

spirit of, 368;

not dismayed by death of prince of CondÉ, 378;

strength of, in Saintonge and Rochellois, 378;

anxiety of, over effect of death of prince of CondÉ on foreign negotiations, 379;

elated by capture of La CharitÉ, 381;

capture ChÂtellerault and Lusignan, 384;

besiege Poitiers, 385-87;

intercept King’s treasurer in Limousin, 389;

division of party between nobles and bourgeoisie, 391, 412;

demands of, 392, 393;

Joyeuse tries to prevent co-operation of, east and west of Rhone, 396;

council at Milhaud, 396;

strength of, in Provence and Languedoc, 405;

strength of, in southwestern France, 408-10;

new demands of, for peace, 416;

papal nuncio protests against, in Avignon, 417;

demand restoration of William of Orange and Louis of Nassau, 417;

feudal interests of, 417 and n.;

excluded from universities, 420;

organization of, formed at Montauban in 1573, 461;

deputies of, from Languedoc and DauphinÉ plan to meet Charles IX, 469;

make common cause with Politiques, 471;

declaration of, of La Rochelle, 472;

division in party of, 474;

political theory of, 475, 476;

demand of, 486;

provincial system of, 480, 490;

union with Politiques, 499, 500;

relations with England, 503;

terms of, in Peace of Monsieur, 516, 517.

HyÈres, court at, 251.

Ile-de-France, 148;

wheat dear in, 286;

Huguenot leaders in, 358;

Torcy made lieutenant-general in, 473.

Industry, revolution in, 218, 219.

Inquisition, urged in France under Henry II, 12;

Philip II orders maintenance of, in Flanders, 267.

Interest, rates of, in fifteenth century, 83;

in sixteenth century, 85, 86, n.

Ireland, 434.

Italians, in battle of La Roche l’Abeille, 383;

at siege of Poitiers, 387.

See also Strozzi.

Italy, lottery introduced from, 82;

wars in, 220, 228;

Philip II and, 245;

French interests in, 453;

French ambition in, 467.

Jacquerie, 502.

See also Peasantry.

Jagiello house, last king of, in Poland dies, 464.

Jargeau, attempt to take, 151.

Jarnac, battle of, 376, 377, 397.

Jazeneuil, CondÉ defeated at, 369, n.

Jemmingen, Louis of Nassau defeated at, 361.

Jesuits, 132 and n., 254.

Joinville, 131, 168;

duke of Deuxponts passes by, 379;

Madame de Guise flees from, 502.

Joinville, prince de, and Triumvirate, 98.

Joyeuse, viscount of, 125;

Pius V sends troops to aid of, 157;

campaign in valley of Rhone, fails to take Pont St. Esprit, 348;

takes Loudun, Orsennes, and Tresques, 348;

defeats Montbrun, 348;

garrisons towns of Lower Languedoc and returns to Avignon, 348;

tries to prevent co-operation of Huguenots on both banks of the Rhone River, 396;

joins duke of Anjou, 397;

blocks viscount of Rapin, 448;

fails in attempt to seize Damville, 483.

Juana, sister of Philip II, marriage with Henry duke of Anjou suggested, 247, 277.

Junius, Francis, driven from Antwerp 297, n.

La CharitÉ, rising in, 156;

captured by duke of Deuxponts, 380, 405;

unsuccessfully assaulted by Lansac, 383;

Marshal CossÉ sent to recover, 405, 416;

Charles IX, offers to trade Perpignan or Lansac for, 416;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

La FÉre, 71;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508;

dispute over cession of, 511, 512.

La FertÉ-sous-Jouarre, Synod of, 246.

Lagebaston, president of parlement of Bordeaux, complains of conduct of Montluc, 226.

Lagny, 327.

La Haye, plots to seize La Rochelle, 471;

secedes to Politiques, 492.

La Marche, duke of Deuxponts dies in, 382.

La Mare, valet-de-chambre to Henry II, 8.

La Mole, arrest and execution of, 480, 481.

La Mothe Gondrin, 53;

killed, 147.

Langres, duke of Deuxponts passes by, 379;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

Languedoc, loans in, 83;

Huguenots of, 95, 127;

militia of, 207, 208;

Charles IX strengthens garrisons of, 306;

civil war in, 347;

Damville’s government of, 347;

Catholic league in Lower, 355;

towns controlled by Huguenots in, 362;

peasantry rise against Huguenots, 368;

viscounts in, 395;

control of Huguenots in Lower, 405, 406;

divided into two governments by Huguenots, 461;

Huguenot deputies of, 469.

La Noue, captures Orleans, 331;

seizes LuÇon, 384;

comes to relief of Niort, 384;

in Saintonge, 408;

wounded at Ste. Gemme, 415;

at La Rochelle, 415;

at Rochefort, 418;

goes to Netherlands, 446;

opinion of, of St. Bartholomew, 452;

moderate policy of, 457;

overtures to, by Charles IX, 457;

negotiations of, in La Rochelle, 457, 458;

in Lusignan, 472;

persuades La Rochelle to join Politique party, 474;

efforts to prevent joining Montgomery, 476;

exchanged for Strozzi, 476;

attempts to bribe, 477;

takes Lusignan, 478;

saying of, 487.

Lansac, Charles IX offers to trade for La CharitÉ, 416.

Lansac, sent to Trent, 196;

to Rome, 211;

to Madrid, 261, 294, 350;

repulsed in assault on La CharitÉ, 384.

La Place, vilification of La Noue by, 458.

Lara, Spanish ambassador at Trent, 261.

Larboust, baron, proposes to neutralize BÉarn, 399.

La Rive, pastor of church at St. Palais, 355.

La Roche l’Abeille, battle of, 383.

La Rochelle, president of, 77;

outbreak at, in 1542, 82;

port of, 228;

demanded by Huguenots, 345;

plot to seize, 350;

synod of, 230;

arms secretly stored at, 363;

secret plan to attack, 365;

king sends peace envoys to, 391;

townsmen of, 391, 392;

sea power of Huguenots at, 408, 409;

La Noue at, 415;

Charles IX offers to yield, 416;

aids Dutch, 426;

naval preparations at, in favor of Dutch, 440;

terms of peace granted by Charles IX, 459, 460;

reply of, to Charles IX, 454;

turns to England for aid, 454;

siege of, 455-59;

radical party in, 458;

plot to betray, 471.

Lausanne, treaty of, 309.

La Valette, plans to attack Montgomery at Condom, 407.

League, Gray, 242.

See also Switzerland.

League, Holy, 212, 254, 259;

interest of Spain information of, 523, 524.

League, idea of Catholic, favored by Granvella, 211;

provincial, 212;

of Agen, 215, 254;

in Anjou and Maine, 216;

at Toulouse, 214, 215, 225;

influence of guilds upon, 223;

pernicious activity of Catholic, 251;

in Languedoc, 253;

Montluc’s advice concerning, 256-58;

forbidden by ordonnance of Moulins, 259;

overtures to Philip II for formation of, 304;

Holy League, establishment of, 304;

between Bern, Freiburg, and Valois, 308;

Philip II’s interest in provincial leagues, 351;

development of Holy League, 351, 352;

Ligue chrÉtienne et royale in Berry, 354;

in Anjou and Maine, 354;

revival of, at Toulouse, 354, 355;

at St. Palais, 355;

Politique league formed in Burgundy, 502.

See also Association; Brotherhood of Catholics; ConfrÉrie; Guilds.

League of the Public Weal (1465), 49.

League of Toulouse, 397.

Lectoure, siege of, 215, 408.

Legate, papal, advises recourse to arms, 103.

See also Ferrara; Santa Croce.

Leighton, English captain, at siege of Rouen, 167.

Lepanto, battle of, 422.

L’HÔpital, Michel de, chancellor:

made chancellor, 43;

author of Edict of Romorantin, 44;

at council of Fontainebleau, 53;

pleads for harmony at States-General of Orleans, 76, 77;

influence of, 79;

labors for toleration, 103;

counsels Catherine de Medici, 128;

proposal to expel from country, 132;

Chantonnay protests against, 137;

protests against findings of Council of Trent, 210;

tilt with Guises, 210;

policy toward the guilds, 221;

Alva’s objection to, 278;

supports petition in favor of Huguenots, 288;

advocates reform, 290, 291, 296;

favors changes in Edict of Amboise, 318;

sent to confer with CondÉ, 328;

abused by Guises, 357;

clashes with cardinal of Lorraine, 366, 367;

dismissal of, 367.

Libourne, Montluc thinks of retiring to, 403, 408.

Lignerolles, sent “to practice the stay of the reiters”, 330;

sent to count palatine, 335.

Limeuil, Isabella de, liaison of CondÉ with, 245, n., 249.

Limoges, Sebastian de l’Aubespine, bishop of. See Aubespine.

Limousin, duke of Anjou in, 372, 382;

treasurer of, intercepted by Huguenots, 389;

no massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450;

Huguenot movement in, 472.

Lithuania, secedes from Poland, 466.

Livron, 490;

Henry III raises siege of, 495.

Loans, history of French public, 8.

Loches, 70.

Loire River, Coligny aims to master line of, 138;

CondÉ controls middle, 141;

towns of, 154, 155;

fighting line, 181, 369;

CondÉ unable to cross, 371;

government maintains line of, 384;

viscounts cross at Blois, 396;

duke of Montpensier instructed to hold passage of, 476.

Lombardy, 124;

exportation of grain from, 241.

Londono, Don Sancho, Spanish commander, 310.

Longjumeau, CondÉ seizes highroad at, 138;

Peace of, 345-50, 360;

influence of viscounts on Peace of, 396.

Longueville, duke of, 114;

assumes pay of reiters, 346;

at siege of Poitiers, 387;

sent to interview La Noue, 457;

death of, 469.

Longueville, Madamoiselle de, marries CondÉ, 289.

Lorraine, 85;

wheat in, 286.

Lorraine, Charles of Guise, cardinal of, († 1574), 5;

charge of financial administration of, 20;

altercation of, with Coligny, 53;

character of administration of, 65;

leaves court, 73, 74;

Philip II writes to, 97;

hostility to Huguenots, 98;

at Colloquy of Poissy, 113;

leaves court again, 114;

corrupt practice of, 141;

collects money at Trent for the war, 181;

at Council of Trent, 196;

bitter against policy of Charles IX, 196;

sent to Vienna, 196;

persuades Emperor Ferdinand, 200;

proposes to form “The Brotherhood of Catholics in France”, 211;

feud with Marshal Montmorency, 252, 253;

opposes Chancellor L’HÔpital, 288;

hypocritical reconciliation with Coligny, 289;

accepts situation “telle quelle”, 290;

treasonable negotiations of, with Emperor, 303;

Alva’s opinion of, 336, n.;

negotiations with Spain, 336, 337, 362;

political “trimming” of, 356;

policy of, hardens, 361;

proposes marriage of Philip II and Marguerite of Valois, 364;

clashes with L’HÔpital, 363, 367;

with army in Saintonge, 382;

Jeanne d’Albret protests against, 392;

hastens coming of reiters, 392;

death of, 396.

Lorraine, duke of, 21;

prevented from joining Aumale, 339;

vassal for duchy of Bar, 425.

Loudun, taken by duke of Guise, 154;

CondÉ falls back on, 369;

skirmish near, 372.

Loudun (in valley of Rhone), taken by Joyeuse, 348.

Louis IX, loans of, 83, 367, 490.

Louis XI, ordonnance of, 217.

Louis XII, 70;

financial policy of, 81, 329, 471.

Louis of Nassau, relations of, with the Gueux, 297;

dealings of, with Protestant Germany, 298, 299;

defeated at Jemmingen, 360, 361;

joins Coligny, 411;

restoration of, demanded by Huguenots, 417;

urges alliance of France and England, 440, 441;

persuades Charles IX to sign Treaty of Blois, 445;

leaves France for Valenciennes, 445, 446;

interviews Catherine de Medici at Blamont, 463;

Spain fears co-operation of, with prince of CondÉ and duke of Bouillon, 476.

Louise de Vaudemont, marries Henry III, 496.

Louvre, 6, 321;

secret conference of Guises at, 350.

Low Countries, revolt in, 59, 263;

Huguenots in, 315;

Huguenot activity in, 503.

See also Alva; Flanders; Granvella; Louis of Nassau; Valenciennes; William of Orange.

Lucerne, 154.

LuÇon, La Noue seizes, 384, 415.

Lusignan, taken by Huguenots, 384;

taken by La Noue, 478.

Lutherans, 122.

Luxembourg, heretics from, 200;

difficulty of, with France, 263;

France fortifies frontier of, 307;

Alva at, 311, 315;

Mansfeldt sent to, 336;

mentioned, 301, 303.

See also Alva; Mansfeldt.

Lyons, loan imposed upon, 61;

riot in 1542, 82;

commerce of, 86, 233, 234, 237;

revolt of, 91;

influence of Geneva upon, 148, 227, 233;

Reformed church in, 152;

recovery of, 154;

refuses to tolerate the mass, 192;

silk industry at, 227;

plague at, 236-38;

Catholic pressure upon Catherine de Medici at, 250;

Charles IX sends troops to, 307, 368;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Maarck, Count Van der. See Beggars of the Sea.

Macon, 147, 151.

Madrid, L’Aubespine returns from, 241.

Maine, 141, 154;

Catholic league of, 216, 354.

Maligny, lieutenant of prince of CondÉ:

pursued by Guises, 41;

seizes Havre-de-Grace, 148, 264.

Malta, siege of, 248, 297, 302;

Spain borrows ships from, 306.

Manrique, Don Juan de, ambassador of Philip II, 93, 97.

Mans, Huguenot outburst at, 95;

bishop of, 255.

Mansfeldt, Count, sent to Luxembourg by Alva, 336;

prevented from joining Aumale, 339;

troops of, 373;

at battle of Moncontour, 380.

Marcel, provost of Paris: participation of, in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450, n.

Margaret of Parma, half-sister of Philip II and regent of Netherlands:

refuses aid to France, 146;

urged to send assistance to Triumvirate, 211;

asserts impracticability, 212;

sends aid, 212;

fearful of revolt of Valenciennes, 264;

implores Philip II for aid, 264;

asks concessions for Netherlands, 267;

petitions Emperor for aid, 299.

Marguerite of Valois, sister of Charles IX, marriage of, proposed to Don Carlos, 277;

to Philip II, 283;

marriage of, with Henry of Navarre proposed, 383;

duke of Guise makes love to, 419;

duke of Ferrara proposed as husband of, 423;

Don Carlos proposed as husband of, 424;

marries Henry of Navarre, 442.

Marguerite, sister of Henry II, married to Emanuel Philibert of Savoy, 1.

Marillac, archbishop of Vienne, 53.

Marillac, FranÇois, counsel of CondÉ, 69.

Marmoutier, abbey of, plundered by Huguenots, 140.

Marseilles, riot at, 133;

court at, 251, 306.

Martamot, Bernard Astarac, baron of, recovers Tarbes, 406.

Martigues, 255, 350.

Martyr, Peter, 114.

Matignon, captures Montgomery, 485;

made marshal of France, 497.

Maximilian, Emperor:

France at odds with, 300;

urged to recover Metz, 301;

affirms suzerainty over, 303;

daughter of, 424.

Meaux, 177;

CondÉ goes to, after massacre of Vassy, 137;

court at, 310, 338;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Melun, court removes to, 139.

Menendez, massacres French colony in Florida, 300.

Merchant adventurers, 437, n.

Metz, 21, 125;

fear lest Emperor try to seize, 193, 194;

imperial designs upon, 200, 300, 301;

Emperor affirms suzerainty over, 303;

Vieilleville sent to, 307;

importance of Calvinists in, 307;

CondÉ demands, 332;

citadel captured by Huguenots, 336;

center of government’s activity against duke of Deuxponts and William of Orange, 379;

expulsion of Calvinists from, 379, n.;

duke of Anjou avoids, on way to Poland, 467.

See also Cardinal’s War; Three Bishoprics; Vieilleville.

MeziÈres, duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

Middelburg, revolt of, 444.

Milan, Spanish governor of, 241, 303;

French claim to, 453.

Milhaud, Huguenot association at, 324;

Huguenot camp at, 396;

alliance of Huguenots and Politiques at, 499.

Minard, vice-president of Parlement of Paris, murdered, 15, 41, n.

Moncontour, battle of, 388, 389.

Mons, capture of, Genlis, 446;

surrenders, 447.

Monsieur, Peace of, 516-21.

Montaigu, viscount of, 394.

Montargis, rising in, 150, 161.

Montaubon, demolition of walls of, 207;

viscounts at, 306;

mentioned, 405, 406;

Charles IX offers to yield to Huguenots, 416;

resists Joyeuse, 348;

three thousand Huguenots and Politiques of Toulouse find refuge in, 454;

Huguenot convention at, 461.

Montbrison (in Auvergne), Coligny at, 416.

Montbrun, captain of Scotch Guard killed at battle of Moncontour, 389.

Montbrun, defeated by Joyeuse, 348.

Montbrun, son of the constable, killed at Dreux, 179.

Mont Cenis, Alva’s route over, 308.

Montclaire, Antoine de Rabastenis, viscount of, 394.

Mont de Marsan, court at, 255;

massacre at., by Montluc, 403, 404.

Montdidier, entered by Catholic army, 154.

Montereau, CondÉ establishes headquarters at, 333.

Montfort, 177.

Montfran, battle near, 348.

Montgomery, Gabriel de Lorges, sieur de, captain of the Scotch Guard: mortally wounds Henry II in tournament, 1;

at Havre-de-Grace, 165;

asks for terms during siege of Rouen, 167;

escapes, 168;

in Dieppe, 181;

precarious condition of, 187;

rumor of coming of, to Flanders, 266;

attends court at Moulins, 288;

swaggers around Paris, 294;

fear lest he come to Netherlands, 298;

in Lower Normandy, 326;

sent to Pontoise, 332;

some of the Scotch Guard desert to, 342;

in Languedoc, 397;

at Castres, 398;

near Toulouse, 398;

raises siege of Navarrens, 399;

campaign in BÉarn, 398-402;

joins Coligny, 402;

Montluc plans to attack at Condom, 407;

ravages environs of Toulouse with Coligny, 410;

escapes from massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450;

appears with fleet before La Rochelle, 458;

in England, 471;

lands near Coutances and joins Guitery in Normandy, 472;

reply of, to Charles IX, 472;

takes Carentan and Argentan, 473;

captured and put to death, 484, 485.

Montigny, one of the leaders of the Flemish revolt, 265;

faithlessness of, 298.

Montjean, marshal, exactions of, 82.

Montluc, Blaise de, suppresses riot at Agen, 134;

reputation of, 147;

“true creator of the French infantry”, 155;

at Sienna, 156;

hostility of, to Huguenots, 156;

saves Toulouse and Bordeaux, 157;

helps form Catholic league at Toulouse, 214;

ordered to report to Marshal Termes at Orleans, 215;

helps form Catholic league at Agen, 215;

protest against, 226;

estimate of, of number of Huguenots in Guyenne, 230;

approached by Guises, 254, 255;

advice of, concerning formation of provincial Catholic leagues, 256-58;

proposes formation of international Catholic league, 260;

joint plan of, with Philip II, 261;

offered asylum in Spain, 261;

warns Philip II of connection between Huguenots and revolted Flemings, 298;

on political theory of the Huguenots, 325, n.;

hatred of, of Damville, 347, 348, 398, 400, 404, 413;

sent to Gascony, 350;

dealings of, with Philip II, 350, 351;

vigilance of, 362;

outrages of, 362;

Jeanne d’Albret crosses Garonne “under the nose of”, 368, n.;

discovers plot in Bordeaux, 368;

resigns commission, but retracts resignation, 391;

plans with Terride to deliver Guyenne to Spain, 394;

plan of, to conquer BÉarn, 397;

praises Montgomery, 398-402;

makes overtures to Damville, 403;

thinks of retiring to Libourne or Agen, 403;

massacres Mont de Marsan, 403, 404;

admiration of, for the reiters, 405;

saves Guyenne to Catholic cause, 406;

fortifies Agen, 406;

plans to attack Montgomery at Condom, 407;

secret dealings of, with Charles IX, 413;

still hopes to conquer BÉarn, 413;

terribly wounded in siege of Rabastens, 414, 415.

Montluc, Jean de, bishop of Valence, 52, 53, 65, 80;

preaches at court, 98;

at Colloquy of Poissy, 114;

proposal to expel from country, 312;

sent to confer about peace, 344;

commissioner of finances in Guyenne, 416, n.;

sent on mission to Poland, 464.

Montmorency, Anne de, constable of France:

favorite of Henry II, 8;

feud of, with Guises, 18, 45, 50, 73;

not a party to conspiracy of Amboise 29, n.;

holds balance of power after death of Francis II, 72;

Philip II writes to, 97;

forms Triumvirate, 98;

welcomes duke of Guise after massacre of Vassy, 126;

advises king to repudiate responsibility for Vassy, 137;

organizes Paris, 137;

over-rules Catherine de Medici, 139;

charged with corrupt practice, 141;

begins to weaken, 141;

proposes to petition the Pope for aid, 143;

CondÉ demands retirement of, 150;

fears English intervention, 162;

captured at battle of Dreux, 179;

imprisonment of, 182;

endeavors to make a settlement, 183;

destruction of house of, plotted by Guises, 255;

quarrel with cardinal of Lorraine, 289;

protest in favor of Cardinal ChÂtillon, 289;

anger of, at Guises, 290;

quits court, 290;

avarice of, 296;

rash reply of, 319;

lieutenant-general, 331;

killed at battle of St. Denis, 332.

Montmorency, marshal and duke of, eldest son of the constable:

governor of Paris, 127, 294;

feud with cardinal of Lorraine, 252, 253, 356, 357;

approaches Huguenots, 289;

succeeds to constableship, 319;

Paris furious at, 326;

confers about peace, 344;

assumes pay of reiters, 346;

informed of plot of Guises, 350;

moderation of, 356;

leaves Paris, 357;

advocates marriage of Henry of Anjou and Queen Elizabeth, 358, 359;

deposed as governor of Paris, 358;

disaffection of, 375;

the man of the hour, 419;

urges marriage of duke of Anjou and Elizabeth and Henry of Navarre with Marguerite of Valois, 422-26;

relations of, with Charles IX, 439;

Charles IX urged to execute, 481;

arrested, 482;

feud with Guises, the “seed of the war”, 493, 494.

Montpellier, Huguenot league at, 121;

court at, 252;

resists Joyeuse, 348, 405, 406, 411.

Montpensier, duke of, 36, 63, 73;

Philip II writes to, 97;

and the Triumvirate, 98;

mobbed by Huguenots, 120, 121;

Alva’s convert at Bayonne, 304;

castle belonging to, taken, 369;

defeats viscounts in PÉrigord, 396;

sent into Anjou, 476;

feud of, with the Guises, 498.

Montreuil, Coligny at, 138.

Montrichard, Coligny at, 182.

Mont St. Michel, Charles IX at, 413.

Morillon, provost, upon Flemish revolt, 314.

Moriscos, revolt of, 417, 418, 422.

Morlaas (in BÉarn), captured by Terride, 398.

Morvilliers, bishop of Orleans, 165;

confers with CondÉ, 328;

as keeper of the seal protests against feudal release of duchy of Bar and resigns, 425;

warns Charles IX, 468.

Moulins, Huguenots destroy Bourbon tombs at, 148, 249;

court passes winter at, 288;

influx of Huguenots into, 288;

interdiction of Protestant worship at, 289;

ordonnance of, 291-96.

Mouy, tries to prevent Strozzi’s coming, 329.

Muscovite, Polish hostility to, 465.

Musket, introduction of field, 310.

Nancy, duke of Anjou passes through, on way to Poland, 467.

Nantes, conspiracy of Amboise plotted at, 30, 283;

Edict of, 345, 409;

no massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Naples, 21;

troops from, 310;

French claim to, 453.

Narbonne, taken by Huguenot-Politique party, 502.

Nassau. See Louis of Nassau.

“Natural frontiers”, 205.

Navarre, Philip II fears attack upon, 146.

Navarrens, siege of, by Terride, 398, 399;

raised by Montgomery, 399, 400.

Nemours, duke of:

made governor of Champagne, 92;

implicated in plot to kidnap Henry, duke of Orleans-Anjou, 119;

forsakes his wife and marries duchess of Guise, 293;

breaks CondÉ’s blockade of Paris, 332;

ordered to intercept duke of Deuxponts, 380.

Nemours, Madame de (duchess of Guise):

complicity of, in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 450;

demands governorship of Normandy for husband, 498.

NÉrac, Huguenot church at, 156;

Montgomery at, 407;

revolts, 502.

Netherlands, progress of heresy in, 197;

critical situation in, 211;

Philip II and, 245;

revolt of, 263, 264, 360;

connection of revolt of, with Huguenots, 266, 296;

Huguenot preachers in, 297;

fear lest Montgomery come, 298;

influence of France upon, 359, 360;

proposed alliance for liberation of, 425.

See also Alva; Egmont; Flanders; Granvella; Holland; Hoorne; Louis of Nassau; Margaret of Parma; Philip II; Valenciennes; William of Orange.

Nevers, 218;

captured by duke of Deuxponts, 380.

Nevers, duke of, claims government of Normandy, 498.

Newhaven. See Havre-de-Grace.

NÎmes, Protestantism at, 228;

court at, 252.

Niort, 283;

La Noue relieves, 384;

Coligny falls back on, after battle of Moncontour, 389;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

Nivernais, Protestantism in, 228.

Nobility, policy of, in 1559, 9;

impoverishment of, 344.

Noizay, chÂteau de, rendezvous of conspirators of Amboise, 34.

Nonio, an astrologer, 344.

Normandy, 26, 41, 45, 60, 76;

loans made in, 83;

Huguenots in, 95, 142, 148, 232;

Coligny made governor of, 126;

fear of English intervention in, 150;

formidable nature of revolt in, 162;

militia of, 208;

Protestantism in, 228, 230;

coast defense of, 307;

war of partisans in Lower, 326, 430;

apprehension in ports of, 471;

dispute over governorship of, 498.

See also Bayeux; Caen; Caudebec; Dieppe; Havre; Rouen.

Norris, Sir Henry, English ambassador, protests innocence of English government’s conduct, 373;

urges marriage of Queen Elizabeth with duke of Anjou, 422.

Nostradamus, astrologer, 251.

Nuncio, papal, demands that Cardinal ChÂtillon resign, 289;

at Madrid, 315;

protests against Huguenots in Avignon and Verre, 417.

See also Ferrara; Santa Croce.

NÜrnberg, 219.

Olivier, chancellor, 34;

death, 43.

Oran, Philip II’s expedition to, 248.

Orange, cruelties practiced at, 155.

Orange, William of, at deathbed of Henry II, 12;

leader of revolt of Netherlands, 264;

tactics of, 265;

insists upon convocation of States-General, 268;

allied with Gueux, 297;

relations with CondÉ, 297;

with Egmont and Hoorne, 298;

leaves Flanders, 312;

seeks to use reiters of Casimir, 360;

enters France, 369;

anxiety over movements of, 369;

effects junction with Deuxponts, 373, 374.

See also Egmont; Gueux; Hoorne; Louis of Nassau; Netherlands.

OrlÉannais, 207;

Protestantism in, 228, 230.

Orleans, 36, 61, 63, 64, 70, 74, 127, 314;

Huguenot worship at, 80;

States-General at, 91, 221, 290;

CondÉ assumes command of Huguenot forces at, 139, 140;

troops pour into, 142;

Grammont fails to reach, 146;

fear lest supplies be cut off from, 151;

condition of country around, 152;

CondÉ retires to, 153;

Catholic garrisons around, 172;

Huguenot center at, 181;

D’Andelot’s serious position in, 186;

siege of, 186-88;

demolition of walls of, 207;

captured by La Noue, 331;

plot to seize, by Catholics, 350;

Catholic headquarters at, 367;

relief of, 396;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Orleans, Henry, duke of Orleans-Anjou. See Henry III.

Orsenne, taken by Joyeuse, 348.

Orthez, captured by Terride, 398.

OstabanÉs, 355.

Ozances, French ambassador in Spain, 117.

Pacheco, cardinal, 279, 281.

Palatine, count, 122, 158, 303.

See also Casimir.

Pampeluna, Philip II strengthens, 146.

Pamphlets, Huguenot, 475, 476.

See also Franco-Gallia; Hotman; Huguenots; Le Tigre.

Parat, viscount of, 394.

Paris, 1, 26, 45, 47, 48;

loan demanded of, 61;

Chaudien, Protestant pastor in, 64;

Catholic preachers of, admonished, 80;

rentes of, 83-85 (see Finances; Debt);

abounds with Huguenot preachers, 94;

riot in, 94-96, 120;

prince de la Roche-sur-Yon made governor of, 126;

Marshal Montmorency made governor of, 127;

violence of, 127;

receives duke of Guise joyfully after massacre of Vassy, 135, 136;

weakness of Huguenots in, 137;

prince of CondÉ leaves, 137;

alarm of, 137-39;

troops collected in, 143;

fears attack by CondÉ, 147, 149;

hostility to Huguenots, 149;

people of, armed, 154;

CondÉ advances upon, 172, 173;

gunpowder factory at, blown up, 186;

refuses to tolerate terms of peace, 191;

appealed to for loan, 200;

hatred of, of Coligny, 206, n.;

witticism of, 207;

preponderance of, in formation of Holy League exaggerated, 213;

plague at, 284;

wheat dear in, 286;

Montgomery in, 294;

court moves to, 294;

bigotry of, 217;

exodus of Huguenots from, 326;

blockade of, 326;

makes loan to king, 329;

precarious condition of CondÉ before, 331;

Flemish troops arrive at, 335;

loyalty of, 339, 340;

prepares for siege, 343;

Catholic resentment of, 349;

garrison of, 350;

AlenÇon made governor of, 368;

anxiety of Guises over, 370;

elation at news of Jarnac, 376;

frightened by capture of La CharitÉ, 381;

offers to maintain war, 417;

forced loan in, 461;

commercial dispute with Rouen, 470;

military preparations in, 476;

attacks upon, 507;

preparations to defend, 510;

remonstrances of, to Henry III, 510, 511;

resents Peace of Monsieur, 522.

Parlement of Paris, hostility of, to Huguenots, 96;

acquits prince of CondÉ, 102;

hopes of L’HÔpital and Coligny about, 103;

forbids speculation in grain, 286;

good sense of, 296.

Pau, captured by Terride, 398.

Paulin, Bertrand de Rabastenis, viscount of, 394, 395;

captured, 397;

Huguenot governor in Languedoc, 461.

Peasantry, armed by duke of Anjou, 384;

in Languedoc and Quercy, allied with viscounts, 395;

wretchedness of, 491;

arms in hands of, 494, 495;

revolt of, 502.

PÉrigord, CondÉ in, 372.

Perigueux, taken by Huguenots-Politiques, 502.

Perpignan, Charles offers to trade for La CharitÉ, 416.

Peter’s Pence, 80.

Pfiffer, Swiss colonel at Meaux, 320.

Philip II, King of Spain (1557-98):

marries Elizabeth of Valois, 1;

notified of death of Henry II, 7;

suspected of urging inquisition in France, 12;

offers aid to Guises, 52;

alarmed at project of a national council in France, 59;

appealed to by Francis II, 59, 65;

said to be inclined to restore Navarre, 73;

seeks to harden policy of France toward Huguenots, 93;

writes to Catholic leaders, 97;

appealed to by Triumvirate, 99;

alarmed at policy of France, 116-18;

redoubles efforts with Antoine of Bourbon, 123;

continental designs of, 124, 125;

procrastination of, 131;

offers Sardinia to Antoine of Bourbon, 132;

asked for aid, 143;

fears attack on Navarre and strengthens Fontarabia and Pampeluna, 146;

and England, 163;

joy over battle of Dreux, 182;

hostility to Edict of Amboise, 195;

alarmed at England’s possible recovery of Calais, 197;

resolved to act after massacre of Vassy, 211;

opposed to marriage of Charles IX or CondÉ to Mary Stuart, 244;

and France, 245;

and Italy, 245, 247;

and England, 245;

and Scotland, 245;

character of, 247, 248;

interest of, in crushing Calvinism, 260;

joint plan of, with Pius IV and Montluc, 261;

orders maintenance of inquisition in Flanders, 262;

implored to come to Netherlands, 264;

consents to interview with Catherine de Medici, 270;

letter of, to Cardinal Pacheco, 270, 281;

consents to have Charles IX marry Elizabeth of Austria, 283;

anxiety of, 289;

doubt as to his course, 294;

overshadows France, 297;

worried at connection between Huguenots and revolted Flemings, 298;

refused permission to have Spanish troops cross France, 299;

knowledge of, of massacre of French in Florida, 300;

favors plan to recover Metz, 301, 302;

dares not make overt move against France, 302;

determines to send Alva to Flanders, 305;

angry at alliance of France and Switzerland, 315;

self-control of, 337;

fears Catherine de Medici will make termswith Huguenots, 341;

secret relations of, with Montluc, 350, 351;

interest of, in provincial Catholic leagues, 351;

proposed as husband of Marguerite of Valois, 364;

marries Anne of Austria, 364, 424;

war of, with the Moriscos, 417, 418, 422;

plans with reference to Mary Stuart, 424;

advised by Requesens of Huguenot activity of, in Low Countries, 503.

Philip IV, financial policy of, 83.

Picardy, 60, 70, 126, 204, 232, 268;

rebellion in, 190;

Huguenots in, 197;

militia of, 208;

wheat dear in, 286;

frontier strengthened, 315;

government of, promised to CondÉ, 316;

Marshal CossÉ in, 369;

prince of CondÉ made governor of, 469;

danger on border of, 503;

Spain alarmed at situation in, 511, 512.

Piedmont, Marshal Termes in, 182;

viscount of Paulin in, 395.

Pilles, defends St. Jean-d’AngÉly, 390.

Piracy, 373.

Pius IV, alarmed at plan of National Council in France, 57;

offended at action of States-General, 81, 89;

sends cardinal of Ferrara to France, 115;

petitioned for aid, 143, 144;

sends troops to Joyeuse, 151;

anticipated death of, 200;

remonstrance of Charles IX to, 230;

idea of, of a European concert, 247;

brings pressure upon Catherine de Medici, 250;

joint plan with Philip II and Montluc, 261;

favors France at Trent, 261.

Pius V, advocates wholesale slaughter of Huguenots, 275;

troops of, 329;

takes victory of Jarnac as answer to prayer, 377;

elation of, 394.

Plague, at Lyons, 236-38, 283, 284.

Poissy, Colloquy of, 103, 106, 109, 110-14, 117, 230;

interest of German princes in, 121, 123;

Andelot sent to seize, 332.

Poitiers, 14, 41, 64, 142, 350;

exempt from gabelle, 85;

Huguenots in, 95;

rising in, 150;

captured by St. AndrÉ, 153;

rebellion in, 190;

Protestantism in, 228;

siege of, 385-87.

Poitou, Huguenot movement in, 472.

See also Poitiers.

Poland, 283;

duke of Anjou elected king of, 465;

French ambition in, 464, 465.

Politiques, difficult to distinguish between, and Huguenots, 231;

germ of, 358;

labor for peace, 372;

make common cause with Huguenots, 471;

political theory of, 475, 476;

imbued with Hotman’s teachings, 486;

alliance with Huguenots at Milhaud, 489, 499, 500;

Politique league in Burgundy, 502.

Poltrot, assassin of duke of Guise, 188.

Pontacq (in BÉarn), captured by Terride, 398.

Pont-À-Mousson, duke of Deuxponts at, 379.

Pont Audemer, 162.

Pont de CÉ, 372;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

Pontoise, adjourned session of States-General at, 89, 106-9, 117;

Huguenot outburst at, 95;

demands of States-General of, 290;

Montgomery sent to seize, 332.

Pont St. Esprit, Joyeuse fails to take, 348.

Pope, nullifies marriage of duke of Nemours and offends the Rohans, 293;

consents to alienation of church property, 366;

takes victory of Jarnac as answer to prayer, 377;

opposed to Spain’s Polish aspirations, 464, 465;

refuses to receive Paul de Foix, 469.

See also Pius IV; Pius V; Gregory XIII.

Porcien, prince of, activity of, in Low Countries, 315.

Porcien, princess of, marries duke of Guise, 419.

Portereau, a faubourg of Orleans, 186.

Port Ste. Marie, captured by Coligny, 406;

destruction of bridge at, 406, 407.

Port St. Martin, faubourg of Paris, windmills in, burned by Huguenots, 327.

Portsmouth, 188.

Portugal, proposal that queen of, marry duke of Anjou, 364;

Portuguese marriage planned for Marguerite of Valois, 419.

Portuguese, 300.

Pouzin, Huguenot stronghold, 490;

captured by Henry III, 491.

Poyet, chancellor of Francis I, reforms of, 82.

Pragmatic Sanction of Charles VII, 116.

Provence, 45, 49, 52, 64, 142;

Huguenots in, 95, 286;

association of, 214;

Protestantism in, 230;

Charles IX strengthens garrisons of, 306;

civil war in, 347;

towns controlled by Huguenots in, 361;

viscount of Rapin in, 305;

Huguenot control of, 405, 406.

Provins, 161, n., 284.

Prussia, Lithuania makes alliance with Russia, Sweden, and, 466.

Puygaillard, outmatched by La Noue, 415.

Quercy, viscounts in, 395.

Rabastens Montluc terribly wounded at siege of, 415, 416.

Ranke, quoted on massacre of Vassy, 135.

Rapin, viscount of, 394;

in rising of Toulouse in 1562, 395;

governor of Montauban, 395;

crosses Rhone into DauphinÉ and Provence, 395;

ravages in Vivarais, 396.

Reformation in England and Germany, 229.

Regency, of Blanche of Castille, 42;

of Anne of Beaujeu, 42;

and Salic Law, 72, n.

See also Antoine of Bourbon; Catherine de Medici; Charles IX; Francis II.

Reiters, 145, n., 157, 158, 333, 335, 338, 373;

cross Seine, 160;

introduce German words into French language, 160, n.;

in Normandy, 166;

at battle of Dreux, 179;

Coligny in fear of his own, 184;

spoliation of Normandy by, 187, 188;

return of, to Germany, 192;

depredations of, 193-95;

paid by Catherine de Medici, 198;

of Rhinegrave, 200;

Lignerolles sent “to practice the stay of”, 330;

enter Lorraine, 339;

effect junction with CondÉ, 339;

pay of, 345, 346;

ravages of, 357;

effort to prevent, joining William of Orange, 363;

levied in Germany, 368;

of duke of Deuxponts, 370;

urged to advance to Loire River, 370;

Paris fears coming of, after capture of La CharitÉ, 381;

in battle of Moncontour, 388, 389;

threaten to mutiny, 391;

hastened forward by cardinal of Lorraine, 393;

tentative offer of restoration of Three Bishoprics if Emperor will stay progress of, 393;

effective warfare of, 405;

mutiny of, 412;

devastate Fair of Champagne, 420, n.;

plundering of, 491;

cross Rhine, 505;

ravages in Champagne, 506, 507;

return of, to Germany, 522, 523.

Renaudie, Godfrey de Barry, sieur de; leader of conspiracy of Amboise, 30;

death of, 38.

Rennes, Bochetel, bishop of, sent to count palatine, 335.

Rentes, 83.

See also Finances; Debts; Loans; Paris.

Requesens, succeeds Alva as governor of Spanish Netherlands, 404;

offers Spanish troops to Catherine de Medici, 494;

warns Philip II of Huguenot activity in Low Countries, 503;

fears daughter of William of Orange will marry duke of AlenÇon, 503.

Revel, discontent with Polish election, 466.

Rheims, 218;

endangered by William of Orange, 370;

Henry III crowned at, 495.

Rhine, 124;

D’Andelot crosses, 158.

Rhinegrave, 177;

reiters of, mutiny in Champagne, 200.

Rhinelands, 246.

Rhone river, Joyeuse’s campaign in valley of, 348;

Henry III attempts to clear valley of, 490.

Ridolfi plot, 433, 462.

Riga, discontent with French election in Poland, 466.

Robert, Claudius, counsel of prince of CondÉ, 69.

Rochefort, La Noue at, 415.

Rochefoucauld, count of, 6;

driven into Saintonge, 153;

Alva advises execution of, 274, 350.

Rochelle. See La Rochelle.

Roche-sur-Yon, prince de, accompanies Elizabeth of France to Spain, 7;

governor of Orleans, 63;

governor of Paris, 126;

supplanted by Marshal Montmorency, 127.

Roggendorf, recruiting sergeant of Guises in Germany, 145, n.;

arrives in Paris, 162;

Catherine de Medici demands withdrawal of, from Paris, 295.

See also Reiters.

Rohan, duke de, forbids Catholic worship in his domains, 288;

anger of, at duke of Nemours for divorce of his wife, 293;

Huguenots flee to protection of, 326;

Henry III attempts to confiscate the lands of, 502.

Rome, 50, 299.

See also Gregory XIII; Pius IV; Pius V.

Romero, Julian, Spanish commander, 310.

Romorantin, Edict of, 104.

See also Edict.

Rosay-en-Brie, rendezvous of Huguenots at, 320.

Rotrou, county of, given to CondÉ, 316.

Rotterdam, all Holland lost to Spain save Amsterdam and, 446.

Rouen, 27, 127, 177;

riots in, 47, 48, 71, 84, 142, 148;

Reformed church in, 152;

CondÉ thinks of going to, 154;

Aumale approaches, 155;

resolve to attack, 161, 162;

siege of, 165-70;

Marshal Brissac at, 182;

objects to Edict of Amboise, 192;

Catholic association in Rouennais, 216;

port of, 228;

opposition to Peace of Longjumeau in, 347;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450;

commercial dispute of, with Paris, 470.

Rouergue, raid of viscounts in, 395.

See also Milhaud.

Rouissillon, Edict of, 250, 251.

See also Edict.

Roy, Jacques le, archbishop of Bourges, aids in establishment of Catholic league in Berry, 354.

Roye, Eleanor de, princess of CondÉ, asks Elizabeth for aid, 187;

death, 243.

St. Aignan, Coligny at, 182.

St. Ambroise, Alva at, 309, 311.

St. AndrÉ, marshal, 7, 35, 69;

Philip II writes to, 97;

hostility of, to Huguenots, 98;

joins Triumvirate, 98, 99;

reprimanded by Catherine de Medici, 133;

charged with corrupt practice, 141, 296;

CondÉ demands retirement of, 150;

captures Poitiers, 153;

killed at battle of Dreux, 179;

succeeded by Marshal Vieilleville, 181;

daughter of, not permitted to marry young prince of CondÉ, 206.

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, influence of Bayonne Conference upon, 271, 281;

Huguenot organization before and after, 324, 325, 383;

massacre of, 449-53;

responsibility of Catherine de Medici for, 449;

causes fourth civil war, 474;

German resentment because of, 468.

St. Catherine’s Mount, fortress of Rouen, 155, 167.

See also Rouen.

St. Cloud, 21, 138, 159;

war in, 48, 49, 60.

St. Denis, 177;

windmills in faubourg of, burned by Huguenots, 327;

battle of, 332, 338.

St. Florens, abbey of, CondÉ massacres garrison of, 372.

Ste. Gemme, La Noue wounded at battle of, 415.

St. Germain, 131;

Peace of, 416-18;

infractions of, 420;

plot to seize king at, 477, 478.

St. HonorÉ, faubourg of, windmills burned in, 327.

St. Jean-d’AngÉly, arms secretly stored at, 363;

siege of, 389-90;

townsmen of, 391, 392;

honorable treatment of garrison of, by Charles IX, 392;

revolts, 502.

St. Jean de Maurienne, Alva at, 311.

St. LÔ, demolition of walls of, 207;

Huguenot forces in, 472.

St. Louis (Louis IX), 367.

St. Marceau, Catholic camp in faubourg of, 343.

St. Martin-des-champs, 334.

St. Mathurin, 161.

St. Maur-des-Fosses, 293.

St. Omer, “Spanish Fury” at, 305.

St. Ouen, 327.

St. Palais, Catholic league at, 355.

St. Pierre, abbey of, CondÉ imprisoned in, 182.

St. Quentin, battle of, 8.

St. Roman, viscount of, made Huguenot governor in Languedoc, 461.

St. Sulpice, French ambassador in Spain:

Catherine de Medici’s correspondence with, 247, 249;

discovers plot to kidnap Jeanne d’Albret and seize BÉarn, 266;

succeeded by Fourquevaux, 283, 424.

Saintes, 283;

arms secretly stored at, 363, 406.

Saintonge, exempt from gabelle, 85;

revolt in, 150;

mentioned, 379;

duke of Anjou in, 381;

La Noue in, 408.

Salic Law, 337.

Salzedo. See Cardinal’s War.

Sancerre, count of, 33.

Sancerre, siege of, 460.

Santa Croce, cardinal of, 295.

Sardinia, 73;

offered to Antoine of Bourbon, 132;

troops from, 310.

Saumur, 141;

garrison at, 309;

Coligny plans to take, 385;

duke of AlenÇon demands, 508.

Sauveterre (in BÉarn), captured by Terride, 398.

Saverne, conference between dukes of Guise and WÜrtemburg at, 123.

Savigny, lieutenant in Touraine, 63, 64.

Savoy, 119, 144, 246;

dowry of duchess of, 208;

Alva’s march through, 311;

troops of, 329.

Savoy, Emanuel Philibert, duke of, marries sister of Henry II, 1;

urges extirpation of heresy, 210;

mission of Don Juan de Acuna to, 308;

treaty of, with Bern, 309;

interview, with Damville, 488, 491.

Saxony, John William, duke of, 52.

Schomberg, German colonel in service of France, 371;

missions of, to Germany, 463, 467, 504.

Scotch Guard, history of, 7;

reduced, 208;

meeting of, 342;

supplanted by Swiss Guard, 342, n.

See also Montgomery.

Scotland, French troops sent to, 199;

alliance with France, 243;

Philip II and, 245;

relations of, with England, 433, 434.

See also Cardinal of Lorraine; Mary Stuart.

Sedan, duke of Bouillon at, 472.

Seine River, guard of, 138;

mouth of, 148;

line of, 181;

Coligny unable to cross, 185;

CondÉ unable to cross, 371.

Seize (Sixteen) nucleus of Holy League in Paris, 318.

Sens, archbishop of, 114;

Huguenots of, 127, 128;

riot at, 133;

mentioned, 209, 218, 232, 333, 339;

highroad to, held by Huguenots, 327.

Sevignac, viscount of, 394.

Sforza, Ludovico, 70.

Shakerly, Thomas, an Englishman, 126.

Sicily, troops from, 310.

Siena, Montluc at, 156.

Sigismund Augustus of Poland, death of, 464.

Silly, Jacques de, representative of noblesse in States-General, 77.

Sipierre, lieutenant in OrlÉannais, 63, 69.

Sluys, Spanish fleet in, dispersed, 446;

captured by Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 446.

Smith, English ambassador in France, tries to dissuade Huguenots from making peace, 198;

demands restitution of Calais, 204;

description of plague at Lyons, 236-38;

saying of, about cardinal of Lorraine, 290;

writes to Burghley, 290;

interest of, in marriage negotiations of Elizabeth and duke of Anjou, 429.

Soissons (Soissonais), wheat dear in, 286;

captured by Huguenots, 331;

plot to seize, 350.

Somarive, cruelties of, 155.

Sorbonne, hostility of, to Huguenots, 96;

students of, 127.

Spain, 131, 158;

Catherine de Medici inclines toward, 137;

money from, 184;

urges extirpation of heresy, 210;

saying of Spain’s ambassador, 232;

commerce of, in Lombardy, 241, 242;

impatient for fulfilment of promise at Bayonne, 283;

Protestants of, 308, n.;

policy of, in Switzerland, 371;

fears French attack on Franche ComtÉ, 418;

offers duke of Anjou command of fleet against Turks, 423;

demands that Charles IX suppress Huguenot activity in Netherlands, 426;

prospect of war with France, 443;

interest of, in Poland, 464;

alarm over possible cession of border fortress in Picardy to prince of CondÉ, 512.

See also Alava; Alva; Chantonnay; Philip II.

“Spanish fury”, 305.

SplÜgen Pass, 241.

States-General, of Orleans, called, 55, 65, 68;

relation of, to proposed National Council, 58, 68;

transferred from Meaux to Orleans, 62;

Huguenots hope to organize, 75;

opening of, 75;

debates in, 75-80;

legislation of, 81;

financial policy of, 87-89;

factional rivalry in, 91;

resolution of, governing clergy, 92;

adjourned session of, at Pontoise, 89, 106-9, 117;

demands of, 290;

demand for, 421.

Stelvio Pass, 241.

Strasburg, 308.

Strozzi, cardinal, helps in formation of Catholic league at Toulouse, 214.

Strozzi, Italian artillery colonel, 249, 271;

troops under command of, 329;

destroys bridge of boats across Seine, 332;

taken prisoner at battle of La Roche l’Abeille, 383;

massacres garrison of Marans, 455;

exchanged for La Noue, 476.

See also Italians.

Stuart, Mary, 5, 21, 48, 72, 163, 199;

proposed marriage of, to Don Carlos, 94;

sought in marriage by King of Denmark, 123;

project to marry prince of CondÉ to, 243;

Guises want to marry, to Charles IX, 244;

duke of Anjou put forward as husband of, 423;

marries Darnley, 424.

Stuart, Robert, suspected of murder of president Minard, 41, n.;

kills constable Montmorency at battle of St. Denis, 332.

Superstition, 287.

See also Nonio; Nostradamus.

Sweden, relations of, with Poland, 466.

Swiss, payment of, by Francis I, 85;

join Tavannes, 157;

sent to aid of duke of Aumale, 162;

enrolment of, to protect French frontier, 315, 318;

Huguenots try to break French alliance with, 330;

sufferings of, in the army, 342;

cannot come till September, 384;

at siege of Poitiers, 387, 453;

refuse to let France enroll mercenaries, 454;

sent into Languedoc and DauphinÉ, 461;

licensed, 469.

See also Froelich; Meaux.

Switzerland, French exiles from, 30, 94;

cantonal system of, 111;

mentioned, 144, 154;

Spain’s ascendency in, 240;

French interests in, 240-43;

rivalry of France and Spain in, 299;

French enrolments in, 307;

fears joint attack of Spain and Savoy, 308;

true policy of France in, 318;

policy of Spain in, 371;

debts of French crown in, 371.

See also Basel; BelliÈvre; Bern; Freiburg; Grisons; Valois.

Taille, 81.

See also Debt; Finances.

Tarbes, Huguenots recover, 406.

Tarde, pastor of church at OstabanÈs, 355.

Tavannes, marshal opposes extraordinary tribunals, 14;

sent to DauphinÉ after conspiracy of Amboise, 38;

accuses Catherine de Medici of being privy to conspiracy of Amboise, 42, n.;

foils attack on Dijon, 140;

saves ChÂlons-sur-SaÔne, 149;

forces of, 154;

Swiss join, 157;

Margaret of Parma sends aid to, 212;

forms ConfrÉrie du St. Esprit in Burgundy, 216;

sent to guard frontier against reiters, 339;

organizes ConfrÉrie du St. Esprit in Burgundy, 352, 353;

organizes Catholic league in Berry, 354;

vigilance of, 362;

refuses to seize CondÉ and Coligny by treachery, 365;

at battle of Jarnac, 376;

protests against siege of St. Jean-d’AngÉly, 390;

bold reply of, to Spanish ambassador, 418, 419;

urges marriage of duke of Anjou with Queen Elizabeth, 426;

complicity of, in massacre of St. Bartholomew, 453.

Taxes, new, by Henry III, 509-11.

Teligny, sent to confer about peace, 344;

sent to king in overtures for peace, 392.

Templars, loans of, 83.

Tende, count of, governor of Provence, blocks viscount of Rapin, 396.

Termes, marshal, 36, 39, 69;

sent to Normandy after conspiracy of Amboise, 39;

governor of Guyenne, 63;

and Triumvirate, 99;

succeeded by marshal Bourdillon, 182;

Montluc ordered to report to, 215.

Terride, implicated with Montluc in plot to deliver Guyenne to Spain, 394;

campaign in BÉarn, 398-400.

Thionville, Alva at, 311.

Three Bishoprics, 124, 302;

refuge of heretics from Lower Germany, 200;

Emperor revives claim to, 336;

promise of restoration of, to Emperor if he will stop progress of reiters, 393;

counter-claims of France and Austria to, 424;

claims of Casimir, count palatine, to, 521.

See also Metz; Toul; Verdun; Vieilleville.

Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, English ambassador in France, 24, 126;

urges Elizabeth to give aid to Huguenots, 184;

confers with Coligny, 185;

tries to dissuade Huguenots from making peace, 198.

Thuringia, landgrave of, 122.

Tigre, Le, a pamphlet written by Hotman, 39.

Tithes, Huguenots refuse to pay, 118.

See also Clergy; DÎme; Finances.

Tocsin, 160.

Toledo, Don Ferdinand Alvarez de, Spanish commander, 311.

Torcy, sent to interview Montgomery, 472.

Toul, riot at, 133, 301.

See also Metz; Three Bishoprics; Verdun.

Toulon, 306.

Toulouse, 14, 84, 368;

riot at, 133, 142, 214;

Huguenots suffer heavily in, 150;

saved by Montluc, 157;

refuses to recognize peace of Amboise, 192;

Catholic league formed at, 214;

opposition to peace of Longjumeau at, 347;

revival of Catholic league in, 354;

environs of, devastated by viscounts, 395;

parlement of, asserts jurisdiction over BÉarn, 397;

Montgomery near, 398;

invested by Coligny and Montgomery, 410, 411;

parlement of, protests against Peace of St. Germain, 417, n.;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Touraine, 45, 63, 141, 154;

Huguenots in, 95 and n.;

duke of Montpensier mobbed by Huguenots in, 120, 121.

Tournay, heresy at, 197;

revolt of, feared, 264.

Tournelles, Palais de, 3, 6.

Tournon, Cardinal, 50;

writes to Philip II, 97;

and Triumvirate, 98;

Catherine de Medici offended at, 133.

Tournon, taken by Huguenots-Politiques, 502.

Tours, 33, 35, 127;

Du Plessis, Huguenot pastor at, 64;

riots at, 133, 140;

drownings at, 154.

Trent, Council of, 114, 116, 117, 118, 124, 209, 299;

cardinal of Lorraine collects money at, 181;

findings of, 57, 209, 210, 234, 250, 273, 278, 295;

conflict of Spanish and French ambassadors at, 261, 262.

Tresques, taken by Joyeuse, 396.

TrÈves, archbishop of, 303.

Triumvirate, pillars of, 97;

formation of, 98, 99;

appeals to Philip II, 99;

negotiations of, 121;

tries to influence Antoine of Bourbon, 131, 133;

intends to compel court to go to Bois de Vincennes, 137;

Antoine surrenders to, 138;

Catherine de Medici yields to, 143;

asks Margaret of Parma for aid, 145;

Huguenots demand withdrawal of, 150;

overtures of, to Spain, 211;

Spain’s slow reply to, 212, 224.

Trompette, ChÂteau, Huguenots attempt to seize, 213.

See also Bordeaux.

Troyes, 84, 127, 142, 232, 339;

treaty of, 204, 209, 238, 239;

CondÉ moves to, 333;

Catholic league of Champagne formed at, 354;

massacre of St. Bartholomew at, 450.

Tulle, inhabitants of, refuse to pay taxes, 492.

Tunis, “kingdom of”, promised to Antoine of Bourbon, 132.

Turenne, viscount of, sent to Montgomery, 472;

sides with Montmorency, 474.

Turin, 311;

Henry III at, 488;

Damville at, 488.

Turks, 84, 89;

relations of, with Catherine de Medici, 248;

attack Malta, 248, 297, 302, 306;

league proposed against, 277;

fleet against, 423;

league against, 423, n.;

French relations with, 424;

Spain demands discontinuance of French relations with, 426;

friendliness of, to France, 453;

make truce with Emperor, 464;

Damville introduces, into Aigues Mortes, 492.

See also Lepanto.

Tuscany, money from, 184;

duke of, 311;

influence of, 423.

Tyrol, 242.

Uloa, Alonzo de, Spanish commander, 310.

Universities, Huguenots excluded from, 420.

Utrecht, revolt in, 265.

Uzes, duke of, resigns, 502.

Valais, forms league with Bern and Freiburg, 308.

Valenciennes, heresy at, 197;

rebellious spirit of, 264, 266;

Louis of Nassau takes, 445, 446.

ValÉry, Synod of, 319.

Valois, wheat dear in, 286.

Valteline, 241.

Vargas, member of Alva’s Council of Blood, 312.

Vassy, massacre of, 134, 135;

does not dismay Huguenots, 137;

constable advises King to repudiate guilt of, 137;

duke of Guise to blame for, 142;

Dieppe revolts after news of, 148;

convinces Philip II it is time to act, 211.

VendÔme, 127;

rising in, 150.

Venetian ambassador, quoted, 65, 70, 201, 232.

Venice, money from, 184;

in league against the Turks, 423, n.;

Henry III at, 488.

Verdun, 301;

France erects citadel at, 307, 315.

Vergt, battle of, 147, 154, 157, 215.

Vernon, 152.

Verre. See Avignon.

Vesalius, physician of Philip II, attends Henry II, 3.

Vieilleville, marshal, governor of Metz, opposed to Guises, 125;

succeeds St. AndrÉ, 181;

sent to Switzerland, 240, 241;

sent to Metz, 307;

confers with CondÉ, 328;

moderation of, 356.

Vienna, cardinal of Lorraine sent to, 196.

Vienne River, duke of Anjou withdraws army across, 387.

Villebonne, governor of Rouen, 47, 48;

guards Pont de l’Arche, 177.

Villefranche, Coligny at, 181.

Villeroy, reports on condition of king’s army before La Rochelle, 459;

sent to Languedoc, 476.

Viscounts, 375;

strength of, in the south, 391;

early history of, 394-97;

cross Loire River at Blois, 396;

cross Dordogne River to join prince of CondÉ, 396;

defeated in PÉrigord, 396;

destroy Gaillac, 396;

join Montgomery, 397;

helped by feud between Montluc and Damville, 402, 403.

VisiÈres, lieutenant of Montgomery, pursued by Guises, 41.

Vivarais, viscount of Rapin in, 396;

Coligny in, 411.

Voulton, 334.

Wallachia, Poland hopes to recover, 455.

Walloons, at siege of Poitiers, 387.

Walsingham, urges marriage negotiations of Elizabeth to duke of Anjou, 422.

Warwick. See Havre-de-Grace.

Warwick, earl of, instructions to, 166;

seizes Havre de Grace, 167;

hopes to compel towns of Seine to capitulate, 177;

urges Elizabeth, 184;

precarious position of, 187, 201;

surrenders, 213.

Westelburg, count of, 373.

Wheat, price of, 286, 287, 343, 408.

William of Orange, sends assurance to Coligny, 379;

restoration of, demanded by Huguenots, 417;

urges alliance of France and England, 440, 441;

issues proclamation from Dillenberg, 444;

at Frankfort Fair, 446;

overtures of France to, 462;

treaty with England, 463, n.;

plots in Franche ComtÉ, 492, 493;

possible marriage of daughter of, to duke of AlenÇon, 503.

Windmills, burned by Huguenots in faubourgs of Paris, 327.

Worcester, earl of, sent to France, 455.

WÜrtemburg, conference of duke of Guise with duke of, at Saverne, 123;

sister of duke of, proposed as wife of Henry of Navarre, 422.

Zealanders, disperse Spanish fleet at Sluys, 446.

Zurich, alarmed at approach of duke of Alva, 308;

neutrality of, 371.


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