Abuses, old, reformed, 214
Accidents, decrease in 1909, 371
Accidents, effect of freight traffic on, 378
Accidents, fatalities in, since 1888, 375
Accidents on British railways, 379
Accidents on European railways, 382
Accidents, overwork seldom cause of, 381
Accidents, train, causes of, 379
Acworth, W. M., on relations of railroads to the state, 220
Acworth, W. M., testimony before Senate committee, 283
Additional lines, little room for, 47
Advances in railway rates, concerning, 261
African Cape government railroads, 231
Agricultural implements, freight rates on, 108
Agricultural products and freight rates, 183
Air brakes, introduction of, 119
Allegheny Mountains, elevations, 31
American railways by states, 1835 to 1909, 391
Area, number of miles to, in 1869, 134
Australian railways under government ownership, 221, 232
Automatic couplers, 120
Automatic mechanical stop, 320
Automatic signaling, 124
Bacon, Lord, on the necessity of easy transportation, 5
Bananas, relation of freight rate to price, 97
Beaulieu, Leroy, on American railways, 79
Belgian railroads owned by the state, 220
Bills, multitude of, affecting railways, 68
Block signaling, evolution of, 123
Block signals, miles protected by, 1908, 1909, 320
Brewer, Judge, on the right to change rates, 266
British railway commission discussed, 248
British railways, slow growth of, 243
British railways, statistics of, 389
Brown, W. C., on the freight rate situation, 107
Business suit, freight rates on a, 110
Butter, freight rates on, 111
Butter, price of, little affected by freight charge, 91
Canada railways, statistics of, 388
Canals, beginnings of American, 10
Canal construction, revival of, 327
Pay roll, proportion to gross earnings, 1899-1909, 325
Pennsylvania R. R. Co., first report of engineer, 21
Pennsylvania R. R. Co., how located, 24
Pennsylvania R. R. Co. in 1848 and 1909, 44
Pennsylvania R. R. Co. owned by 50,000 people, 218
Petroleum, relation of freight charge to price of, 99
Physical valuation and rate making, 83
Physical valuation, Senator Cummins on, 343
Policy of fairness and liberality needed, 62
Popular hostility to the railroads, 212
Postal cars, increasing cost of, 158
Postal cars, pay for, 157
Postal deficit, cause of, 160
Potatoes, effect of freight charge on price, 92
Poultry, freight rates on, 111
Preference, undue, would increase under nationalization, 255
Pre-railway era in America, 5
Pre-railway era in England, 5
Prices and actual rates, 191
Prices, relative, wholesale, 182
Prices, retail, London and New York, 336
Prices, retail, of principal articles, 1890-1909, 382
Priestley, Neville, on American railways, 78
Private capital, dependence on, 87
Private corporations, railway companies are, 207
Private property, railways are, 75
Problems confronting railways, Daniel Willard on, 66
Problems of construction and operation essentially different, 244
Problems, railroad, of to-day, J. B. Thayer on, 211
Property rights involved in fixing rates, 266
Proportion of pay roll to gross earnings, 1899-1909, 325
Prosperity of the country depends on prosperous railways, 115
Public and the railroads, John C. Spooner on, 205
Public approval and the railroads, E. P. Ripley on, 199
"Public be damned," origin of saying, 200
Public control and private ownership, are they compatible?, 204
Public sentiment rules in the United States, 200
Public service of American railways, 346
Rails, their evolution, 132
Railway mail pay in 1899 reported not excessive, 132
Railways, American, are private property, 75
Railways essential to happiness of American people, [A] with placement at the end of that Chapter.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

The Table of Contents has been expanded to include the seventeen sections under the 'Statistics' chapter at page 291.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example: employes, employees; pay roll, pay-roll; reconnoissance; asperse.

Pg 15, 'would built' replaced by 'would build'.
Pg 19, 'incontestible' replaced by 'incontestable'.
Pg 38, column headings, copied from the earlier similar table on pg 36, have been added to this table for clarity.
Pg 42, 'transhipment' replaced by 'transshipment'.
Pg 97, 'Oamha' replaced by 'Omaha'.
Pg 97, 'remainding' replaced by 'remaining'.
Pg 133, 'uniformily' replaced by 'uniformly'.
Pg 177, missing Table Footnote '(a) January to July, only.' added.
Pg 181 Footnote [F], '89 and 95' replaced by '89 to 95'.
Pg 200, 'correst' replaced by 'correct'.
Pg 205, 'leachlike' replaced by 'leechlike'.
Pg 210, 'inocuous' replaced by 'innocuous'.
Pg 226, 'parlimentary' replaced by 'parliamentary'.
Pg 272, 'is practical' replaced by 'its practical'.
Pg 295, '(m = 1,000.)' replaced by '(m = 1,000; d = decrease.)'.
Pg 298, 'phenomenonally' replaced by 'phenomenally'.
Pg 316, 'direct charges' replaced by 'Indirect charges'.
Pg 316, '$250,635.34' replaced by '$240,635.34'.
Pg 318, Table 11th row, 'XII' replaced by 'XI'.
Pg 331, 'arbitraters' replaced by 'arbitrators'.
Pg 335, 'desponding' replaced by 'despondent'.
Pg 357, Table note (b), 'Bureau 99' replaced by 'Bureau in'.
Pg 357, Table note (b), 'December, in 10' replaced by 'December, is'.


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