
[1] Etc. is probably a direction ad lib. for the doctor speaking the formulÆ.

[2] Hanbury’s Notes on Chinese Materia Medica.

[3] Lilly’s Autobiography, 1774.

[4] The Egyptian magical texts show that hair, feathers, the serpent’s skin, and “the blood of the mystic eye,” were used as charms of protecting or destroying power. This very probably denotes what is known as the charm of dragon’s blood, which is still employed as a potent love charm or philtre, the blood being now typified by the red resin of this name.

[5] Bullen’s Governmente of Health. 1558.

[6] William Coles, Adam in Eden. 1657.

[7] Lib. viii., c. ii., 5.

[8] Now in the possession of Mr. E. W. Cox, to whom we are indebted for the sketch.

[9] Hamlet, act i., scene v.

[10] Paris, Pharmacologia, p. 294.

[11] Romeo and Juliet, act v., scene i.

[12] Cymbeline, scene vi.

[13] Henry VI., part iii., act ii., scene iii.

[14] Pericles, act iii., scene ii.

[15] Othello, act v., scene ii.

[16] King Lear, act iii., scene iv.

[17] Henry IV., part ii., act i., scene ii.

[18] Henry VI., act v., scene iv.

[19] Comedy of Errors, act iv., scene i.

[20] Two Gentlemen of Verona, act ii., scene iv.

[21] Lucrece, v., 76.

[22] King Henry IV., part ii., act iv., scene iv.

[23] King Henry IV., part i., act ii., scene iv.

[24] King Henry IV., part ii., act v., scene iii.

[25] Othello, act i., scene iii.

[26] Love’s Labour’s Lost, act v., scene ii.

[27] Hamlet, act iv., scene v.

[28] Winter’s Tale, act iv., scene iii.

[29] Othello, act iii., scene iii.

[30] Romeo and Juliet, act iv., scene iii.

[31] All’s Well that Ends Well, act ii., scene iii.

[32] Macbeth, act v., scene iii.

[33] Winter’s Tale, act iv., scene iv.

[34] Hamlet, act iv., scene v.

[35] Winter’s Tale, act iv., scene iii.

[36] Macbeth, act v., scene iii.

[37] Love’s Labour’s Lost, act v., scene ii.

[38] Sonnets, verses 118, 119.

[39] The Faerie Queen, book i., canto x.

[40] The Faerie Queen, book vi., canto vi.

[41] The Faerie Queen, book i., canto i.

[42] The Faerie Queen, book ii., canto vi.

[43] The Faerie Queen, book ii., canto vii.

[44] Shepherd’s Calendar—July.

[45] Ben Jonson’s Fox, act ii., scene i.

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Transcriber’s note

A few errors in punctuation were corrected silently. Also the following changes were made, on page
52 “furnance” changed to “furnace” (seizing his red-hot tongs from the little furnace in which)
76 “Teragrammaton” changed to “Tetragrammaton” (Tetragrammaton + Adonai)
234 “the” added (centre of the cover)
273 “Lanfen” changed to “Lafeu” (Lafeu. Go to, sir, you were beaten in Italy)
278 “Spencer” changed to “Spenser” (Edmund Spenser was born in London).

Otherwise the original was preserved, including unusual or inconsistent spelling and hyphenation, and possible errors in quotes from other books.


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