
Charles C. Turner, "The Romance of Aeronautics" (1912); "The Curtiss Aviation Book", by Glenn H. Curtiss and Augustus Post (1912); Samuel Pierpont Langley and Charles M. Manly, "Langley Memoir on Mechanical Flight" (Smithsonian Institution, 1911); "Our Atlantic Attempt", by H. G. Hawker and K. Mackenzie Grieve (1919); "Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours", by Sir Arthur Whitten Brown (1920); "Practical Aeronautics", by Charles B. Hayward, with an Introduction by Orville Wright (1912); "Aircraft; Its Development in War and Peace", by Evan J. David (1919). Accounts of the flights across the Atlantic are given in "The Aerial Year Book and Who's Who in the Air" (1920), and the story of NC4 is told in "The Flight Across the Atlantic", issued by the Department of Education, Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation (1919).


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