
On the general subject of cotton manufacture and machinery, see: J. L. Bishop, "History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860", 3 vols. (1864-67); Samuel Batchelder, "Introduction and Early Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in the United States" (1863); James Montgomery, "A Practical Detail of the Cotton Manufacture of the United States of America" (1840); Melvin T. Copeland, "The Cotton Manufacturing Industry of the United States" (1912); and John L. Hayes, "American Textile Machinery" (1879). Harriet H. Robinson, "Loom and Spindle" (1898), is a description of the life of girl workers in the early factories written by one of them. Charles Dickens, "American Notes", Chapter IV, is a vivid account of the life in the Lowell mills. See also Nathan Appleton, "Introduction of the Power Loom and Origin of Lowell" (1858); H. A. Miles, "Lowell, as It Was, and as It Is" (1845), and G. S. White, "Memoir of Samuel Slater" (1836). On Elias Howe, see Dwight Goddard, "A Short Story of Elias Howe in Eminent Engineers" (1905).


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