
§ 1. Secondary Current by Induction. No Increased E. M. F. Faraday
2. Electric Spark and Increased E. M. F. by Induced Current. Page
3. Spark in Secondary Increased by Condenser in Primary. Fizeau
4. Atmosphere around an Incandescent Live Wire. Vincintini
5. Magnetizing Radiations from an Electric Spark. Henry
6. Arcing Metals at Low Voltage. Faraday
7. Non-arcing Metals at High Voltage. Practical Application. Wurts
8. Duration of Spark Measured. Wheatstone
8a. Discharge—Intermittent, Constant, and Oscillatory—by Variation of Resistance. Feddersen
9. Musical Note by Discharge with Small Ball Electrodes. Invisible Discharge. Faraday
9a. Pitch of Sound Changed by Approach of Conductor Connected to Earth. Faraday and Mayer
10. Brush Discharge. Color. StriÆ. Nitrogen Best Transmitter of a Spark, and its Practical Bearing in Atmospheric Lightning. Cathode Brushes in Different Gases. Faraday
11. Glow by Discharge. Glow Changed to Spark. Motion of Air. Apparent Continuous Discharge during Glow. Faraday
12. Spark. Solids Perforated. Lullin
13. Spark. Glass Perforated. Holes Close Together. Practical Application for Porous Glass. Fage
14 and 14a. Spark. Penetrating Power. Conducting Power of Gas. Relation of E. M. F. to Pressure of Gases. Discharge through Hydrogen Vacuum Continued with Less Current than that Required to Start it. Knochenhaurer, Boltzmann, Thomson (Kelvin), Maxwell, Varley, Harris, and Masson
15. Dust Particles or Rust on the Electrodes Hasten Discharge. Gordon
16. Where the Distance is Greater, the Dielectric Strength is Smaller, Both Distances Being Minute. Thomson (Kelvin)
17. Discharge through Gases under Very High Pressures. Increased Dielectric Strength. Cailletet
18. Discharges in Different Chemical Gases Variably Resisted. Faraday
19. Gas as a Conductor. Molecule for Molecule, its Conductivity Greater than that for Gases. Thomson, J. J.
20. Relation of Light to Electricity. The Square Root of the Dielectric Capacity Equal to the Refractive Index. Boltzmann, Gibson, Barclay, Hopkinson, and Gladstone
21. Hermetically Sealed Discharge Tubes with Platinum Leading-in Wires. PlÜcker and Geissler
22. Luminosity of Discharge Tubes Produced by Rubbing. Increased by Low Temperature. Geissler
23. Different Vacua Needed for Luminosity by Friction and by Discharge. Alvergniat
24. Phenomena of Discharge around the Edges of an Insulating Sheet. Steinmetz
25. Highest Possible Vacuum Considered as a Non-conductor. Morgan
84. X-rays Characterized. Fluorescence and Chemical Action. Roentgen
85. Non-refraction of X-rays Determined by Opaque and Other Prisms. Refraction, if Any, Exceedingly Slight. Roentgen
86. Velocity of X-rays Inferred to be the Same in All Bodies. Roentgen
87. Non-double Refraction Proved by Iceland Spar and Other Materials. Roentgen and Mayer
88. Rectilinear Propagation of X-rays Indicated by Pin-hole Camera and Sharpness of Sciagraphs. Roentgen
89. Interference Uncertain Because X-rays Tested were Weak. Roentgen
90. Electrified Bodies, whether Conductors or Insulators, or Positive or Negative, Discharged by X-rays. Hydrogen, etc., as the Intermediate Agency. Roentgen
90a. Application of Principle of Discharge by X-rays. Roentgen
90A, b, c, d. Supplementary Experiments on Charge and Discharge by X-rays. Minchin, Righi, Benoist, Hurmuzescu, and Borgmann
91. Focus Tube. Roentgen, Shallenberger, et al.
91a. Tribute to the Tesla Apparatus. Roentgen
92. X-rays and Longitudinal Vibrations. Roentgen
93. Longitudinal Waves in Luminiferous Ether by Electrical Means Early Predicted by Thomson (Kelvin)
94. Theory as to X-rays Being of a Different Order of Magnitude from those so far Known. Schuster
95. Longitudinal Waves Exist in a Medium Containing Charged Ions. Theoretical. Thomson, J. J.
96. Practical Application of X-rays Foreshadowed. Boltzmann
97. The Sciascope. Magie, Salvioni, et al.
97a. Electrified Bodies Discharged by Light of a Spark, and the Establishment of a Radical Discovery. Hertz
97b. Above Results Confirmed and More Specific Tests. Wiedemann and Ebert
98. Negatively Charged Bodies Discharged by Light. Discharge from Earth’s Surface Explained by Inference and Experiment. Elster and Geitel
99. Relation between Light and Electricity. Cathode of Discharge Tube Acted upon by Polarized Light and Apparently Made a Conductor Because of the Discharging Effect. Elster and Geitel
99A to 99T. Briefs Regarding Action between Electric Charge and Light. Schuster, Righi, Stolstow, Branly, Borgmann, Mebius, et al.
100. Stereoscopic Sciagraphs. Thomson, E.
101. Obtaining Manifold Sciagraphs Simultaneously upon Superposed Photographic Films and through Opaque Materials, and thus Indicating Relative Sensitiveness of Different Films to X-rays. Intensifying Process Applicable in Sciagraphy. Thick Films Appropriate. Thomson, E.

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