
1. Faraday’s Experiment, 1831. Secondary Current by Induction. Experimental Researches, Proc. Royal. So. 1841.—In brief, the experiment involved the elements illustrated in the accompanying diagram, Fig. 1, p. 17; a ring made of iron; upon the ring, two coils of copper wire, suitably insulated from each other and from the iron; a galvanometer included in circuit with one coil, and an electric battery of ten cells placed in circuit with the other coil. He found that upon breaking or completing connection with the battery, the needle was powerfully deflected. Without entering into further detail, it is important, however, to notice that he did not perform any experiments tending to establish the principle of increase of E. M. F. by making the very slight change now known to be necessary. § 2.

2. Page’s Experiment, 1838. Electric Spark by Induced Current. Pynchon, p. 427. Dr. Page performed an experiment in which the primary coil was but a few feet in length, while the secondary coil was 320 ft. He included, in the primary circuit, only a few cells of battery. The manner in which he first caused rapid interruptions of the circuit of the primary coil was by the use of what may be called a coarse file, Fig. 2, p. 17. He discovered that the E. M. F. during the rapid interruption was so much increased over that of the small battery, that an electric spark would pass between the secondary terminals without first bringing them into contact with each other. § 6. The result of these experiments was not only the generation of a current of high E. M. F. from a generator of low E. M. F., but also a current of great quantity as compared with currents obtained from frictional and influence machines, whose complete history is found in Mascart’s work on Electricity.

3. Fizeau’s Experiment. Spark in Secondary Increased by Condenser in Primary, 1853. Pynchon, p. 456.—He connected the plates of a condenser respectively to the terminals of an automatic circuit breaker in the primary circuit, and noticed that the sparks between the two terminals of the interrupter produced by the self-induced current were greatly diminished, while those of the secondary coil were about double in length. Since that time it has been universally customary to equip induction coils with condensers in like manner.

4. Vincentini’s Experiment. Condition of a Gas Around a Live Wire. Nuovo Cimento, Vol. XXXVI., No. 3. Nature, Lon., March 28, ’95, p. 514. The Elect., Lon., Feb. 8, ’95, p. 433. G. Vincentini and M. Cinelli found that the molecules of a gas at and near the surface of a platinum wire, rendered incandescent by a current, are electrified, and that with hydrogen their potential is about .025 volt above the mean potential of the wire. With air and carbonic acid gas the increment is about 1 volt. The apparatus, Fig. II., consists essentially of means for passing a current along a platinum wire, a bulb for preventing draughts, and an electrometer having a platinum disc electrode that could be adjusted to different positions. It was noticeable that the electrification did not reach a maximum instantaneously upon closing the current through the wire, but the time was less at points below the wire than above.


5. Henry’s Experiment. Magnetizing Radiations from an Electric Spark. Proc. Inter. Elect. Cong., 1893, p. 119. Preece alluded to Prof. Henry’s original experiment illustrating the action of an electric discharge § 2 at a distance. He placed a needle in the cellar. Disruptive discharges of a Leyden jar at 30 ft. distant, in an upper room, produced a magnetic effect upon the needle.

6. Faraday’s Experiment. Arc Maintained by Certain Metallic Electrodes at Low Voltage. Experimental Researches. Phil. Trans., Se. IX., Dec., 1894. § 107. to 1078. The generator employed in this experiment consisted of a few cells of a chemical battery, and he obtained, what he called, a voltaic spark. He observed that when the two terminals touched each other, a burning took place and an appearance as if the spark were passing on making the contact, the terminals being pointed and formed of metal. When mercury was the terminal, the luminosity of the spark was much greater than with platinum or gold, although the same quantity of current passed in both cases. He attributed the difference to a greater amount of combustion in the case of mercury, than in those of gold and platinum. He obtained almost a continuous spark by bringing down a pointed copper wire to the surface of mercury and withdrawing it slightly. Wheatstone, in 1835, analysed the light of sparks, and found them to be so characteristic that by means of the prism and the spectra formed, the metal could be known.


7. Wurts’s Experiment. Non-arcing metals at high voltage. Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng. March 15, 1892. Ann. Chem. Phar. Sup. VII, 354 and VIII, 133. Chem. News, VII, 70; X, 59, and XXXII, 21, 129.—Mendelejeff and Meyer discovered that chemical elements occur in natural groups by a principle which they termed the periodic law. One of these groups includes zinc, cadmium, mercury and magnesium; and another group, antimony, bismuth, phosphorus and arsenic. Alex. J. Wurts, of the Westinghouse Electric Co. found that the metals of these groups are non-arcing, by which he means that with an alternating current dynamo of a thousand or more volts, and with the said metals as electrodes in the air only just escaping each other, it is impossible to maintain an arc as in the case of an ordinary arc lamp having carbon electrodes or in a lightning arrester usually having copper electrodes. He suggested and theorized that certain chemical reactions served to explain the phenomena. With low voltage—as 500, the arc was maintained between all metals. § 6. A two pole lightning arrester is shown in Fig. III The arc formed, ceased instantly. One of the best metals for practical use is an alloy of 1/2 zinc and 1/2 antimony, or any metal electroplated with a non-arcing metal. Freedman observed a critical point with electrodes of brass. The current was gradually reduced until the arc became like the discharge of a Holtz machine whose condensers have been disconnected. See Elect. Power, N.Y., Feb. 1896, p. 119.

8. Wheatstone’s Experiment. Duration of Spark. Phil. Tran. 1834.—The short duration of an electric spark produced by a single disruptive discharge is easily made apparent by a rapidly rotating disc, having radial sectional areas of different colors. With reflected sunlight, the colors seem to blend into one tint upon the principle of the persistence of vision; (See Swain’s experiment. Trans. R. So. Edin. ’49 and ’61.); but when viewed by the flash of a spark, the colors are seen as distinctly separated as if the disc were at rest. By calculation, based directly upon a series of experiments, he found the duration of the spark to be about .000042 sec. It was discovered also, by the rotating mirror, that the apparently single spark was composed of several following each other in quick succession, and he concluded that the current during the discharge was intermittent. He considered each of the divisions of the spark as an electric discharge. Prof. Nichols, of Cornell University, and McKittrick obtained curves indicating the variation of E. M. F. during the existence of a spark. Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng. May 20, ’96.

8a. Feddersen, who used a Leyden jar, modified the experiment by having high resistances in the circuit through which the charge was effected. The duration of the spark was found to be increased. In one experiment, he employed a slender column of water as the resistance, 9 mm. in length. The spark endured .0014 second. With a tube of water 180 mm. the duration was .0183 second. He noticed also that the duration increases directly with the striking distance and with the electrical dimensions of the electrical generator. By varying the resistance of the circuit, he found as it became less, the discharge was intermittent, when further reduced, continuous, (difficult to obtain) § 11 and when very small, oscillatory—i.e., alternately in opposite directions.

9. Faraday’s Experiment. Brush discharge sound. Phil. Trans. Jan. 1837. Se. XII.—The brush discharge was caused to occur, in his experiments, generally from a small ball about .7 of an inch in diameter, at the end of a long brass rod, acting as the anode. With smaller balls he noticed that the pitch of the sound produced was so much higher as to produce a distinct musical note, and he suggested that the note could be employed as a means of counting the number of intermissions per second. See Mayer’s book on “Sound” § 77, on measuring number of vibrations in a musical note.

9a. Upon bringing the hand toward the brush the pitch increased. § 49. With still smaller balls and points, in which case the brush could hardly be distinguishable, the sound was not heard. He alluded to the rotating mirror of Wheatstone as becoming not only useful but necessary at this stage. He considered the brush as the form of discharge between the contact and the air or else some other non or semi-conductor, but generally between the conductor and the walls of the room or other objects which are nearest the electrodes, the air acting as the dielectric. One experiment, he performed with hydrochloric acid led him to believe that that particular gas permitted of a dark or invisible discharge. Sometimes the air was electrically charged § 4 to a less distance than the length of the brush or light.

10. Brush in Different Gases. Striae Cathode Brushes. In the air, at the ordinary pressure he found the color to be “purple;” when rarefied still more purple, and then approaching to rose; in oxygen, at the ordinary pressure, a dull white; when rarefied, “purple;” and with nitrogen, the color was particularly easily obtained at the anode, and when nitrogen was rarefied the effect was magnificent. The quantity of light was greater than with any other gas that he tried. Hydrogen, as to its effect, fell between nitrogen and oxygen. The color was greenish grey at the ordinary pressure and also at great rarity. The striae were very fine in form and distinctness, pale in color and velvety in appearance, but not as beautiful as those in hydrogen. With coal gas, the brushes were not easily produced. They were short and strong and generally green, and more like an ordinary spark. The light was poor and rather grey. Also in carbonic acid gas the brush was crudely formed at the ordinary pressure as to the size, light and color. The tendency of the discharge in this case was always towards the formation of the spark as distinguished from the brush. When rarefied, the light was weak, but the brush was better in form and greenish to purple, varying with the pressure and other circumstances. As to hydrochloric acid, it was difficult to obtain a brush at the ordinary pressure. He tried all kinds of rods, balls and points, and while carrying on all these experiments he kept two other electrodes out in the air for comparison, and while he could not obtain any satisfactory brush in the hydrochloric acid gas, there were simultaneously beautiful brushes in the air. In the rarefied gas, he obtained striae of a blue color.

He compared the appearances also of the anode and cathode brushes in different gases at different pressures. He noticed that in air, the superiority of the anode brush was not very marked (§ 41 at end.) In nitrogen, this superiority was greater yet. A line of theory ran through Faraday’s mind in connection with all these experiments, whereby he held that there is “A direct relation of the electric forces with the molecules of the matter concerned in the action.” § 47. He made a practical application of the principles in the explanation of lightning, because nitrogen gas forms 4/5 of the atmosphere, and as the discharge takes place therein so easily.

From Magnetographs by Prof. McKay. p. 25.
1. Platinum wire.
2. Copper gauze.
3. Iron gauze.
4. Tinfoil.
5. Gold-foil.
6. Brass protractor.
7. Silver coin.
8. Platinum-foil.
9. Brass.
10. Lead-foil.
11. Aluminum.
12. Magnesium ribbon.
13. Copper objects.

From Sciagraph of Various Objects. p. 130.
By Prof. Terry, U. S. Naval Academy.

11. Glow by Discharge. Glow Changed to Spark. Motion of Air. Continuous Discharge During Glow. The glow was most easily obtained in rarefied air. The electrodes were of metal rods about .2 of an inch in diameter. He also obtained a glow in the open air by means of one or both of the small rods. He noticed some peculiarities of the glow. In the first place, it occurred in all gases and slightly in oil of turpentine. It was accompanied by a motion of the gas, either directly from the light or towards it. He was unable to analyze the glow into visible elementary intermittent discharges, nor could he obtain any evidence of such an intermittent action, § 8a. No sound was produced even in open air. § 9. He was able to change the brush into a glow by aiding the formation of a current of air at the extremity of the rod. He also changed the glow into a brush by a current of air, or by influencing the inductive action near the glow. The presentation of a sharp point assisted in sustaining or sometimes even in producing the glow; so also did rarefaction of the air. The condensation of the air, or the approach of a large surface tended to change the glow into a brush, and sometimes into a spark. Greasing the end of the wire caused the glow to change into a brush.

12. Lullin’s Experiment. Spark. Penetrating Power. Passage Through Solids. Encyclo. Brit. Article Electricity. He placed a piece of cardboard between two electrodes and discovered that a spark penetrated the material and left a hole with burnt edges. When the electrodes were not exactly opposite each other, the perforation occurred in the neighborhood of the negative pole. Later experiments have shown that a glass plate, 5 or 6 cm. in thickness, can be punctured by the spark of a large induction coil. The plate should be large enough to prevent the spark from going around the edges. The spark is inclined, also, to spread over the surface of the glass instead of piercing it, § 24. Glass has been cracked by the spark in some experiments.

13. Fage’s Experiment. Spark. Penetrating Glass. Holes Close Together. Practical Application. La Nature, 1879. Nature, Dec. 26, 1879, p. 189. The length of the spark from the secondary coil in air was 12 cm. One terminal of the secondary passed through an ebonite plate (18 cm. × 12) and touched the glass. Olive oil was spread around said terminal (§ 11 at end), and served to insulate the same. Oil dielectric in this connection originally employed at least prior to 1870. Remembered by Prof. Anthony as far back as 1872, who often performed the experiment according to instructions contained in a publication. The other terminal of the secondary coil was brought against the glass opposite the first terminal. The spark was then passed and the glass perforated, § 12. By pushing the glass along to successive positions and passing the spark at each movement, holes could be made very close together. In Nature, of 1896, the author noticed that certain manufacturers were introducing glass perforated with invisible holes to be used for windows as a means of ventilation without strong draughts. Perhaps the fine holes were made by means of the electric spark.

14. Knochenhaurer’s Experiments. Conducting Power of Gas. Spark. Penetrating Power. Relation of E. M. F. to Pressure of Gas. 1834. Pogg. Ann., Vol. LVII., and Gordon, Vol. II. Boltzmann’s experiment (Pogg. Ann., CLV., ’75), and calculation indicated that a gas at ordinary pressure and temperature must have a specific resistance at least 1026 times that of copper. Pogg. Ann., CLV., ’75. Sir William Thomson (Kelvin) confirmed this limit for steam, and Maxwell the same for mercury and sodium vapor, steam and air. From Maxwell’s MSS. Herwig was not sure but that the Bunsen burner flame and mercury vapor conducted. He allowed for the conductivity of the walls of the glass container. Braun treated of the conductivity of flames. Pogg. Ann., ’75.

14a. Varley found that 323 Daniel cells only just initiated a current through a hydrogen Geissler tube, and only 308 cells continued the current after once started. Knochenhaurer found that Harris’ (Phil. Trans., 1834) law did not hold exactly true, and that the ratio between the E. M. F. and the air pressure becomes greater and greater as the pressure becomes less and less. Harris thought the ratio was constant. The limits of his pressures were from 3 to 27.04 inches of mercury. Stated in other words, his results were the same as those of Harris and Masson (Ann. de Chimie, XXX., 3rd Se.), except that a small constant quantity should be added. § 16.

15. Gordon’s Experiment. Dust Particles Hasten Discharge. Gordon, Vol. II. Other experimenters had investigated the phenomena of the electric spark with different densities of the dielectric by a spark produced by a frictional or an influence machine, or, in a few cases, by powerful batteries without coils, while Gordon claims to be the first to carry out these experiments with an induction coil. He observed that when the discharging limit was nearly reached, small circumstances, such as a grain of dust or a rusting of the terminal by a former discharge, would cause the discharge to take place at a lower E. M. F., which should be allowed for.

16. Kelvin’s Experiment. Proc. R. So., 1860. Encyclo. Brit., Art. Elect. He used as the terminals, two plates. One of them was perfectly plane, while the other had a curvature of a very long radius. The object of this arrangement was to obtain a definite length of spark for each discharge. The plates were gradually moved away until the spark would no longer pass, and the reading of the distance was noted. The law which he found cannot well be expressed in the form of a rule or principle, because it is of a rather intricate nature, but a discovery resulted, namely in the case where the distance was greater, the dielectric strength was smaller for respective distances of .00254 and .535 cm. Many theoretical considerations in reference to this matter have been presented, notably that of Maxwell in his treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. I.

17. Cailletet’s Experiment. Spark. Penetrating Power. High Pressures. Increased Dielectric Strength. Mascart, Vol. I. He experimented with dry gas up as high as pressures of 700 lbs. per sq. inch. He found that the dielectric strength continues to increase with increase of pressure. He used about 15 volts in the primary and a powerful induction coil. The dielectric strength was so great that at the maximum pressure named above, the spark would not pass between the electrodes when only .05 mm. apart. § 25 and 11, near end.

18. Faraday’s Experiment. Discharges in Different Chemical Gases Variably Resisted. Exper. Res. Phil. Trans., Se. XII., Jan. ’36. Faraday passed on from the consideration of the effect of pressure, temperature, etc., and wondered whether there would be any difference in the law according to what gas was used. He arranged apparatus so that he could know, with air as a standard, whether another gas had a greater or less dielectric power. (Cavendish before him had noticed a difference.) He tabulated the results. They exhibited the following facts, namely that gas, when employed as dielectrics, depend for their power upon their chemical nature. § 10. Hydrochloric acid gas was found to have three times the dielectric strength of hydrogen, and more than twice that of oxygen, nitrogen or air; therefore the law did not follow that of specific gravities nor atomic weights. See also De la Rue, Proc. Royal So., XXVI., p. 227.

19. Thomson’s Experiments. Gas as a Conductor. Visible Indication by Discharge. Nature, Lon., Aug. 23, ’94, p. 409; Jan. 31, ’95, p. 332, and other references cited below. Lec. Royal Inst. Proc. Brit. Asso., Aug. 16, ’94. In making comparisons, things of like nature should be considered. Take, for example, gas at .01 m. The number of molecules in such a rarefied atmosphere is comparatively small, while in an electrolyte there are molecules sufficient in number to produce 15,000 lbs. of pressure, if imagined in the gaseous state within the same space. By an experiment and rough calculation, Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S., calculated that the conductivity of a gas estimated per molecule is about 10 million times that of an electrolyte, for example, sulphuric acid. § 14. This is greater than the molecular conductivity of the best conducting metals. The experiment which is illustrated in Fig. IV. was a second experiment which did not serve as a basis for calculation, but exhibited very strikingly to the eye that gases having different pressures have different conductivities. For this apparatus he had two concentric bulbs, as indicated, one being contained within the other. The inner one had air rarefied to the luminous point. The outer one had a vacuum as high as it was practical to make it, and contained in a projection a drop of mercury, which, when heated, would gradually increase the pressure. Two Leyden jars were employed, and their outer coatings were connected to the coil which is seen surrounding the outer bulb, and the inner coatings were connected to the coils of a Wimshurst machine. The operation was as follows: When the mercury was cold, that is, with a high vacuum in the outer compartment, a bright discharge passed through the inner bulb, while the outer bulb was dark. When the mercury was heated, the outer bulb was bright, and the inner one was almost dark. By well-known principles of conductors and non-conductors, the operation was explained by Prof. Thomson, who assumed that the gas in the outer bulb is a conductor; then, at each spark will the alternating current in the coil induce currents of an opposite direction in the gas, which will become luminous, as occurred when the mercury was heated. The currents circulating in the gas act as a shield to the induction of the currents in the inner bulb. However, with the vacuum exceedingly high in the outer bulb, the air therein being a non-conductor comparatively, or for the given E. M. F., does not prevent the discharge through the inner bulb, which becomes, therefore, luminous. He next compared the dielectric power of a gas, a liquid and a solid. He found that the E. M. F. had to be raised, in order to produce the discharge,—higher in the liquid than in the gas, and higher in the solid than in the fluid. § 12.


20. Boltzmann, Gibson, Barclay, Hopkinson and Gladstone’s Experiments. Square Root of the Dielectric Capacity Equal to the Refractive Index. Phil. Trans., 1871, p. 573. Maxwell, Vol. II., § 788. Maxwell has argued elaborately upon results of some of the above experimenters upon the theory that the luminiferous ether is the medium for transmission of electricity, light and magnetism; therefore he predicted that the relation stated in the title above should exist. He acknowledged that the relation is sufficiently near a constant to show in connection with other results, especially those obtained, that his theory is probably correct.

21. PLÜCKER’s Experiment. Hermetically Sealed Vacuum Tube. Encycl. Brit., vol. 8, p. 64. Pogg. Ann., 1858, and vol. CXXXVI, 1869.—He engaged Geissler (according to Hittorf) to make a glass tube in which the platinum wire electrodes were sealed in the glass by fusion, as in the modern incandescent lamp. After the air was exhausted by a mechanical air pump through a capillary tube, the same was sealed with the flame of a spirit lamp. He thus established means whereby a practically permanent vacuum could be maintained within a glass bulb. Platinum expands by heat at about the same rate as glass: hence there is no tendency to crack and admit air.

22. Geissler’s Experiment. Luminosity of Vacuum Tubes by Friction. Increased by low temperature. Science Record, 1873.—By rubbing the vacuum tubes with an insulator—cat skin, silk, etc.—he observed that light was generated and that its color depended upon the particular gas forming the residual atmosphere. At a low temperature, the colors were more luminous. § 135. The best form of tube consisted of a spiral tube contained within another tube. A modified construction involved the introduction of mercury. By exhausting the air, and shaking the tube, the friction or motion of the mercury against the glass produced luminous effects according to the gas. Only chemically pure mercury would cause the light, which endured for an instant after the rubbing ceased. § 63.

23. Alvergniat’s Experiment. Luminosity of Vacuum Tubes by Friction and Discharges. Different Vacua Required. Sci. Rec., 1873, p. 111. Comptes Rendus, 1873.—To obtain luminosity by charging the tubes with the coil, it was necessary to increase the degree of the vacuum—but when this was done the rubbing of the tube would not cause light. The tube employed was 45 cm. in length, and contained a small quantity of silicic bromide. The atmospheric pressure within the tube for obtaining the glimmer by friction was 15 mm.

24. Steinmetz’s Experiment. Luminous Effects by Alternating Current and Solid Dielectrics. Trans. Amer. Inst. Elec. Eng., Feb. 21, ’93.—In carrying on experiments in the accurate measurement of dielectric strength, he noticed that upon placing mica between the electrodes, as is hereinafter set forth, a spark did not at first form, but that which he called a corona. He attributed the appearances to a condenser phenomenon, or at least he suggested this as an explanation. § 3. As soon as the corona reached the edge of the plate, the disruptive discharge took place, by means of the sparks passing over the edge of the dielectric. § 38. He employed an alternating current dynamo of about 50 volts and 1 h.p., frequency of 150 complete periods per second. The E. M. F. of the alternator was varied, by changing the exciting current, up to 90 volts. Step-up transformers were employed. With a difference of potential in the secondary of 830 volts, and a thickness of mica of 1.8 mm. and when the experiment was performed in a dark room a faint bluish glow appeared between the mica and the electrodes. At 970 volts the glow was brighter, while at 1560 volts the luminosity was visible in broad day-light, and kept on increasing with the increase of E. M. F. He modified the experiment by using mica of a thickness of 2.3 mcm. The difference of potential was 4.5 kilo-volts. In addition to the bluish glow, violet streams or creepers broke out and increased in number and length as the E. M. F. became greater, forming a kind of aurora around the electrodes and on both sides of the mica sheet. A loud hissing noise occurred. § 9. As soon as the corona reached the edges of the mica, the disruptive discharge occurred in the form of intensely white sparks and it was noticeable that the length of these sparks was 10 fold greater than could be obtained in the air at 17 kilo-volts. These sparks were so hot as to oxidize the mica, as apparent from the white marks remaining. The electrodes also became very hot, and the mica was contorted and finally broke down.

25. Morgan’s Experiment. No discharge in High Vacua. Wiedemann, vol. 2. Phil. Trans., 1875, vol. 75.—He was led to believe by an experiment, that when the vacuum is sufficiently perfect, no electromotive force could drive the spark from one terminal to the other, however close together they may be. § 18. Details of Morgan’s Experiments were as follows, given roughly in his own words:—A mercurial gauge about fifteen inches long, carefully and accurately boiled till every particle of air was expelled from the inside, was coated with tinfoil five inches down from its sealed end, and being inverted into mercury through a perforation in the brass cap which covered the mouth of the cistern, the whole was cemented together and the air was exhausted from the inside of the cistern, through a valve in the brass cap, which, producing a perfect vacuum in the gauge, formed an instrument peculiarly well adapted for experiments of this kind. Things being thus adjusted (a small wire having been previously fixed on the inside of the cistern, to form a communication between the brass cap and the mercury, into which the gauge was inverted), the coated end was applied to the conductor of an electrical machine, and notwithstanding every effort, neither the smallest ray of light nor the slightest charge could ever be procured in this exhausted gauge.

26. De La Rue and MÜller’s Experiment. Constant Potential at the Terminals of a Discharge Tube. Phil. Trans., part 1, vol. 169, p. 55 and 155.—The apparatus consisted of an exhausted bulb, a chloride battery of 2400 cells and a large resistance adapted to be varied between very wide limits. The result was a constant potential at the electrodes of the bulb, during all the variations of the resistance. They concluded, therefore, that the discharge in highly rarefied gases is disruptive, the same as in air at ordinary pressure.

26a. Klingenberg’s Calculations. Direction of Discharge Tube Current in Secondary of Ruhmkorff Coil. Translated from the German, by Ludwig Gutmann. Extract of paper read by G. Klingenberg before the Electro-technischer Verein. It would naturally be inferred that an induction coil, the primary current of which is intermitted, and of one direction, would produce an alternating current in the secondary coil. The fact of the matter is, however, that a good induction coil will produce the sparking only in but one direction. § 41. The reason is the following: If the coil had no self-induction nor capacity, then the current impulses would be represented by a rectangle a, Fig. 1. On closing, the current would suddenly reach its maximum, which is determined by the terminal pressure and circuit resistance, and this current strength would be maintained as long as the circuit remained closed. On the opening of the circuit, the current would decrease just as suddenly; if not, the arc on opening of the circuit would oppose such sudden fall, therefore the corner will be slightly rounded at a, Fig. 2. The influence of self-induction, which we find in any coil, is the force that will tend to oppose any change in the current strength. Therefore, the self-induction will be the cause of a retardation of the minimum current. On the other hand, it increases the size of the spark on opening. Next a condenser is enclosed in the main circuit, so that the spool is closed through it at the moment the current is intercepted. If we assume, for simplicity sake, that the magnetization of the iron is proportional to the current strength, then the primary current curve represents at the same time, the curve of the rate of change of line of force in the magnetic field. The secondary E. M. F. is determined by e = n(dw/dt)t t; the rise then will have a smaller E. M. F. than at the fall, like Fig. 3, except that the curve representing the fall should be shown as more nearly perpendicular to the abscissa.


27. Kinnersley, Harris and Riess’s Experiments. Spark. Pressure Produced by. Ganot, § 790, et al. Encyclo. Brit. Art. Elect.—These experimenters passed a spark through air contained over mercury, so that if the pressure of the air were increased, the mercury would move along through a capillary tube, having a scale so that the amount could be represented to the eye, as in the cut. (Fig. V.) The experiments proved that when a spark passes through the air, the pressure is increased, and it was concluded in view of several experiments, that the spark being the source of an intense, but small amount of heat, expanded the air, thereby causing the pressure in a secondary manner, through the agency of heat. A spark as short as 2 mm. will produce a considerable pressure of the mercury. Riess performed an experiment also in causing the spark to pass through cardboard, and also through mica located within the air chamber. § 12. Other things being equal, the increase of temperature was less by using the solid material like mica or cards, than without. This illustrated that a part of the energy of the spark was converted into heat and a part into mechanical force, and explained why sound, § 24, is produced by a spark and by lightning.


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