One night little Albert sat at play with his box of bricks till bedtime. He sat at the foot of his mamma's work-table, and he built a house with walls round it, LITTLE BOY'S BEDTIME LITTLE BOY'S BEDTIME When the clock struck, Susan came to the door and said, "Come, master Albert, it is time to go to bed." His mamma said, "Please to come again by and by, for the little boy is not quite ready. He has not said his prayer. He will be ready soon." But Albert cried out, "Go away, Susan. I do not want to go to bed. I want to sit up a little longer." Mamma. My dear, it is bedtime, and you must go. Albert. It is not your bedtime, mamma. I do not think any one goes to sleep so soon but baby and me. Mamma. Oh yes, I can tell you of many more. The little birds' bedtime comes before yours. It comes when the sun goes down, so they went to sleep long ago. Albert. Where do the birds sleep, mamma? Mamma. Some are hid in the long grass in the fields, and some are among the leaves on the tall trees. There they are, if you could see them now, each with its little head under its wing. Albert. I dare say they are tired with flying about all day. Mamma. Yes, they were tired, and glad to go to rest. Then there are the Albert. But Keeper is not asleep. I heard him bark just now. Mamma. No, for it is Keeper's duty to keep watch, and take care of the house. Albert. Mamma, do you think that poor old woman and little girl are asleep, whom papa met to-day, and who begged for a bit of bread? Mamma. I cannot tell, my dear boy. Only think, if they are now out in the dark, with cold and tired feet, what thanks they would give to any one for a soft warm bed like yours! Albert. Must I thank Susan for my nice warm bed? Mamma. Susan is very kind to you, my love, and you must thank her for all she does for you, and speak kindly to her in return. But it is God who gives you a home, and food to eat, and a bed Albert. I do thank him, mamma, when I say my little verse. May I say it now? Mamma. Yes, let me hear it before you kneel down to say your prayer. Albert. I thank God for the soft warm bed Mamma. Now come and kneel down by me to say your prayer. Then little Albert knelt down, and when he had ended his prayer, his mamma took him upon her knee for some more talk, as Susan did not come. When their talk was nearly over, Susan came again, and Albert kissed his mamma, and jumped off her knee, and bade her good night. And as he went up-stairs he said, "I thank God for the soft warm bed |