BY C. J. S. THOMPSON, F.R.Hist.S. AUTHOR OF "THE MYSTERY AND ROMANCE OF ALCHEMY AND PHARMACY" "THE CHEMIST'S COMPENDIUM" "A MANUAL OF PERSONAL HYGIENE" "PHARMACY AND DISPENSING" ETC. ETC. illustration LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, LTD BROADWAY HOUSE, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. 1904 ROUTLEDGE'S OF Fiction and Standard Works Medium 8vo. Price 6d. each. OVER 300 VOLUMES. Write to Messrs. Routledge for a complete list of the Series. In response to the wishes of many who read this work when it appeared in serial form, it is now reproduced with much additional matter, which I hope may prove of value to those interested in the fascinating subject of poisons and the study of toxicology. It has been my endeavour to collect, in the following pages, the scattered fragments of historic and romantic lore connected with poisons from the earliest period, and to recount the stories of some notable "poison mysteries" of ancient and modern times. I am indebted to the works of Dr. Wynter Blyth for many facts concerning the poisons of antiquity. C. J. S. T. 1899 PREFACE TO NEW EDITION In presenting a new edition of this work to my readers, the opportunity has been taken to introduce several new chapters, one of which deals with the "poison mystery" which recently aroused such widespread interest in the United States. In response to suggestions, detailed accounts of the "Horsford case" and the "Lambeth poison mysteries" have also been added. C. J. S. T. |