The first line indicates the original, the second the correction. p. 19: - And incident which happened to the army led by Mark Antony
- An incident which happened to the army led by Mark Antony
p. 24: - the view of destorying the effects
- the view of destroying the effects
p. 33: - violent pain and vomitting,
- violent pain and vomiting,
p. 33: - as the poision was called, at his bidding.
- as the poison was called, at his bidding.
p. 40: - and was arrested at LiÉge
- and was arrested at LiÈge
p. 45: - Arsenic has, perhaps, been more frequently used than any other poison for criminal puposes.
- Arsenic has, perhaps, been more frequently used than any other poison for criminal purposes.
p. 60: - supposed by the early Greeks to have orginated from the foam of the dog Cerberus.
- supposed by the early Greeks to have originated from the foam of the dog Cerberus.
p. 65: - to which in many ways it is closely alied,
- to which in many ways it is closely allied,
p. 82: - In was then taken downstairs,
- It was then taken downstairs,
p. 84: - The symptoms appeared at a time whch would
- The symptoms appeared at a time which would
p. 85: - The narcotic properities of the poppy
- The narcotic properties of the poppy
p. 106: - as a medium for getting rid of h r niece.
- as a medium for getting rid of her niece.
p. 108: - poisons herself with prussic acid of unheard-of strength,
- poisons herself with prussic acid of unheard of strength,
p. 112: - in connection with the initals "E. S.,"
- in connection with the initials "E. S.,"
p. 113: - and 1·6 grain of strychinne
- and 1·6 grain of strychnine
p. 118: - but on seccond thoughts he cut the address
- but on second thoughts he cut the address
p. 119: - was also a slight clue, as it it a substance
- was also a slight clue, as it is a substance
p. 122: - Th eHindoos have an ingenious
- The Hindoos have an ingenious