Fig. Page
??1. Nerve-cells, from larger and smaller animals (Minot, after Irving Hardesty) 37
??2. Relative magnitudes of some minute organisms (Zsigmondy) 39
??3. Curves of growth in man (Quetelet and Bowditch) 61
??4,?5. Mean annual increments of stature and weight in man (do.) 66, 69
??6. The ratio, throughout life, of female weight to male (do.) 71
??7–9. Curves of growth of child, before and after birth (His and RÜssow) 74–6
?10. Curve of growth of bamboo (Ostwald, after Kraus) 77
?11. Coefficients of variability in human stature (Boas and Wissler) 80
?12. Growth in weight of mouse (Wolfgang Ostwald) 83
?13. Do. of silkworm (Luciani and Lo Monaco) 84
?14. Do. of tadpole (Ostwald, after Schaper) 85
?15. Larval eels, or Leptocephali, and young elver (Joh. Schmidt) 86
?16. Growth in length of Spirogyra (Hofmeister) 87
?17. Pulsations of growth in Crocus (Bose) 88
?18. Relative growth of brain, heart and body of man (Quetelet) 90
?19. Ratio of stature to span of arms (do.) 94
?20. Rates of growth near the tip of a bean-root (Sachs) 96
?21,?22. The weight-length ratio of the plaice, and its annual periodic changes 99, 100
?23. Variability of tail-forceps in earwigs (Bateson) 104
?24. Variability of body-length in plaice 105
?25. Rate of growth in plants in relation to temperature (Sachs) 109
?26. Do. in maize, observed (KÖppen), and calculated curves 112
?27. Do. in roots of peas (Miss I. Leitch) 113
?28,?29. Rate of growth of frog in relation to temperature (Jenkinson, after O. Hertwig), and calculated curves of do. 115, 6
?30. Seasonal fluctuation of rate of growth in man (Daffner) 119
?31. Do. in the rate of growth of trees (C. E. Hall) 120
?32. Long-period fluctuation in the rate of growth of Arizona trees (A. E. Douglass) 122
129. Arachnophyllum pentagonum (Nicholson) 326
130. Heliolites (Woods) 326
131. Confluent septa in Thamnastraea and Comoseris (Nicholson, after Zittel) 327
132. Geometrical construction of a bee’s cell 330
133. Stellate cells in the pith of a rush; diagrammatic 335
134. Diagram of soap-films formed in a cubical wire skeleton (Plateau) 337
135. Polar furrows in systems of four soap-bubbles (Robert) 341
136–8. Diagrams illustrating the division of a cube by partitions of minimal area 347–50
139. Cells from hairs of Sphacelaria (Berthold) 351
140. The bisection of an isosceles triangle by minimal partitions 353
141. The similar partitioning of spheroidal and conical cells 353
142. S-shaped partitions from cells of algae and mosses (Reinke and others) 355
143. Diagrammatic explanation of the S-shaped partitions 356
144. Development of Erythrotrichia (Berthold) 359
145. Periclinal, anticlinal and radial partitioning of a quadrant 359
146. Construction for the minimal partitioning of a quadrant 361
147. Another diagram of anticlinal and periclinal partitions 362
148. Mode of segmentation of an artificially flattened frog’s egg (Roux) 363
149. The bisection, by minimal partitions, of a prism of small angle 364
150. Comparative diagram of the various modes of bisection of a prismatic sector 365
151. Diagram of the further growth of the two halves of a quadrantal cell 367
152. Diagram of the origin of an epidermic layer of cells 370
153. A discoidal cell dividing into octants 371
154. A germinating spore of Riccia (after Campbell), to shew the manner of space-partitioning in the cellular tissue 372
155,?6. Theoretical arrangement of successive partitions in a discoidal cell 373
157. Sections of a moss-embryo (Kienitz-Gerloff) 374
158. Various possible arrangements of partitions in groups of four to eight cells 375
Opercula of Turbo and of Nerita (Moseley) 521, 2
265. A section of the shell of Melo ethiopicus 525
266. Shells of Harpa and Dolium, to illustrate generating curves and gene 526
267. D’Orbigny’s Helicometer 529
268. Section of a nautiloid shell, to shew the “protoconch” 531
269–73. Diagrams of logarithmic spirals, of various angles 532–5
274,?6,?7. Constructions for determining the angle of a logarithmic spiral 537, 8
275. An ammonite, to shew its corrugated surface pattern 537
278–80. Illustrations of the “angle of retardation” 542–4
281. A shell of Macroscaphites, to shew change of curvature 550
282. Construction for determining the length of the coiled spire 551
283. Section of the shell of Triton corrugatus (Woodward) 554
284. Lamellaria perspicua and Sigaretus haliotoides (do.) 555
285,?6. Sections of the shells of Terebra maculata and Trochus niloticus 559, 60
287–9. Diagrams illustrating the lines of growth on a lamellibranch shell 563–5
290. Caprinella adversa (Woodward) 567
291. Section of the shell of Productus (Woods) 567
292. The “skeletal loop” of Terebratula (do.) 568
293,?4. The spiral arms of Spirifer and of Atrypa (do.) 569
295–7. Shells of Cleodora, Hyalaea and other pteropods (Boas) 570, 1
298,?9. Coordinate diagrams of the shell-outline in certain pteropods 572, 3
300. Development of the shell of Hyalaea tridentata (Tesch) 573
301. Pteropod shells, of Cleodora and Hyalaea, viewed from the side (Boas) 575
302,?3. Diagrams of septa in a conical shell 579
304. A section of Nautilus, shewing the logarithmic spirals of the septa to which the shell-spiral is the evolute 581
305. Cast of the interior of the shell of Nautilus, to shew the contours of the septa at their junction with the shell-wall 582
306. Ammonites Sowerbyi, to shew septal outlines (Zittel, after Steinmann and DÖderlein) 584 The same coordinates on a new projection, adapted to the skull of the chimpanzee 770
406. Chimpanzee’s skull, inscribed in the network of Fig. 405 771
407,?8. Corresponding diagrams of a baboon’s skull, and of a dog’s 771,3

“Cum formarum naturalium et corporalium esse non consistat nisi in unione ad materiam, ejusdem agentis esse videtur eas producere cujus est materiam transmutare. Secundo, quia cum hujusmodi formae non excedant virtutem et ordinem et facultatem principiorum agentium in natura, nulla videtur necessitas eorum originem in principia reducere altiora.” Aquinas, De Pot. Q. iii, a, 11. (Quoted in Brit. Assoc. Address, Section D, 1911.)

“...I would that all other natural phenomena might similarly be deduced from mechanical principles. For many things move me to suspect that everything depends upon certain forces, in virtue of which the particles of bodies, through forces not yet understood, are either impelled together so as to cohere in regular figures, or are repelled and recede from one another.” Newton, in Preface to the Principia. (Quoted by Mr W. Spottiswoode, Brit. Assoc. Presidential Address, 1878.)

“When Science shall have subjected all natural phenomena to the laws of Theoretical Mechanics, when she shall be able to predict the result of every combination as unerringly as Hamilton predicted conical refraction, or Adams revealed to us the existence of Neptune,—that we cannot say. That day may never come, and it is certainly far in the dim future. We may not anticipate it, we may not even call it possible. But none the less are we bound to look to that day, and to labour for it as the crowning triumph of Science:—when Theoretical Mechanics shall be recognised as the key to every physical enigma, the chart for every traveller through the dark Infinite of Nature.” J. H. Jellett, in Brit. Assoc. Address, Section A, 1874.


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