- Abbe’s diffraction plates, 323
- Abel, O., 706
- Abonyi, A., 127
- Acantharia, spicules of, 458
- Acanthometridae, 462
- Acceleration, 64
- Aceratherium, 761
- Achlya, 244
- Acromegaly, 135
- Actinomma, 469
- Actinomyxidia, 452
- Actinophrys, 165, 197, 264, 298
- Actinosphaerium, 197, 266, 298, 468
- Adams, J. C., 663
- Adaptation, 670
- Addison, Joseph, 671
- Adiantum, 408
- Adsorption, 192, 208, 241, 277, 357;
- orientirte, 440, 590;
- pseudo, 282
- Agglutination, 201
- Aglaophenia, 748
- Airy, H., 636
- Albumin molecule, 41
- Alcyonaria, 387, 413, 424, 459
- Alexeieff, A., 157, 165
- Allmann, W., 643
- Alpheus, claws of, 150
- Alpine plants, 124
- Altmann’s granules, 285
- Alveolar meshwork, 170
- Ammonites, 526, 530, 537, 539, 550, 552, 576, 583, 234
- Beak, shape of, 730
- Cantilever, 678, 694
- Cantor, Moritz, 503
- Caprella, 743
- Caprinella, 567, 577
- Carapace of crabs, 744
- Cardium, 561
- Cariacus, 629
- Carlier, E. W., 211
- Carnoy, J. B., 468
- Carpenter, W. B., 45, 422, 465
- Caryokinesis, 14, 157, etc.
- Cassini, D., 329
- Cassis, 559
- Catabolic products, 435
- Catalytic action, 130
- Catenoid, 218, 223, 227, 252
- Causation, 6
- Cavolinia, 573
- Cayley, A., 385
- Celestite, 459
- Cell-theory, 197, 199
- Cells, forms of, 201;
- Cellular pathology, 200;
- Cenosphaera, 470
- Centres of force, 156, 196
- Centrosome, 167, 168, 173
- Cephalopods, 548, etc.;
- Ceratophyllum, growth of, 97
- Ceratorhinus, 612
- Cerebratulus, egg of, 189
- Cerianthus, 125
- Cerithium, 530, 557, 559
- Chabrier, J., 25
- Chabry, L., 30, 306, Cyclammina, 595, 596, 602
- Cyclas, 561
- Cyclostoma, 554
- Cylinder, 218, 227, 377
- Cymba, 559
- Cyme, 502
- Cypraea, 547, 554, 560, 561
- Cyrtina, 569
- Cyrtocerata, 583
- Cystoliths, 412
149">149 Empedocles, 8 Emperor Moth, 431 Encystment, 213, 283 Engelmann, T. W., 210, 285 Enriques, P., 4, 36, 64, 133, 134, 677 Entelechy, 4, 714 Entosolenia, 449 Enzymes, 135 Epeira, 233 Epicurus, 47 Epidermis, 314, 370 Epilobium, pollen of, 396 Epipolic force, 212 Equatorial plate, 174 Equiangular spiral, 50, 505 Equilibrium, figures of, 227 Equipotential lines, 640 Equisetum, spores of, 290, 489 Errera, Leo, 8, 40, 110, 111, 213, 306, 346, 348, 426 Erythrotrichia, 358, 372, 390 Ethmosphaera, 470 Euastrum, 214 Eucharis, 391 Euclid, 509 Euglena, 376 Euglypha, 189 Euler, L., 3, 208, 385, 484, 690 Eulima, 559 Eunicea, spicules of, 424 Euomphalus, 557, 491 Geryon, 744 Gestaltungskraft, 485 Giard, A., 156 Gilmore, C. W., 707 Giraffe, 705, 730, 738 Girardia, 321, 408 Glaisher, J., 250 Glassblowing, 238, 737 Gley, E., 135, 136 Globigerina, 214, 234, 440, 495, 589, 602, 604, 606 Gnomon, 509, 515, 591 Goat, horns of, 613 Goat moth, wings of, 430 Goebel, K., 321, 397, 408 Goethe, 20, 38, 199, 714, 719 Golden Mean, 511, 643, 649 Goldschmidt, R., 286 Goniatites, 550, 728 Gonothyraea, 747 Goodsir, John, 156, 196, 580 Gottlieb, H., 699 Gourd, form of, 737 Grabau, A. H., 531, 539, 550 Graham, Thomas, 162, 201, 203 Grant, Kerr, 259 Grantia, 445 Graphic statics, 432 Invagination, 56, 344 Iodine, 136 Irvine, Robert, 414, 434 Isocardia, 561, 577 Isoperimetrical problems, 208, 346 Isotonic solutions, 130, 274 Iterson, G. van, 595 - Jackson, C. M., 75, 88, 106
- Jamin, J. C., 418
- Janet, Paul, 5, 18, 673
- Japp, F. R., 417
- Jellett, J. H., 1
- Jenkin, C. F., 444
- Jenkinson, J. W., 94, 114, 170
- Jennings, H. S., 212, 492;
- Jensen, P., 211
- Johnson, Dr S., 62
- Joly, John, 9, 63
- Jost, L., 110, 111
- Juncus, pith of, 335
- Jungermannia, 404
- Kangaroo, 705, 706, 709
- Kanitz, Al., 109
- Kant, Immanuel, 1, 3, 714
- Kappers, C. U. A., 566
- Kellicott, W. E., 91
- Kelvin, Lord, 9, 49, 188, 202, 336, 453
- Kepler, 328, 480, 486, 643, 318;
- Listing, J. B., 385
- Lithostrotion, 325
- Littorina, 524
- Lituites, 546, 550
- Llama, 703
- Lobsters’ claws, 149
- Locke, John, 6
- Loeb, J., 125, 132, 135, 136, 147, 157, 191, 193
- Loewy, A., 281
- Logarithmic spiral, 493, etc.
- Loisel, G., 88
- Loligo, shell of, 575
- Lo Monaco, 83
- LÖnnberg, E., 614, 632
- Looss, A., 660
- Lotze, R. H., 55
- Love, A. E. H., 674
- Lucas, F. A., 138
- Luciani, L., 83
- Lucretius, 47, 71, 137, 160
- Ludwig, Carl, 2;
- Lupa, 744
- Lupinus, growth of, 109, 112
- Macalister, A., 557
- MacAlister, Sir D., 673, 683
- Macallum, A. B., 277, 287, 357, 395;
- McCoy, F., 388
- Mach, Ernst, 209, 330
- Machaerodus, teeth of, 633
- McKendrick, J. G., 42
- McKenzie, A., 418
- Mackinnon,
- Mummery, J. H., 425
- Munro, H., 323
- Musk-ox, horns of, 615
- Mya, 422, 561
- Myonemes, 562
x">Perrin, J., 43, 46 Peter, Karl, 117 Pettigrew, J. B., 490 Pfeffer, W., 111, 273, 688 PflÜger, E., 680 Phagocytosis, 211 Phascum, 408 Phase of curve, 68, 81, etc. Phasianella, 557, 559 Phatnaspis, 482 Phillipsastraea, 327 Philolaus, 779 Pholas, 561 Phormosoma, 664 Phractaspis, 484 Phyllotaxis, 635 Phylogeny, 196, 251, 548, 716 Pike, F. H., 110 Pileopsis, 555 Pinacoceras, 584 Pithecanthropus, 772 Pith of rush, 335 Plaice, 98, 105, 117, 432, 710, 774 Planorbis, 539, 547, 554, 557, 559 Plateau, F., 30, 232; - J. A. F., 192, 212, 218, 239, 275, 297, 374, 477
Plato, 2, 478, 720; Plesiosaurs, 755 303, 305, 355, 356 Reniform shape, 735 Reticularia, 569 Reticulated patterns, 258 RÉticulum plasmatique, 468 Rhabdammina, 589 Rheophax, 263 Rhinoceros, 612, 760 Rhumbler, L., 162, 165, 260, 322, 344, 465, 466, 589, 590, 595, 599, 608, 628 Rhynchonella, 561 Riccia, 372, 403, 405 Rice, J., 242, 273 Richardson, G. M., 416 Riefstahl, E., 578 Riemann, B., 385 Ripples, 33, 261, 323 Rivularia, 300 Roaf, H. C., 272 Robert, A., 306, 339, 348, 377 Roberts, C., 61 Robertson, T. B., 82, 132, 191, 192 Robinson, A., 681 RÖrig, A., 628 Rose, Gustav, 421 Rossbach, M. J., 165 Rotalia, 214, 535, 602 Rotifera, cells of, 38 Roulettes, 586, 603 Spirula, 528, 547, 554, 575, 577 Spitzka, E. A., 92 Splashes, 235, 236, 254, 260 Sponge-spicules, 436, 440 Spontaneous generation, 420 Sporangium, 406 Spottiswoode, W., 779 Spray, 236 Stallo, J. B., 1 Standard deviation, 78 Starch, 432 Starling, E. H., 135 Stassfurt salt, 433 Stegocephalus, 746 Stegosaurus, 706, 707, 710, 754 Steiner, Jacob, 654 Steinmann, G., 431 Stellate cells, 335 Stentor, 147 Stereometry, 417 Sternoptyx, 748 Stillmann, J. D. B., 695 St Loup, R., 82 Stokes, Sir G. G., 44 Stolc, Ant., 452 Stomach, muscles of, 490 Stomata, 393 Stomatella, 554 StrasbÜrger, E., 35, 283, 409 Straus-DÜrckheim, H. E., 30 Stream-lines, 250, 673, 736 Strength of materials, 676, 679 Streptoplasma, 391 Strophomena, 567 Studer, T., 413 Stylonichia, 133 Succinea, 624 Tyndall, John, 428 - Umbilicus of shell, 547
- Underfeeding, effect of, 106
- Undulatory membrane, 266
- Unduloid, 218, 222, 229, 246, 256
- Unio, 341
- Univalve shells, 553
- Urechinus, 664
- Vaginicola, 248
- Vallisneri, Ant., 138
- Van Iterson, G., 595
- Van Rees, R., 374
- Van’t Hoff, J. H., 1, 110, 433
- Variability, 78, 103
- Venation of wings, 385
- Verhaeren, Emile, 778
- Verworn, M., 198, 211, 467, 605
- Vesque, J., 412
- Vierordt, K., 73
- Villi, 32
- Vincent, J. H., 323
- Vines, S. H., 502
- Virchow, R., 200, 286
- Vital phenomena, 14, 417, etc.
- Vitruvius, 740
- Volkmann, A. W., 669
- Voltaire, 4, 146
- Vorticella, 237, 246, 291
- Wager, H. W. T., 259
- Walking, 30
- Wallace, A. R., 5, 432, 549
- Wallich-Martius, 77
- Warburg, O., 161
- Warburton, C., 233
- Ward, H. Marshall, 133
- Warnecke, P.,