The very numerous examples of spiral conformation which we meet with in our studies of organic form are peculiarly adapted to mathematical methods of investigation. But ere we begin to study them, we must take care to define our terms, and we had better also attempt some rough preliminary classification of the objects with which we shall have to deal. In general terms, a Spiral Curve is a line which, starting from a point of origin, continually diminishes in curvature as it recedes from that point; or, in other words, whose radius of curvature continually increases. This definition is wide enough to include a number of different curves, but on the other hand it excludes at least one which in popular speech we are apt to confuse with a true spiral. This latter curve is the simple Screw, or cylindrical Helix, which curve, as is very evident, neither starts from a definite origin, nor varies in its curvature as it proceeds. The “spiral” thickening of a woody plant-cell, the “spiral” thread within an insect’s tracheal tube, or the “spiral” twist and twine of a climbing stem are not, mathematically speaking, spirals at all, but screws or helices. They belong to a distinct, though by no means very remote, family of curves. Some of these helical forms we have just now treated of, briefly and parenthetically, under the subject of Geodetics. Of true organic spirals we have no lack? Fig. 237. The shell of Nautilus pompilius, from a radiograph: to shew the logarithmic spiral of the shell, together with the arrangement of the internal septa. (From Messrs Green and Gardiner, in Proc. Malacol. Soc. II, 1897.) Among such forms as these, and the many others which we might easily add to them, it is obvious that we have to do with things which, though mathematically similar, are biologically speaking fundamentally different. And not only are they biologically remote, but they are also physically different, in regard to the nature of the forces to which they are severally due. For in the first place, the spiral coil of the elephant’s trunk or of the chameleon’s tail is, as we have said, but a transitory configuration, and is plainly the result of certain muscular forces acting upon a structure of a definite, and normally an essentially different, form. It is rather a position, or an attitude, than a form, in the sense in which we have been using this latter term; and, unlike most of the forms which we have been studying, it has little or no direct relation to the phenomenon of Growth. Fig. 238. A Foraminiferal shell (Globigerina). Again, there is a manifest and not unimportant difference between such a spiral conformation as is built up by the separate and successive florets in the sunflower, and that which, in the snail or Nautilus shell, is apparently a single and indivisible unit. And a similar, if not identical difference is apparent between the Nautilus shell and the minute shells of the Foraminifera, which so closely simulate it; inasmuch as the spiral shells of these latter are essentially composite structures, combined out of successive and separate chambers, while the molluscan shell, though it may (as in Nautilus) become secondarily subdivided, has grown as one continuous tube. It follows from all this that there cannot {496} possibly be a physical or dynamical, though there may well be a mathematical Law of Growth, which is common to, and which defines, the spiral form in the Nautilus, in the Globigerina, in the ram’s horn, and in the disc of the sunflower. Of the spiral forms which we have now mentioned, every one (with the single exception of the outline of the cordate leaf) is an example of the remarkable curve known as the Logarithmic Spiral. But before we enter upon the mathematics of the logarithmic spiral, let us carefully observe that the whole of the organic forms in which it is clearly and permanently exhibited, however different they may be from one another in outward appearance, in nature and in origin, nevertheless all belong, in a certain sense, to one particular class of conformations. In the great majority of cases, when we consider an organism in part or whole, when we look (for instance) at our own hand or foot, or contemplate an insect or a worm, we have no reason (or very little) to consider one part of the existing structure as older than another; through and through, the newer particles have been merged and commingled, by intussusception, among the old; the whole outline, such as it is, is due to forces which for the most part are still at work to shape it, and which in shaping it have shaped it as a whole. But the horn, or the snail-shell, is curiously different; for in each of these, the presently existing structure is, so to speak, partly old and partly new; it has been conformed by successive and continuous increments; and each successive stage of growth, starting from the origin, remains as an integral and unchanging portion of the still growing structure, and so continues to represent what at some earlier epoch constituted for the time being the structure in its entirety. In a slightly different, but closely cognate way, the same is true of the spirally arranged florets of the sunflower. For here again we are regarding serially arranged portions of a composite structure, which portions, similar to one another in form, differ in age; and they differ also in magnitude in a strict ratio according to their age. Somehow or other, in the logarithmic spiral the time-element always enters in; and to this important fact, full of curious biological as well as mathematical significance, we shall afterwards return. {497} It is, as we have so often seen, an essential part of our whole problem, to try to understand what distribution of forces is capable of producing this or that organic form,—to give, in short, a dynamical expression to our descriptive morphology. Now the general distribution of forces which lead to the formation of a spiral (whether logarithmic or other) is very easily understood; and need not carry us beyond the use of very elementary mathematics. Fig. 239. If we imagine growth to act in a perpendicular direction, as for example the upward force of growth in a growing stem (OA), then, in the absence of other forces, elongation will as a matter of course proceed in an unchanging direction, that is to say the stem will grow straight upwards. Suppose now that there be some constant external force, such as the wind, impinging on the growing stem; and suppose (for simplicity’s sake) that this external force be in a constant direction (AB) perpendicular to the intrinsic force of growth. The direction of actual growth will be in the line of the resultant of the two forces: and, since the external force is (by hypothesis) constant in direction, while the internal force tends always to act in the line of actual growth, it is obvious that our growing organism will tend to be bent into a curve, to which, for the time being, {498} the actual force of growth will be acting at a tangent. So long as the two forces continue to act, the curve will approach, but will never attain, the direction of AB, perpendicular to the original direction OA. If the external force be constant in amount the curve will approximate to the form of a hyperbola; and, at any rate, it is obvious that it will never tend to assume a spiral form. In like manner, if we consider a horizontal beam, fixed at one end, the imposition of a weight at the other will bend the beam into a curve, which, as the beam elongates or the weight increases, will bring the weighted end nearer and nearer to the vertical. But such a force, constant in direction, will obviously never curve the beam into a spiral,—a fact so patent and obvious that it would be superfluous to state it, were it not that some naturalists have been in the habit of invoking gravity as the force to which may be attributed the spiral flexure of the shell. But if, on the other hand, the deflecting force be inherent in the growing body, or so connected with it in a system that its direction (instead of being constant, as in the former case) changes with the direction of growth, and is perpendicular (or inclined at some constant angle) to this changing direction of the growing force, then it is plain that there is no such limit to the deflection from the normal, but the growing curve will tend to wind round and round its point of origin. In the typical case of the snail-shell, such an intrinsic force is manifestly present in the action of the columellar muscle. Many other simple illustrations can be given of a spiral course being impressed upon what is primarily rectilinear motion, by any steady deflecting force which the moving body carries, so to speak, along with it, and which continually gives a lop-sided tendency to its forward movement. For instance, we have been told that a man or a horse, travelling over a great prairie, is very apt to find himself, after a long day’s journey, back again near to his starting point. Here some small and imperceptible bias, such as might for instance be caused by one leg being in a minute degree longer or stronger than the other, has steadily deflected the forward movement to one side; and has gradually brought the traveller back, perhaps in a circle to the very point from which he set out, {499} or else by a spiral curve, somewhere within reach and recognition of it. We come to a similar result when we consider, for instance, a cylindrical body in which forces of growth are at work tending to its elongation, but these forces are unsymmetrically distributed. Let the tendency to elongation along AB be of a magnitude proportional to BB?', and that along CD be of a magnitude proportional to DD?'; and in each element parallel to AB and CD, let a parallel force of growth, proportionately intermediate in magnitude, be at work: and let EFF?' be the middle line. Then at any cross-section BFD, if we deduct the mean force FF?', we have a certain positive force at B, equal to Bb, and an equal and opposite force at D, equal to Dd. But AB and CD are not separate Fig. 240. structures, but are connected together, either by a solid core, or by the walls of a tubular shell; and the forces which tend to separate B and D are opposed, accordingly, by a tension in BD. It follows therefore, that there will be a resultant force BG, acting in a direction intermediate between Bb and BD, and also a resultant, DH, acting at D in an opposite direction; and accordingly, after a small increment of growth, the growing end of the cylinder will come to lie, not in the direction BD, but in the direction GH. The problem is therefore analogous to that of a beam to which we apply a bending moment; and it is plain that the unequal force of growth is equivalent to a “couple” which will impart to our structure a curved form. For, if we regard the part ABDC as practically rigid, and the part BB?'D?'D as pliable, this couple {500} will tend to turn strips such as B?'D?' about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the diagram, and passing through an intermediate point F?'. It is plain, also, since all the forces under consideration are intrinsic to the system, that this tendency will be continuous, and that as growth proceeds the curving body will assume either a circular or a spiral form. But the tension which we have here assumed to exist in the direction BD will obviously disappear if we suppose a sufficiently rapid rate of growth in that direction. For if we may regard the mouth of our tubular shell as perfectly extensible in its own plane, so that it exerts no traction whatsoever on the sides, then it will be drawn out into more and more elongated ellipses, forming the more and more oblique orifices of a straight tube. In other words, in such a structure as we have presupposed, the existence or Fig. 241. maintenance of a constant ratio between the rates of extension or growth in the vertical and transverse directions will lead, in general, to the development of a logarithmic spiral; the magnitude of that ratio will determine the character (that is to say, the constant angle) of the spiral; and the spirals so produced will include, as special or limiting cases, the circle and the straight line. We may dispense with the hypothesis of bending moments, if we simply presuppose that the increments of growth take place at a constant angle to the growing surface (as AB), but more rapidly at A (which we shall call the “outer edge”) than at B, and that this difference of velocity maintains a constant ratio. Let us also assume that the whole structure is rigid, the new accretions solidifying as soon as they are laid on. For example, {501} let Fig. 242 represent in section the early growth of a Nautilus-shell, and let the part ARB represent the earliest stage of all, which in Nautilus is nearly semicircular. We have to find a law governing the growth of the shell, such that each edge shall develop into an equiangular spiral; and this law, accordingly, must be the same for each edge, namely that at each instant the direction of growth makes a constant angle with a line drawn from a fixed point (called the pole of the spiral) to the point at which growth is taking place. This growth, we now find, may be considered as effected by the continuous addition of similar quadrilaterals. Thus, in Fig. 241, AEDB is a quadrilateral with AE, DB parallel, and with the angle EAB of a certain definite Fig. 242. magnitude, =?. Let AB and ED meet, when produced, in C; and call the angle ACE (or xCy) =. Make the angle yCz =angle xCy, =. Draw EG, so that the angle yEG =?, meeting Cz in G; and draw DF parallel to EG. It is then easy to show that AEDB and EGFD are similar quadrilaterals. And, when we consider the quadrilateral AEDB as having infinitesimal sides, AE and BD, the angle ? tends to a, the constant angle of an equiangular spiral which passes through the points AEG, and of a similar spiral which passes through the points BDF; and the point C is the pole of both of these spirals. In a particular limiting case, when our quadrilaterals are all equal as well as similar,—which will be the case when the angle ? (or the angles EAC, etc.) is a {502} right angle,—the “spiral” curve will be a circular arc, C being the centre of the circle. Another, and a very simple illustration may be drawn from the “cymose inflorescences” of the botanists, though the actual mode of development of some of these structures is open to dispute, and their nomenclature is involved in extraordinary historical confusion Fig. 243. A, a helicoid, B, a scorpioid cyme. In Fig. 243B (which represents the Cicinnus of Schimper, or cyme unipare scorpioide of Bravais, as seen in the Borage), we begin with a primary shoot from which is given off, at a certain definite angle, a secondary shoot: and from that in turn, on the same side and at the same angle, another shoot, and so on. The deflection, or curvature, is continuous and progressive, for it is caused by no external force but only by causes intrinsic in the system. And the whole system is symmetrical: the angles at which the successive shoots are given off being all equal, and the lengths of the shoots diminishing in constant ratio. The result is that the successive shoots, or successive increments of growth, are tangents to a curve, and this curve is a true logarithmic spiral. But while, in this simple case, the successive shoots are depicted as lying in a plane, it may also happen that, in addition to their successive angular divergence from one another within that plane, they also tend to diverge by successive equal angles from that plane of reference; and by this means, there will be superposed upon the logarithmic spiral a helicoid twist or screw. And, in the particular case where this latter angle of divergence is just equal to 180°, or two right angles, the successive shoots will once more come to lie in a plane, but they will appear to come off from one another on alternate sides, as in Fig. 243A. This is the Schraubel or Bostryx of Schimper, the cyme unipare hÉlicoide of Bravais. The logarithmic spiral is still latent in it, as in the other; but is concealed from view by the deformation resulting from the helicoid. The confusion of nomenclature would seem to have arisen from the fact that many botanists did not recognise (as the brothers Bravais did) the mathematical significance of the latter case; but were led, by the snail-like spiral of the scorpioid cyme, to transfer the name “helicoid” to it. In the study of such curves as these, then, we speak of the point of origin as the pole (O); a straight line having its extremity in the pole and revolving about it, is called the radius vector; {503} and a point (P) which is conceived as travelling along the radius vector under definite conditions of velocity, will then describe our spiral curve. Of several mathematical curves whose form and development may be so conceived, the two most important (and the only two with which we need deal), are those which are known as (1) the equable spiral, or spiral of Archimedes, and (2) the logarithmic, or equiangular spiral. Fig. 244. The former may be illustrated by the spiral coil in which a sailor coils a rope upon the deck; as the rope is of uniform thickness, so in the whole spiral coil is each whorl of the same breadth as that which precedes and as that which follows it. Using its ancient definition, we may define it by saying, that “If a straight line revolve uniformly about its extremity, a point which likewise travels uniformly along it will describe the equable spiral It is plain that the spiral of Archimedes may be compared to a cylinder coiled up. And it is plain also that a radius (r =OP), made up of the successive and equal whorls, will increase in arithmetical progression: and will equal a certain constant quantity (a) multiplied by the whole number of whorls, or (more strictly speaking) multiplied by the whole angle (?) through which it has revolved: so that r =a?. But, in contrast to this, in the logarithmic spiral of the Nautilus or the snail-shell, the whorls gradually increase in breadth, and do so in a steady and unchanging ratio. Our definition is as follows: “If, instead of travelling with a uniform velocity, our point move along the radius vector with a velocity increasing as its distance from the pole, then the path described is called a logarithmic spiral.” Each whorl which the radius vector intersects will be broader than its predecessor in a definite ratio; the radius vector will increase in length in geometrical progression, as it sweeps through successive equal angles; and the equation to the spiral will be r =a??. As the spiral of Archimedes, in our example of the coiled rope, might be looked upon as a coiled cylinder, so may the logarithmic spiral, in the case of the shell, be pictured as a cone coiled upon itself. Now it is obvious that if the whorls increase very slowly indeed, the logarithmic spiral will come to look like a spiral of Archimedes, with which however it never becomes identical; for it is incorrect to say, as is sometimes done, that the Archimedean spiral is a “limiting case” of the logarithmic spiral. The Nummulite is a case in point. Here we have a large number of whorls, very narrow, very close together, and apparently of equal breadth, which give rise to an appearance similar to that of our coiled rope. And, in a case of this kind, we might actually find that the whorls were of equal breadth, being produced (as is apparently the case in the Nummulite) not by any very slow and gradual growth in thickness of a continuous tube, but by a succession of similar cells or chambers laid on, round and round, determined as to their size by constant surface-tension conditions and therefore of unvarying dimensions. But even in this case we should have no Archimedean spiral, but only a logarithmic spiral in which the constant angle approximated to 90°. {505} For, in the logarithmic spiral, when a tends to 90°, the expression r =a??cota tends to r =a(1+?cota); while the equation to the Archimedean spiral is r =b?. The nummulite must always have a central core, or initial cell, around which the coil is not only wrapped, but out of which it springs; and this initial chamber corresponds to our a?' in the expression r =a?'+a?cota. The outer whorls resemble those of an Archimedean spiral, because of the other term a?cota in the same expression. It follows from this that in all such cases the whorls must be of excessively small breadth. There are many other specific properties of the logarithmic spiral, so interrelated to one another that we may choose pretty well any one of them as the basis of our definition, and deduce the others from it either by analytical methods or by the methods of elementary geometry. For instance, the equation r =a?? may be written in the form logr =?loga, or ? =(logr)/(loga), or (since a is a constant), ? =klogr. Which is as much as to say that the vector angles about the pole are proportional to the logarithms of the successive radii; from which circumstance the name of the “logarithmic spiral” is derived. Fig. 245. Let us next regard our logarithmic spiral from the dynamical point of view, as when we consider the forces concerned in the growth of a material, concrete spiral. In a growing structure, let the forces of growth exerted at any point P be a force F acting along the line joining P to a pole O and a force T acting in a direction perpendicular to OP; and let the magnitude of these forces be in the same constant ratio at all points. It follows that the resultant of the forces F and T (as PQ) makes a constant angle with the radius vector. But the constancy of the angle between tangent and radius vector at any point is a fundamental property of the logarithmic spiral, and may be shewn to follow from our definition of the curve: it gives to the curve its alternative name of equiangular spiral. Hence in a structure growing under the above conditions the form of the boundary will be a logarithmic spiral. {506} Fig. 246. In such a spiral, radial growth and growth in the direction of the curve bear a constant ratio to one another. For, if we consider a consecutive radius vector, OP?', whose increment as compared with OP is dr, while ds is the small arc PP?', then dr/ds =cosa =constant. In the concrete case of the shell, the distribution of forces will be, originally, a little more complicated than this, though by resolving the forces in question, the system may be reduced to this simple form. And furthermore, the actual distribution of forces will not always be identical; for example, there is a distinct difference between the cases (as in the snail) where a columellar muscle exerts a definite traction in the direction of the pole, and those (such as Nautilus) where there is no columellar muscle, and where some other force must be discovered, or postulated, to account for the flexure. In the most frequent case, we have, as in Fig. 247, three forces to deal with, acting at a point, p:L, acting Fig. 247. in the direction of the tangent to the curve, and representing the force of longitudinal growth; T, perpendicular to L, and representing the organism’s tendency to grow in breadth; and P, the traction exercised, in the direction of the pole, by the columellar muscle. Let us resolve L and T into components along P (namely A?', B?'), and perpendicular to P (namely A, B); we have now only two forces to consider, viz. P-A?'-B?', and A-B. And these two latter we can again resolve, if we please, so as to deal only with forces in the direction of P and T. Now, the ratio of these forces remaining constant, the locus of the point p is an equiangular spiral. {507} Furthermore we see how any slight change in any one of the forces P, T, L will tend to modify the angle a, and produce a slight departure from the absolute regularity of the logarithmic spiral. Such slight departures from the absolute simplicity and uniformity of the theoretic law we shall not be surprised to find, more or less frequently, in Nature, in the complex system of forces presented by the living organism. In the growth of a shell, we can conceive no simpler law than this, namely, that it shall widen and lengthen in the same unvarying proportions: and this simplest of laws is that which Nature tends to follow. The shell, like the creature within it, grows in size but does not change its shape; and the existence of this constant relativity of growth, or constant similarity of form, is of the essence, and may be made the basis of a definition, of the logarithmic spiral. Such a definition, though not commonly used by mathematicians, has been occasionally employed; and it is one from which the other properties of the curve can be deduced with great ease and simplicity. In mathematical language it would run as follows: “Any [plane] curve proceeding from a fixed point (which is called the pole), and such that the arc intercepted between this point and any other whatsoever on the curve is always similar to itself, is called an equiangular, or logarithmic, spiral In this definition, we have what is probably the most fundamental and “intrinsic” property of the curve, namely the property of continual similarity: and this is indeed the very property by reason of which it is peculiarly associated with organic growth in such structures as the horn or the shell, or the scorpioid cyme which is described on p. 502. For it is peculiarly characteristic of the spiral of a shell, for instance, that (under all normal circumstances) it does not alter its shape as it grows; each increment is geometrically similar to its predecessor, and the whole, at any epoch, is similar to what constituted the whole at another and an earlier epoch. We feel no surprise when the animal which secretes the shell, or any other animal whatsoever, grows by such {508} symmetrical expansion as to preserve its form unchanged; though even there, as we have already seen, the unchanging form denotes a nice balance between the rates of growth in various directions, which is but seldom accurately maintained for long. But the shell retains its unchanging form in spite of its asymmetrical growth; it grows at one end only, and so does the horn. And this remarkable property of increasing by terminal growth, but nevertheless retaining unchanged the form of the entire figure, is characteristic of the logarithmic spiral, and of no other mathematical curve. Fig. 248. We may at once illustrate this curious phenomenon by drawing the outline of a little Nautilus shell within a big one. We know, or we may see at once, that they are of precisely the same shape; so that, if we look at the little shell through a magnifying glass, it becomes identical with the big one. But we know, on the other hand, that the little Nautilus shell grows into the big one, not by uniform growth or magnification in all directions, as is (though only approximately) the case when the boy grows into the man, but by growing at one end only. Though of all curves, this property of continued similarity is found only in the logarithmic spiral, there are very many rectilinear figures in which it may be observed. For instance, as we may easily see, it holds good of any right cone; for evidently, in Fig. 248, the little inner cone (represented in its triangular section) may become identical with the larger one either by magnification all round (as in a), or simply by an increment at one end (as in b); indeed, in the case of the cone, we have yet a third possibility, for the same result is attained when it increases all round, save only at the base, that is to say when the triangular section increases {509} on two of its sides, as in c. All this is closely associated with the fact, which we have already noted, that the Nautilus shell is but a cone rolled up; in other words, the cone is but a particular variety, or “limiting case,” of the spiral shell. This property, which we so easily recognise in the cone, would seem to have engaged the particular attention of the most ancient mathematicians even from the days of Pythagoras, and so, with little doubt, from the more ancient days of that Egyptian school whence he derived the foundations of his learning
If, as in Fig. 249, we add to two sides of a square a symmetrical L-shaped portion, similar in shape to what we call a “carpenter’s square,” the resulting figure is still a square; and the portion which we have added is called, by Aristotle (Phys. III, 4), a “gnomon.” Euclid extends the term to include the case of any parallelogram 0+1 =1?2, 1?2+3 =2?2, 2?2+5 =3?2, 3?2+7 =4?2 etc., which relation we may illustrate graphically s??at???afe?? by the successive numbers of dots which keep the annexed figure a perfect square? There are other gnomonic figures more curious still. For instance, if we make a rectangle (Fig. 251) such that the two sides
are in the ratio of 1:v?2, it is obvious that, on doubling it, we obtain a precisely similar figure; for 1:v?2::v?2:2; and {511} each half of the figure, accordingly, is now a gnomon to the other. Another elegant example is when we start with a rectangle (A) whose sides are in the proportion of 1:½(v?5-1), or, approximately, 1:0·618. The gnomon to this figure is a square (B) erected on its longer side, and so on successively (Fig. 252).
In any triangle, as Aristotle tells us, one part is always a gnomon to the other part. For instance, in the triangle ABC (Fig. 253), let us draw CD, so as to make the angle BCD equal to the angle A. Then the part BCD is a triangle similar to the whole triangle ABC, and ADC is a gnomon to BCD. A very elegant case is when the original triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle having one angle of 36°, and the other two angles, therefore, each equal to 72° (Fig. 254). Then, by bisecting one of the angles of the base, we subdivide the large isosceles triangle into two isosceles triangles, of which one is similar to the whole figure and the other is its gnomon Fig. 255. If we take any one of these figures, for instance the isosceles triangle which we have just described, and add to it (or subtract from it) in succession a series of gnomons, so converting it into larger and larger (or smaller and smaller) triangles all similar to the first, we find that the apices (or other corresponding points) of all these triangles have their locus upon a logarithmic spiral: a result which follows directly from that alternative definition of the logarithmic spiral which I have quoted from Whitworth (p. 507). Again, we may build up a series of right-angled triangles, each of which is a gnomon to the preceding figure; and here again, a logarithmic spiral is the locus of corresponding points in these successive triangles. And lastly, whensoever we fill up space with Fig. 256. Logarithmic spiral derived from corresponding points in a system of squares. a {513} collection of either equal or similar figures, similarly situated, as in Figs. 256, 257, there we can always discover a series of inscribed or escribed logarithmic spirals. Once more, then, we may modify our definition, and say that: “Any plane curve proceeding from a fixed point (or pole), and such that the vectorial area of any sector is always a gnomon to the whole preceding figure, is called an equiangular, or logarithmic, spiral.” And we may now introduce this new concept and nomenclature into our description of the Nautilus shell and other related organic forms, by saying that: (1) if a growing Fig. 257. The same in a system of hexagons. structure be built up of successive parts, similar and similarly situated, we can always trace through corresponding points a series of logarithmic spirals (Figs. 258, 259, etc.); (2) it is characteristic of the growth of the horn, of the shell, and of all other organic forms in which a logarithmic spiral can be recognised, that each successive increment of growth is a gnomon to the entire pre-existing structure. And conversely (3) it follows obviously, that in the logarithmic spiral outline of the shell or of the horn we can always inscribe an endless variety of other gnomonic figures, having no necessary relation, save as a {514} mathematical accident, to the nature or mode of development of the actual structure Fig. 258. A shell of Haliotis, with two of the many lines of growth, or generating curves, marked out in black: the areas bounded by these lines of growth being in all cases “gnomons” to the pre-existing shell. Fig. 259. A spiral foraminifer (Pulvinulina), to show how each successive chamber continues the symmetry of, or constitutes a gnomon to, the rest of the structure. Of these three propositions, the second is of very great use and advantage for our easy understanding and simple description of the molluscan shell, and of a great variety of other structures whose mode of growth is analogous, and whose mathematical properties are therefore identical. We see at once that the successive chambers of a spiral Nautilus (Fig. 237) or of a straight Orthoceras (Fig. 300), each whorl or part of a whorl of a periwinkle or other gastropod (Fig. 258), each new increment of the operculum of a gastropod (Fig. 263), each additional increment of Fig. 260. Another spiral foraminifer, Cristellaria. an elephant’s tusk, or each new chamber of a spiral foraminifer (Figs. 259 and 260), has its leading characteristic at once described and its form so far explained by the simple statement that it constitutes a gnomon to the whole previously existing structure. And herein lies the explanation of that “time-element” in the development of organic spirals of which we have spoken already, in a preliminary and empirical way. For it follows as a simple corollary to this theorem of gnomons that we must not expect to find the logarithmic spiral manifested in a structure whose parts are simultaneously produced, as for instance in the margin of a leaf, or among the many curves that make the contour of a fish. But we must rather look for it wherever the organism retains for us, and still presents to us at a single view, the successive phases of preceding growth, the successive magnitudes attained, the successive outlines occupied, as the organism or a part thereof pursued the even tenour of its growth, year by year and day by day. And it easily follows from this, that it is in the hard parts of organisms, and not the soft, fleshy, actively growing parts, that this spiral is commonly and characteristically found; not in the fresh mobile tissues whose form is constrained merely by the active forces of the moment; but in things like shell and tusk, and horn and claw, where the object is visibly composed of parts {516} successively, and permanently, laid down. In the main, the logarithmic spiral is characteristic, not of the living tissues, but of the dead. And for the same reason, it will always or nearly always be accompanied, and adorned, by a pattern formed of “lines of growth,” the lasting record of earlier and successive stages of form and magnitude. It is evident that the spiral curve of the shell is, in a sense, a vector diagram of its own growth; for it shews at each instant of time, the direction, radial and tangential, of growth, and the unchanging ratio of velocities in these directions. Regarding the actual velocity of growth in the shell, we know very little (or practically nothing), by way of experimental measurement; but if we make a certain simple assumption, then we may go a good deal further in our description of the logarithmic spiral as it appears in this concrete case. Let us make the assumption that similar increments are added to the shell in equal times; that is to say, that the amount of growth in unit time is measured by the areas subtended by equal angles. Thus, in the outer whorl of a spiral shell a definite area marked out by ridges, tubercles, etc., has very different linear dimensions to the corresponding areas of the inner whorl, but the symmetry of the figure implies that it subtends an equal angle with these; and it is reasonable to suppose that the successive regions, marked out in this way by successive natural boundaries or patterns, are produced in equal intervals of time. If this be so, the radii measured from the pole to the boundary of the shell will in each case be proportional to the velocity of growth at this point upon the circumference, and at the time when it corresponded with the outer lip, or region of active growth; and while the direction of the radius vector corresponds with the direction of growth in thickness of the animal, so does the tangent to the curve correspond with the direction, for the time being, of the animal’s growth in length. The successive radii are a measure of the acceleration of growth, and the spiral curve of the shell itself is no other than the hodograph of the growth of the contained organism. {517} So far as we have now gone, we have studied the elementary properties of the logarithmic spiral, including its fundamental property of continued similarity; and we have accordingly learned that the shell or the horn tends necessarily to assume the form of this mathematical figure, because in these structures growth proceeds by successive increments, which are always similar in form, similarly situated, and of constant relative magnitude one to another. Our chief objects in enquiring further into the mathematical properties of the logarithmic spiral will be: (1) to find means of confirming and verifying the fact that the shell (or other organic curve) is actually a logarithmic spiral; (2) to learn how, by the properties of the curve, we may further extend our knowledge or simplify our descriptions of the shell; and (3) to understand the factors by which the characteristic form of any particular logarithmic spiral is determined, and so to comprehend the nature of the specific or generic characters by which one spiral shell is found to differ from another. Of the elementary properties of the logarithmic spiral, so far as we have now enumerated them, the following are those which we may most easily investigate in the concrete case, such as we have to do with in the molluscan shell: (1) that the polar radii of points whose vectorial angles are in arithmetical progression, are themselves in geometrical progression; and (2) that the tangent at any point of a logarithmic spiral makes a constant angle (called the angle of the spiral) with the polar radius vector. The former of these two propositions may be written in what is, perhaps, a simpler form, as follows: radii which form equal angles about the pole of the logarithmic spiral, are themselves continued proportionals. That is to say, in Fig. 261, when the angle ROQ is equal to the angle QOP, then OR:OQ::OQ:OP. A particular case of this proposition is when the equal angles are each angles of 360°: that is to say when in each case the radius vector makes a complete revolution, and when, therefore P, Q and R all lie upon the same radius. {518} It was by observing, with the help of very careful measurement, this continued proportionality, that Moseley was enabled to verify his first assumption, based on the general appearance of the shell, that the shell of Nautilus was actually a logarithmic spiral, and this demonstration he was immediately afterwards in a position to generalise by extending it to all the spiral Ammonitoid and Gastropod mollusca For, taking a median transverse section of a Nautilus pompilius, and carefully measuring the successive breadths of the whorls (from the dark line which marks what was originally the outer surface, before it was covered up by fresh deposits on the part of the growing and advancing shell), Moseley found that “the distance of any two of its whorls measured upon a radius vector is one-third that of the two next whorls measured upon the same radius vector The numerical ratio in the case of the Nautilus happens to be one of unusual simplicity. Let us take, with Moseley, a somewhat more complicated example. From the apex of a large specimen of Turbo duplicatus The close coincidence between the observed and the calculated figures is very remarkable, and is amply sufficient to justify the conclusion that we are here dealing with a true logarithmic spiral. Nevertheless, in order to verify his conclusion still further, and to get partially rid of the inaccuracies due to successive small {520} measurements, Moseley proceeded to investigate the same shell, measuring not single whorls, but groups of whorls, taken several at a time: making use of the following property of a geometrical progression, that “if µ represent the ratio of the sum of every even number (m) of its terms to the sum of half that number of terms, then the common ratio (r) of the series is represented by the formula r =(µ-1)?2/m.” Accordingly, Moseley made the following measurements, beginning from the second and third whorls respectively:
“By the ratios of the two first admeasurements, the formula gives r =(1·645)?1/3 =1·1804. By the mean of the ratios deduced from the second two admeasurements, it gives r =(1·389)?1/2 =1·1806. “It is scarcely possible to imagine a more accurate verification than is deduced from these larger admeasurements, and we may with safety annex to the species Turbo duplicatus the characteristic number 1·18.” By similar and equally concordant observations, Moseley found for Turbo phasianus the characteristic ratio, 1·75; and for Buccinum subulatum that of 1·13. From the table referring to Turbo duplicatus, on page 519, it is perhaps worth while to illustrate the logarithmic statement of the same facts: that is to say, the elementary corollary to the fact that the successive radii are in geometric progression, that their logarithms differ from one another by a constant amount. {521}
And ·07207 is the logarithm of 1·1805. Fig. 263. Operculum of Turbo. The logarithmic spiral is not only very beautifully manifested in the molluscan shell, but also, in certain cases, in the little lid or “operculum” by which the entrance to the tubular shell is closed after the animal has withdrawn itself within. In the spiral shell of Turbo, for instance, the operculum is a thick calcareous structure, with a beautifully curved outline, which grows by successive increments applied to one portion of its edge, and shews, accordingly, a spiral line of growth upon its surface. The successive increments leave their traces on the surface of the operculum {522} (Fig. 264, 1), which traces have the form of curved lines in Turbo, and of straight lines in (e.g.) Nerita (Fig. 264, 2); that is to say, apart from the side constituting the outer edge of the operculum (which side is always and of necessity curved) the successive increments constitute curvilinear triangles in the one case, and rectilinear triangles in the other. The sides of these triangles are tangents to the spiral line of the operculum, and may be supposed to generate it by their consecutive intersections. Fig. 264. Opercula of (1) Turbo, (2) Nerita. (After Moseley.) In a number of such opercula, Moseley measured the breadths of the successive whorls along a radius vector
{523} The ratio is approximately constant, and this spiral also is, therefore, a logarithmic spiral. But here comes in a very beautiful illustration of that property of the logarithmic spiral which causes its whole shape to remain unchanged, in spite of its apparently unsymmetrical, or unilateral, mode of growth. For the mouth of the tubular shell, into which the operculum has to fit, is growing or widening on all sides: while the operculum is increasing, not by additions made at the same time all round its margin, but by additions made only on one side of it at each successive stage. One edge of the operculum thus remains unaltered as it is advanced into each new position, and as it is placed in a newly formed section of the tube, similar to but greater than the last. Nevertheless, the two apposed structures, the chamber and its plug, at all times fit one another to perfection. The mechanical problem (by no means an easy one), is thus solved: “How to shape a tube of a variable section, so that a piston driven along it shall, by one side of its margin, coincide continually with its surface as it advances, provided only that the piston be made at the same time continually to revolve in its own plane.” As Moseley puts it: “That the same edge which fitted a portion of the first less section should be capable of adjustment, so as to fit a portion of the next similar but greater section, supposes a geometrical provision in the curved form of the chamber of great apparent complication and difficulty. But God hath bestowed upon this humble architect the practical skill of a learned geometrician, and he makes this provision with admirable precision in that curvature of the logarithmic spiral which he gives to the section of the shell. This curvature obtaining, he has only to turn his operculum slightly round in its own plane as he advances it into each newly formed portion of his chamber, to adapt one margin of it to a new and larger surface and a different curvature, leaving the space to be filled up by increasing the operculum wholly on the other margin.” But in many, and indeed more numerous Gastropod mollusca, the operculum does not grow in this remarkable spiral fashion, but by the apparently much simpler process of accretion by concentric rings. This suggests to us another mathematical {524} feature of the logarithmic spiral. We have already seen that the logarithmic spiral has a number of “limiting cases,” apparently very diverse from one another. Thus the right cone is a logarithmic spiral in which the revolution of the radius vector is infinitely slow; and, in the same sense, the straight line itself is a limiting case of the logarithmic spiral. The spiral of Archimedes, though not a limiting case of the logarithmic spiral, closely resembles one in which the angle of the spiral is very near to 90°, and the spiral is coiled around a central core. But if the angle of the spiral were actually 90°, the radius vector would describe a circle, identical with the “core” of which we have just spoken; and accordingly it may be said that the circle is, in this sense, a true limiting case of the logarithmic spiral. In this sense, then, the circular concentric operculum, for instance of Turritella or Littorina, does not represent a breach of continuity, but a “limiting case” of the spiral operculum of Turbo; the successive “gnomons” are now not lateral or terminal additions, but complete concentric rings. Viewed in regard to its own fundamental properties and to those of its limiting cases, the logarithmic spiral is the simplest of all known curves; and the rigid uniformity of the simple laws, or forces, by which it is developed sufficiently account for its frequent manifestation in the structures built up by the slow and steady growth of organisms. In order to translate into precise terms the whole form and growth of a spiral shell, we should have to employ a mathematical notation, considerably more complicated than any that I have attempted to make use of in this book. But, in the most elementary language, we may now at least attempt to describe the general method, and some of the variations, of the mathematical development of the shell. Let us imagine a closed curve in space, whether circular or elliptical or of some other and more complex specific form, not necessarily in a plane: such a curve as we see before us when we consider the mouth, or terminal orifice, of our tubular shell; and let us imagine some one characteristic point within this closed curve, such as its centre of gravity. Then, starting from a fixed {525} origin, let this centre of gravity describe an equiangular spiral in space, about a fixed axis (namely the axis of the shell), while at the same time the generating curve grows, with each angular increment of rotation, in such a way as to preserve the symmetry of the entire figure, with or without a simultaneous movement of translation along the axis. Fig. 265. Melo ethiopicus, L. It is plain that the entire resulting shell may now be looked upon in either of two ways. It is, on the one hand, an ensemble of similar closed curves spirally arranged in space, gradually increasing in dimensions, in proportion to the increase of their vectorial angle from the pole. In other words, we can imagine our shell cut up into a system of rings, following one another in continuous spiral succession from that terminal and largest one, which constitutes the lip of the orifice of the shell. Or, on the other hand, we may figure to ourselves the whole shell as made up of an ensemble of spiral lines in space, each spiral having been {526} traced out by the gradual growth and revolution of a radius vector from the pole to a given point of the generating curve. Both systems of lines, the generating spirals (as these latter may be called), and the closed generating curves corresponding to successive margins or lips of the shell, may be easily traced in a great variety of cases. Thus, for example, in Dolium, Eburnea, and a host of others, the generating spirals are beautifully marked out Fig. 266. 1, Harpa; 2, Dolium. The ridges on the shell correspond in (1) to generating curves, in (2) to generating spirals. by ridges, tubercles or bands of colour. In Trophon, Scalaria, and (among countless others) in the Ammonites, it is the successive generating curves which more conspicuously leave their impress on the shell. And in not a few cases, as in Harpa, Dolium perdix, etc., both alike are conspicuous, ridges and colour-bands intersecting one another in a beautiful isogonal system. {527} In the complete mathematical formula (such as I have not ventured to set forth In like manner (8) the ratio between the growth-factor and the rate of screw-translation parallel to the axis will determine the apical angle of the resulting conical structure: will give us the difference, for example, between the sharp, pointed cone of Turritella, the less acute one of Fusus or Buccinum, and the {528} obtuse one of Harpa or Dolium. In short it is obvious that all the differences of form which we observe between one shell and another are referable to matters of degree, depending, one and all, upon the relative magnitudes of the various factors in the complex equation to the curve. The paper in which, nearly eighty years ago, Canon Moseley thus gave a simple mathematical expression to the spiral forms of univalve shells, is one of the classics of Natural History. But other students before him had come very near to recognising this mathematical simplicity of form and structure. About the year 1818, Reinecke had suggested that the relative breadths of the adjacent whorls in an Ammonite formed a constant and diagnostic character; and Leopold von Buch accepted and developed the idea Fig. 267. D’Orbigny’s Helicometer. For some years after the appearance of Moseley’s paper, a number of writers followed in his footsteps, and attempted, in various ways, to put his conclusions to practical use. For instance, D’Orbigny devised a very simple protractor, which he called a Helicometer? It was at once obvious that, in such a shell as is represented in Fig. 267 the entire outline of the shell (always excepting that of the immediate neighbourhood of {530} the mouth) could be restored from a broken fragment. For if we draw our tangents to the cone, it follows from the symmetry of the figure that we can continue the projection of the sutural line, and so mark off the successive whorls, by simply drawing a series of consecutive parallels, and by then filling into the quadrilaterals so marked off a series of curves similar to one another, and to the whorls which are still intact in the broken shell. But the use of the helicometer soon shewed that it was by no means universally the case that one and the same right cone was tangent to all the turbinate whorls; in other words, there was not always one specific apical angle which held good for the entire system. In the great majority of cases, it is true, the same tangent touches all the whorls, and is a straight line. But in others, as in the large Cerithium nodosum, such a line is slightly convex to the axis of the shell; and in the short spire of Dolium, for instance, the convexity is marked, and the apex of the spire is a distinct cusp. On the other hand, in Pupa and Clausilia, the common tangent is concave to the axis of the shell. So also is it, as we shall presently see, among the Ammonites: where there are some species in which the ratio of whorl to whorl remains, to all appearance, perfectly constant; others in which it gradually, though only slightly increases; and others again in which it slightly and gradually falls away. It is obvious that, among the manifold possibilities of growth, such conditions as these are very easily conceivable. It is much more remarkable that, among these shells, the relative velocities of growth in various dimensions should be as constant as it is, than that there should be an occasional departure from perfect regularity. In such cases as these latter, the logarithmic law of growth is only approximately true. The shell is no longer to be represented as a right cone which has been rolled up, but as a cone which had grown trumpet-shaped, or conversely whose mouth had narrowed in, and which in section is a curvilinear instead of a rectilinear triangle. But all that has happened is that a new factor, usually of small or all but imperceptible magnitude, has been introduced into the case; so that the ratio, logr =?loga, is no longer constant, but varies slightly, and in accordance with some simple law. {531} Some writers, such as Naumann and Grabau, maintained that the molluscan spiral was no true logarithmic spiral, but differed from it specifically, and they gave to it the name of Conchospiral. They pointed out that the logarithmic spiral originates in a mathematical point, while the molluscan shell starts with a little embryonic shell, or central chamber (the “protoconch” of the conchologists), around which the spiral is subsequently wrapped. It is plain that this undoubted and obvious fact need not affect the logarithmic law of the shell as a whole; we have only to add a small constant to our equation, which becomes r =m+a??. There would seem, by the way, to be considerable confusion in the books with regard to the so-called “protoconch.” In many cases it is a definite structure, of simple form, representing the more or less globular embryonic shell before it began to elongate into its conical or spiral form. But in many cases what is described as the “protoconch” is merely an empty space in the middle of Fig. 268. the spiral coil, resulting from the fact that the actual spiral shell has a definite magnitude to begin with, and that we cannot follow it down to its vanishing point in infinity. For instance, in the accompanying figure, the large space a is styled the protoconch, but it is the little bulbous or hemispherical chamber within it, at the end of the spire, which is the real beginning of the tubular shell. The form and magnitude of the space a are determined by the “angle of retardation,” or ratio of rate of growth between the inner and outer curves of the spiral shell. They are independent of the shape and size of the embryo, and depend only (as we shall see better presently) on the direction and relative rate of growth of the double contour of the shell. Now that we have dealt, in a very general way, with some of the more obvious properties of the logarithmic spiral, let us consider certain of them a little more particularly, keeping in {532} view as our chief object the investigation (on elementary lines) of the possible manner and range of variation of the molluscan shell. There is yet another equation to the logarithmic spiral, very commonly employed, and without the help of which we shall find that we cannot get far. It is as follows: r =e??cota. This follows directly from the fact that the angle a (the angle between the radius vector and the tangent to the curve) is constant. For, then, tana (=tan?) =r d?/dr, therefore dr/r =d?cota, and, integrating, logr =? cota,or r =e??cota. As we have seen throughout our preliminary discussion, the two most important constants (or chief “specific characters,” as the naturalist would say) in any given logarithmic spiral, are (1) the magnitude of the angle of the spiral, or “constant angle,” a, and (2) the rate of increase of the radius vector for any given angle of revolution, ?. Of this latter, the simplest case is when ? =2p, or 360°; that is to say when we compare the breadths, along the same radius vector, of two successive whorls. As our two magnitudes, that of the constant angle, and that of the ratio of the radii or breadths of whorl, are related to one another, we may determine either of them by actual measurement and proceed to calculate the other. In any complete spiral, such as that of Nautilus, it is (as we have seen) easy to measure any two radii (r), or the breadths in {533} a radial direction of any two whorls (W). We have then merely to apply the formula r?n+1/r?n =e??cota,or W?n+1/W?n =e??cota, which we may simply write r =e??cota, etc.; since our first radius or whorl is regarded, for the purpose of comparison, as being equal to unity. Thus, in the diagram, OC/OE, or EF/BD, or DC/EF, being in each case radii, or diameters, at right angles to one another, are all equal to e?(p/2)cota. While in like manner, EO/OF, EG/FH, or GO/HO, all equal e?pcota; and BC/BA, or CO/OB =e?2pcota. Fig. 270. As soon, then, as we have prepared tables for these values, the determination of the constant angle a in a particular shell becomes a very simple matter. A complete table would be cumbrous, and it will be sufficient to deal with the simple case of the ratio between the breadths of adjacent, or immediately succeeding, whorls. Here we have r =e?2pcota, or logr =loge×2p×cota, from which we obtain the following figures
We learn several interesting things from this short table. We see, in the first place, that where each whorl is about three times the breadth of its neighbour and predecessor, as is the case in Nautilus, Fig. 271. the constant angle is in the neighbourhood of 80°; and hence also that, in all the ordinary Ammonitoid shells, and in all the typically spiral shells of the Gastropods Fig. 272. In other words, the spiral shells of gentle curvature, or of small constant angle, such as Dentalium or Nodosaria, are true logarithmic spirals, just as are those of Nautilus or Rotalia: from which they differ only in degree, in the magnitude of an angular constant. But this diminished magnitude of the angle causes the spiral to dilate with such immense rapidity that, so to speak, “it never comes round”; and so, in such a shell as Dentalium, we never see but a small portion of the initial whorl. Fig. 273. We might perhaps be inclined to suppose that, in such a shell as Dentalium, the lack of a visible spiral convolution was only due to our seeing but a small portion of the curve, at a distance from the pole, and when, therefore, its {536} curvature had already greatly diminished. That is to say we might suppose that, however small the angle a, and however rapidly the whorls accordingly increased, there would nevertheless be a manifest spiral convolution in the immediate neighbourhood of the pole, as the starting point of the curve. But it may be shewn that this is not so. For, taking the formula r =ae??cota, this, for any given spiral, is equivalent to ae?k?. Therefore log(r/a) =k?, or, 1/k =?/log(r/a). Then, if ? increase by 2p, while r increases to r?1, 1/k =(?+2p)/log(r?1/a), which leads, by subtraction to 1/k·log(r?1/r) =2p. Now, as a tends to 0, k (i.e. cota) tends to 8, and therefore, as k?8, log(r?1/r)?8 and also r?1/r?8. Therefore if one whorl exists, the radius vector of the other is infinite; in other words, there is nowhere, even in the near neighbourhood of the pole, a complete revolution of the spire. Our spiral shells of small constant angle, such as Dentalium, may accordingly be considered to represent sufficiently well the true commencement of their respective spirals. Let us return to the problem of how to ascertain, by direct measurement, the spiral angle of any particular shell. The method already employed is only applicable to complete spirals, that is to say to those in which the angle of the spiral is large, and furthermore it is inapplicable to portions, or broken fragments, of a shell. In the case of the broken fragment, it is plain that the determination of the angle is not merely of theoretic interest, but may be of great practical use to the conchologist as being the one and only way by which he may restore the outline of the missing portions. We have a considerable choice of methods, which have been summarised by, and are partly due to, a very careful student of the Cephalopoda, the late Rev. J. F. Blake
Fig. 277. The first method is theoretically simple, but difficult in practice; for it requires great accuracy in determining the points. Let AD, DB, be two tangents drawn to the curve. Then a circle drawn through the points ABD will pass through the pole O; since the angles OAD, OBE (the supplement of OBD), are equal. The point O may be determined by the intersection of two such circles; and the angle DBO is then the angle, a, required. Or we may determine, graphically, at two points, the radii of curvature, ??1??2. Then, if s be the length of the arc between them (which may be determined with fair accuracy by rolling the margin of the shell along a ruler) cota =(??1-??2)/s. The following method Measure along a tangent to the curve, the distance, AC, at which a certain small offset, CD, is made by the curve; and from another point B, measure the distance at which the curve makes an equal offset. Then, calling the offset ; the arc AB, s; and AC, BE, respectively x?1, x?2, we have ??1 =(x?1?2+?2)/2, approximately, and cota =(x?2?2-x?1?2)/2s. Of all these methods by which the mathematical constants, or specific characters, of a given spiral shell may be determined, the only one of which much use has been made is that which Moseley first employed, namely, the simple method of determining {539} the relative breadths of the whorl at distances separated by some convenient vectorial angle (such as 90°, 180°, or 360°). Very elaborate measurements of a number of Ammonites have been made by Naumann
{540} intuslabiatus; these measurements Grabau gives for every 45° of arc, but I have only set forth one quarter of these measurements, that is to say, the breadths of successive whorls measured along one diameter on both sides of the pole. The ratio between alternate measurements is therefore the same ratio as Moseley adopted, namely the ratio of breadth between contiguous whorls along a radius vector. I have then added to these observed values the corresponding calculated values of the angle a, as obtained from our usual formula. There is considerable irregularity in the ratios derived from these measurements, but it will be seen that this irregularity only implies a variation of the angle of the spiral between about 85° and 87°; and the values fluctuate pretty regularly about the mean, which is 86°15?'. Considering the difficulty of measuring the whorls, especially towards the centre, and in particular the difficulty of determining with precise accuracy the position of the pole, it is clear that in such a case as this we are scarcely justified in asserting that the law of the logarithmic spiral is departed from. In some cases, however, it is undoubtedly departed from. Here for instance is another table from Grabau, shewing the corresponding ratios in an Ammonite of the group of Arcestes tornatus. In this case we see a distinct tendency of the ratios to
{541} increase as we pass from the centre of the coil outwards, and consequently for the values of the angle a to diminish. The case is precisely comparable to that of a cone with slightly curving sides: in which, that is to say, there is a slight acceleration of growth in a transverse as compared with the longitudinal direction. In a tubular spiral, whether plane or helicoid, the consecutive whorls may either be (1) isolated and remote from one another; or (2) they may precisely meet, so that the outer border of one and the inner border of the next just coincide; or (3) they may overlap, the vector plane of each outer whorl cutting that of its immediate predecessor or predecessors. Looking, as we have done, upon the spiral shell as being essentially a cone rolled up, it is plain that, for a given spiral angle, intersection or non-intersection of the successive whorls will depend upon the apical angle of the original cone. For the wider the cone, the more rapidly will its inner border tend to encroach on the outer border of the preceding whorl. But it is also plain that the greater be the apical angle of the cone, and the broader, consequently, the cone itself be, the greater difference will there be between the total lengths of its inner and outer border, under given conditions of flexure. And, since the inner and outer borders are describing precisely the same spiral about the pole, it is plain that we may consider the inner border as being retarded in growth as compared with the outer, and as being always identical with a smaller and earlier part of the latter. If ? be the ratio of growth between the outer and the inner curve, then, the outer curve being represented by r =a e??cota, the equation to the inner one will be r?' =a?e??cota, or r?' =a e?(?-)cota, and may then be called the angle of retardation, to which the inner curve is subject by virtue of its slower rate of growth. {542} Dispensing with mathematical formulae, the several conditions may be illustrated as follows: Fig. 278. In the diagrams (Fig. 278), O P?1 P?2 P?3, etc. represents a radius, on which P?1, P?2, P?3, are the points attained by the outer border of the tubular shell after as many entire consecutive revolutions. And P?1?', P?2?', P?3?', are the points similarly intersected by the inner border; OP/OP?' being always =?, which is the ratio of growth, or “cutting-down factor.” Then, obviously, when O P?1 is less than O P?2?' the whorls will be separated by an interspace (a); (2) when O P?1 =O P?2?' they will be in contact (b), and (3) when O P?1 is greater than O P?2?' there will a greater or less extent of overlapping, that is to say of concealment of the surfaces of the earlier by the later whorls (c). And as a further case (4), it is plain that if ? be very large, that is to say if O P?1 be greater, not only than O P?2?' but also than O P?3?', O P?4?', etc., we shall have complete, or all but complete concealment by the last formed whorl, of the whole of its predecessors. This latter condition is completely attained in Nautilus pompilius, and approached, though not quite attained, in N. umbilicatus; and the difference between these two forms, or “species,” is constituted accordingly by a difference in the value of ?. (5) There is also a final case, not easily distinguishable externally from (4), where P?' lies on {543} the opposite side of the radius vector to P, and is therefore imaginary. This final condition is exhibited in Argonauta. The limiting values of ? are easily ascertained. Fig 279. In Fig. 279 we have portions of two successive whorls, whose corresponding points on the same radius vector (as R and R?') are, therefore, at a distance apart corresponding to 2p. Let r and r?' refer to the inner, and R, R?' to the outer sides of the two whorls. Then, if we consider R =a e??cota, it follows that R?' =a e?(?+2p)cota, r =?a e??cota =a e?(?-)cota, and r?' =?a e?(?+2p)cota =a e?(?+2p-)cota. Now in the three cases (a, b, c) represented in Fig. 278, it is plain that r?' ?R, respectively. That is to say, ?a e?(?+2p)cota ?a e??cota, and ?e?2pcota ?1. The case in which ?e?2pcota =1, or -log? =2pcotaloge, is the case represented in Fig. 278, b: that is to say, the particular case, for each value of a, where the consecutive whorls just touch, without interspace or overlap. For such cases, then, we may tabulate the values of ?, as follows:
{544} We see, accordingly, that in plane spirals whose constant angle lies, say, between 65° and 70°, we can only obtain contact between consecutive whorls if the rate of growth of the inner border of the tube be a small fraction,—a tenth or a twentieth—of that of the outer border. In spirals whose constant angle is 80°, contact is attained when the respective rates of growth are, approximately, as 3 to 1; while in spirals of constant angle from about 85° to 89°, contact is attained when the rates of growth are in the ratio of from about 3/5 to 9/10. Fig. 280. If on the other hand we have, for any given value of a, a value of ? greater or less than the value given in the above table, then we have, respectively, the conditions of separation or of overlap which are exemplified in Fig. 278, a and c. And, just as we have constructed this table of values of ? for the particular case of simple contact between the whorls, so we could construct similar tables for various degrees of separation, or degrees of overlap. For instance, a case which admits of simple solution is that in which the interspace between the whorls is everywhere a mean proportional between the breadths of the whorls themselves (Fig. 280). {545} In this case, let us call OA =R, OC =R?1 and OB =r. We then have R?1 =OA =a e??cota, R?2 =OC =a e?(?+2p) cota, R?1 R?2 =a e?2(?+p) cota =r?2 And r?2 =(1/?)?2·e?2? cota, whence, equating, 1/? =e?p cota. The corresponding values of ? are as follows:
As regards the angle of retardation, , in the formula r?' =?e?? cota, or r?' =e?(?-)cota, and in the case r?' =e?(2p-)cota, or -log? =(2p-)cota, {546} it is evident that when =2p, that will mean that ? =1. In other words, the outer and inner borders of the tube are identical, and the tube is constituted by one continuous line. When ? is a very small fraction, that is to say when the rates of growth of the two borders of the tube are very diverse, then will tend towards infinity—tend that is to say towards a condition in which the inner border of the tube never grows at all. This condition is not infrequently approached in nature. The nearly parallel-sided cone of Dentalium, or the widely separated whorls of Lituites, are evidently cases where ? nearly approaches unity in the one case, and is still large in the other, being correspondingly small; while we can easily find cases where is very large, and ? is a small fraction, for instance in Haliotis, or in Gryphaea. For the purposes of the morphologist, then, the main result of this last general investigation is to shew that all the various types of “open” and “closed” spirals, all the various degrees of separation or overlap of the successive whorls, are simply the outward expression of a varying ratio in the rate of growth of the outer as compared with the inner border of the tubular shell. The foregoing problem of contact, or intersection, of the successive whorls, is a very simple one in the case of the discoid shell but a more complex one in the turbinate. For in the discoid shell contact will evidently take place when the retardation of the inner as compared with the outer whorl is just 360°, and the shape of the whorls need not be considered. As the angle of retardation diminishes from 360°, the whorls will stand further and further apart in an open coil; as it increases beyond 360°, they will more and more overlap; and when the angle of retardation is infinite, that is to say when the true inner edge of the whorl does not grow at all, then the shell is said to be completely involute. Of this latter condition we have a striking example in Argonauta, and one a little more obscure in Nautilus pompilius. In the turbinate shell, the problem of contact is twofold, for we have to deal with the possibilities of contact on the same side of the axis (which is what we have dealt with in the discoid) and {547} also with the new possibility of contact or intersection on the opposite side; it is this latter case which will determine the presence or absence of an umbilicus, and whether, if present, it will be an open conical space or a twisted cone. It is further obvious that, in the case of the turbinate, the question of contact or no contact will depend on the shape of the generating curve; and if we take the simple case where this generating curve may be considered as an ellipse, then contact will be found to depend on the angle which the major axis of this ellipse makes with the axis of the shell. The question becomes a complicated one, and the student will find it treated in Blake’s paper already referred to. When one whorl overlaps another, so that the generating curve cuts its predecessor (at a distance of 2p) on the same radius vector, the locus of intersection will follow a spiral line upon the shell, which is called the “suture” by conchologists. It is evidently one of that ensemble of spiral lines in space of which, as we have seen, the whole shell may be conceived to be constituted; and we might call it a “contact-spiral,” or “spiral of intersection.” In discoid shells, such as an Ammonite or a Planorbis, or in Nautilus umbilicatus, there are obviously two such contact-spirals, one on each side of the shell, that is to say one on each side of a plane perpendicular to the axis. In turbinate shells such a condition is also possible, but is somewhat rare. We have it for instance, in Solarium perspectivum, where the one contact-spiral is visible on the exterior of the cone, and the other lies internally, winding round the open cone of the umbilicus The various forms of straight or spiral shells among the Cephalopods, which we have seen to be capable of complete definition by the help of elementary mathematics, have received a very complicated descriptive nomenclature from the palaeontologists. For instance, the straight cones are spoken of as orthoceracones or bactriticones, the loosely coiled forms as gyroceracones or mimoceracones, the more closely coiled shells, in which one whorl overlaps the other, as nautilicones or ammoniticones, and so forth. In such a succession of forms the biologist sees undoubted and unquestioned evidence of ancestral descent. For instance we read in Zittel’s Palaeontology At the same time, while it is obviously unsafe to rest conclusions upon such features as these, unless they be strongly supported and corroborated in other ways,—for the simple reason that there is unlimited room for coincidence, or separate and independent attainment of this or that magnitude or numerical ratio,—yet on the other hand it is certain that, in particular cases, the evolution of a race has actually involved gradual increase or decrease in some one or more numerical factors, magnitude itself included,—that is to say increase or decrease in some one or more of the actual and relative velocities of growth. When we do meet with a clear and unmistakable series of such progressive magnitudes or ratios, manifesting themselves in a progressive series of “allied” forms, then we have the phenomenon of “orthogenesis.” For orthogenesis is simply that phenomenon of continuous lines or series of form (and also of functional or physiological capacity), which was the foundation of the Theory of Evolution, alike to Lamarck and to Darwin and Wallace; and which we see to exist whatever be our ideas of the “origin of species,” or of the nature and origin of “functional adaptations.” And to my mind, the mathematical (as distinguished from the purely physical) study of morphology bids fair to help us to recognise this phenomenon of orthogenesis in many cases where it is not at once patent to the eye; and also, on the other hand, to warn us, in many other cases, that even strong and apparently complex resemblances in form may be capable of arising independently, and may sometimes signify no more than the equally accidental numerical coincidences which are manifested in identity of length or weight, or any other simple magnitudes. I have already referred to the fact that, while in general a very great and remarkable regularity of form is characteristic of the molluscan shell, that complete regularity is apt to be departed from. We have clear cases of such a departure in Pupa, Clausilia, and various Bulimi, where the enveloping cone of the spire is not a right cone but a cone whose sides are curved. It is plain that this condition may arise in two ways: either by a gradual change in the ratio of growth of the whorls, that is to say in the logarithmic spiral itself, or by a change in the velocity of {550} translation along the axis, that is to say in the helicoid which, in all turbinate shells, is superposed upon the spiral. Very careful measurements will be necessary to determine to which of these factors, or in what proportions to each, the phenomenon is due. But in many Ammonitoidea where the helicoid factor does not enter into the case, we have a clear illustration of gradual and marked changes in the spiral angle itself, that is to say of the ratio of growth corresponding to increase of vectorial angle. We have seen from some of Naumann’s and Grabau’s measurements that such a tendency to vary, such an acceleration or retardation, may be detected even in Ammonites which present nothing abnormal to the eye. But let us suppose that the spiral angle increases somewhat rapidly; we shall then get a spiral with gradually narrowing whorls, and this condition is characteristic Fig. 281. An ammonitoid shell (Macroscaphites) to shew change of curvature. of Oekotraustes, a subgenus of Ammonites. If on the other hand, the angle a gradually diminishes, and even falls away to zero, we shall have the spiral curve opening out, as it does in Scaphites, Ancyloceras and Lituites, until the spiral coil is replaced by a spiral curve so gentle as to seem all but straight. Lastly, there are a few cases, such as Bellerophon expansus and some Goniatites, where the outer spiral does not perceptibly change, but the whorls become more “embracing” or the whole shell more involute. Here it is the angle of retardation, the ratio of growth between the outer and inner parts of the whorl, which undergoes a gradual change. In order to understand the relation of a close-coiled shell to one of its straighter congeners, to compare (for example) an {551} Ammonite with an Orthoceras, it is necessary to estimate the length of the right cone which has, so to speak, been coiled up into the spiral shell. Our problem then is, To find the length of a plane logarithmic spiral, in terms of the radius and the constant angle a. In the annexed diagram, if OP be a radius vector, OQ a line of reference perpendicular to OP, and PQ a tangent to the curve, PQ, or seca, is equal in length to the spiral arc OP. And this is practically obvious: for PP?'/PR?' =ds/dr =seca, and therefore seca =s/r, or the ratio of arc to radius vector. Accordingly, the ratio of l, the total length, to r, the radius vector up to which the total length is to be measured, is expressed by a simple table of secants; as follows:
Putting the same table inversely, so as to shew the total {552} length in whole numbers, in terms of the radius, we have as follows:
Accordingly, we see that (1), when the constant angle of the spiral is small, the spiral itself is scarcely distinguishable from a straight line, and its length is but very little greater than that of its own radius vector. This remains pretty much the case for a considerable increase of angle, say from 0° to 20° or more; (2) for a very considerably greater increase of the constant angle, say to 50° or more, the shell would only have the appearance of a gentle curve; (3) the characteristic close coils of the Nautilus or Ammonite would be typically represented only when the constant angle lies within a few degrees on either side of about 80°. The coiled up spiral of a Nautilus, with a constant angle of about 80°, is about six times the length of its radius vector, or rather more than three times its own diameter; while that of an Ammonite, with a constant angle of, say, from 85° to 88°, is from about six to fifteen times as long as its own diameter. And (4) as we approach an angle of 90° (at which point the spiral vanishes in a circle), the length of the coil increases with enormous rapidity. Our spiral would soon assume the appearance of the close coils of a Nummulite, and the successive increments of breadth in the successive whorls would become inappreciable to the eye. The logarithmic spiral of high constant angle would, as we have already seen, tend to become indistinguishable, without the most careful measurement, from an Archimedean spiral. And it is obvious, moreover, that our ordinary methods of {553} determining the constant angle of the spiral would not in these cases be accurate enough to enable us to measure the length of the coil: we should have to devise a new method, based on the measurement of radii or diameters over a large number of whorls. The geometrical form of the shell involves many other beautiful properties, of great interest to the mathematician, but which it is not possible to reduce to such simple expressions as we have been content to use. For instance, we may obtain an equation which shall express completely the surface of any shell, in terms of polar or of rectangular coordinates (as has been done by Moseley and by Blake), or in Hamiltonian vector notation. It is likewise possible (though of little interest to the naturalist) to determine the area of a conchoidal surface, or the volume of a conchoidal solid, and to find the centre of gravity of either surface or solid The surface of any shell, whether discoid or turbinate, may be imagined to be generated by the revolution about a fixed axis of a closed curve, which, remaining always geometrically similar to itself, increases continually its dimensions: and, since the rate of growth of the generating curve and its velocity of rotation follow the same law, the curve traced in space by corresponding points {554} in the generating curve is, in all cases, a logarithmic spiral. In discoid shells, the generating figure revolves in a plane perpendicular to the axis, as in Nautilus, the Argonaut and the Ammonite. In turbinate shells, it slides continually along the axis of revolution, and the curve in space generated by any given point partakes, therefore, of the character of a helix, as well as of a logarithmic spiral; it may be strictly entitled a helico-spiral. Such turbinate or helico-spiral shells include the snail, the periwinkle and all the common typical Gastropods. The generating figure, as represented by the mouth of the shell, is sometimes a plane curve, of simple form; in other and more numerous cases, it becomes more complicated in form and its boundaries do not lie in one plane: but in such cases as these we Fig. 283. Section of a spiral, or turbinate, univalve, Triton corrugatus, Lam. (From Woodward.) may replace it by its “trace,” on a plane at some definite angle to the direction of growth, for instance by its form as it appears in a section through the axis of the helicoid shell. The generating curve is of very various shapes. It is circular in Scalaria or Cyclostoma, and in Spirula; it may be considered as a segment of a circle in Natica or in Planorbis. It is approximately triangular in Conus, and rhomboidal in Solarium or Potamides. It is very commonly more or less elliptical: the long axis of the ellipse being parallel to the axis of the shell in Oliva and Cypraea; all but perpendicular to it in many Trochi; and oblique to it in many well-marked cases, such as Stomatella, Lamellaria, Sigaretus haliotoides (Fig. 284) and Haliotis. In Nautilus pompilius it is approximately a semi-ellipse, and in N. umbilicatus rather more than a semi-ellipse, the long axis lying in both cases perpendicular to the axis of the shell The generating curve may grow slowly or quickly; its growth-factor is very slow in Dentalium or Turritella, very rapid in Nerita, or Pileopsis, or Haliotis or the Limpet. It may contain the axis in its plane, as in Nautilus; it may be parallel to the axis, as in the majority of Gastropods; or it may be inclined to the axis, as it is in a very marked degree in Haliotis. In fact, in Haliotis the generating curve is so oblique to the axis of the shell that the latter appears to grow by additions to one margin only (cf. Fig. 258), as in the case of the opercula of Turbo and Nerita referred to on p. 522; and this is what Moseley supposed it to do. Fig. 284. A, Lamellaria perspicua; B, Sigaretus haliotoides. (After Woodward.) The general appearance of the entire shell is determined (apart from the form of its generating curve) by the magnitude of three angles; and these in turn are determined, as has been sufficiently explained, by the ratios of certain velocities of growth. These angles are (1) the constant angle of the logarithmic spiral (a); (2) in turbinate shells, the enveloping angle of the cone, or (taking half that angle) the angle (?) which a tangent to the whorls makes with the axis of the shell; and (3) an angle called the “angle of retardation” (), which expresses the retardation in growth of {556} the inner as compared with the outer part of each whorl, and therefore measures the extent to which one whorl overlaps, or the extent to which it is separated from, another. The spiral angle (a) is very small in a limpet, where it is usually taken as =0°; but it is evidently of a significant amount, though obscured by the shortness of the tubular shell. In Dentalium it is still small, but sufficient to give the appearance of a regular curve; it amounts here probably to about 30° to 40°. In Haliotis it is from about 70° to 75°; in Nautilus about 80°; and it lies between 80° and 85°, or even more, in the majority of Gastropods. The case of Fissurella is curious. Here we have, apparently, a conical shell with no trace of spiral curvature, or (in other words) with a spiral angle which approximates to 0°; but in the minute embryonic shell (as in that of the limpet) a spiral convolution is distinctly to be seen. It would seem, then, that what we have to do with here is an unusually large growth-factor in the generating curve, which causes the shell to dilate into a cone of very wide angle, the apical portion of which has become lost or absorbed, and the remaining part of which is too short to show clearly its intrinsic curvature. In the closely allied Emarginula, there is likewise a well-marked spiral in the embryo, which however is still manifested in the curvature of the adult, nearly conical, shell. In both cases we have to do with a very wide-angled cone, and with a high retardation-factor for its inner, or posterior, border. The series is continued, from the apparently simple cone to the complete spiral, through such forms as Calyptraea. The angle a, as we have seen, is not always, nor rigorously, a constant angle. In some Ammonites it may increase with age, the whorls becoming closer and closer; in others it may decrease rapidly, and even fall to zero, the coiled shell then straightening out, as in Lituites and similar forms. It diminishes somewhat, also, in many Orthocerata, which are slightly curved in youth, but straight in age. It tends to increase notably in some common land-shells, the Pupae and Bulimi; and it decreases in Succinea. Directly related to the angle a is the ratio which subsists between the breadths of successive whorls. The following table gives a few illustrations of this ratio in particular cases, in addition to those which we have already studied. {557}
In the case of turbinate shells, we require to take into account the angle ?, in order to determine the spiral angle a from the ratio of the breadths of consecutive whorls; for the short table given on p. 534 is only applicable to discoid shells, in which the angle ? is an angle of 90°. Our formula, as mentioned on p. 518 now becomes R =e?2psin?cota. For this formula I have worked out the following table. {558}
{559} From this table, by interpolation, we may easily fill in the approximate values of a, as soon as we have determined the apical angle ? and measured the ratio R; as follows:
We see from this that shells so different in appearance as Cerithium, Solarium, Natica and Planorbis differ very little indeed in the magnitude of the spiral angle a, that is to say in the relative velocities of radial and tangential growth. It is upon the angle ? Fig. 285. Terebra maculata, L. that the difference in their form mainly depends: that is to say the amount of longitudinal shearing, or displacement parallel to the axis of the shell. The enveloping angle, or rather semi-angle (?), of the cone may be taken as 90° in the discoid shells, such as Nautilus and Planorbis. It is still a large angle, of 70° or 75°, in Conus or in Cymba, somewhat less in Cassis, Harpa, Dolium or Natica; it is about 50° to 55° in the various species of Solarium, about 35° in the typical Trochi, such as T. niloticus or T. zizyphinus, and about 25° or 26° in Scalaria pretiosa and Phasianella bulloides; it becomes a very acute angle, of 15°, 10°, or even less, in Eulima, Turritella or Cerithium. The costly Conus gloria-maris, one of the {560} great treasures of the conchologist, differs from its congeners in no important particular save in the somewhat “produced” spire, that is to say in the comparatively low value of the angle ?. A variation with advancing age of ? is common, but (as Blake points out) it is often not to be distinguished or disentangled from an alteration of a. Whether alone, or combined with a change in a, we find it in all those many Gastropods whose whorls cannot all be touched by the same enveloping cone, and whose spire is accordingly described as concave or convex. The former condition, as we have it in Cerithium, and in the cusp-like spire of Cassis, Fig. 286. Trochus niloticus, L. Dolium and some Cones, is much the commoner of the two. And such tendency to decrease may lead to ? becoming a negative angle; in which case we have a depressed spire, as in the Cypraeae. When we find a “reversed shell,” a whelk or a snail for instance whose spire winds to the left instead of to the right, we may describe it mathematically by the simple statement that the angle ? has changed sign. In the genus Ampullaria, or Apple-snails, inhabiting tropical or sub-tropical rivers, we have a remarkable condition; for in certain “species” the spiral turns to the right, in others to the left, and in others again we have a flattened {561} “discoid” shell; and furthermore we have numerous intermediate stages, on either side, shewing right and left-handed spirals of varying degrees of acuteness The angle of retardation () is very small in Dentalium and Patella; it is very large in Haliotis. It becomes infinite in Argonauta and in Cypraea. Connected with the angle of retardation are the various possibilities of contact or separation, in various degrees, between adjacent whorls in the discoid, and between both adjacent and opposite whorls in the turbinated shell. But with these phenomena we have already dealt sufficiently. Hitherto we have dealt only with univalve shells, and it is in these that all the mathematical problems connected with the spiral, or helico-spiral, are best illustrated. But the case of the bivalve shell, of Lamellibranchs or of Brachiopods, presents no essential difference, save only that we have here to do with two conjugate spirals, whose two axes have a definite relation to one another, and some freedom of rotatory movement relatively to one another. The generating curve is particularly well seen in the bivalve, where it simply constitutes what we call “the outline of the shell.” It is for the most part a plane curve, but not always; for there are forms, such as Hippopus, Tridacna and many Cockles, or Rhynchonella and Spirifer among the Brachiopods, in which the edges of the two valves interlock, and others, such as Pholas, Mya, etc., where in part they fail to meet. In such cases as these the generating curves are conjugate, having a similar relation, but of opposite sign, to a median plane of reference. A great variety of form is exhibited by these generating curves among the bivalves. In a good many cases the curve is approximately circular, as in Anomia, Cyclas, Artemis, Isocardia; it is nearly semi-circular in Argiope. It is approximately elliptical in Orthis and in Anodon; it may be called semi-elliptical in Spirifer. It is a nearly rectilinear {562} triangle in Lithocardium, and a curvilinear triangle in Mactra. Many apparently diverse but more or less related forms may be shewn to be deformations of a common type, by a simple application of the mathematical theory of “Transformations,” which we shall have to study in a later chapter. In such a series as is furnished, for instance, by Gervillea, Perna, Avicula, Modiola, Mytilus, etc., a “simple shear” accounts for most, if not all, of the apparent differences. Upon the surface of the bivalve shell we usually see with great clearness the “lines of growth” which represent the successive margins of the shell, or in other words the successive positions assumed during growth by the growing generating curve; and we have a good illustration, accordingly, of how it is characteristic of the generating curve that it should constantly increase, while never altering its geometric similarity. Underlying these “lines of growth,” which are so characteristic of a molluscan shell (and of not a few other organic formations), there is, then, a “law of growth” which we may attempt to enquire into and which may be illustrated in various ways. The simplest cases are those in which we can study the lines of growth on a more or less flattened shell, such as the one valve of an oyster, a Pecten or a Tellina, or some such bivalve mollusc. Here around an origin, the so-called “umbo” of the shell, we have a series of curves, sometimes nearly circular, sometimes elliptical, and often asymmetrical; and such curves are obviously not “concentric,” though we are often apt to call them so, but are always “co-axial.” This manner of arrangement may be illustrated by various analogies. We might for instance compare it to a series of waves, radiating outwards from a point, through a medium which offered a resistance increasing, with the angle of divergence, according to some simple law. We may find another, and perhaps a simpler illustration as follows: Fig. 287. In a very simple and beautiful theorem, Galileo shewed that, if we imagine a number of inclined planes, or gutters, sloping downwards (in a vertical plane) at various angles from a common starting-point, and if we imagine a number of balls rolling each down its own gutter under the influence of gravity (and without hindrance from friction), then, at any given instant, the locus of {563} all these moving bodies is a circle passing through the point of origin. For the acceleration along any one of the sloping paths, for instance AB (Fig. 287), is such that AB =½g cos?·t?2 =½g·AB/AC·t?2. Therefore t?2 =2/g·AC. That is to say, all the balls reach the circumference of the circle at the same moment as the ball which drops vertically from A to C. Where, then, as often happens, the generating curve of the shell is approximately a circle passing through the point of origin, we may consider the acceleration of growth along various radiants to be governed by a simple mathematical law, closely akin to that simple law of acceleration which governs the movements of a falling body. And, mutatis mutandis, a similar definite law underlies the cases where the generating curve is continually elliptical, or where it assumes some more complex, but still regular and constant form. It is easy to extend the proposition to the particular case where the lines of growth may be considered elliptical. In such a case we have x?2/a?2+y?2/b?2 =1, where a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse. Or, changing the origin to the vertex of the figure x?2/a?2-2x/a+y?2/b?2 =0, giving (x-a)?2/a?2+y?2/b?2 =1. Then, transferring to polar coordinates, where r·cos? =x, r·sin? =y, we have (r·cos?2?)/a?2-(2cos?)/a+(r·sin?)/b?2 =0, {564} which is equivalent to r =2a b?2cos?/(b?2cos?2?+a?2sin?2?), or, eliminating the sine-function, r =2a b?2cos?/((b?2-a?2)cos?2?+a?2). Obviously, in the case when a =b, this gives us the circular system which we have already considered. For other values, or ratios, of a and b, and for all values of ?, we can easily construct a table, of which the following is a sample:
Fig. 288. The coaxial ellipses which we then draw, from the values given in the table, are such as are shewn in Fig. 288 for the ratio a/b =3/1, and in Fig. 289 for the ratio a/b =1/2; these are fair approximations to the actual outlines, and to the actual arrangement of the lines of growth, in such forms as Solecurtus or Cultellus, and in Tellina or Psammobia. It is not difficult to introduce a constant into our equation to meet the case of a shell which is somewhat unsymmetrical on either side of the median axis. It is a somewhat more troublesome matter, however, to bring these configurations into relation with a “law of growth,” as was so easily done in the case of the circular figure: in other words, to {565} formulate a law of acceleration according to which points starting from the origin O, and moving along radial lines, would all lie, at any future epoch, on an ellipse passing through O; and this calculation we need not enter into. Fig. 289. All that we are immediately concerned with is the simple fact that where a velocity, such as our rate of growth, varies with its direction,—varies that is to say as a function of the angular divergence from a certain axis,—then, in a certain simple case, we get lines of growth laid down as a system of coaxial circles, and, when the function is a more complex one, as a system of ellipses or of other more complicated coaxial figures, which figures may or may not be symmetrical on either side of the axis. Among our bivalve mollusca we shall find the lines of growth to be approximately circular in, for instance, Anomia; in Lima (e.g. L. subauriculata) we have a system of nearly symmetrical ellipses with the vertical axis about twice the transverse; in Solen pellucidus, we have again a system of lines of growth which are not far from being symmetrical ellipses, in which however the transverse is between three and four times as great as the vertical axis. In the great majority of cases, we have a similar phenomenon with the further complication of slight, but occasionally very considerable, lateral asymmetry. In certain little Crustacea (of the genus Estheria) the carapace takes the form of a bivalve shell, closely simulating that of a {566} lamellibranchiate mollusc, and bearing lines of growth in all respects analogous to or even identical with those of the latter. The explanation is very curious and interesting. In ordinary Crustacea the carapace, like the rest of the chitinised and calcified integument, is shed off in successive moults, and is restored again as a whole. But in Estheria (and one or two other small crustacea) the moult is incomplete: the old carapace is retained, and the new, growing up underneath it, adheres to it like a lining, and projects beyond its edge: so that in course of time the margins of successive old carapaces appear as “lines of growth” upon the surface of the shell. In this mode of formation, then (but not in the usual one), we obtain a structure which “is partly old and partly new,” and whose successive increments are all similar, similarly situated, and enlarged in a continued progression. We have, in short, all the conditions appropriate and necessary for the development of a logarithmic spiral; and this logarithmic spiral (though it is one of small angle) gives its own character to the structure, and causes the little carapace to partake of the characteristic conformation of the molluscan shell. The essential simplicity, as well as the great regularity of the “curves of growth” which result in the familiar configurations of our bivalve shells, sufficiently explain, in a general way, the ease with which they may be imitated, as for instance in the so-called “artificial shells” which Kappers has produced from the conchoidal form and lamination of lumps of melted and quickly cooled paraffin In the above account of the mathematical form of the bivalve shell, we have supposed, for simplicity’s sake, that the pole or origin of the system is at a point where all the successive curves touch one another. But such an arrangement is neither theoretically probable, nor is it actually the case; for it would mean that in a certain direction growth fell, not merely to a minimum, but to zero. As a matter of fact, the centre of the system (the “umbo” of the conchologists) lies not at the edge of the system, but very near to it; in other words, there is a certain amount of growth all round. But to take account of this condition would involve more troublesome mathematics, and it is obvious that the foregoing illustrations are a sufficiently near approximation to the actual case. {567} Among the bivalves the spiral angle (a) is very small in the flattened shells, such as Orthis, Lingula or Anomia. It is larger, as a rule, in the Lamellibranchs than in the Brachiopods, but in the latter it is of considerable magnitude among the Pentameri. Among the Lamellibranchs it is largest in such forms as Isocardia and Diceras, and in the very curious genus Caprinella; in all of these last-named genera its magnitude leads to the production of a spiral shell of several whorls, precisely as in the univalves. The angle is usually equal, but of opposite sign, in the two valves of the Lamellibranch, and usually of opposite sign but unequal in the two valves of the Brachiopod. It is very unequal in many Ostreidae, and especially in such forms as Gryphaea, or in Caprinella, which is a kind of exaggerated Gryphaea. Occasionally it is of the same sign in both valves (that is to say, both valves curve the same way) as we see sometimes in Anomia, and much better in Productus or Strophomena.
Owing to the large growth-factor of the generating curve, and the comparatively small angle of the spiral, the whole shell seldom assumes a spiral form so conspicuous as to manifest in a typical way the helical twist or shear which is so conspicuous in the {568} majority of univalves, or to let us measure or estimate the magnitude of the apical angle (?) of the enveloping cone. This however we can do in forms like Isocardia and Diceras; while in Caprinella we see that the whorls lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis, forming a discoidal spire. As in the latter shell, so also universally among the Brachiopods, there is no lateral asymmetry in the plane of the generating curve such as to lead to the development of a helix; but in the majority of the Lamellibranchiata it is obvious, from the obliquity of the lines of growth, that the angle ? is significant in amount. The so-called “spiral arms” of Spirifer and many other Brachiopods are not difficult to explain. They begin as a single structure, in the form Fig. 292. Skeletal loop of Terebratula. (From Woods.) of a loop of shelly substance, attached to the dorsal valve of the shell, in the neighbourhood of the hinge. This loop has a curvature of its own, similar to but not necessarily identical with that of the valve to which it is attached; and this curvature will tend to be developed, by continuous and symmetrical growth, into a fully formed logarithmic spiral, so far as it is permitted to do so under the constraint of the shell in which it is contained. In various Terebratulae we see the spiral growth of the loop, more or less flattened and distorted by the restraining pressure of the ventral valve. In a number of cases the loop remains small, but gives off two nearly parallel branches or offshoots, which continue to grow. And these, starting with just such a slight curvature as the loop itself possessed, grow on and on till they may form close-wound spirals, always provided that the “spiral angle” of the curve is such that the resulting spire can be freely contained within the cavity of the shell. Owing to the bilateral symmetry of the whole system, the case will be rare, and unlikely to occur, in which each separate arm will coil strictly in a plane, so as to constitute a discoid spiral; for the original {569} direction of each of the two branches, parallel to the valve (or nearly so) and outwards from the middle line, will tend to constitute a curve of double curvature, and so, on further growth, to develop into a helicoid. This is what actually occurs, in the great majority of cases. But the curvature may be such that the helicoid grows outwards from the middle line, or inwards towards the middle line, a very slight difference in the initial curvature being sufficient to direct the spire the one way or the other; the middle course of an undeviating discoid spire will be rare, from the usual lack of any obvious controlling force to prevent its deviation. The cases in which the helicoid spires point towards, or point away from, the middle line are ascribed, in zoological classification, to particular “families” of Brachiopods, the former condition defining
(or helping to define) the Atrypidae and the latter the Spiriferidae and Athyridae. It is obvious that the incipient curvature of the arms, and consequently the form and direction of the spirals, will be influenced by the surrounding pressures, and these in turn by the general shape of the shell. We shall expect, accordingly, to find the long outwardly directed spirals associated with shells which are transversely elongated, as Spirifer is; while the more rounded Atrypas will tend to the opposite condition. In a few cases, as in Cyrtina or Reticularia, where the shell is comparatively narrow but long, and where the uncoiled basal support of the arms is long also, the spiral coils into which the latter grow are turned backwards, in the direction where there is room for them. And in the few cases where the shell is very considerably flattened, the spirals (if they find room {570} to grow at all) will be constrained to do so in a discoid or nearly discoid fashion, and this is actually the case in such flattened forms as Koninckina or Thecidium. While mathematically speaking we are entitled to look upon the bivalve shell of the Lamellibranch as consisting of two distinct elements, each comparable to the entire shell of the univalve, we have no biological grounds for such a statement; for the shell arises from a single embryonic origin, and afterwards becomes split into portions which constitute the two separate valves. We can perhaps throw some indirect light upon this phenomenon, and upon several other phenomena connected with shell-growth, by a consideration of the simple conical or tubular shells of the Pteropods. The shells of the latter are in few cases suitable for simple mathematical investigation, but nevertheless they are of very considerable interest in connection with our general problem. Fig. 295. Pteropod shells: (1) Cuvierina columnella; (2) Cleodora chierchiae; (3) C. pygmaea. (After Boas.) The morphology of the Pteropods is by no means well understood, and in speaking of them I will assume that there are still grounds for believing (in spite of Boas’ and Pelseneer’s arguments) that they are directly related to, or may at least be directly compared with, the Cephalopoda The simplest shells among the Pteropods have the form of a tube, more or less cylindrical (Cuvierina), more often conical (Creseis, Clio); and this tubular shell (as we have already had occasion to remark, on p. 258), frequently tends, when it is very small and delicate, to assume the character of an unduloid. (In such a case it is more than likely that the tiny shell, or that portion of it which constitutes the unduloid, has not grown by successive {571} increments or “rings of growth,” but has developed as a whole.) A thickened “rib” is often, perhaps generally, present on the dorsal side of the little conical shell. In a few cases (Limacina, Peraclis) the tube becomes spirally coiled, in a normal logarithmic spiral or helico-spiral. Fig. 296. Diagrammatic transverse sections, or outlines of the mouth, in certain Pteropod shells: A, B, Cleodora australis; C, C. pyramidalis; D, C. balantium; E, C. cuspidata. (After Boas.) Fig. 297. Shells of thecosome Pteropods (after Boas). (1) Cleodora cuspidata; (2) Hyalaea trispinosa; (3) H. globulosa; (4) H. uncinata; (5) H. inflexa. In certain cases (e.g. Cleodora, Hyalaea) the tube or cone is curiously modified. In the first place, its cross-section, originally {572} circular or nearly so, becomes flattened or compressed dorso-ventrally; and the angle, or rather edge, where dorsal and ventral walls meet, becomes more and more drawn out into a ridge or keel. Along the free margin, both of the dorsal and the ventral portion of the shell, growth proceeds with a regularly varying velocity, so that these margins, or lips, of the shell become regularly curved or markedly sinuous. At the same time, growth in a transverse direction proceeds with an acceleration which manifests itself in a curvature of the sides, replacing the straight borders of the original cone. In other words, the cross-section of the cone, or what we have been calling the generating curve, increases its dimensions more rapidly than its distance from the pole. Fig. 298. Cleodora cuspidata. In the above figures, for instance in that of Cleodora cuspidata, the markings of the shell which represent the successive edges of the lip at former stages of growth, furnish us at once with a “graph” of the varying velocities of growth as measured, radially, from the apex. We can reveal more clearly the nature of these variations in the following way which is simply tantamount to converting our radial into rectangular coordinates. Neglecting curvature (if any) of the sides and treating the shell (for simplicity’s sake) as a right cone, we lay off equal angles from the apex O, along the radii Oa, Ob, etc. If we then plot, as vertical equidistant ordinates, the magnitudes Oa, Ob ... OY, and again on to Oa?', we obtain a diagram such as the following (Fig. 299); by {573} help of which we not only see more clearly the way in which the growth-rate varies from point to point, but we also recognise much better than before, the similar nature of the law which governs this variation in the different species. Fig. 299. Curves obtained by transforming radial ordinates, as in Fig. 298, into vertical equidistant ordinates. 1, Hyalaea trispinosa; 2, Cleodora cuspidata. Furthermore, the young shell having become differentiated into a dorsal and a ventral part, marked off from one another by a lateral edge or keel, and the inequality of growth being such as to cause each portion Fig. 300. Development of the shell of Hyalaea (Cavolinia) tridentata, Forskal: the earlier stages being the “Pleuropus longifilis” of Troschel. (After Tesch.) to increase most rapidly in the median line, it follows that the entire shell will appear to have been split into a dorsal and a ventral plate, both connected with, and projecting from, {574} what remains of the original undivided cone. Putting the same thing in other words, we may say that the generating figure, which lay at first in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone, has now, by unequal growth, been sharply bent or folded, so as to lie approximately in two planes, parallel to the anterior and posterior faces of the cone. We have only to imagine the apical connecting portion to be further reduced, and finally to disappear or rupture, and we should have a bivalve shell developed out of the original simple cone. In its outer and growing portion, the shell of our Pteropod now consists of two parts which, though still connected together at the apex, may be treated as growing practically independently. The shell is no longer a simple tube, or simple cone, in which regular inequalities of growth will lead to the development of a spiral; and this for the simple reason that we have now two opposite maxima of growth, instead of a maximum on the one side and a minimum on the other side of our tubular shell. As a matter of fact, the dorsal and the ventral plate tend to curve in opposite directions, towards the middle line, the dorsal curving ventrally and the ventral curving towards the dorsal side. In the case of the Lamellibranch or the Brachiopod, it is quite possible for both valves to grow into more or less pronounced spirals, for the simple reason that they are hinged upon one another; and each growing edge, instead of being brought to a standstill by the growth of its opposite neighbour, is free to move out of the way, by the rotation about the hinge of the plane in which it lies. But where, as in the Pteropod, there is no such hinge, the dorsal and ventral halves of the shell (or dorsal and ventral valves, if we may call them so), if they curved towards one another (as they do in a cockle), would soon interfere with one another’s progress, and the development of a pair of conjugate spirals would become impossible. Nevertheless, there is obviously, in both dorsal and ventral valve, a tendency to the development of a spiral curve, that of the ventral valve being more marked than that of the larger and overlapping dorsal one, exactly as in the two unequal valves of Terebratula. In many cases (e.g. Cleodora cuspidata), the dorsal valve or plate, {575} strengthened and stiffened by its midrib, is nearly straight, while the curvature of the other is well displayed. But the case will be materially altered and simplified if growth be arrested or retarded in either half of the shell. Suppose for instance that the dorsal valve grew so slowly that after a while, in comparison with the other, we might speak of it as being absent altogether: or suppose that it merely became so reduced in relative size as to form no impediment to the continued growth of the ventral one; the latter would continue to grow in the direction of its natural curvature, and would end by forming a complete and coiled logarithmic spiral. It would be precisely analogous to the spiral shell of Nautilus, and, in regard to its Fig. 301. Pteropod shells, from the side: (1) Cleodora cuspidata; (2) Hyalaea longirostris; (3) H. trispinosa. (After Boas.) ventral position, concave towards the dorsal side, it would even deserve to be called directly homologous with it. Suppose, on the other hand, that the ventral valve were to be greatly reduced, and even to disappear, the dorsal valve would then pursue its unopposed growth; and, were it to be markedly curved, it would come to form a logarithmic spiral, concave towards the ventral side, as is the case in the shell of Spirula It is not at all impossible that we may explain on the same lines the development of the curious “operculum” of the Ammonites. This consists of a single horny plate (Anaptychus), or of a thicker, more calcified plate divided into two symmetrical halves (Aptychi), often found inside the terminal chamber of the Ammonite, and occasionally to be seen lying in situ, as an operculum which partially closes the mouth of the shell; this structure is known to exist even in connection with the early embryonic shell. In form the Anaptychus, or the pair of conjoined Aptychi, shew an upper and a lower border, the latter strongly convex, the former sometimes slightly concave, sometimes slightly convex, and usually shewing a median projection or slightly developed rostrum. From this “rostral” border the curves of growth start, and course round parallel to, finally constituting, the convex border. It is this convex border which fits into the free margin of the mouth of the Ammonite’s shell, while the other is applied to and overlaps the preceding whorl of the spire. Now this relationship is precisely what we should expect, were we to imagine as our starting-point a shell similar to that of Hyalaea, in which however the dorsal part of the split cone had become separate from the ventral half, had remained flat, and had grown comparatively slowly, while at the same time it kept slipping forward over the growing and coiling spire into which the ventral half of the original shell develops In the case of the bivalve shells of the Lamellibranchs or of the Brachiopods, we have to deal with a phenomenon precisely analogous to the split and flattened cone of our Pteropods, save only that the primitive cone has been split into two portions, not incompletely as in the Pteropod (Hyalaea), but completely, so as to form two separate valves. Though somewhat greater freedom is given to growth now that the two valves are separate and hinged, yet still the two valves oppose and hamper one another, so that in the longitudinal direction each is capable of only a moderate curvature. This curvature, as we have seen, is recognisable as a logarithmic spiral, but only now and then does the growth of the spiral continue so far as to develop successive coils: as it does in a few symmetrical forms such as Isocardia cor; and as it does still more conspicuously in a few others, such as Gryphaea and Caprinella, where one of the two valves is stunted, and the growth of the other is (relatively speaking) unopposed. Before we leave the subject of the molluscan shell, we have still another problem to deal with, in regard to the form and arrangement of the septa which divide up the tubular shell into chambers, in the Nautilus, the Ammonite and their allies (Fig. 304, etc.). The existence of septa in a Nautiloid shell may probably be accounted for as follows. We have seen that it is a property of a cone that, while growing by increments at one end only, it conserves its original shape: therefore the animal within, which (though growing by a different law) also conserves its shape, will continue to fill the shell if it actually fills it to begin with: as does a snail or other Gastropod. But suppose that our mollusc fills a part only of a conical shell (as it does in the case of Nautilus); then, unless it alter its shape, it must move upward as it grows in the growing cone, until it come to occupy a space similar in form {578} to that which it occupied before: just, indeed, as a little ball drops far down into the cone, but a big one must stay farther up. Then, when the animal after a period of growth has moved farther up in the shell, the mantle-surface continues its normal secretory activity, and that portion which had been in contact with the former septum secretes a septum anew. In short, at any given epoch, the creature is not secreting a tube and a septum by separate operations, but is secreting a shelly case about its rounded body, of which case one part appears to us as the continuation of the tube, and the other part, merging with it by indistinguishable boundaries, appears to us as the septum The various forms assumed by the septa in spiral shells We do not know in great detail how these septa are laid down; but the essential facts are clear Let us think, then, of the septa as they would appear in their uncalcified condition, formed of, or at least superposed upon, an {579} elastic membrane. They must then follow the general law, applicable to all elastic membranes under uniform pressure, that the tension varies inversely as the radius of curvature; and we come back once more to our old equation of Laplace, that P =T(1/r+1/r?'). Fig. 302. Moreover, since the cavity below the septum is practically closed, and is filled either with air or with water, P will be constant over the whole area of the septum. And further, we must assume, at least to begin with, that the membrane constituting the incipient septum is homogeneous or isotropic. Let us take first the case of a straight cone, of circular section, more or less like an Orthoceras; and let us suppose that the septum is attached to the shell in a plane perpendicular to its axis. The septum itself must then obviously be spherical. Moreover the extent of the spherical surface is constant, and easily determined. For obviously, in Fig. 302, the angle LCL?' equals the supplement of the angle (LOL?') of the cone; that is to say, the circle of contact subtends an angle at the centre of the spherical surface, which is constant, and which is equal to p-2?. The case is not excluded where, owing to an asymmetry of tensions, the septum meets the side walls of the cone at other than a right angle, Fig. 303. as in Fig. 303; and here, while the septa still remain portions of spheres, the geometrical construction for the position of their centres is equally easy. If, on the other hand, the attachment of the septum to the inner walls of the cone be in a plane oblique to the axis, then it is evident that the outline of the septum will be an ellipse, and its surface an {580} ellipsoid. If the attachment of the septum be not in one plane, but form a sinuous line of contact with the cone, then the septum will be a saddle-shaped surface, of great complexity and beauty. In all cases, provided only that the membrane be isotropic, the form assumed will be precisely that of a soap-bubble under similar conditions of attachment: that is to say, it will be (with the usual limitations or conditions) a surface of minimal area. If our cone be no longer straight, but curved, then the septa will be symmetrically deformed in consequence. A beautiful and interesting case is afforded us by Nautilus itself. Here the outline of the septum, referred to a plane, is approximately bounded by two elliptic curves, similar and similarly situated, whose areas are to one another in a definite ratio, namely as A?1/A?2 =(r?1 r?'?1)/(r?2 r?'?2) =e?-4pcota, and a similar ratio exists in Ammonites and all other close-whorled spirals, in which however we cannot always make the simple assumption of elliptical form. In a median section of Nautilus, we see each septum forming a tangent to the inner and to the outer wall, just as it did in a section of the straight Orthoceras; but the curvatures in the neighbourhood of these two points of contact are not identical, for they now vary inversely as the radii, drawn from the pole of the spiral shell. The contour of the septum in this median plane is a spiral curve identical with the original logarithmic spiral. Of this it is the “invert,” and the fact that the original curve and its invert are both identical is one of the most beautiful properties of the logarithmic spiral? But while the outline of the septum in median section is simple and easy to determine, the curved surface of the septum in its entirety is a very complicated matter, even in Nautilus which is one of the simplest of actual cases. For, in the first place, since the form of the septum, as seen in median section, is that of a logarithmic spiral, and as therefore its curvature is constantly altering, it follows that, in successive transverse sections, the {581} curvature is also constantly altering. But in the case of Nautilus, there are other aspects of the phenomenon, which we can illustrate, but only in part, in the following simple manner. Let us imagine Fig. 304. Section of Nautilus, shewing the contour of the septa in the median plane: the septa being (in this plane) logarithmic spirals, of which the shell-spiral is the evolute. a pack of cards, in which we have cut out of each card a similar concave arc of a logarithmic spiral, such as we actually see in the median section of the septum of a Nautilus. Then, while we hold the cards together, foursquare, in the ordinary position of the {582} pack, we have a simple “ruled” surface, which in any longitudinal section has the form of a logarithmic spiral but in any transverse section is a straight horizontal line. If we shear or slide the cards upon one another, thrusting the middle cards of the pack forward in advance of the others, till the one end of the pack is a convex, and the other a concave, ellipse, the cut edges which combine to represent our septum will now form a curved surface Fig. 305. Cast of the interior of Nautilus: to shew the contours of the septa at their junction with the shell-wall. of much greater complexity; and this is part, but not by any means all, of the deformation produced as a direct consequence of the form in Nautilus of the section of the tube within which the septum has to lie. And the complex curvature of the surface will be manifested in a sinuous outline of the edge, or line of attachment of the septum to the tube, and will vary according to the configuration of the latter. In the case of Nautilus, it is easy to shew empirically (though not perhaps easy to demonstrate {583} mathematically) that the sinuous or saddle-shaped form of the “suture” (or line of attachment of the septum to the tube) is such as can be precisely accounted for in this manner. It is also easy to see that, when the section of the tube (or “generating curve”) is more complicated in form, when it is flattened, grooved, or otherwise ornamented, the curvature of the septum and the outline of its sutural attachment will become very complicated indeed We have other sources of complication, besides those which are at once introduced by the sectional form of the tube. For instance, the siphuncle, or little inner tube which perforates the septa, exercises a certain amount of tension, sometimes evidently considerable, upon the latter; so that we can no longer consider each septum as an isotropic surface, under uniform pressure; and there may be other structural modifications, or inequalities, in that portion of the animal’s body with which the septum is in contact, and by which it is conformed. It is hardly likely, for all these reasons, that we shall ever attain to a full and particular explanation of the septal surfaces and their sutural outlines throughout the whole range of Cephalopod shells; but in general terms, the problem is probably not beyond the reach of mathematical analysis. The problem might be approached experimentally, after the manner of Plateau’s experiments, by bending {584} a wire into the complicated form of the suture-line, and studying the form of the liquid film which constitutes the corresponding surface minimae areae. Fig. 306. Ammonites (Sonninia) Sowerbyi. (From Zittel, after Steinmann and DÖderlein.) In certain Ammonites the septal outline is further complicated in another way. Superposed upon the usual sinuous outline, with its “lobes” and “saddles,” we have here a minutely ramified, or arborescent outline, Fig. 307. Suture-line of a Triassic Ammonite (Pinacoceras). (From Zittel, after Hauer.) in which all the branches terminate in wavy, more or less circular arcs,—looking just like the ‘landscape marble’ from the Bristol Rhaetic. We have no difficulty in recognising in this a surface-tension phenomenon. The figures are precisely such as we can imitate (for instance) by pouring a {585} few drops of milk upon a greasy plate, or of oil upon an alkaline solution. We have very far from exhausted, we have perhaps little more than begun, the study of the logarithmic spiral and the associated curves which find exemplification in the multitudinous diversities of molluscan shells. But, with a closing word or two, we must now bring this chapter to an end. In the spiral shell we have a problem, or a phenomenon, of growth, immensely simplified by the fact that each successive increment is irrevocably fixed in regard to magnitude and position, instead, of remaining in a state of flux and sharing in the further changes which the organism undergoes. In such a structure, then, we have certain primary phenomena of growth manifested in their original simplicity, undisturbed by secondary and conflicting phenomena. What actually grows is merely the lip of an orifice, where there is produced a ring of solid material, whose form we have treated of under the name of the generating curve; and this generating curve grows in magnitude without alteration of its form. Besides its increase in areal magnitude, the growing curve has certain strictly limited degrees of freedom, which define its motions in space: that is to say, it has a vector motion at right angles to the axis of the shell; and it has a sliding motion along that axis. And, though we may know nothing whatsoever about the actual velocities of any of these motions, we do know that they are so correlated together that their relative velocities remain constant, and accordingly the form and symmetry of the whole system remain in general unchanged. But there is a vast range of possibilities in regard to every one of these factors: the generating curve may be of various forms, and even when of simple form, such as an ellipse, its axes may be set at various angles to the system; the plane also in which it lies may vary, almost indefinitely, in its angle relatively to that of any plane of reference in the system; and in the several velocities of growth, of rotation and of translation, and therefore in the ratios between all these, we have again a vast range of possibilities. We have then a certain definite type, or group of forms, mathematically isomorphous, but presenting infinite diversities of outward appearance: which diversities, as Swammerdam {586} said, ex sola nascuntur diversitate gyrationum; and which accordingly are seen to have their origin in differences of rate, or of magnitude, and so to be, essentially, neither more nor less than differences of degree. In nature, we find these forms presenting themselves with but little relation to the character of the creature by which they are produced. Spiral forms of certain particular kinds are common to Gastropods and to Cephalopods, and to diverse families of each; while outside the class of molluscs altogether, among the Foraminifera and among the worms (as in Spirorbis, Spirographis, and in the Dentalium-like shell of Ditrupa), we again meet with similar and corresponding forms. Again, we find the same forms, or forms which (save for external ornament) are mathematically identical, repeating themselves in all periods of the world’s geological history; and, irrespective of climate or local conditions, we see them mixed up, one with another, in the depths and on the shores of every sea. It is hard indeed (to my mind) to see where Natural Selection necessarily enters in, or to admit that it has had any share whatsoever in the production of these varied conformations. Unless indeed we use the term Natural Selection in a sense so wide as to deprive it of any purely biological significance; and so recognise as a sort of natural selection whatsoever nexus of causes suffices to differentiate between the likely and the unlikely, the scarce and the frequent, the easy and the hard: and leads accordingly, under the peculiar conditions, limitations and restraints which we call “ordinary circumstances,” one type of crystal, one form of cloud, one chemical compound, to be of frequent occurrence and another to be rare. |