BY FRANCIS BOND, M.A., F.G.S. A handsome volume, containing 348 pages, with 270 Photographs, Plans, Sections, Sketches, and Measured Drawings. Octavo, strongly bound in cloth. Price 10s. net LONDON: HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press SOME PRESS NOTICES Oxford Magazine.—“All who love the Abbey will be grateful for the skill and affection bestowed on this admirable work.” Birmingham Post.—“With the history of the Abbey the author interweaves the life of the Benedictines, peopling the building with its occupants in the centuries when England was a Catholic country, and does it with such skill than one can almost imagine oneself at the services.” Englishman.—“The writer handles his subject with consummate skill, and his reward will lie in the unmeasured praise of his many readers.” Guardian.—“A book which brings fresh enthusiasm, and will impart a new impetus to the study of the Abbey and its history.” Scotsman.—“At once instructive and delightful, it more than justifies its existence by its historical and architectural learning.” Liverpool Daily Courier.—“We found the earlier parts of the book most fascinating, and have read them over and over again.” Architectural Association Journal.—“Bright and interesting; evincing the author’s invariable enthusiasm and characteristic industry.” Western Morning News.—“To say that the book is interesting is to say little; it is a monument of patient and loving industry and extreme thoroughness, an inexhaustible mine of delight to the reader, general or technical.” Outlook.—“The author discusses the architecture with a minuteness that might terrify the inexpert if it were not for the sustained ease and interest of his style; great is the fascination of the expert hand when its touch is light.” Saturday Review.—“Mr Bond leaves us more than ever proud of what is left to us of the stately Benedictine house of God, which is to the entire English-speaking world a common bond and home.” Antiquary.—“It has a wealth of capital illustrations, is preceded by a bibliography, and is supplied with good indexes to both illustrations and text.” Journal des Savants.—“Certains clichÉs, comme ceux des voÛtes, des tombeaux et de quelques dÉtails de sculpture sont de vÉritables tours de force. Le choix des illustrations est trÈs heureux, comme d’ailleurs dans les autres ouvrages de M. Bond.” |