A - Adulterine castles, 56, 57, 89
- Adulterinus, 56
- Agger, 11, 60
- Alatorium, 89
- Allure, 89
- Angle, dead, in fortification, 162
- Angles, reduction of, in fortification, 165
- Arbalast, 73;
- see Cross-bow
- Arx, 22, 32, 53, 65;
- arcem condere, etc., 38
- Attack, science and methods of, 66-79
- Aula, hall or manor-house, 197, 198
- Aula principalis, 56;
- see Hall
B - Bailey, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 55, 56;
- see Castles, plan of
- Ballista, 16, 63, 67, 73, 74
- Ballium, 40
- Barbican, 215, 229, 230, 233-6, 239-41
- Barmkin, 189, 229, 312, 347
- Bartizan, 187, 235, 236
- Base-court, 40, 96
- Basse-cour, 40
- Bastille, 236
- Bastion, 289, 290
- Battering ram, see Ram
- Bayeux tapestry, 36, 38, 45, 46, A. Thompson; 36, 38, 44, 45, 46, 52, 66, 190, 192
- Belfry, 72, Viollet-le-Duc; 67, 70, 71, 78
- Berfredum, 67
- Berm, 5, 11, 60
- Bishop’s palaces, fortified, 301, 338, 341, 342
- Bore, 70, Viollet-le-Duc; 61, 64, 68
- Borough, 30
- Bourg, 26
- Bower, 192, 193
- Brattice, 79, 187
- BretÈche, 79, 187
- Brick-work in eastern counties, 355, 358
- —— tower of, at siege of Marseilles, 62
- Bridges, fortified, 297, 298;
- London bridge, 64;
- bridges at Paris, 63
- Burg, 25, 26
- Burgus or burgum, 30, 41
- Burh, 25;
- burhs in Saxon England, map of, 31, A. Thompson; 25-27, 28-33, 35, 38, 41, 42
- Byzantine military science, 59, 61, 67, 73
C - Cabulus, 76
- Carfax, 22
- Castel, 35, 37, 42
- Castellum, 35, 55, 60, 66;
- castellum construere, etc., 38;
- castellis, vastata in, 42
- Castles, dwelling-houses in, 188-211
- —— in England, Norman, earthworks, 26, 30, 32, 33, 35-57;
- mount-and-bailey plan, 42-47, 48-52, 55-56, 110, 113, 160, 161;
- relative date of, 56, 57;
- importance in warfare, 65, 66, 83-7;
- stone fortifications, 47, 89-107
- —— in relation to plan of walled towns, 87-89
- —— plan of, with successive baileys, 162, 163, 164;
- concentric, 7, 164, 264, 264-82, 304;
- mount-and-bailey, see Castles in England, Norman
- —— strategic position in North of England, map illustrating, 84, A. Thompson; 83-87
- —— Syrian, see Crusaders
- Castrum, 35, 53
- Cat, 68
- Catapult, 73, Viollet-le-Duc;
- 16, 17, 51, 67, 70, 71, 73-6;
- see Ballista, Mangana, etc.
- Centering of vault at Lancaster castle, 327
- Cervi, 60
- Chamber, great, 54, 205, 206, 207
- Chapels in castles, 107-9, 209-11;
- see also Keep
- ChÂtelet, 236
- Chats-chÂteaux, 68
- Chemise, 90, 177
- Churches, fortified, 315, 316
- Cippi, 60, 61
- Closes of cathedrals, fortified, 298, 301
- “Contour” forts, 1, 2
- Cortina, 89
- Countervallation, wall of, 62
- CoursiÈre, 80, 82, 178
- Courtine, 89
- Crenellate, licences to, 298, 301, 303, 304, 307, 308, 309
- Crenellations, 79
- Cross-bow, 67, 73, 74, 78
- Crusade, first, 66, 74;
- fourth, 70
- Crusaders, castles of, in Syria, 175, 176, 240, 241, 262, 263
- Crusades, influence of, on military science, 59, 66, 67, 160, 163, 164, 175, 176, 262, 263
D - Danegeld, 33
- Danes, invasions of England and France by, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 39, 63, 64, 65
- Defence, science and progress of, 79-82, 161-5
- Demi-lune, 215
- Domesday Book, evidence with regard to early castles, 30, 37, 41, 42, 83
- Domgio, 46
- Donjon or dungeon, 43, 46, 47, 361, 365
- Drainage of roofs, 156, 179
- Drawbridge, 55
- Dungeon, see Donjon
- Dunio, 46
E - Earthworks in Britain, early, 1-10, 19;
- defence of entrances, 3, 5-7;
- dry-built walls, 8;
- in Saxon England, 24, 25
- Embrasure, 169
F - Fire-arms, introduction of, 58, 59, 287-90
- Firmamentum, 38
- Firmitas, 55
- Flanking, 102, 161, 162, 164, 216-20
- Fore-building, see Keep
- Forum, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23
- France, Gallo-Roman cities in, 22, 23
- —— early castles in, 36
- —— mount-and-bailey castles in, 46, 52, 53, 55
- —— progress of military art in, 65
- —— walled towns in, 64, 65, 250, 290, 292
- Free chapels, 109
G - Galleries in walls of castles, 284, 285
- Garde-robes, 247;
- see also Keep, Mural chambers
- Gatehouses of castle, early, 95-9;
- later, 220-9
- Gateways of Roman stations, 14, 15, 19
- Geweorc, 30, 33, 63
- Great chamber, see Chamber
H - Haia, 55
- Hall of castle, 54, 55, 56, 104, 107, 190-3, 195, 197, 198, 200, 202, 205, 206
- “Herring-bone” masonry, 93, 99-102
- Herse, 70
- Hides, raw, used to protect palisades, 62, 64, 68
- Hoarding, 79, Viollet-le-Duc;
- 79, 80, 81, 82, 187
- Hooks, grappling, 61, 71
- Horn-work, 215
- Hourd; see Hoarding
- Hurdles, use of, in attack, 61
I - Italy, fortified towns in, 290, 292
K - Keep, gradual disappearance of, 164, 212, 215
- —— cylindrical tower, 165-85;
- internal arrangements, 168-72, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184
- —— octagonal tower, 185
- —— quatrefoil tower, 172, 185-7
- —— rectangular tower, map of towers, 130, A. Thompson;
- in France and Normandy, 116-8;
- in England, 118-59;
- evidence for date, 118-20;
- early Norman towers, 120-5;
- comparative measurements of towers, 125, 127-8, 131-3;
- position in plan, 128-31;
- external treatment, 133, 134, 137;
- entrance
- and forebuilding, 137-8, 141-2;
- internal arrangement and cross-wall, 142, 145-6;
- basement, 146, 149-50;
- stairs, 146, 149;
- chapels, 150, 153-4;
- kitchens, 154;
- wells, 154;
- mural chambers and galleries, 155-6;
- roof and rampart, 157, 159;
- drawbacks of shape, 161-2
- —— , residential use of, 53-5, 179, 188
- —— shell, 113-6;
- combination with rectangular tower, 129
- —— wooden tower on mount, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52-5, 56, 113, 160
- Kitchen in castles, 54, 193, 194, 209;
- see also Keep
L - Lilium, 60, 61
- Lists, 264
- Limestone, Yorkshire, 355
- Logium, 54
M - Machicolations, 82, 175, 223, 246
- Malvoisin, 66
- Mangana, mangon, mangonel, 64, 73
- Mantlets, 61, 64, 68, 70, 79;
- of rope, 62
- Merlon, 169, 242, 245, 246
- Mile-castles on Roman wall, 11, 17, 60
- Mines, use of, in siege, 58, 62, 63, 68, 70, 71
- Monasteries, fortified, 298, 301, 303, 304, 315
- Motte, 41, 46, 54
- Mount, 41, 43, 44-47, 48-53, 54
- Mouse, 62, 68
- Municipium, 35, 53
- Munitio, 35, 53;
- munitionem firmare, etc., 38
- Musculus, 62
N - Norman conquest, castle-building after, 38, 39
- Normans at court of Edward the Confessor, 37
O P - Palicium, 55
- Palisade and stockade, use of, 5, 25, 26, 29, 32, 36, 40, 45, 46, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 89
- Pantry, 54
- Parapets, 79, 80, 82, 102, 242, 245, 246
- Parvise, 192
- Pele, 229, 312
- Pele-towers, 185, 219, 220, 312, 315, 316
- Pele-yard, 315
- Pent-houses, 62, 64, 79
- Petraria, 73
- PierriÈre, 73
- Pomerium, 292, 295
- Porta decumana, 19;
- praetoria, 19;
- principalis, 19
- Portcullis, 70, 96, 227, 229
- Porte-coulis, 70
- Postern, 247, 251
- Praetorium, 14, 18
- Promontories, early camps on, 1, 2
- Propugnaculum, 89
Q R - Ram, 69, Viollet-le-Duc; 63, 64, 68, 78, 79;
- devices against, 79
- Rampart-walk, 241, Viollet-le-Duc; 79, 80, 89, 102;
- see also Keep
- Ravelin, 215
- Revetment, walls of, 186
- Roman military science, 59-62, 73
- —— occupation of Britain, 10-20
- —— roads in Britain, 11, 12, 25
- —— stations, 10, 12-20
- —— wall in Northumberland and Cumberland, 11, A. Thompson (after Bruce); 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 25
S - Saxon invasions of Britain, 21, 22
- —— shore, fortresses of, 12, 22
- —— towns and villages, 23, 24
- Scaling, 58;
- scaling-ladders, 61, 70, 71
- Scorpio, 73
- Shutter in embrasure, 245, Viollet-le-Duc; 242
- Siegecraft, engines used in, 68-77;
- see Catapult
- Sieges—
- of Alesia, 59-61
- of Antioch, 164, 241
- of ChÂteau-Gaillard, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 163, 215, 216
- of Constantinople, 164
- of London by Danes, 64, 65
- of Marseilles, 61, 62
- of Paris, 63, 64
- of Le Puiset, 67, 68
- Slingers, 58
- Solar, solarium, 192, 193
- Sow, 68
- Spur at base of towers, 175, 185
- Stakes used as missiles, 61
- Stimuli, 61
- Stockade, see Palisade
T - Terebra, 68
- Testudo, 62, 68
- TÊte-du-pont, 63, 234, 326
- Teutonic origin of mount-and-bailey castle, conjectural, 51
- Timbrian, 29
- Tortoise, 68;
- see Testudo
- Tower at siege of Marseilles, 62
- Tower, great, see Keep
- Towers on ramparts, 60, 61, 161, 162, 164;
- in early Norman castles, 102-4;
- see Flanking
- —— on walls of Roman stations, 15-17
- —— strong, survivals of keep, 269, 281, 282
- Towns; Saxon settlements, 23, 24
- —— walled, 228, 288, Viollet-le-Duc;
- early, 64, 65;
- in relation to castles, 87-89
- Trebuchet, 75, 76, Viollet-le-Duc; 76
- Turrets on Roman wall, 11
U V - Vallum, 2, 5, 11, 53, 60, 61
- Via praetoria, 18;
- principalis, 18, 19, 23
- Villa, 53
- Villas in Roman Britain, 12, 21
- Vinea, 62
W - Ward, 40
- Wells in castles, 119, 124, 125, 141, 145, 146, 154, 155, 179
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