BY FRANCIS BOND. M.A., F.G.S. A handsome volume containing 364 pages, with 426 Illustrations reproduced from Photographs and Measured Drawings. Octavo, strongly bound in cloth. Price 12s. net LONDON: HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press SOME PRESS NOTICES Guardian.—“Mr Bond is so well known by his monumental work on ‘Gothic Architecture in England,’ and by his beautiful book on ‘Screens and Galleries,’ that his name alone is a sufficient guarantee for this new volume on ‘Fonts and Font Covers,’ the most complete and thorough that has yet appeared.” Church Times.—“The finest collection of illustrations of fonts and font covers yet attempted.... A real delight to the ecclesiologist.” Commonwealth.—“A sumptuous monograph on a very interesting subject; complete and thorough.” Church Quarterly Review.—“It is most delightful, not only to indulge in a serious perusal of this volume, but to turn over its pages again and again, always sure to find within half a minute some beautiful illustration or some illuminating remark.” Irish Builder.—“This book on ‘Fonts and Font Covers’ is a most valuable contribution to mediÆval study, put together in masterly fashion, with deep knowledge and love of the subject.” Westminster Gazette.—“Every one interested in church architecture and sculpture will feel almost as much surprise as delight in Mr Bond’s attractive volume on ‘Fonts and Font Covers.’ The wealth of illustrations and variety of interest are truly astonishing.” Journal of the Society of Architects.—“The book is a monument of painstaking labour and monumental research; its classification is most admirable. The whole subject is treated in a masterly way with perfect sequence and a thorough appreciation of the many sources of development; the illustrations, too, are thoroughly representative. To many the book will come as a revelation. We all recognise that the fonts are essential, and in many cases beautiful and interesting features in our ancient churches, but few can have anticipated the extraordinary wealth of detail which they exhibit when the photographs of all the best of them are collected together in a single volume.” Outlook.—“Mr Francis Bond’s book carefully included in one’s luggage enables one, with no specialist’s knowledge postulated, to pursue to a most profitable end one of the most interesting, almost, we could say, romantic, branches of ecclesiastical architecture.... This book, owing to its scholarship and thoroughness in letterpress and illustrations, will doubtless be classic; in all its methods it strikes us as admirable. The bibliography and the indexes are beyond praise.” |