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Scotland, xxxiv. 260-88). —— The Early Norman Castles of England (English Historical Review, xix. 209-45 and 417-55). —— The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles. London, 1912. Bruce, J. C., LL.D., F.S.A. Hand-book to the Roman Wall, ed. Robert Blair, F.S.A., 5th edition. London and Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1907. Christison, David, M.D. Early Fortification in Scotland: Motes, camps, and forts. Edinburgh and London, 1898. Clark, G. T., F.S.A. MediÆval Military Architecture in England. 2 vols. London, 1884. Clephan, R. Coltman, F.S.A. An Outline of the History of Gunpowder and that of the Hand-Gun, from the epoch of the earliest records to the end of the fifteenth century (Archaeol. Journal, lxvi. 145-70). —— The Military Handgun of the sixteenth century (Archaeol. Journal, lxvii. 109-50). —— The Ordnance of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries (Archaeol. Journal, lxviii. 49-138). Codrington, Thomas. Roman Roads in Britain. London, 1903. D’Auvergne, Edmund B. The Castles of England. London, 1907. —— The English Castles, London, 1908. Dieulafoy, M. Le ChÂteau-Gaillard et l’architecture militaire au XIII?? siÈcle (MÉmoires de l’AcadÉmie des Inscriptions, tom. xxxvi., part. 1). Paris, 1898. Enlart, Camille. Manuel d’ArchÉologie franÇaise, vol. ii. Paris, 1904. Harvey, Alfred. The Castles and Walled Towns of England. London, 1911. Haverfield, Prof. F. J., LL.D., D.Litt., V.P.S.A. The Romanization of Roman Britain. London, 1905. —— Roman Britain (Cambridge Medieval History, i. 367-81: see ibid. 666-7 for bibliography of various articles by the same writer). Hochfelden, G. H. Krieg von. Geschichte der Militar-Architektur in Deutschland. Stuttgart, 1859. Hope, W. H. St John. English fortresses and castles of the tenth and eleventh centuries (Archaeol. Journal, lx. 72-90). Mackenzie, Sir J. D. The Castles of England, their Story and Structure. 2 vols. London, 1897. Neilson, George. The motes in Norman Scotland (Scottish Review xiv. 209-38). Oman, Prof. C. W. C., F.S.A. A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages. London, 1898. Orpen, G. H. Motes and Norman castles in Ireland (Proc. Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, xxxvii. 123-52). Parker, J. H., and Turner, T. Hudson. Some account of domestic architecture in England. 3 vols, in 4. Oxford, 1851-9. Round, J. Horace, LL.D. The Castles of the Conquest. (Archaeologia, lviii. 313-40). —— Feudal England, Historical Studies on the XIth and XIIth Centuries (new edition). London, 1909. Saint-Paul, Anthyme. Histoire Monumentale de la France, 6th edition. Paris, 1903. Turner, T. Hudson; see Parker, J. H. Van Millingen, A. Byzantine Constantinople. London, 1899. Viollet-le-Duc, E. Dictionnaire RaisonnÉ de l’Architecture franÇaise du XI? au XVI? SiÈcle. 10 vols. Paris, 1854, etc. —— Essai sur l’architecture militaire au moyen Âge. Paris, 1854 (translated by M. Macdermott, Oxford and London, 1860). —— Histoire d’une forteresse. Paris, n.d. Ward, W. H. French ChÂteaux and Gardens in the XVIth Century (drawings reproduced from Androuet-du-Cerceau). London, 1909. Westropp, T. J. Irish motes and alleged Norman castles (Proc. Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, xiv. 313-45, and xv. 402-6). 3. Special Monographs, etc. Acton Burnell. Hartshorne, C. H., F.S.A. (Archaeol. Journal, ii. 325-38). Alnwick. Clark, MediÆval Mil. Architecture, i. 175-85. —— Knowles, W. H., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. The Gatehouse and Barbican of Alnwick Castle (Archaeologia Æliana, 3rd ser., v. 286-303). Amberley. Clarkson, G. A. (Sussex Arch. Coll., xvii. 185-339). Arundel. Clark, i. 195-203. Auckland. Rev. J. F. Hodgson (Archaeologia Æliana, xix. 89-92). Aydon. Knowles, W. H. (Archaeologia, lvi. 78-88). See also Bates, Border Holds. Bamburgh. Barnard Castle. Clark, i. 204-13. Beaumaris. Clark, i. 213-17. Belsay. Bates, Border Holds. —— Middleton, Sir Arthur E., Bart. An account of Belsay castle (privately printed). Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1910. Berkeley. Clark, i. 228-39. Berkhampstead. Clark, i. 223-38. Berwick-on-Tweed. Norman, F. M. (Commander R.N.): Official Guide to the Fortifications. Berwick, 1907. Bodiam. Clark, i. 239-47. —— Sands, Harold, F.S.A., in Sussex Archaeol. Collections, xlvi. 114-33. Bothal. Bates, Border Holds. Bowes. Clark, i. 259-64. Bridgnorth. Clark, i. 273-81. Bristol. Harvey, Alfred, M.B. Bristol, a historical and topographical account of the city. London, 1906. —— (castle). Pritchard, J. E., F.S.A. (Proceedings of Clifton Antiquarian Club, iv. 17-19). Bronllys. Clark, i. 283-6; Archaeologia Cambrensis, 3rd ser., viii. 81-92. Broughton. Lord Saye and Sele (Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Archaeol. Journal, new ser., vii. 23-5). Builth. Clark, i. 304-8. Caerphilly. Clark, i. 315-35. Caldicot. Bellows, J. (Cotteswold Field Club, vi. 263-7). Caldicot. Cobb, J. R. (Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 35-40). Cambridge. Hope, W. H. St John (Camb. Antiq. Soc., xi. 324-46). —— Hughes, Prof. T. M‘Kenny, F.S.A. (ibid., ix. 348). Carcassonne. Viollet-le-Duc, E. La CitÉ de Carcassonne. Paris, 1858. Cardiff. Clark, i. 336-50; Ward, J., F.S.A. Cardiff castle, its Roman origin (Archaeologia, lvii. 335-52). Carew. Cobb, J. R. (Archaeologia Cambrensis, 5th ser., iii. 27-41). Carisbrooke. Beattie, W. (Journal Archaeol. Assoc., xi. 193-205). —— Stone, P. G., F.S.A. (Proc. Soc. Antiq., 2nd ser., xvi. 409-11). Carlisle. Clark, i. 350-8 Carnarvon. Clark, i. 309-15. —— Hartshorne, C. H. (Archaeol. Journal, vii. 237-65: Archaeologia Cambrensis, 3rd ser., i. 242-6). ChÂteau-Gaillard. Clark, i. 378-85; Dieulafoy, M., see General Bibliography. Chepstow. Clark, G. T. (Bristol and Glouc. Archaeol. Soc., vi. 51-74). —— Wood, J. G., F.S.A. The Lordship, Castle, and Town of Chepstow. Newport, 1910. Chester. Cox, E. W. (Archit., etc., Soc. Chester and North Wales, v. 239-76). Chillingham. Bates, Border Holds. Chipchase. Bates, Border Holds. —— Knowles, W. H. (Archaeologia Æliana, 3rd ser., i. 32-4). Christchurch. Clark, i. 385-92. Cilurnum. An Account of the Roman Antiquities preserved in the Museum at Chesters, 1903. Clun. Clark, i. 402-9. Colchester. Clark, i. 418-31. —— The History and Antiquities of Colchester castle. Colchester, 1882. See also Archaeol. Journal, lxiv. 188-191. Conisbrough. Clark, i. 431-53. Conway. Clark, i. 453-60. —— Hartshorne, C. H. (Archaeologia Cambrensis, new ser., v. 1-12). Corfe. Blashill, T. (Journal Archaeol. Assoc., xxviii. 258-71). —— Bond, T. History and Description of Corfe Castle. London and Bournemouth, 1883. —— Clark, i. 461-75. Coucy. Clark, i. 476-87. —— LefÈvre-Pontalis, E. Le ChÂteau de Coucy (with special bibliography). Paris, n.d. —— Viollet-le-Duc, E. Description du ChÂteau de Coucy. Paris, n.d. Denbigh. Ayrton, W. (Chester Archit., etc., Soc., ii. 49-60). Dolwyddelan. Barnwell, E. L. (Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th ser., xiv. 174-5). Domfront. BlanchetiÈre, L. Le Donjon ou ChÂteau fÉodal de Domfront (Orne). Domfront, 1893. Dover. Blashill, T. (Journal Archaeol. Assoc., xl. 373-8). —— Clark, ii. 4-24. Duffield. Cox, J. C., LL.D., F.S.A. (Derbyshire Archaeol. Soc., ix. 118-78). Dunstanburgh. Bates, Border Holds. —— Compton, C. H. (Journal British Archaeol. Assoc., new ser., ix. 111-16). Durham. Clark, ii. 32-5, and Archaeol. Journal, xxxix. 1-22. —— Gee, H., D.D., F.S.A. (Proc. Soc. Antiq., 2nd ser., xx. 17-18, and Trans. Durham and Northumb. Archaeol. Soc.). Exeter. Clark, ii. 44-7. Falaise. Ruprich-Robert, V. Paris, 1864. Gilling. Bilson, J. (Yorks ArchÆol. Journal, xix. 105-92). Guildford. Clark, ii. 53-71. —— Malden, H. E. (Surrey Archaeol. Soc., xvi. 28-34). Haddon. Cheetham, F. H. Haddon Hall. London and Manchester, 1904. Hallaton. Dibbin, H. A. (Proc. Soc. Antiq., 2nd ser., vii. 316-21). Harlech. Chapman, F. G. W. (Journal British Archaeol. Assoc. xxxiv. 159-67). —— Clark, ii. 72-81. Hastings. Clark, ii. 82-88. —— Dawson, C., F.S.A. History of Hastings Castle. 2 vols. London, 1909. Hawarden. Clark, ii. 88-99. Helmsley. Clark, ii. 100-8. Kenilworth. Clark, ii. 130-53. —— Knowles, E. H. The Castle of Kenilworth. Warwick, 1872. Kentish Castles. Sands, Harold. Some Kentish Castles (Memorials of Old Kent, 1907). Kidwelly. Clark, ii. 153-62. Knaresborough. Clark, ii. 168-76. Lancashire Castles. Fishwick, H. Lancashire castles (Lancs. and Chesh. Antiq. Soc., xix. 45-76). Lancaster. Cox, E. W. (Hist. Soc. Lancs. and Cheshire, new ser., xii. 95-122). Langley. Bates, C. J. (Archaeologia Æliana, x. 38-56). Leeds. Clark, ii. 176-8. —— James, F. V. (Archaeologia Cantiana, xxv. pp. xlix-liii). Leicester. Clark, ii. 182-8. —— Thompson, James. Leicester Castle. Leicester, 1859. Lewes. Clark (Sussex Archaeol. Collections, xxxiv. 57-70). Lincoln. Clark, ii. 189-201. —— Sympson, E. Mansel, M.D. Lincoln, a historical and topographical account of the city. London, 1906. Llanstephan. Williams, Sir John (Archaeologia Cambrensis, 6th ser., vii. 108-18). London, Tower of. Clark, ii. 203-72. —— Sands, H., F.S.A. (Memorials of Old London, London, 1908, vol. i. 27-65). Ludlow. Clark, ii. 273-90. —— Hope, W. H. St John (ArchÆologia, lxi. 258-328). Lumley. Dodd, J. (Journal British Archaeol. Assoc., xxii. 45, 46). Manorbier. Duckett, Sir J. (Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th ser., xi. 134-145, 286-91, xiii. 166-73). Middleham. Clark, ii. 293-300. Mitford. Clark, ii. 300-3. Montgomery. Clark, ii. 303-12. Mont-St-Michel. Corroyer, E. Description de l’abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel et de ses abords. Paris, 1877. —— MassÉ, H. J. L. J. A short history and description ... of Mont S. Michel. London, 1902. Newark-on-Trent. Blagg, T. M., F.S.A. A Guide to Newark, 2nd ed., 1911. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Bates, C. J. (Archaeologia Æliana, ix. 120-9). —— Heslop, R. O., F.S.A. (ibid., xxv. 91-105; Journal of British Archaeol. Assoc., new ser., xii. 137-8, 214-5). —— The Castle of Newcastle, a short descriptive guide. Newcastle, 1906 (4th ed.). Norham. Bates, C. J. 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Scott, O. S., Raby, its Castle and its Lords. Barnard Castle, 1908. Raglan. Beattie, W. (Jour. Archaeol. Assoc., ix. 215-30). —— Bradney, J. A. (Bristol and Glouc. Archaeol. Soc., xx. 76-87). Richmond. Clark (Yorkshire ArchÆol. Journal, ix. 33-54). —— Curwen, J. F., (Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. and Archaeol. Soc., vi. 326-32). —— Yorks ArchÆol. Journal, xx. 132-3. Rising. Beloe, E. M., F.S.A. (Norfolk Archaeology, xii. 164-89). —— Clark, i. 364-77. Rochester. Beattie, W. (Journal Archaeol. Assoc., ix. 215-30). —— Clark, ii. 405-23. Rochester. Hartshorne, C. H. (Archaeol. Journal, xx. 205-23). —— Payne, G. (Archaeologia Cantiana, xxvii. 177-92). Rockingham. Bigge, H. J. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, xi. 109-18). —— Clark, ii. 423-46. —— Hartshorne, C. H. (Archaeol. Journal, i. 356-78); and privately printed, Oxford, 1852. —— Wise, C. Rockingham Castle and the Watsons. London, 1891. Sandal. Walker, J. W., F.S.A. (Yorks ArchÆol. Journal, xiii. 154-88). Scarborough. Clark, ii. 458-67. —— Stevenson, W. H. (East Riding Antiq. Soc., xiv. 13-17). Skenfrith. Bagnall-Oakeley, E. (Bristol and Glouc. Archaeol. Soc., xx. 93-6). —— Clark, ii. 467-72. Southampton (town walls). Clark, ii. 472-81. —— Hope, W. H. St John (Proc. Soc. Antiq., 2nd series, xvii. 221-4). Stokesay. De la Touche, G. (Journal British Archaeol. Assoc., xxiv. 238-40). —— J. G. D. (Archaeologia Cambrensis, xvi. 299-304). Suffolk Castles. Redstone, V. B. Suffolk Castles (Suffolk Archaeol. Inst., xi. 301-19). Sussex Castles. Blaauw, W. H. Royal licences to fortify towns and houses in Sussex (Sussex Archaeol. Collections, xiii. 104-17). Swansea. Capper, C. (Archaeologia Cambrensis, 5th series, iii. 302-7). Tamworth. Clark, ii. 481-8. Tattershall. Sympson, E. Mansel (Memorials of Old Lincolnshire, 1911, pp. 179-97). Tickhill. Clark, ii. 494-9. Tretower. Clark, ii. 499-503. Tutbury. Clark, ii. 505-8. Wark. Bates, Border Holds. Warkworth. Bates, Border Holds. Wells (bishop’s palace). Davis, C. E. (Journal British Archaeol. Assoc., xiii. 177-86). Wingfield. Cox, J. C. (Derbyshire Archaeol. Soc., viii. 65-78). —— Edmunds, W. H. Guide to Wingfield Manor. York. Clark, ii. 534-48 (The Defences of York). —— Cooper, T. P. York, The Story of its Walls and Castles. London, 1904. —— —— The Castle of York. London, 1912. Yorkshire Castles. Thompson, A. Hamilton. The Castles of Yorkshire (Memorials of Old Yorkshire, 1909, pp. 236-64). MILITARY ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES |