1 | Mandy Leaves the Mountain | 2 | The End of the Ride | 3 | The King of Keretaria | 4 | The Message in the Horn | 5 | Out of Keretaria! | 6 | Turn Town! | 7 | A Horn of Plenty | 8 | Handy Mandy Learns about Oz! | 9 | The Magic Hammer | 10 | The King of the Silver Mountain | 11 | Down to the Prisoners' Pit! | 12 | Prisoners of the Wizard | 13 | In the Emerald City of Oz | 14 | The Robbery Is Discovered | 15 | The Pilgrim Returns to the Mountain | 16 | The Wizard's Bargain! | 17 | Out of the Prison Pit | 18 | Wutz and the Gnome King Leave for the Capital! | 19 | At the Bottom of the Mountain! | 20 | Just in Time! | 21 | The Hammer Elf Explains |