A Rainy Day in Ragbad
The Wise Man Speaks
The Blue Forest of Oz
The Baffled Bandits
Down the Hollow Tree
The Wizard's Garden
The Winding Stairway
Strange Happenings in Perhaps City
Dorothy Meets a New Celebrity
Prince Forge John of Fire Island
Into the Volcano
The Island of Isa Poso
Tatters Receives the Reward
On Monday Mountain
The Finding of Fumbo's Head!
Princess Dorothy Escapes
The Adventurers Meet
The Mischievous Play Fellows
Back to Perhaps City
The Prophet Confesses
Urtha Is Transformed
Rejoicing in Ragbad
Title: Grampa in Oz
Author: Ruth Plumly Thompson
Language: English
Character set encoding: UTF-8
E-text prepared by Roger Frank and Sue Clark