I. A Letter from Alaska 1
II. Buying an Outfit 7
III. From Seattle to Pyramid Harbor 18
IV. The First Camp 28
V. The Great Nugget, and how Uncle Will heard of it 38
VI. Roly is Hurt 47
VII. Camp at the Cave 54
VIII. Sledding 60
IX. Klukwan and the Fords 69
X. A Porcupine-Hunt at Pleasant Camp 77
XI. The Mysterious Thirty-six 88
XII. The Summit of Chilkat Pass 101
XIII. Dalton's Post 112
XIV. From the Stik Village to Lake Dasar-Dee-Ash 120
XV. Staking Claims 127
XVI. A Conflagration 135
XVII. Through the Ice 142
XVIII. Building the Cabin 149
XIX. The First Prospect-Hole 157
XX. Roly goes Duck-Hunting 166
XXI. Last Days at Pennock's Post 175
XXII. A Hard Journey 182
XXIII. The Lake affords Two Meals and a Perilous Crossing 192
XXIV. David gets his Bear-Skin 201
XXV. Moran's Camp 210
XXVI. How the Great Nugget nearly Cost the Bradfords dear 216
XXVII. An Indian Cremation 223
XXVIII. The Plague of Mosquitoes 231
XXIX. Lost in the Mountains 238
XXX. Washing Out the Gold 248
XXXI. David makes a Boat-Journey 256
XXXII. Champlain's Landing 264
XXXIII. Alone in the Wilderness 272
XXXIV. Raided by a Wolf 279
XXXV. A Long March, with a Surprise at the End of it 289


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