§ 1. The medieval monastery. 2. Growth of monachism in the east. 3. Beginnings of western monachism: Italy, Gaul and Ireland. 4. The rule of St Benedict. 5. The Benedictine order in England: early Saxon monasteries. 6. The Danish invasions and the monastic revival. 7. Monasticism after the Norman conquest. 8. Benedictine abbeys and priories. 9. Priories of alien houses. 10. The Cluniac order. 11. The Carthusian order. 12. The orders of Thiron, Savigny and Grandmont. 13. Foundation and growth of the Cistercian order. 14. Cistercian monasteries. 15. Monks and conversi. 16. Orders of canons: secular chapters. 17. Augustinian canons. 18. Premonstratensian canons. 19. The order of Sempringham. 20. Nunneries. 21. Decline of the regular orders. The friars. 22. Monastic property: parish churches. 23. Monasteries as land-owners: financial depression. 24. Moral condition of the monasteries. 25. Numbers of inmates of monasteries. 26. The suppression of the monasteries. 27. Remains and ruins of monastic buildings
§ 28. Divisions of the monastery precinct: varieties of plan. 29. The plan of church and cloister: necessities governing the church-plan. 30. General arrangement of the church. 31. Eastern arm of the church: Anglo-Norman Benedictine and Cluniac plans. 32. The presbytery and quire. 33. Transept-chapels. 34. Aisled enlargements of the eastern arm. 35. The nave: processional doorways, altars and screens. 36. Parochial use of the nave. 37. The normal Cistercian plan: presbytery and transepts. 38. Cistercian aisled presbyteries. 39. Cistercian transepts. 40. Arrangement of the Cistercian nave. 41. Cistercian influence on the plan of canons' churches. 42. Aisled quires and presbyteries in canons' churches. 43. Naves with single aisles in canons' churches. 44. Aisleless naves. 45. Aisleless plans: churches of nuns, Carthusian monks, friars and Gilbertine canons
§ 46. Plan and position of the cloister. 47. The cloister-walk next the church. 48. The eastern range: the parlour. 49. The chapter-house: its uses. 50. Varieties of the chapter-house plan. 51. Sub-vault of the dorter: treasury and common-house.