Every effort has been made to replicate the text as faithfully as possible. However, obvious typographical errors were repaired, as listed below. Other apparent archaic spellings, inconsistencies or errors have been retained. Although inconsistencies with hyphens have been retained, other obvious punctuation and spacing errors have been repaired. If there has been doubt as to whether a word originally hyphenated over the line should retain that hyphenation, it has been retained. Use of the word “volume” in reference to citations has been made consistent. Often in the text, possessive pronouns appear with an apostrophe. This convention has been retained. In the original text, captions for the illustrations are contained within the body of the text, identified by use of small capitals. Often, illustrations interrupt paragraphs. Both of these conventions have been retained in this e-text. Some images have been rotated 90° for reader convenience. Headings of balance sheets have been streamlined for online viewing. Page xiv, Item 46 cites Page 604, but the corresponding illustration is on Page 606. The link to the page has been adjusted, but the text has been left as printed. Page 10, “??a????s??t??” changed to “??a????s??t??”. Page 112, “???a de ?a? te? t?? a???e?e??” changed to “???? d? ?a? t?? t?? a???e?e??”. Page 260, “called called” changed to “called”. (A Granary standing in a corner between the narrow way called Bellezeterslane on the East, and the Tenement of Philip Page on the West, 8s.) Page 261, “Goldmith” changed to “Goldsmith”. (They owe yearly to London Bridge, by the Will of Henry of Gloucester, Goldsmith, 5s.) Page 307, “Hollinshed” changed to “Holinshed” for consistency. (Fabyan and Holinshed tell us this in their ‘Chronicles,’ page 534 and volume II., page 791;) Page 318, “1450” changed to “1540” to correspond with the reign of Henry VIII. (‘at a Common Council, July 14th, Anno 33, Henry VIII.—1540,—it was ordered, that the Seal of the Bridge-House should be changed;’) Page 386, “iv.” changed to “volume iv.” for clarity. (‘Annals of the Coinage of Britain,’ by the Rev. Rogers Ruding, London, 1819, octavo, volume iii., pages 127, 319, 324, volume iv., page 61.) The key signature of the music transcribed on Page 414 has been adjusted to G+ in the midi file. The original key signature has been retained in the image. Page 417, “1461” changed to “1641”. (‘Which latter Tyde rose sixe foote higher then the former Tyde had done, to the great admiration of all men.’ London, 1641.) Please note that due to the inconsistencies of spelling within this passage, that the word “then” was not changed to “than”. Page 447, “p.” changed to “page” for consistency. (...since Stow, in his ‘Survey,’ volume i., page 499, from whom we derive these few particulars,...) Page 481, “Perpectives” changed to “Perspectives”. (Prints and Mapps, Surveys, Ground Plotts, Uprights, and Perspectives, are there Drawn and Coloured at reasonable rates.) Page 565, “chap.” changed to “chapter” for consistency. (...it being chapter cix. of the ‘Local and Personal Acts declared public:’) Page 566, “Gazeteer” changed to “Gazetteer” for consistency. (... in the ‘Gazetteer’ for Wednesday, December 22nd.) Page 627, “redear then” changed to “red earthen”. (There have also been found, an old red earthen pitcher, or bottle, nearly perfect;) Page 667, “View of View of” changed to “View of”. (Antwerp View of London) Page 673, “Conmentarius” changed to “Commentarius” to match mention in book. (Dr. Francis, Bishop of Landaff, his Book De PrÆsulibus AngliÆ Commentarius,...) Page 674, “Annnales” changed to “Annales”. (Howes, Edmund, his edition of Stow’s Annales,...) Page 674, the index has been reordered. In the original, the entry for “I” was embedded in the “J” section following the first two entries. |