href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@47475@47475-h@47475-h-16.htm.html#Page_516" class="pginternal">516. Chapels on other Bridges, 91, 93. Chapman, William, his plan for enlarging London Bridge, 613, 620. Charles II., King of England, his entry into London, 433-435. Chapter House, Westminster, Records there, 119, 121, 139. Chevy Chace, the tune of, 413. Christmas Carol, London Bridge mentioned in, 149. Ciaconio, Alphonso, his VitÆ et Res GestÆ Pontificum Romanorum, (1630,) 61. Clarendon, Edw. Hyde, Earl of, his History of the Rebellion, (1819,) 419, 422, 433. Clement, Eastcheap, St., Bridge property in the Parish of, 261. Close Rolls, references to the, 72, 103. Coffer-Dam, for laying the First Stone of the New London Bridge, 635, 636, 638-646, 649. Coinage, historical notices of the English, 382-384. Coke, Sir Edward, historical illustrations from, 52, 67, 68. Cold Harbour, ancient festivities there, 14. Colechurch, St. Mary, its site, 60. Colechurch, Peter, the Chaplain of, rebuilds London Bridge, 58, 59. His death, 70, and burial in the Bridge Chapel, 87. Coleman Street Ward, evidence of the Jurors of, respecting London Bridge, 117. Commons, House of, proceedings concerning London Bridge, 614-617, 623. Common Council of London, proceedings concerning London Bridge, 123-125, 168-171, 295, 553-555, 557-560, 661. Concannen, M., his History of Southwark, (1795,) 44, 560. Conder, James, his Arrangement of Provincial Tokens, (1798,) 386. Coplestone, Rev. Dr. Edward, his Foundation-Inscriptions for the New London Bridge, 653-655. Corn-Mills at London Bridge, 352-356. Cosmo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, his Travels through England in 1669, (1821,) 464. Cottonian Manuscripts, 46, 4
thelred II., King of England, makes a peace with Olaf, 17. Defended by the Citizens, 18. Battle with the Danes, 21-23. Laws of, 30. Evans, J., on the music to the Ballad of London Bridge, 152, 153. Evelyn, John, his Diary, (1819,) 443, 465. Exchequer Chamber, Westminster, Records there, 115, 121. Excheq. Rolls, 105. Fabyan, Robert, his Chronicles, (1559,) 206, 234, 238, 288, 307. Faith and Gregory, SS, Bridge property in the Parishes of, 265. Falconbridge the Bastard’s attack on the Bridge, 287. Fall of the Thames at London Bridge, 542. Feckenham, John, his bequest to the Bridge, 249. Ferries over the Thames, 10, 16. Fesecock, Walter, Gate-keeper of the Bridge, 186. Fire of London, 441-445. Fires at the Bridge and its vicinity, 50, 54, 100, 394-402, 486, 521, 545. Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, his execution, &c., 340-342. Fishmongers, ancient City Ordinances concerning, 168-171. Their Hall and Company, 1, 175, 446-448, 630. Fitz-Stephen, William, his Description of London, 7, 8, 12, 15, 54, 55, 99. Fleetwood, Dr. William, Bishop of Ely, his Chronicon Preciosum, (1745,) 52, 53. Floods in the Thames, 48, 49, 540, 541, 551, 553. Flying Fame, tune of, 413. Foesoe, Island of, Monumental Bridge there, 122. Fordun, John de, his Scotichronicon, 197. Fords over the Thames,
enry, his Book De Eventibus AngliÆ, 206. L., anciently borne in the City arms, 181. Labelye, Charles, his plans for altering London Bridge, 502, 503. Lady’s Fall, Tune of the, 412, 413. Laguerre, John, his supposed residence on London Bridge, 391. Lambarde, William, his Dictionarium AngliÆ Topographicum et Historicum, (1730,) 34. Lambeth, Archiepiscopal Library, Manuscripts on London Tithes, in the, 297. Lands, &c. of London Bridge, survey of, 252-270. Lawrence Pountney, St., Bridge property in the Parish of, 262. Lee River, Ancient Inquisitions concerning, 140-144. Mentioned in a song on London Bridge, 145, 146-148, 150. Leeds, Duke of, 316, vide Osborne. Leland, John, his Itinerary, (1768-69,) 60, 61, 66, 320. Biographical notice of, 319. His Cygnea Cantio, 320-326. Leonard, Eastcheap, St., Bridge property in the Parish of, 259. Lethullier, Smart, his classes of Sepulchral Monuments, 44. Lewisham Manor, held by London Bridge, 253, 254. Liber Albus Transcriptum, 123, 124. Linsted, Prior, vide Fowle. Lists for Joustings, order and measure of, 191, 192. Livius, Titus, an historian of Henry V., 234. Lloyd’s Evening Post, 514. Lodge, W., his engraving of Wakefield Bridge and Chapel, 91. Lollards, execution of, 231. London, Alterations in, 1-3. Ancient forest near, 7. Notices of British and Roman London, 8, 9, 11. Landing of CÆsar at, 9, 13. Ancient Bridge near, 10. Tavern on the River banks, 12. Festivities on ditto, 13. Ballad of London Lickpenny, 15. Ferry at, 10, 16. Captured by the Danes, 21. Surrendered to Ethelred, 23. Tolls at, 249, 250. Survey of Bridge lands, 252-270. (1437,) Fall of the gate and five arches, 271. (1440,) Bolingbroke’s head placed on, 274. (1445,) Margaret of Anjou received at, 275-277. (1450,) Cade’s entry at, 280. Battle on, 282, 283. (1451,) Heads of the rebels set on, 284. (1465,) Rents of, 286. (1471,) Falconbridge’s attack on, 287. (1481,) Building destroyed on, 288. (1483-94,) Rents and payments of, 290-298, 300. (1497,) Rebels’ heads on, 301. (1500,) Illuminated drawing of, 304. (1501,) Pageant at, 305. (1504-14,) Fire and dates of repair of, 307, 308. (1521,) Polydore Vergil’s account of, 310. (1533,) Rents and payments of, 313. Anecdote of Osborne, 313-316. (1539-40,) Chapel, Rents, and Seal of, 317, 318. (1545,) Leland’s verses on, 321-327. (1547,) Ancient view of, 362. (1548,) described by Paul Jovius, &c., 327, 328. (1554,) Pageants on, 581. Wyat’s attempt on, 331-333. (1555,) Cage on, 336. (1556,) Rents and ancient view of, 337. (1562-65,) Rents and payments of, 358, 359. (1577,) Drawbridge Tower rebuilt, and heads removed to Traitors’ gate, 339. (1579,) Southwark Gate and Nonesuch House, 343-347. (1582,) Water-Works erected, 348. (1583,) Desmond’s head placed on, 350. (1586,) Standards hung on, 352. (1588,) Corn mills and Water-works at, 352-357, 362-367. (1605,) Heads of Catholics erected on, 370, 371. (1616,) Views of, 395. (1619,) Houses, Signs, Tradesmen, &c. of, 373-382, 384, 385, 387-393.
age_23" class="pginternal">23. Norse Songs to his memory, 24. Churches dedicated to, and Legend of, 25-28. Hymn to, 29. Olave, St., Church of, in Southwark, 25, 27, 28. Bridge property in the Parish of, 266. ————, in the Wall, Bridge property in the Parish of, 265. Oldcastle, Sir John, Lord Cobham, his zeal as a Protestant, 231. Old ’Change, origin of its name, 132. Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl of, his Anecdotes of Painting, (1799,) 390, 499. Orleans, Charles Duke of, illuminated copy of his Poems, 303. Orphans’ Fund of London, 475. Osborne, Sir Edward, his gallantry at London Bridge, 313-315. Notices of his family, 315, 316. Overs, John, his supposed monumental effigy, 39, 44, 45. History of the Life and Death of John Overs, (1744,) 40-44. Overies, Church of St. Mary, historical notices of, 33-39, 44, 101. Owen’s Weekly Chronicle, or Universal Journal, 530. Packington, William de, notice of, 100. Pageants at London Bridge, 206, 221, 223-225, 228, 238, 242-247, 275-277, 305, 581. Pancras, St., Bridge property in the Parish of, 264. Papists, statutes enacted against, 369. Execution of, 370. Paris, Great Bridge of, made an Exchange, 121, 122. Paris, Matthew, legend from his Historia Major, (1644,) 180. Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, his Book De Antiquitate et Privilegiis Cantuariensis, &c., (1572,) superb copy of, 63. Parsons,——, Great Arch of London Bridge opened by, 604, 605. Patent Rolls, references to the, 67, 70, 106, 111, 112, 116, 127, 129, His censure of Lydgate, 277. Roadway of London Bridge, its formation, 538, 539. Robeson, John, 599, 601. Robertson, Rev. A., 501, 601. Rochester Bridge, destruction of, 135. Rocket, London, growing on London Bridge, 584. Rock Lock at London Bridge, 452, 518. Roe, Bartholomew, his execution, 420. Romans, their arrival at London, &c., 9-11. Rotuli ScotiÆ, extracts from the, 188-191, 194-196. Royal Library, Illuminated MSS. in the, 55-58, 303, 304. Rouw, Peter, his Medal of Alderman Garratt, 661. Ruding, Rev. Rogers, his Annals of Coinage, (1819,) 386, 588. Safe Conduct, various instruments of, translated, 189, 194-196. St. Catherine’s Hospital, custody of London Bridge granted to, 111. St. Martin’s le Grand, foundation of the Sanctuary of, 218. St. Mary’s Lock, danger of, 616. Sterlings of, 618. Salve Regina, Guild of, in St. Magnus’ Church, 298, 415. Sanctuary, ancient law of, 217, 218. Sannazario, Giacomo, his Sonnet in praise of Venice, 430. Savile, Sir Henry, his Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam, (1596,) 18, 32, 48. Saxon Chronicle, (1823,) 16, 17, 20, 31, 32, 50. Scots, Mary, Queen of, her sentence proclaimed in London, 350. Scott, Samuel, his picture of Old London Bridge, 499, 515. Copy from, 501. Views of buildings from, 516-518. Scott, Sir Walter, his edition of Dryden’s Works, (1808,) 584. Scott, William, his fac-simile of Norden’s View of London Bridge, 366. Scotus, Marianus, his History of England, 20. Seal of London, notice of an ancient, 176. Serres, Dominic, his residence on London Bridge, 390. Service-Books, alterations made in the, 279. ———, Izaak, his Lives, (1675,) 374. Walworth, Sir William, his statue in Fishmongers’ Hall, 175. Wardens of London Bridge, 291, 295, 330, 414, 632. Wasce, Frater, custody of London Bridge given to, 73. Waterloo Bridge, 608. Watermen’s petition concerning London Bridge, 554. Water-House at London Bridge, 337, 460-464. Water-Works at London Bridge, 348-350, 357, 478, 554, 556-571, 598. Watt, James, 599, 601. Waverley Abbey, Annals of, 49, 59, 87, 102, 115. Wells, Lord John, his passage of arms on London Bridge, 187-193, 198-201. West, Friar, mistake concerning, 72, 73. Westminster, Matthew of, his Flores Historiarum, (1570,) 108-110, 161, 162. Westminster Bridge, 497. Pamphlet concerning, 516. —— Hall, overflowed, 95. Whitelocke, Bulstrode, his Memorials of English Affairs, (1732,) 424. Wikes, Thomas de, his Chronicon, 110. Wilkins, George, his Miseries of Inforced Marriage, (1607,) 582. Willement, Thomas, his Regal Heraldry, (1821,) 230. William I., King of England, his Charter to the Monks of Westminster, 46, 47. ——— II., ——, taxes and public works of, 50. Wilson, Thomas, his design for a cast iron Bridge, 593, 594, 602. Winchester, Henry Beaufort, Bishop of, his disputes with the Duke of Gloucester, 234-236. Wine and Walnuts, (1823,) 388-392, 483, 499. Wiseman, Samuel, his Description of the Burning of London, 442. Wolchurch, Church of St. Mary, its ancient site, 132. Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas, his procession over
A limited number of Proof Impressions of the Engravings to the Chronicles of London Bridge, on large India paper, for the Illustration of Histories of London, &c. &c. are published in a Portfolio, with a descriptive Catalogue, Price £1: 11s. 6d. LONDON: Printed by D. S. Maurice, Fenchurch Street.