Map of North Borneo Fig. 1. Localities from which collectors from the Department of Agriculture or I saved specimens in North Borneo. - Cocoa Research Station, Quoin Hill, elevation 750 feet, Tawau. Max C. Thompson (MCT) and Antonio D. Garcia (ADG).
- Tawau. Max C. Thompson.
- Twelve miles north of Kalabakan, elevation 600 feet. Max C. Thompson.
- Kalabakan, elevation 50 feet. Max C. Thompson.
- Tiger Estate, 20 miles northwest of Tawau. Max C. Thompson, Antonio D. Garcia.
- Ulu Balung Cocoa Estate, Mile 27, Quoin Hill, elevation 750 feet, Tawau. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Karindingen Island. Max C. Thompson.
- Siamil Island. Max C. Thompson.
- Lahad Datu. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Kuala Sumawang, 25 miles west of Sandakan. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Agricultural Station, Mile 17, Sandakan (Gum-Gum). Antonio D. Garcia.
- One-fourth mile east Gum-Gum, Sandakan. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Lamag, Kinabatangan River. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Pintasan Agriculture Station, Kinabatangan River. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Kampong Kuamut, Kinabatangan River. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Kampong Maluwa, Kinabatangan River. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Ka-Karis, Kinabatangan River, elevation 200 feet. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Tongod, Kinabatangan River, elevation 300 feet. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Tuaran. Max C. Thompson, Antonio D. Garcia, S. F. W. Chong (SFWC).
- Telipok. Antonio D. Garcia, G. R. Conway.
- Mt. Rumas, 5 miles northwest of Tuaran, elevation 75 feet, Antonio D. Garcia.
- Five and one-half miles southwest of Tenom, elevation 4,000 feet. Max C. Thompson.
- Tenom, elevation 600 feet. Max C. Thompson.
- Kampong Banjar, Mile 29, Keningau. Antonio D. Garcia.
- Oil Palm Research Station, Mile 32, elevation 40 feet, Sandakan. Antonio D. Garcia.