Lowell Thomas
Colonel T. E. Lawrence, the Mystery Man of Arabia.
The “Uncrowned King” of the Arabs on the Governor’s balcony in Jerusalem
General Ronald Storrs, Governor of the Holy City, and modern successor to Pontius Pilate
Date-palms along the coral shore of Araby
Lawrence at headquarters in Cairo
The archaeologist and poet who turned soldier
Map of the region covered by this narrative
A Muezzin calling the faithful to prayer
Hussein I
Emir Feisal, now King of Mesopotamia (Irak)
In his white robes Lawrence looked like a prophet
The dreamer whose dreams came true
A Sheik of Araby
Shore-line at the head of the Gulf of Akaba
Sunset over the fort at Akaba
Sand storm rolling down on Khartoum
The last resting-place of the mother of us all
The Waldorf-Astoria of Arabia
The mosque of the Holy Kaaba
Colonel Lawrence and the author
Panorama of Akaba
Colonel Joyce
Lawrence’s mountain guns in action
Lawrence confers with Arab Nationalist leaders from Bagdad and Damascus
The author, with Lawrence in Arabia
Sheik Auda Abu Tayi, the Bedouin Robin Hood
A Bedouin encampment
Colonel Lawrence conferring with Commander D. G. Hogarth, one of his advisers at the Arab Bureau in Cairo
Colonel Joyce, Commander of the Arab “regulars”
Armored cars in Holy Arabia
A racing dromedary from India
A baby dromedary two hours old
An Arab thoroughbred
“Sidi” Lawrence and his “sons”
“Drinkers of the milk of war”
Feisal and Lawrence conferring with Bedouin sheiks
Sunset over the mountain of Edom
Our caravan approaching the “Lost City”
The narrow defile that leads to the “Lost City”
A rose-red temple carved like a cameo from the face of the mountain
We rode into the auditorium on our camels
“Pharaoh’s Treasury” or the “Temple of Isis”
Looking out through the doorway of the temple, in the distance we see the narrow defile through which we came in entering the “Lost City”
An amphitheater hewn out of the mountain
The rock seemed to swirl like watered silk
The “Three-storied Temple”
Emir Feisal, center, with General Nuri to the left and Colonel Lawrence to the right; Captain Pisani of the French Mission standing directly behind the Emir
Field-Marshall Viscount Allenby of Jerusalem and King Feisal of Bagdad
Malud Bey and his Arab cavalry