Lowell Thomas
I A Modern Arabian Knight
II In Search of a Lost Civilization
III The Archaeologist Turned Soldier
IV The Cult of the Blood of Mohammed
V The Fall of Jeddah and Mecca
VI The Gathering of the Desert Tribes
VII The Battle at the Wells of Abu El Lissal
VIII The Capture of King Solomon’s Ancient Seaport
IX Across the Red Sea to Join Lawrence and Feisal
X The Battle of Seil El Hasa
XI Lawrence the Train-Wrecker
XII Drinkers of the Milk of War
XIII Auda Abu Tayi, the Bedouin Robin Hood
XIV Knights of the Black Tents
XV My Lord the Camel
XVI Abdullah the Pock-Marked, and the Story of Ferraj and Daoud
XVII An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth
XVIII A Rose-Red City Half as Old as Time
XIX A Bedouin Battle in a City of Ghosts
XX The Relative in My House
XXI Through the Turkish Lines in Disguise
XXII The Greatest Hoax Since the Trojan Horse
XXIII A Cavalry Naval Engagement and Lawrence’s Last Great Raid
XXIV The Downfall of the Ottoman Empire
XXV Lawrence Rules in Damascus, and the Treachery of the Algerian Emir
XXVI Tales of the Secret Corps
XXVII Joyce & Co., and the Arabian Knights of the Air
XXVIII Feisal and Lawrence at the Battle of Paris
XXIX Lawrence Narrowly Escapes Death; Adventures of Feisal and Hussein
XXX Lawrence Flees from London, and Feisal becomes King in Bagdad
XXXI The Secret of Lawrence’s Success
XXXII The Art of Handling Arabs
XXXIII Lawrence the Man