rnal">182 Flashlight hunting, 197, 243 Flowers: bluebells, 159 crow’s foot, 81 daisies, 159 forget-me-nots, 81, 159 pinks, 82 trailing arbutus, 189 trillium, 286 violets, 159 wild geranium, 159 Fort Liscom, 64 G Glacier, formation of, 32, 34 Columbia, 34, 64 Malaspina, 41 Muir, 30 Valdez, 44 Gravenna Bay, 47 Greek Church, Russian, 28, 72 Greek priests, 28 Ground hog, 238 Guides, natives as, 125 Gull Island, 109 Gun, modern, 157 H Hessian fly, 303 Hudson Bay Company, 29 Humber, Lower, 210 Humber River, 190, 214 Humor of Indian guides, 164 I Ice fields, 32 floe, 22 Icy Straits, 29 Iliamnia, 70 crater of, 176 Indians, 107 barabara, 107 chanting, 163 family, 56 feeding on “porky,” 163 how they live, 107 humor of, 164 legend of totems, 20 making snuff, 167 superstitions, 170 tuberculosis among, 14 Infection unknown in Alaska, 126 Italians’ camp, 110, 117 J Jansen, Capt. Michael, 4, 67 Juneau, 24 K Kadiak bear, 81 Kamlaykas, 117 Katella, A Selection from the Catalogue of G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS Complete Catalogue sent on application [Pg 332] [Pg 333]