The Following of Christ, in Four Books / Translated from the Original Latin of Thomas a Kempis |
In Four Books, Translated from the Original Latin of Thomas a Book I. Chap. I. Of following Christ, and despising all the vanities of the world. The Following Of Christ. Book II. Chap I. Of interior conversation . The Following Of Christ Book III. Chap. I. Of the internal speech of Christ to a faithful soul . The Following Of Christ. Book IV. Of The Sacrament. Contents.
[Transcriber's note: This production is based on This work has almost every sentence and sentence fragment in a separate paragraph. The original work is about forty characters wide, which has been maintained in the text format to imitate "pocket book" layout. To realize this width in html, set the browser window to the width of the following line: OninininininininininininininininininininiO "USCCB" refers to bible citations from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, These notes are inserted where the text has been relocated, e.g.: from Ecclesiastes to Sirach; and Psalms, where chapter numbers are modified. The abbreviated names of Biblical books have been replaced with their full names. Some archaic, uncommon words.
- burthen
- burden.
- compunction
- deep regret, scruples, guilt.
- concupiscence
- sexual desire.
- contemn
- look down on with disdain.
- fain
- having made preparations.
- increated
- not created.
- longanimity
- good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence.
- procurator
- person authorized to act for another.
- refection
- light meal.
- vouchsafe
- grant in a condescending manner.
- wo
- woe.
The Table of Contents is on page 390.]
The Following Of Christ,