Transcriber’s Note: The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Department of Education FOR THE United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900 MONOGRAPHS ON EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES EDITED BY NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER Professor of Philosophy and Education in Columbia University, New York 7 EDUCATION OF WOMEN BY M. CAREY THOMAS President of Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania This Monograph is contributed to the United States Educational Exhibit by the State of New York Attitude of different sections of the United States toward coeducation and separate education of men and women O = No colleges in state closed to women. Upper figure = number coeducational colleges and colleges for men only in state, exclusive of Roman Catholic colleges. Lower figure = colleges in state closed to women. X = independent or affiliated colleges for women. In this table are included all the colleges (except Roman Catholic colleges) given in the U. S. ed. rep. for 1897–98. Section I = 20 western states and 4 territories. Section II = 14 southern and 2 southern middle states and District of Columbia. Section III = 6 New England states and 3 northern middle states. Department of Education FOR THE United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900 MONOGRAPHS ON EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES EDITED BY NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER Professor of Philosophy and Education in Columbia University, New York 7 |