A flower for every day
That slips the sheath of jealous Night in May!
The violet at our feet,
The lilac’s honeyed bough,
The wind-flower frail and sweet,
The apple-blossom now—
Each keeps its promise, as Love keeps its vow:
A flower for every day in flowerful May!
A song for every day
That breaks in music from the heart of May!
The warbler mid new leaves,
The lark in fields remote,
The housewren at our eaves,
The oriole’s haunting note
When orchard blooms down fitful zephyrs float:
A song for every day in songful May!
A joy for every day
That stirs the heart to count its joys in May!
Now Fear and Doubt take flight,
Borne down the season’s stream;
Grief grows a shape of light,
And melts, a tender dream!
Now but to be alive is boon supreme—
A joy for every day in joyful May!
Be thanks for every day
That from thy heaven thou dost send in May!
My morn an anthem wake,
My noon sweet incense bear
Of labor for thy sake,
My evening breath a prayer.
For bloom—for song—for joy—shed everywhere,
Be thanks to thee each day in thankful May!


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