In Sulz-am-Neckar, when night shuts down,
And the Christmas Eve has come,
All through the little snow-white town
There’s a joyous stir and hum.
Now here and now there, along the street,
From windows wide open flung,
Float childish laughter and prattle sweet
In the kindly German tongue.
For the happy moment at last is here,
When each child a letter sends,
Directed to Christkindlein dear—
The Children’s Friend of Friends!
Then, out at the window—strung on a thread,
The precious letter is cast;
Though far and high on the night wind sped,
’Twill be found and read at last!
In Sulz-am-Neckar, prompt as the day,
The children awake to find
Among the Christmas branches gay
Christkindlein’s answer kind!


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