Fig. 359. Line of day and numeral symbols from Plates 36c and 37c, Dresden Codex 272
360. Line of day and numeral characters from Plates 33-39, Dresden Codex 276
361. Unusual symbol for Akbal from Plate 8 of the Dresden Codex 284
362. Copy of Plate 50, Dresden Codex 297
363. Copy of Plate 51, Dresden Codex 306
364. Copy of Plate 52, Dresden Codex 307
365. Copy of Plate 53, Dresden Codex 308
366. Copy of Plate 54, Dresden Codex 309
367. Copy of Plate 55, Dresden Codex 310
368. Copy of Plate 56, Dresden Codex 311
369. Copy of Plate 57, Dresden Codex 312
370. Copy of Plate 58, Dresden Codex 313
371. Specimens of ornamental loops from page 72, Dresden Codex 337
372. Numeral character from the lower division of Plate XV, Manuscript Troano 343
373. Turtle from the Cortesian Codex, Plate 17 348
374. Jar from the Cortesian Codex, Plate 27 349
375. Worm and plant from Manuscript Troano, Plate XXIX 351
376. Figure of a woman from the Dresden Codex 351
377. Copy of middle and lower divisions of Plate XIX, Manuscript Troano 352
378. Copy of lower division of Plate 65, Dresden Codex 353
379. The moo or ara from Plate 16, Dresden Codex 355
380. The god Ekchuah, after the Troano and Cortesian Codices 358
381. The long nosed god (Kukulcan) or god with the snake-like tongue 359
382. Copy of head from the Borgian Codex (Quetzalcoatl?) 360
383. The supposed god of death from the Dresden Codex 361
384. The supposed god of death from the Troano Codex 361
385. The god with the banded face from the Troano Codex 362
386. The god with the old man’s face 363


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